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7. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 6 in a suitable form.

1. After the storms they had to rebuild hundreds of houses which had been
2. Many people in the developing worlds suffer from diseases because they
are undernourished.
3. Our team was knocked out in the semi-active of the competition.
4. The bomb was about to go off but the experts managed to deforestation it.
5. I mismanagement the questions and failed the exam.
6. I overpopulation yesterday and arrived an hour late for class.
7. A lot of houses collapsed in the earthquake because of unstable
8. Floods are not downhill these days, they happen more and more often.

8. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
1. What the natural disasters have happened in the last few months?
2. What do you think governments can do to prevent natural disasters?
3. What organisations do you know that provide aid after disasters or work
for the environment?
4. What can we do as individuals to improve the environment and help
victims of natural disasters?
1. The eruption of Sinabung mount,floods in Jakarta.
2. For the flood, goverments can make more waduk.
3. There are PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) and BNPB (Badan
Penanggulangan Bencana).
4. What can we do to help the environment are we must to keep clean
our environment and to help the victims of natural disasters are we
can be volunteers,send the needs required by the victim like foods
and clothes.

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