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Category:Alluvion Skirmish

Introduced in Seekers of Adoulin, Alluvion Skirmishes are high level, instanced end-game battle events which
take place in an "otherworldly" version of areas of Ulbuka. The primary rewards from Skirmishes are unique,
high damage weapons which can be augmented to enhance their already formidable powers. Alluvion
Skirmishes are accessed using sets of Simulacrum Segments with an Eudaemon Item, which are obtainable by
various methods throughout areas of Ulbuka. The four items used to build a Eudaemon will determine the
quantity and quality of rewards available, the number and quality of extra buffs and benefits you can receive
within the Skirmish, and the difficulty and time limit of the Skirmish.


1 Getting Started
o 1.1 Eligibility Requirements
o 1.2 Skirmish Areas
o 1.3 Assembling Eudaemon

1.3.1 Eudaemons in Cirdas and Rala

1.3.2 Eudaemons in Yorcia

1.3.3 Stones and Drops

o 1.4 Obtaining Components

2 Skirmishes
o 2.1 Entrance
o 2.2 State of Monster Aggression
o 2.3 Alluvion Cirdas and Rala Skirmishes

2.3.1 Objectives

2.3.2 Lorissa

3 Yorcia Alluvion Skirmish

4 Noetic Ascensions

5 Rewards
o 5.1 Alluvion Weapons
o 5.2 Alluvion Armor
o 5.3 Scrolls
o 5.4 Other Items

5.4.1 Cirdas and Rala Skirmishes

5.4.2 Yorcia Skirmish

o 5.5 Obsidian Fragments

Getting Started
Eligibility Requirements
In order to enter a Skirmish, you will need to meet the following requirements:

Seekers of Adoulin expansion pack installed and registered

1-6 party members at level 95 or above

o Trusts may be called forth into Skirmish

Leader must possess a "Simulacrum" key item (see Assembling Simulacra below)

Skirmish Areas
There are currently three areas in which Alluvion Skirmishes take place. Each area has a unique layout and
differing objectives and available rewards. There are floors with objectives similar to the idea of Nyzul Isle
Investigation. Skirmishes are entered at the Augural Conveyor located in the true Vana'diel's parallel area:

Rala Waterways (U) entered via Augural Conveyor in Rala Waterways (B/C-6)

Cirdas Caverns (U) entered via Augural Conveyor in Cirdas Caverns (H-3)

Yorcia Weald (U) entered via Augural Conveyor in Yorcia Weald (I-10)

Assembling Eudaemon
To participate, only the party leader will need to assemble a Eudaemon key item. Similar to the original
Skirmish it is comprised of three Simulacrum Segments, one from each of three categories: Visage, Torso, and
Legs. In addition, one Eudaemon item must be traded with the Simulacrum Segments.

After obtaining one of each type of Simulacrum Segment,

What you need: Visage(Rala/Cirdas), Faithful Torso, Faithful Legs, and an Eudaemon Item
1. Obtain a Eudaemon Item.
2. Talk to Lola. You may need to talk to her twice.
3. Talk to Oston.
Now trade all three Simulacrum Segments and a Eudaemon Item to Oston in Eastern Adoulin to receive a
Eudaemon Key Item for a small gil fee.
The fee varies depending on the type of Eudaemon Item traded in small increasing intervals of gil.
Lola also offers Tier-1 Simulacrum KI in exchange for Pulchridopt Wings.

Rala eudaemon will be received if a Rala Visage was used, for entry into Rala Waterways (U).

Cirdas eudaemon will be received if a Cirdas Visage was used, for entry into Cirdas Caverns (U).

Each category of Simulacrum Segment influences a Skirmish in different ways.

The type of Visage selects the Skirmish area and the tier influences the quality of rewards (specifically,
the quality of Leafslit, Leaftip, Leafdim, Leaforb, Snowslit, Snowtip, Snowdim,and Snoworb received).

The tier of Torso chooses the Skirmish level. This influences the maximum time allotted, maximum
possible number of floors, and number of rewards.
o The time begins at 15 minutes for a tier 1 torso, and increases in 10 minute increments for each
tier above that up to 55 minutes at tier 5.
o Each higher tier torso will have one more level or floor available than the previous.

The tier of Legs sets the number of Noetic Ascensions available and the chance they will activate
instead of receiving the message that "Nothing happens...".

