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Jounral 1 and 2

Teaching Biology in English

Learning Journal
Nama : Rido Sigit Wicaksono

NIM : 150341603332

Kelas : A-A1

Jurnal ke :1

From my first meeting with Prof. Hera in this course, I knew that I have a lot of things
to do in order to improve my skill to teach Bioloy in English. Although there are no more
Internasional Standarized School (RSBI), we have to prepare our self with an impresive skill
of english to be better teachers in the future. More than that, I realized that I have to improve
my English skill for my higher education in order to do something in the future.

I really want to know more about how to choose a right diction, to speak and teach in
egnlish fluently, and make others to be able understand english as well. I really want to be good
enough in english so I can help my other companions to be able to do so. Since the reason why
I have came this far because of other’s hand, I want to be usefull enough to be a helpful hand
for others too. So in case to reach my goal above I have to try my best to follow the couse and
train optimally.
Jounral 1 and 2

Teaching Biology in English

Learning Journal

Nama : Rido Sigit Wicaksono

NIM : 150341603332

Kelas : A-A1

Jurnal ke :2

On our second meeting in the course I was so amazed by the debate activity in our class.
I was amazed by the english skill of the moderator. Beside his ability of speaking in english,
he led the debate so good. He has the experience since he ever participated in an english debate
before. I was also amazed since every part of the class can deliver their argument in english so
well. I am a little nervous in the moment I realize that I share the same class with these people.
But, I learn that I will never improve myself if I stay in silent.

So in order to improve my self, to improve my speaking ability of course, I will try my

best to push myself forward. I will try to be braver. I believe it is my responsible to bring myself
forward or remain backward. Plus, a good teacher is the one who push their student to go
forward to reach their dream. So how can I push my student to reach their dream if I can’t even
push myself forward, right ?

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