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Gulf of Mexico DEAD ZONE Report

Have you ever heard of the word dead zone? Dead zone is an
area of the ocean or a large lake that has extremely low oxygen caused by
excessive nutrient pollution cause by human activities and other factors
that depleted oxygen which
supports most marine life in
bottom and near-bottom water.
In the area of the northern gulf
of Mexico, the gulf was a dead
zone or in other words,
hypoxic. The area was about
15,120 kilometers long in 2013
which doubled from the size in
2012. This year, 2015, the
dead zone of the Gulf of
Mexico was measured to be
16,760 square kilometers long.

The problem is that dead zones forms in the most productive fishing area
of the United States, and had led to a direct problem of fishing or catching
fishes. Dead zone also have a huge impact on marine lives including
fishes and their food base such as bottom-dwelling plants and animals.
Marine lives will be destroyed, some species might be go endangered or
even extinct, the population of fishes decrease, the spawning, migrating,
or recruitment of fish also decrease.
By the common sense we can all see where this is going, when
theres lesser fish to catch, people who rely on fishes as their source of
living such as the fishermen will have a problem of catching fishes. There
will be lesser fish for people to buy those fishes from the fishermen to sell
on the marketplace, and people who usually bought fishes from the
market place will have no fish to eat or cook.

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