Because of the synergies involved in using higher tier components together, it is sensible to assemble high tier
head and legs segments together with high tier body segments. A maximum size run using a tier V body will
yield the most possible drops (the quality of which is influenced by the head segment's tier) and the most
possible Noetic Ascensions (the quantity and effects of which are influenced by the legs segment's tier).
Each category of Eudaemon influences a Skirmish in different ways. The effect varies slightly from each
Skirmish, but overall is constant.
Eudaemons in Cirdas and Rala
They are known to be advantageous to certain jobs according to Square Enix:

Cirdas Caverns (U) and Rala Waterways (U)

Eudaemon Effects

Alluvion Skirmish




Beneficial Effects

Detrimental Effects

Rala Waterways (U) Reaving Craklaw

Additional magic

Enemies attack

Cirdas Caverns (U)

Aconite Sibilus

Additional magic

Enemies can poison

Rala Waterways (U)


Additional physical

Enemies magic
defense increases

Cirdas Caverns (U)

Leering Akoman

Additional physical

Enemies magic
defense increases

Rala Waterways (U)


Enemies lose regain

Enemies attack

Cirdas Caverns (U)


Enemies lose regen

Enemies magic
attack increases

Eudaemon Blade

Eudaemon Cape

Eudaemon Ring

Rala Waterways (U) Erratic Twitherym Enemies lose enwater

Pets are affected by

terror upon using
special attacks

Eudaemon Sash
Cirdas Caverns (U)

Partizan Wasp

Enemies evasion

Pets are affected by

paralysis upon using
special attacks

Rala Waterways (U)


Wide scan unlocked

Enemies take reduced


Cirdas Caverns (U)


Wide scan unlocked

Enemies take reduced


Eudaemon Shield

Eudaemon items also affect the layout and monsters of the floors and the buffs available from the Noetic
ascensions, but the exact effects are also unknown at this time.

Eudaemons in Yorcia
Information needed on various effects of Eudaemon Items in Yorcia.

The use of the Eudaemon Sword will result in a predominance of Twitheryms.

The use of the Eudaemon Shield will result in numerous Fluturinis.

The Eudaemon Item chosen determines the type of special Valliant mob that the book will spawn.

o Byakko

o Suzaku

o Seiyru

o Kirin

o Genbu

Stones and Drops

Eudaemon items in Alluvion Skirmishes also influence the type of stones one receives.

Eudaemon shield increases the drop rate of Tip type stones.

Eudaemon blade increases the drop rate of Slit type stones.

Eudaemon ring increases the drop rate of Dim type stones.

Eudaemon cape increases the drop rate of Dim type stones.

Eudaemon sash increases the drop rate of Orb type stones.

Obtaining Components
Simulacrum Segments can be obtained in a variety of ways in the areas of Ulbuka, but are most frequently
obtained from completing Lair Reive and Colonization Reive battles. Higher tier segments are increasingly

They can be also be obtained from the three methods below, but they are extremely rare and random to come by.
There is a constant number of available segments throughout Ulbuka at any given time, and their obtainment
methods are random and predetermined. Once one is obtained, it resets to a new location and method of

Soul Pyres, which spawn occasionally after defeating any normal enemy throughout Ulbuka.

Gathering activities (Harvesting, Mining, and Logging)

Completing Coalition Assignments

Eudaemon items are obtained as 100% drops in the treasure pool in the original Skirmishes after using the
Fenestral Key.
Additionally, they can be obtained from:

Purchased with Obsidian Fragments obtained from prior Skirmishes (tier I segments only)

Traded / bazaars / Auction House in the "Miscellaneous" category.

Upon entering the Skirmish the time restriction and number of floors available will be set based on the tier of
Faithful's Torso utilized.
Upon entering players are faced with a waypoint named a Living Cairn which is used to warp to the first floor.
Time starts before you even warp to the first floor.

State of Monster Aggression

Unlike the original Skirmish, monsters in Alluvion Skirmish Rala and Cirdas can be bypassed with sneak and
invisible. However, Notorius Monsters are all true aggressive based on the normal aggro and link mechanic of
their monster family (true sight/true sound/magic/low HP aggro). Monsters in Alluvion Yorcia are not
aggressive unless attacked and the elementals do not become aggressive by magic.

