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Paraphrasing Exercise:
1-As costeau said, the Antartic is
important for the ecosystem due to its
cold weather and because the cold water
mixes with the hot one regulating the
climate. But nowadays the flow of the
cold water and the climate is being
interrupted and manipulated by humans.
(Capitan Costeau, 17)
2- When alcohol was against the law in
the USA there was a lot crime and police
seemed powerless, in those years
classical music disapeared and jazz
began. (Yancey, 25)
3.- The use of helmet when ridin a bicycle
is very important because it reduce the
impact of a fallo r a crash, it is really a
lifesaver. The helmet safes lives anually.
(Bike Helmets, 348)
4.-Matisse is the best realistic painter, he
makes you feel like you are in the paint,
He has a very realistic technique and
makes you feel like you actually are in
the scenario. (Plagens, 50)
5.- Actually the highest skyscraper so far,
is the Sears Tower. Made by engineers

and architects. But today there is a

desing for a tower twice higher. In a
future, skyscrapers will be seen as a
marvel. (Bachman,15)

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