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Rosa Golchin

le 3 septembre
Jacques Prevert

French poet and screenwriter

Born in 1900
Thought of as a surrealist
Grew up in Paris
He spent some time in the army
He was a member of the Rue du Chteau group
His poems have topics like life after WWII and life in Paris

Djeuner du Matin
- The beginning lines of the poem (pouring the coffee, adding milk, etc.) are
everyday activities, but they build tension as the speaker does nothing but observe.
- This poem is known for its ability to use simple words and phrases to hint at a
more complex meaning.

En Franais
Il tait un pote. Il est n en 1900. Il a habit Paris. Il a crit Pour Toi, Mon Amour. Il a crit de
WWII et Paris. Il a t une surrealist. Il a t un scnariste.

Encyclopedia Britannica
Vive La Posie

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