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Two Types of Assessment


Pro/Con Graphic Organizer

Students will receive graphic organizers in order to brainstorm and list the pros
and cons of using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in the

By having students create graphic organizers on the pros and cons of mobile
devices, I can determine how familiar my students are with educational
applications, the potential distraction mobile devices possess, and how much
general knowledge my students have regarding technology and education.


Open-Ended Question

List some of the positive and negative effects that the utilization of mobile
devices such as tablets or smartphones would have on a Jefferson H.S. tenthgraders education. If you were Jefferson High Schools principal, would you
allow mobile devices in the classroom? Why or why not?

By having students answer these open-ended questions, they are able to think
freely without the constraints that fixed answer questions impose. The students
must use higher-level thinking skills, and I can receive meaningful responses
from them.

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