Alluvion Cirdas and Rala Skirmishes

On each floor players are faced with a primary objective that then spawns a secondary objective Mistmaw NM.
Once the NM has been killed a Living Cairn spawns on the map (may be found on Wide Scan) which allows
players to proceed to the next floor.
Upon completing the primary Skirmish objective, players will each receive a Fenestral Key. Once any player
uses the key the Skirmish will end, (setting the time remaining to 5 minutes), a raise effect will be placed on any
KO'ed players, all remaining monsters will despawn, rewards will drop into the loot pool, and a treasure chest
will spawn at each player's position with their personal rewards.

After completing the primary objective, if the group plans on continuing and completing the secondary
objective, players should not use the Fenestral Key until the secondary objective is completed.
Rarely when proceeding to the next floor party members will be scattered and you will receive the message
"You have discovered a rift in the space and time dimension".
Faithful's Torso Tier / Objective Requirements

Time Limit (Cirdas/Rala)

Possible Floor






15 minutes

25 minutes

35 minutes

45 minutes

55 minutes

Seal Noetics

Activate a set number of Noetic Ascensions on the floor.

Seal Target

Activate a specific Noetic Ascension on the floor.

Defeat a
Number of

Defeat a specified number of enemies on the floor.

Find and Defeat

a Windreaver

Defeat the specified enemy on the floor.

Defeat the Mist


You receive a cutscene with a Twitherym and face off against Balamor's

No Objective

Receive a cutscene then defeat a unique boss floor.

Defeat Mistmaw

Defeat the Mistmaw Notorious Monster on the floor.

The Lovely Lorissa

Occasionally, players will come across the NPC Lorissa during a Skirmish. You may speak to proceed to the
next level without fulfilling all of the necessary conditions for the floor. However, doing so does not count as
actually having met those conditions. This means you will not receive the extra drops from this floor if you
choose to speak with her.

Yorcia Alluvion Skirmish

The Yorica Skirmish has two distinct aspects to its operation. Players must control a base known as the
Marchland and use it to spawn NPCs to defend and ultimately destroy the enemy Stronghold. One person is
typically tasked with operating the Ars Monstrum book whilst other players spread out and kill Escalent
(Twitheryms/Elementals/Fluturinis) to provide Puissance for the person operating the book (the Booker). The
Booker will use this Puissance to summon NPCs prefixed with Valiant to fight back the Strongholds' own
Malicious enemies. Once the player has overwhelmed the Stronghold, it will be required that player make a
final attack to defeat the Stronghold and advance to the next level. If the Marchland is overwhelmed the players
are immediately kicked out of the Skirmish without any rewards, including any items in the treasure pool.
Players should not attempt to engage the Malicious enemies or attack the Stronghold directly. The Stronghold's
Malicious spawns due not aggro players, but players are able to be affected by their AoEs. Currently, summoned
pets including Beastmaster pets are aggroed by the Malicious enemies. The Stronghold has immense amount of
HP and even a few percent of its life-bar represent over 50,000+ HP.
Players kill Escalents for Puissance. All enemies are named Escalent despite differences in family types. Melee
should engage Twitherym enemies, but take note that Fluterinis are aggressive and very hard hitting. Elemental
Escalents do not aggro magic, but do employ their respective resistances, buffs and spells. Occasionally a pink
Acuex Escalent will spawn. Killing this will result in items (most notably +2 stones) being directly added to the
treasure pool.
Using the Ars Monstrum, a player will summon Valiant creatures to fight back the advancing enemies. These
options include purely defensive Worms, slow Crabs and fast Colibri and a Shijin (Example: Valiant Byakko).
Players expend Puissance to summon up to five of each type of the common spawns and 1000 Puissance to
summon a single Shijin. The Shijin will result in a specific boost to the other NPCs whilst also engaging in
combat directly. The Ars Monstrum can be amended to provide access to higher creatures like Valiant Scorpions
and Valiant Dragons. In dire circumstances the Ars Monstrum can be used to convert Obsidian Fragments into
Puissance directly.
The appearance of Balamor's Adumbration is uncommon and replaces the Stronghold. Defeating the boss will
remove the limitation on the number of floors and provide numerous drops (including several +2 stones)
directly to the treasure pool. Balamor's Adumbration does not aggro players, but is aggressive to summoned
Beastmaster pets.
Lorissa does spawn occasionally in Yorcia and she is aggressive to the players. Lorissa is more difficult than
any other common enemy and is capable of using Hexa Strike for over 1800 damage. Players can defeat
Lorissa, but she will warp at 1 hp instead of being killed. This will provide 350 Puissance. Lorissa can be kited
to the Valiant NPCs where she will be quickly defeated.

