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Created by : Omar Chavez Cristian Juarez

How Marijuana Is Made

Marijuana is made from the leaves and flower
tops of the plant Cannabis sativa. Every form of
marijuana contains THC. THC is the most
active ingredient in marijuana.

Nicknames or Street Names


-Mary Jane


Where You Can Get It

You can get marijuana from a dealer [ illegal]
You can also get it from a doctor that gives you
a prescription.
You can get it from a medical marijuana place .
You can get it from dispensers.
You can also grow it yourself.

Form of the Substance

The substance of marijuana is a plant.

How is it taken into the body

Two ways that you
can take it into your
body is by smoking
it and you can also
eat it.

People get addicted to marijuana because they
like the feeling that THC gives them . They also
smoke or eat marijuana because they want to
get rid of stress .

Why People Use Marijuana

People use marijuana because they might get
it recommended by a doctor or if you are
feeling stressed out it can calm you down.
Some people use it because they like the high

Short Term Effects

The short term effects are
- Sensory distortion
- Panic
- Anxiety
- Poor coordination of movement
- Lowered reaction time

Long Term Effects

The long term effects are
- Reduced resistance to common illness
- Suppression of the immune system
- Growth disorders
- Increase of abnormal structured cells in the
- Reduction male sex hormones

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