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Erika Trapp

EPSY 302
Theory Paper

The Social Learning Theory was found my Albert Bandura. It shows that
people learn from observing others behaviors and we often follow those behaviors
with our own goals. This paper gives an explanation of The Social Learning Theory,
with many examples of how it is used in the classroom.

Everything we do in the world revolves around what we see from other people. Albert
Bandura was a genius when he came up with the Social Learning Theory. Social Learning
Theory is defined as the theoretical perspective that focuses on how people learn by observing
others and how they eventually assume control over their own behavior (Ormrod 18). In the
classroom students often learn from observing others. Students also learn what they can do on
their own and learn from the environment around them. Students often set goals to for
themselves that will help them grow and learn in a way that helps them succeed. There are many
ways that The Social Learning theory becomes important in the classroom. The Social Learning
Theory exists because of the many different ways people learn. Childrens surroundings will
affect how they learn and grow. Children often learn through modeling, Self-efficacy and self
Modeling is important to the Social Learning Theory in ways because it shows
how students learn by observing others and they often learn from the others behavior. Modeling
is defined as; demonstrating a behavior for another; also observing anothers behavior. (Ormod ,
63). There are three parts to modeling; attention, retention, and reproduction. Attention is when
a student listens and understands what they are learning by using the information given to them.
When the students processes the information it will help them later on when they are going back
through the information and have to remember the information. Retention is how the student
remembers the information. Some examples of retention are visual pictures or physically acting
the problem out. Rehearsing becomes important because students often learn when they practice
a task over and over again. Reproduction is when the student practices what is given to them
after watching and rehearsing. Reproduction is often when the student observes and can explain
what they have learned.

Modeling is an action of what we see not only in the classroom; but also in the world. An
example of a model outside the classroom would be Martin Luther King Jr. He was a model to
the United States, but many people did not see him as someone who could change the world. He
wanted to gain the equal rights so that blacks would no longer have to be separated from the
whites. The world observed his actions and they began to listen to what he had to say. Many
people looked up to him and wanted the rights to change also. Students are also models for each
other. When a student watches others they often see that behavior and act in such a way that is
somewhat like that person. Teachers are a model for students in many ways. Students come to
school every day knowing they are going to be learning from their teacher. Teachers often have
impact in their students lives because they have taught them many lessons such as how to be
better learner in school or just lessons about life such as sharing with others or being kind to one
another. Students do not usually see the impact right away, but later on they will realize how
much it changed themselves. Teachers will always be models to students and will always be
remembered to them in some way. Modeling is important for students as it gives them the
opportunity to observe others and also be a model for themselves.
Self- Efficacy is a vital role in how the student sees or performs a behavior. The
definition of Self- efficacy is,The belief that one is capable of executing certain behaviors or
reaching certain goals (Ormrod 12). In the article Applying Social Theory ,Boyce talks about
how individual behavior and attitudes is just as important as learning from someone else.
Children often learn by themselves in ways other than observing others behaviors. Boyce also
talks about baggage learning. Baggage learning is when students are learning something but
may not necessarily retain it. It is also information they are learning for a later time and is not
needed at the current time. They may learn it for a test and will forget it two days after they take

that test. One way to keep away from baggage learning in the classroom would be teaching
something that the students will be interested in learning or planning activities that the students
will enjoy. Teachers often fit activities to fit their lesson plans to take some time to learn the
material more. Students will not always like the activities that the teachers plan so they should be
willing to ask the students what activities they would enjoy instead of making their plans without
the students opinion. Another part to self- efficacy is when the actual the students reached
accomplishment. Teachers are always finding out ways they can help their students achieve
higher in the classroom. Engaging students is the number one vital task that can help students
achieve higher. When a student is engaged in what they are learning they will often have higher
goals and will not give up as easily as when they are achieving lower. There is always joy when a
student scores higher on an exam then the one before. Students are often more hopeful when they
score higher and dont give up as much as before when they scored lower. Self- efficacy gives
the students a chance to monitor themselves at how they are achieving their own goals.
The final part of The Social Learning Theory is self-regulation. The definition of selfregulation is the Process of taking control of monitoring, and evaluating ones own learning and
behavior (Ormrod, 105). Self-regulation requires the environment and how the person reacts to
the surroundings around them. Self-regulation involves self- determination. When someone has
determination they are ready to learn or are ready to try something new. When the students have
determination they monitor themselves by setting goals in which help the students have an idea
of what will be going on. Goals help students visualize on how they may score or do in a certain
area. It also helps students look at their own grades and keeps them to watch themselves with
their goals for how well they are doing in a certain area of learning. In the article ,A Case
Example of Applying Teaching and Learning Theory in Social Work Education, the author talks

about when students have something taught to them that they can relate from, it will be easier for
them to learn the information. When the students have something to relate to it will help them
have higher determination for their work. Self- regulation also helps students to take control and
often do work on their own without needing help from others. Students usually do not know
what the teachers lessons will be about, but with self-regulation students can help control their
reaction to a certain lesson or activity. One example may be a math class sets goals to learn their
multiplication tables by Winter Break. They may learn a column or number each week. By
setting goals the students can look at how they learned the first three numbers and how fast they
memorized them and then can expect to learn the next set of numbers at the same pace. This is
an example of self- evaluation because the students can base on how well their first learning
strategies and can estimate what the next ones will turn out to be. The teacher may give out a
piece of candy each time that a student learns a column. Students that are having a difficult time
with a certain number should observe how the other students know their numbers way of
learning and this will motivate them to learn their numbers because they want a candy as well.
Teachers often give out rewards for goof behaviors. This is called self- impost contingencies
when there is reinforcement of accomplishing or failing objectives. Students will see that others
are being rewarded and will act in a way so they can have those as well. Self- regulation gives
students a chance to set goals considering the environment around them and gives them a chance
to watch their own behavior as well as others.
The Social Learning Theory is important to how the classroom works. Modeling is a way
for students to learn from others by paying attention, remembering, and performing themselves.
Teachers are a significant model in a students life and will always keep a memory of them
somehow. Self- efficacy in the classroom is important because it gives the students a chance to

not only learn from the teacher, but also gives them an opportunity to learn from other students
as well. Self- regulation lets students set up goals for themselves and gives them the chance to
look at what they have achieved.

Works Cited
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychology
Review, 84, 191-215
Boyce, Thomas E. "Applying Social Learning Theory." Training Journal (2011): 314. ProQuest. Web. 8 Nov. 2014
Omrad, Jeanne Ellis Essentials of Educational Psychology: big ideas to guide effective
teaching/ Jeanne Ormrad 3rd edition
Teater, B.A. (2011). Maximizing Student Learning: A Case Example of Applying Teaching and
Learning Theory in Social Work Education. Social Work Education, 30 (5), 571-585

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