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Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

A smartphone is an advance mobile device which is design to solve daily

accessibility problem. Smartphone provide so many feature and allows more than make

phone calls and send text messages. Smartphone have become a device highly in

demand due to its power perform basic and advanced computer function. Any problem

can be solve through one touch nowadays. That is why in modern life style, people can’t

live without it, and they have become the necessity in life. The use of smartphone

provides high quality performance and quick access to information and entertainment,

such as mobile audio and video call, mobile teleconferencing, sending and receiving

emails, and easy access to the to the internet for different kinds of people, including

student. One more usage of it is entertainment & social media. It is a source of all kinds

of social connectivity and fun. Because of which, people especially student get addicted

to it, which in turn influence their studies, moral values and mental & physical health
(Raza et al.., 2020)

Most of the students in this generation are now using smartphones. The

researcher usually find them using their smartphones at home or event at school when

they are bored. By using smartphones excessively, it become their habit, and their

leisure. Furthermore, the researcher wants to know why most of the students found of
using smartphones and how it can affect their academic performances.

However, smartphone has also make student’s lives easier, as they can access their

school information on the gadget through electronic learning “(e-learning). And mobile

learning (m-learning) as well as they can learn or get any kind of knowledge on them (Ali

et al., 2018). Despite so many so many advantage & benefits of smartphones on

students, there are so many disadvantage and negative impacts as well, which cannot be

neglected. There are still some questions that call for attention when it comes to

students using smartphones in their academic journey. The questions involve, do

students benefit from using smartphones academically? Is it helping to improve

students’ Academic performance? The more students use smartphone. The more they
are exposed to many positive and negative impacts.

Because of technology advancement, student life revolves around smartphones,

which make, create or alter their behaviours. Student tend to focus more or rely on their

smartphones in relation to their school work or social networking (Raza et al., 2020). A

survey done by Course smart in 2011 shows, student cannot go long without checking

their smartphones base on the info graphic research, Hack found that 57%

of learners use smartphones. 60% say they are smartphone addicted, 75% sleep next to

their smartphones, 88% send messages before they turn to sleep,97% of owners

included smartphones use them for social networking and 40% use smartphones to read

schoolwork (Alexander,2011).That is why, smartphones can be a dangerous weapon for

students to deteriorate in their communication skills and social life.


Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “Smartphone: A Tool or Turmoil of learning,” aimed to

investigate the effects of smartphones to Junior High School Andresian learners in this

trying times especially in dealing with modular/ distance learning in Don Andres Soriano

National High School, Don Andres Soriano (Lutopan), Toledo City for school year 2020-

2021. The results of this study could be bases for proposed strategies to the correct

usage of gadgets in or to sustain good academic standing.

Specially. It sought answer to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents, in term of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender and

1.3 grade level?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of smartphone to Junior High School

Andresian learners while adapting the new way of learning? In terms of :

2.1 accomplishing of outputs, modules and performance task ;

2.2 submission and retrieval of modules and

2.3 comprehending the lesson?

3. What are the ways and strategies employed in order to complete the task and

4. Based on the findings of the study, what are the top three best strategies employed by

Junior High school learners to have maintain good academic standing?

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

Q: Does smartphone affect the student’s academic performance?

HO: There is significant effect to student’s academic performance.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit to the following people;

Students. The students will benefit this study because they can provide the ability

to get answers really fast and can access many online resources like Google which can

help them to create their presentations and home works.

The students can easily organize the task or even the most difficult output that

needed to submit on time.

The students will have the privilege to communicate their group class team mates

despite pandemic and modular learning.

Teachers. The teachers will benefit this study because they can help them to

contact or connect to their students and also can access to educational apps.

The teachers can make an audio and video to the students who have an important

question to ask.

The teachers can allow to share with their power point to help students to

understand the lesson and allow the students to share feedback with their teachers.

Parents. The parents will benefit this study because they can able to know or to

call and message if their children are doing well.

The parents can make relationship to the teachers by communicating and asking
questions about their children’s grades, performance, and problems.

The parents enable to call for help when there is an emergency, find a way when

we're lost and help family members keep track of each other.

Future Researcher. Other researchers can use this study to expand on their topic,

and they can also be used as a foundation and background to have a strong study.
These may relate to findings of your study that you did not anticipate and your

research will not be free from limitations and these may relate to formulation of

research aim and objectives, application of data collection method, sample size, scope of

discussions and analysis etc. It is most likely that you have addressed your research

problem within the settings of specific context, location and/or culture.

Accordingly, you can propose future studies that can address the same research

problem in a different settings, context, location and/or culture and, Re-assessing and

expanding theory framework or model you have addressed in your research. Future

studies can address the effects of specific event, emergence of a new theory or evidence

and/or other recent phenomenon on your research problem.


Scope and Delimitation

This study focused mainly on the academic performance of students who have used

smartphones. This study was conducted among the Junior High School students of Don

Andres Soriano National High School. The researchers’ respondents were purposively

identified, only students who have used smartphones were part of this research. The

researchers were collecting the average grade of the respondents. This served as the

basis of this study to know the average mean of the students’ academic performance.

The researchers tabulate and evaluate the gathered data to know if using smartphones

does affects their academic performance. This study focuses on the current Andresian

learners of school year 2020-2021.

