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Category: Other

Tite: #27 Learning Centers

Time Needed: 60-90 Minutes
Room Arrangement: Several different activities around the room
Materials: Various learning materials such as file folder learning games, dry erase markers,
papers and pencils. books, etc.
Process/Directions: Have center tubs-include directions in case they forget what to do. Have all
materials in the tubs ready for them. Have the tub activity/content reinforce what is being taught
in the class. Have timer going, when timer goes off, after about 7-10 minutes, switch tub (or
move to new center if there is room) to new activity. Following activities were observed in a first
grade classroom:
Worksheets that were laminated and used as dry erase sheets
with dry erase markers. Ex: long vowels or any other language arts or math
concept that should be reinforced.
Words around the Room-Child has a pointer and a worksheet and
finds words that they can read around the room and writes them on the paper.
Lace a Word Beads with letters on them and pipe cleaners. Then
there is a worksheet with a picture that looks like the bead and pipe cleaners, you
make the word, then copy the word you have made onto the worksheet.
iPad language arts learning game. When timer goes off, the child
must switch with another student. Although, if you had a class set, this could be a
center all its own, and you could track the progress of each child on the learning
2 whisper phones and 2 books to read with a partner. If you dont
have a partner, you can just pretend to read to someone on the other end of the
Blank square at the top, writing lines at the bottom, and stickers in
the tub. You can use 5 stickers and draw a picture and then write 3 sentences
about the picture.
Word sort alphabetically according to first letter, but gets harder
throughout the year. Also has the words written on index cards so that they can
use them as manipulatives. Uses spelling words.
Spelling word lists in a tub along with a cookie sheet and magnetic
letters to make spell out the words with the letters. There is also stencils and
paper in the tub so that the student can stencil the spelling words onto the scrap
Clap a Word tub-has words, gloves and a worksheet-each word
on the worksheet has numbers next to it, they clap the word and circle the
number of syllables that are in each word.
Another center was at the kidney table with the teacher working on adjectives.
Another center was seatwork and the students work on spelling words in their
language arts workbook. When they are done, they are to read silently.

Example of when I would use this: Daily during language arts instruction. Also could be used for
math instruction if I had math materials put together.

(S. Rush, Personal Communication, March-May 2014)

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