Noetic Ascensions

Noetic Ascension
Noetic Ascensions will be found scattered across the Skirmish area. Noetic Ascensions yield benefits for the
entire party upon use. The number of Noetic Ascensions found, will increase with higher tier Legs segments.
Larger runs utilizing higher tier torso segments will also have more ascensions available.
Unlike their Skirmish counterparts Noetic Ascensions in Alluvion Skirmish bestow random benefits to the
party. Benefits will be bestowed immediately and buff effects will remain active for the full duration of the
Skirmish. Activating multiple Noetic Ascensions will increase the potency of random enhancements. Not all
Ascensions may be activated. Occasionally players will the message that "Nothing happens...".
Noetics provide the same types of benefits regardless of the tier runs. Therefore it is likely the values may be
different across them depending on the quality of Similarcum.
Faithful's Legs Tier / Max Value
Available Benefits
Additional Ascensions

Magic Attack Bonus
Magic Defense Bonus
TP Restoration (300)




HP/MP Restoration (Full)

Maximum HP+
Maximum MP+
Movement Speed+

As players work towards completing the primary objective, they will periodically be notified of their progress
and of the rewards they will receive in their personal treasure pool if the primary objective is completed.
Alluvion Skirmish Weapon rewards are shared between all players and are obtained after defeating Mistmaw
NMs on each level. Mistmaws also drop a variety Leaf and Snow stones used to augment the weapons. All other
rewards are player-specific and will load into each player's Treasure Coffer at the end of the Skirmish after
utilizing the Fenestral Key temporary item.

Floo Floor Floor Floor Floor

Floors Completed

(Per Player)

6 Floor



Alluvion Weapons
The primary reward from Cirdas and Rala Alluvion Skirmishes are Skirmish Weapons, which can be augmented
by Divainy-Gamainy of the Inventors' Coalition using a variety of stones also acquired within the Skirmish
battlefield. Weapons will drop directly into the treasure pool after defeating a Notorious Monster. Weapons are
specific to Notorious Monsters uniquely appearing within each area. The exception to this is that Balamor's
Adumbration may drop any type of weapon.
Reference the Alluvion Skirmish Weapons page for information on available augments.
Cirdas Caverns (U)

Available Weapons

Mistmaw Xelhua

Mistmaw Cacus

Mistmaw Tawhiri

Mistmaw Aatxe



Great Katana






Mistmaw Kroni

Mistmaw Guayota


Mistmaw Leraje


Great Sword


Claidheamh Soluis



Great Axe


Rala Waterways (U)

Alluvion Armor
The primary reward from Yorcia Shirmishes are Skirmish Armor which are also augmented by DivainyGamainy of the Inventors' Coalition using a variety of stones also acquired within the Skirmish battlefield.
Armor drops randomly will appear in the party pool and are distributed after using the Fenestral Key item.
Category:Alluvion Skirmish Armor

Personal chests may contain multiple scrolls, even duplicates are possible.

Geomancer scrolls:
o Indi-Haste
o Indi-Wilt

Red Mage scrolls:

o Flurry II
o Frazzle II
o Distract II

Other scrolls:

Other Items
Personal chests may contain items from the list below, which includes the Leaf,Snow, and Dusk Stones needed
to augment the weapons and armor received in Alluvion Skirmishes. The quality of any Stones received will be
influenced by the tier of Visage used for entry, with higher tier Visages increasing the likelihood of higher
quality Stones.
Cirdas and Rala Skirmishes

Leafslit Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leaftip Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leafdim Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leaforb Stone, (+1), (+2)

Snowslit Stone, (+1), (+2)

Snowtip Stone, (+1), (+2)

Snowdim Stone, (+1), (+2)

Snoworb Stone, (+1), (+2)

Crafting items:
o Deathstone
o Philosopher's Stone
o Dragon Meat

Yorcia Skirmish

Leafslit Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leaftip Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leafdim Stone, (+1), (+2)

Leaforb Stone, (+1), (+2)

Duskslit Stone, (+1), (+2)

Dusktip Stone, (+1), (+2)

Duskdim Stone, (+1), (+2)

Duskorb Stone, (+1), (+2)

Crafting items:
o Deathstone
o Philosopher's Stone
o Dragon Meat

Obsidian Fragments
During Skirmishes, players can receive an event-specific and player-specific currency known as Obsidian
Fragments. Obsidian Fragments can be obtained in two ways:

Defeat monsters in the Skirmish.

