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4 Questions

1. Name the
structure that
can supply nutrients and
oxygen to implanted

2. What is the function of

the head of the sperm ?

3. Normally how long does

it takes the embryo to form
a complete foetus ?

4. What happens to the
ovum that has been fused
with sperm on stage 4 ?

5. What is the function of
umbilical cord ?

6. What is the part that
being cut when baby is
born ?

7. Explains the 6 steps of

the ovum :

8. State the function of
placenta :

9. Why does the umbilical

cord is cut off immediately
after born ?

10. What is the effects to
fallopian tube of an
overweight woman ?

Answer :


Penetrates the egg membrane
9 months
A ball of cell forms after several hours
to obtain nutrients and oxygen from mothers blood
Umbilical cord
a) Ovulation releases an egg into oviduct
b) fertilisation forms zygote
c) zygote divides
d) A ball cells forms after several hours
e) Repeated cell divisions form an embryo
f) Implantation of the embryo
8. supply nutrients and oxygen to implanted embryo
9. Baby are now can breathe by its own
10. blockage of the thick fat layer

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