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Wilson's Discipline Plan

Classroom Rules
1. We raise our hands to speak
2. We work quietly at our seats
3. We use voices soft and sweet
4. We keep our places tidy and neat
5. We are helpful, friendly and fair
6. We take turns and share
7. We always stay on task

1. Verbal Warning
2. Move name from green to yellow (lose part of a privilege)
3. Move name from yellow to red (lose all of a privilege)
4. Move name from red to teacher's desk (1-on-1 conference, note sent
home, loss of privilege, time out, possible pink slip)
5. Pink Slip/Conference with Counselor, principal, asst. principal
6. Yellow Slip and/or recovery room

1. Verbal Praise
2. Move your clothespin to Beyond Green charts for a chance at a fancy
clothespin or added privilege
3. Certificate Sent Home
4. Lunch with the teacher
We also have PBIS Celebrations for following the classroom, hallway, and
recess rules as well as opportunities for class PARTY POINTS!
I understand and agree to Mrs. Wilsons Discipline Plan for my child


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