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Answer key: Short tests

Unit 10
Test 1
1 The form should be completed in
black ink.
2 The salaries were raised two
years ago.
3 What has been done to improve
4 The new project will be funded by
the government.
5 The car was being towed when
the accident happened.
6 I thought the price had been
agreed (by everyone).
7 The reports will have been sent
by Friday.
8 Big cars are going to be banned
from city centres.
9 Her illness hasnt been
diagnosed yet.
10 Complaints are investigated at
head office.
1 orbit
2 touchdown
3 gravity
4 mission
5 launch

Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests

Test 2
1 Marion was awarded top marks in
the test.
2 Were you promised a rise in
3 Have you been given the essay
title by Miss Bennett yet?
4 We werent told about the room
5 Who was the message given to?
6 The candidates will be
interviewed in Room 5.
1 Green vegetables are said to be
good for you.
2 The train is expected to arrive an
hour late.
3 Life is known not to exist on
4 The sun was believed to go
round the Earth.
1 behind
2 by
3 away
4 bitterly
5 highly

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