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Abigail Mendez

Doulos Discovery School

Open Minded Communicator

Written Defense

Open Minded Communicator

An Open Minded Communicator is someone that can understand clearly and can

incorporate different types of texts. This person is very active in participating in discussions and

communicating their own point of view clearly. They are able to spread successful written and

oral messages in english and spanish and listen actively and patiently in order to learn from

others. Throughout this essay I will clearly explain if this is an area of growth or of strength for

me. I will also explain why this Skill is important for a student graduating from Doulos.

The years that I have been at Doulos I have learned a lot about being an Open Minded

Communicator. It is very important to be developing this skill while studying at Doulos, since

Doulos is a bilingual school. This school focuses on students and how they develop their abilities

in order to be able to impact others in the future. Doulos Ministries want the best for all of their

students and want all of them to be able to develop these skills and master all of them.

This Skill is important for a student graduating from Doulos for many reasons. It is

important that we can understand clearly different types of texts. When we don't understand

things in a text it is important to read the context and also search for words that are difficult to

understand or words that we don't know the definition of. Our teachers at Doulos have been

showing this and giving us tips on how to understand completely a text and be able to learn from

it and also teach others about what we have learned. Another reason why this skill is important

for a student graduating from Doulos is because we all need to be able to speak and be heard.

Being an Open Minded Communicator is also to speak to others and give your point of view.

Every person has different points of views on things, that is why we should be heard and also

hear others’ ideas.

This is an area where I should keep growing on. While being at Doulos I never was the

one who liked to participate during class. I didn't like to participate because I was afraid my

classmates would laugh at me if I said something wrong. I stayed with that bad habit and bad

thinking and even when I knew the correct answer I still wouldn't speak because I put myself in

there. A goal that I need to accomplish in order to grow in this area is to pray for God to take that

way of thinking that I have. This way I can participate when I go to college and even if I get

something wrong I would still learn. Even though Doulos is a bilingual school and I have been

studying there since I was three years old, I didn't practice english in an effective way. When we

dont put into practice something that we learned then there is a great possibility that we would

forget it or won't be effective. Something that I learned from that is that I need to be grateful and

take care of what I learn or what I have. Instead what I have done is not care for what I learn

knowing that people out there don't have the opportunity to learn new things.

To be an Open Minded Communicator I need to be able to communicate ideas

thoughtfully and adjust them so that all kinds of public can understand them clearly. I can

accomplish this by reading. If I read different kinds of books I can raise my lexile level, learn

new words and improve my english. A goal that I set for myself when I finish my senior year is

to continue practicing my english either by reading books or downloading an app that could help

me with it. I believe that by doing this I can learn more english and have a better pronunciation.

Knowing english can help me in the future with my job. Since I am going to study medicine I

need to collect money and be very responsible in order to manage my time wisely. I plan on

working and studying at the same time, that way I can have enough money. Being bilingual can

help me to find a job easier, while studying.

In an area that I show strength, that connects to an open minded communicator, is in that

I can listen actively and patiently to others’ ideas, when working in a group. It is very important

to listen to others and learn from them, and God has given me this gift. As every mind is a

different world, there are going to be disappointments, stress, arguments, but it is important to let

other people speak. I still can grow in this area because there have been times that I don't want to

listen to others and just do things in the way that I think is the best.

To be an open minded communicator I need to develop many things in my life. An open

minded communicator also is creative. They are able to use their knowledge and create specific

arguments. I believe that even though someone is not strong in being an open minded

communicator they can grow in this. It is very important to be an open minded communicator

because we all should be able to speak to others in an effective way. We will get to know people

with a lot of completely different ideas and we should be able to understand them not just ignore

them. I will be trying my best to accomplish all my goals in order to be an open minded


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