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3rd Grade!!

Front Office: 817-814-8600

Conference Time : 1:10pm-1:30pm
(by appointment only)
Ms. Richard~ Reading
Miss Bennett~ Math
Mrs. Williams~ Writing, Science,
Social Studies
Mrs. Gracia~ Dual Reading, Writing,
Social Studies
Ms. Espeleta~ Dual Math, Science


Homework is a way for you to practice the

concepts and strategies you learn in class.
We expect for you to practice daily by showing
your work and/or understanding.
Reading homework will be given on Mondays/
Wednesdays and Math homework will be given
on Tuesdays/ Thursdays. All homework will be
due on Fridays unless we tell you differently.
Late Homework Will Not Be Accepted.

We cannot express enough the importance
of your child paying attention and being an
active participant in class. Most of their
grade will come from class participation.
Please stress that they need to come
prepared and ready to give 100% effort
every day.

Unit Tests will be given at the end of
each concept or unit according to the
Districts Sequence. For you to be
successful more than enough time will be
given for you to practice and have all
your questions answered before these
Spelling tests will be given weekly on

3rd Grade Page 2

Conduct Expectations

You are 3rd graders so we expect

nothing but the best from you.

Use self control

Talks at appropriate time
Obeys school rules
Respects authority
Works and plays well with others
Uses acceptable language

Conduct sheet will be sent home daily in

their take home folder. Please be sure to
check DAILY and INITIAL it.

Open Class Policy

I believe that a childs success in school
is best promoted through a partnership
between home and school. Parents are
always invited to visit our classroom
throughout the day. While I enjoy
speaking to all my parents about their
children, arrival and dismissal times are
not the best times. It is very important
that a conference is scheduled in
advance to better discuss academic

Behavior Consequences
1. Warning
2. Cool Down chair
3. Removed to another teachers room
(miss recess)
4. Parent Contact
5. Office Referral

Conduct Grade

E- Excellent Behavior
S- Satisfactory Behavior
N- Needs Improvement
U- Unsatisfactory

Westcreek Motto
Every day I will be a good
listener, make good choices and
practice the things I have been
taught. I will be prepared,
respectful and successful.
Remember, Westcreek Eagles
are the best!

Other Important Times

Tardy Bell: 8:00am

Breakfast: 7:40am 8:00am
Specials: 1:05pm 1:55pm
Lunch: 12:00pm 12:30pm
(lunch visits on Thursdays ONLY)
Dismissal: 3:00pm
For safety and security for all
students, parents will not be
allowed in the building until
7:55am, and lunch visits must
be on the grade level
scheduled day.

Thank You Parents!

Thank you for reading this thoroughly. I
appreciate your participation and
support of your childs success in 3rd
grade. I look forward to an exciting

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