notorious monster (Rala).

fragments may be obtained per normal monster (all areas) and

These can be accumulated up to 99,999 (amount per run varies with the legs segment tier
in a few ways:

Tier I Simulacrum Segments can be purchased from Oston.

o Rala Visage I: 2,600 Obsidian Fragments
o Cirdas Visage I: 2,600 Obsidian Fragments
o Yorcia Visage I: 3,900 Obsidian Fragments
o Faithful's Torso I: 2,400 Obsidian Fragments
o Faithful's Legs I: 2,000 Obsidian Fragments


) and can be spent

Augmentation Stones can be purchased from Ornery Dhole once the Inventors' Coalition has been
edified with an Emblem.
o Ghastly Stone: 50 Obsidian Fragments
o Ghastly Stone +1: 1,000 Obsidian Fragments
o Ghastly Stone +2: 9,800 Obsidian Fragments
o Verdigris Stone: 100 Obsidian Fragments
o Verdigris Stone +1: 2,000 Obsidian Fragments
o Verdigris Stone +2: 20,000 Obsidian Fragments
o Wailing Stone: 200 Obsidian Fragments
o Wailing Stone +1: 4,000 Obsidian Fragments
o Wailing Stone +2: 40,000 Obsidian Fragments

Spent each time you augment Alluvion Skirmish Armor.

Limbus/Assault/Salvage/Einherjar/Meeble Burrows/Legion

Old content which shouldn't pose much of a problem. Again, low accuracy requirements.
Assault: There's a Solo Assault Guide here - it's from 2013 but should give insight on what to expect.
Salvage: If Battleclad Chariot's Discoid is a run-ender, try taking advantage of HeraldHenry's Bubble
Curtain (MDT-50%), or utilize SurgingStorm/SubmergedIyo for their innate MDT-25%.
Einherjar (Level 75 version): You can clear tier 1 and 2 reliably by gathering all the monsters
and spamming AoE Ready moves. With practice and better gear, tier 3 is also possible.
Meeble Burrows: Monster Correlation and Killer Instinct/Effects are beneficial for most of the
Expeditions (lots of Aquans, Amorphs, Lizards, Vermin) so plan accordingly. You can boost your
Killer traits by applying Intimidation Palimpsests to the Grimoires inside. It's possible to solo
the entirety of the Sauromogue Expedition list, plus Umagrhk. Also, you should be able to
obtain Goal 3 on the majority of objectives, save a few tricky ones.
Legion: You can enter Legion solo as of Feb 2015. It's possible to hit the flying Wyrm with
Claw Cyclone. Beware of Death Prophet from the Mantis NMs and the Death spell from the Corse NMs.
Blackbeard Randy's Razor Fang/Claw Cyclone, Amiable Roche's Recoil Dive,
Warlike Patrick's Brain Crush/Tail Blow/Fireball, & Bouncing Bertha's Tegmina Buffet
will wreck shop in any of these events, especially in combination with Unleash.

High-Tier Battlefields
(It's possible to use Trust magic in this event.)

Adjustable content level, so choose gear sets accordingly (Content Level 113-125).
Keep in mind that certain fights like Mithra Ark Angel will require extra accuracy because of Evasion
If you're soloing/duoing, and filling a tanking role, opt for Attentive Ibuki/Swooping Zhivago for their innate
50% resistance to Slashing damage. If someone else is tanking, then use a pet with high accuracy/powerful
Check out this excellent guide on High-Tier Avatar battles by Larrymc for info on pets/strategies.

