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Derick Johnson

Assignment #2 on page 219

Media Skills: Blogging, Creating a Businesslike Tone [LO-4]

Regrettably, we have substantiated that we will be unable to accommodate the June 1

commitment of shipping 100 operating tables to Southeast Surgical Supply. Due to the fact that
we have unlimited needs for the amount of high-grade chromium steel that is required by our
production schedule. We however, have received word that we will only be able to gather enough
for about 30 tables.
We were knowledgeable of this outcome. About six months ago, the purchasing
department recommended that supplies could be decreasing and advised that we advance-buy
enough supply needed for the next 12 months. Nevertheless, after contacting the corporate office,
the accountants pointed out too us of a policy of the business which briefly stated that we were
prohibited to buy more than three months worth of materials beforehand.
Such a policy was put in place for a beneficial purpose. Unfortunately, this leads to the
reason for our project team not being able to meet its time commitment to Southeast Surgical

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