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Andrea Celayo Altamirano

Final Reflection
I have to admit that I first thought that this subject was not going to
help my improvement on english at all, but I gotta say that it helped
a lot my development in the multicultural field.
I learned a lot of different cultures, the Oriental specially, I need to
say that it got kind of boring but it was necessary for

us to

understand all the Middle East conflicts, at first I didnt understood

about all those cultural conflicts but now I do.
During this semester I developed my capacity to organize all my
Works and homeworks and that is something that I appreciate quite
a lot.
We also developed our ability to present in public and I feel I gained
confidence about myself.
This course made me read a lot, which I am not used to.
Another ability I improved, was my ability to work in team and to
have patience with each and every member of the classroom.
I improved a lot my debating skills, thing that I really needed. Also I
am thankful for the Toefl because I did it like in 2nd semester of high
school and I was not aware that I need to keep practising my english

Teacher I truly thank you because the subject was really heavy and
we worked a lot but I know that it was for our own good. I thank you
for being strict with us because life is not easy and we need to deal
with some other situations that maybe we do not understand. Thank
you for making us work with such delicate subjects such as the ones
from the debates. You are such a good Teacher.

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