Ark Angel HM

Ark Angel MR

Ark Angel TT

Ark Angel EV

Ark Angel GK


La'Loff Amphitheatre (Ru'Aun Gardens Home Point #1)
KI: Phantom Gem of Apathy (15 merits)
Unique WS: Cross Reaver - Conal damage + Stun
Circle Blade AoE is centered on the tank
Chant du Cygne is unlocked under 25% HP
Has access to Mighty Strikes and Brazen Rush
Uses Mijin Gakure under 5% HP (~20' radius)
La'Loff Amphitheatre (Ru'Aun Gardens Home Point #2)
KI: Phantom Gem of Envy (15 merits)
Unique WS: Havoc Spiral - AoE damage + Sleep
Cloudsplitter is unlocked under 25% HP
Has access to Perfect Dodge and Charm
Uses Larceny in reaction to SP usage (no effect on BST SPs)
Summons either a Tiger or Mandragora Familiar:
Tiger - uses Roar (AoE paralyze), Razor Fang, Claw Cyclone
Mandragora - can cast powerful Earth magic and uses Dream Flower
La'Loff Amphitheatre (Ru'Aun Gardens Home Point #3)
KI: Phantom Gem of Cowardice (15 merits)
Unique WS: Amon Drive - AoE damage + Petrify
Has access to Blood Weapon and Manafont
During Manafont TT will cast Sleepga and Meteor
(can be avoided by running up the stairs)
La'Loff Amphitheatre (Ru'Aun Gardens Home Point #4)
KI: Phantom Gem of Arrogance (15 merits)
Unique WS: Dominion Slash - AoE damage + Silence
Unique JA: Shield Strike - Conal damage + Stun
Arrogance Incarnate AoE is centered on the tank
Chant du Cygne is unlocked under 25% HP
Has access to Invincible and Intervene
Uses Benediction once at ~50% HP
La'Loff Amphitheatre (Ru'Aun Gardens Home Point #5)
KI: Phantom Gem of Rage (15 merits)
Unique WS: Dragonfall - AoE damage + Bind
Tachi: Fudo is unlocked under 25% HP
Has access to Call Wyvern and Meikyo Shisui
Uses Yaegasumi once at ~50% HP
Stellar Fulcrum (Upper Delkfutt's Tower Home Point #1)
KI: Stellar Fulcrum Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Great Wheel - AoE damage + Enmity Reset
Light Blade - can deal extreme damage - solid DT- gear required
Spawns Esoteric Scrivening Fetters which are weak to magic damage
Kam'lanaut clones will spawn if Fetters aren't quickly destroyed


Shadow Lord



Garuda Prime

Ramuh Prime

Titan Prime

Ifrit Prime

Leviathan Prime

Throne Room (Castle Zvahl Keep Home Point #1)

KI: Shadow Lord Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Swath of Silence - Conal damage + Silence (Triggers Magical Immunity)
Damning Edict - AoE damage + Curse (Triggers Physical Immunity)
Sadly, Magic-based Ready moves do not have any effect during this state,
but he will return to Magic immunity after a certain amount of time elapses.
Phase 1: Umbra Smash, Giga Slash, Fire V, Firaja, Flare II
Phase 2: Bowels of Agony, Implosion
Monarch Linn (Riverne Site B01 Home Point #1)
KI: Savage's Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Uses powerful earth-based magic and breath attacks
Will cycle between flying and grounded phases
(can be hit by Claw Cyclone while flying)
Anyone hit by Touchdown's AoE has their enmity reset
Uses Invincible at ~25% HP
Talacca Cove (Caedarva Mire Home Point #1)
KI: Legacy Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Kagedourou (above 50% HP): summons clones focus on damaging the original targeted Gessho
Karakuridourou (below 50% HP): summons clones locate and focus on the Gessho clone that has an HP bar
Uses Mijin Gakure once when below 50% HP
Cloister of Gales (Cape Terrigan Home Point #1)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Aero V, Aeroja, Tornado II,
Wind Blade, Predator Claws, Whispering Wind
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells
Aerial Blast cannot be interrupted and resets enmity
Cloister of Storms (The Boyahda Tree Home Point #1)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Thunder V, Thundaja, Burst II,
Thunderspark, Thunderstorm
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells
Judgment Bolt cannot be interrupted and resets enmity
Cloister of Tremors (Quicksand Caves Home Point #2)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Stone V, Stoneja, Quake II,
Megalith Throw, Mountain Buster, Geocrush
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells
Earthen Fury cannot be interrupted and resets enmity
Cloister of Flames (Ifrit's Cauldron Home Point #1)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Fire V, Firaja, Flare II,
Burning Strike, Flaming Crush, Meteor Strike
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells
Inferno cannot be interrupted and resets enmity
Cloister of Tides (Den of Rancor Home Point #2)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Water V, Waterja, Flood II,
Spinning Dive, Grand Fall, Spring Water
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells

Shiva Prime

Tidal Wave cannot be interrupted and resets enmity

Cloister of Frost (Fei'yin Home Point #2)
KI: Avatar Phantom Gem (10 merits)
Has access to Blizzard V, Blizzaja, Freeze II,
Rush, Heavenly Strike, Frost Armor
You can proc white "!!" with pet Ready moves to interrupt BPs/spells
Diamond Dust cannot be interrupted and resets enmity

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