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601 - Homework Assignment 5 Due Date: 26th August 2015

1. For a linear isotropic material prove that
a) !! = (3 + 2)!! and
b) !" =


!" !!!!! !! !" , Where =

!!! (!!!!)

2. A rectangular steel plate of thickness 4mm as shown in fig is subjected to uniform biaxial

stress field assuming all fields are uniform, determine the changes in the dimensions of
the plate under this loading.(E=207GPa)

3. An elastic layer is sandwiched between two perfectly rigid plates, to which it is bonded.

The layer is compressed between the plates, the compressive stress being! . Supposing
that attachment to plates prevents lateral strains ! & ! completely, find the apparent
Youngs modulus (i.e. ! /! ) in terms of E & .
4. (a) From generalized Hookes law for linear isotropic elastic solids ij = ekk ij + 2 eij ,
show that,

eij =
( ij
kk ij )
3 + 2

(b) Show that Hookes law for an isotropic material may be expressed in terms of

spherical and deviatoric tensors by the two relations %

ij = 3keij , ij = 3keij
5. (a) If the elastic constants E, k, and m are required to be positive, show that Poissons
ratio must satisfy the inequality 1 < < 0.5 . For most real materials it has been found
that 0 < < 0.5 .Show that this more restrictive inequality in this problem implies that
> 0 .
(b) Under the condition that E is positive and bounded, determine the elastic moduli,
, and k for the special cases of Poissons ratio: = 0,1/ 4,1/ 2
6. Show for an isotropic elastic medium that
2( + )

, (b)
, (c)

1 2 1 +
1 + 3 + 2
1 + 2
7. For the general three-dimensional thermo-elastic problem with no body forces,
explicitly develop the Beltrami-Michell compatibility equations,
1 +
ij ,kk +
kk ,ij +
(T,ij +
ijT,kk ) = 0
1 +
1 +

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