Chapter 2

Using smartphones consists of middle- to low- income students, and they are

given the opportunity to connect to the internet, which assists them in accessing

academic contents and social networking with the aid of these device, students learn in

and out of the classroom by having quick access to the internet and easy retrieval of

information on the school learning platform and any other web portal. According to

Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014), smartphone are in the category of mobile phones with data

processing capacity similar to personal computer. They run on a complete operating

system application, similar to a traditional computer, which offers advances computing

abilities and connectivity. With advanced computing capacity and other features,

smartphone have quickly gained popularity (Olivier, 2011). The main stream of research

on the continued usage of smartphones relies on the cognitive dissonance theory, which

states that if a person’s attitude and behaviour are at odds (in a state of dissonance),

then that person may change his or her attitude to reduce dissonance (Festinger, 1957).

This theory is concerned with the degree to which relevant cognitive elements, such as

knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the self and the environment, are compatible. In

time, the cognitive dissonance theory evolved into the expectation-disconfirmation-

satisfaction paradigm, which in return gave rise to the expectation disconfirmation

theory (EDT) (Oliver, 1980). EDT was specifically designed to explain post-adoption

behaviour following one’s first-hand experience with the target system. It is a process

model that utilizes users’ backward-looking perspectives retrospective perceptions to

explain their intentions and behaviours based on their initial expectations and their

actual usage experience, which includes confirmation and satisfaction.


Theoretical Framework

Smartphone Usage towards Academic Performance to Junior High

School Students in Don Andres Soriano National High School

 Cognitive Dissonance theory

by: Leon Festinger
 Expectation Disconfirmation
theory (EDT) by:Richard L.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents, in term of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 gender and

1.3 Grade level?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of smartphone to Junior High School

Andresian learners while adapting the new way of learning? In terms of :

2.1 Accomplishing of outputs, modules and performance task ;

2.2 Submission and retrieval of modules and

2.3 Comprehending the lesson?

3. What are the ways and strategies employed in order to complete the task and


Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of Theoretical Background



Technology impacts student lives daily pertaining to their academic work and

personal engagement with peers and lecturers (Mofikoe, 2015). There are many ideas

about how smartphones could be integrated in learning process. Students can make

good use of their smartphones anytime, to listen to music, play videos and more, the

technology is characterized as ‘always on’ portable devices, which encourage

spontaneous interactions. The most common reported uses of smartphones and other

mobile devices include finding information and taking notes, as well as searching and

reading academic materials (Boruff & Storie, 2014).



Smartphone has made the young generation to be so occupied with its technology

that it became a trademark of the young generation. This situation can be observe

clearly as the technology savvy generation are so dependable on the advance

touchscreen technology where just by a touch the application on smartphone can be

used at any moment with accessibility of internet all day long.

Furthermore, smartphone had almost change the style of interaction between

human being with this advance technology. The global use of smartphone affect the

people and societies in various forms as it is used in various context such as for learning,

working, and communication. Smartphone has made life more convenient with multiple

features that can help users to manage most of their daily life work just by a click. It

enable users to communicate faster and easier and obtain variety information through

online resources.
Chapter 3


Research Design

The design which was used in non-experimental descriptive method. This is to

investigate and to know if students who are using smartphones can be one of the factors

that can affect their academic performance. The researchers have also presented the

data from standardize survey questionnaires as the main tool for this research, research

respondents answered the survey questionnaires given by the researchers. This is to

gather information from the respondents who took part of the survey session.

Flow of the Research Study

Input Process Output

The researchers will conduct a

survey to the respondents that
are chosen randomly to the in the
junior high students in their:
1. What is the demographic
profile of the respondents,
gathered and
in term of:
collected the Flyer about
1.1 age;
data from the utilizing the
1.2 gender and
chosen purpose of
1.3 grade level
respondents of smartphone
2. What are the positive and
the Junior high usage to the
negative effect of
school academic
smartphone to Junior High
students. performanc
School Andresian learners
Afterwards, the e among
while adapting the new
researchers students.
way of
analyze the
data that is
3. What are the ways and
being gathered.
strategies employed in
order to complete the
tasks and performance?

Figure 2. Flow of the Research Study



Don Andres Soriano National High School is locale of this study, specifically the Junior

High School Department. Don Andres Soriano National High School is one of the public

schools in Toledo Division that has the highest number of enrolled students. It offers

Junior High School from Grade 7 to Grade 10 students.


The main respondents were purposively identified this study was conducted to Junior

high school students with a total of 30 students in Don Andres Soriano National High

School then the researchers collected the average of the students.


The main instrument of the study was researchers made and standardize

questionnaire was used to gather the data needed from the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedures

Before the transaction of collecting the data, the researcher first asked permission to

the principal thought the use of a letter. After that, researcher started the survey to the

Junior High students of Don Andres Soriano National High School. The researchers

selected 30 respondents in random grade 7 to 10 students. The researchers allotted time

and waited until the respondents are finish of answering the questionnaires. After that,

the researchers approach the adviser of the respondents to get their general average.


To have a better understanding of this study the following terms are operationally


Academic Performance- is the extent to which a student has achieved their short or long

term educational goals.

Comprehending- grasp mentally; understand.

Deteriorate- to make inferior in quality or value

Leisure- freedom provided by the cessation of activities.

Modular Learning- Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that

allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic

copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. ... The teacher takes the responsibility of

monitoring the progress of the learners.

Smartphone- is a mobile phone that includes advance functionality beyond making call

and sending text messages and has the capability to display photos, play videos, check

and send email, and surf the wave.

Smartphone Usage- are used for a variety of purposes, such as for conducting business,

and in order to have access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Some people

carry more than one mobile phone for different purposes, such as for business and

personal use.

Retrieval- the act or process of getting and bringing back something 

Strategies- Strategy is an action that managers take to attain one or more of the

organization's goals.

Submission- something that is submitted


This chapter presents the data gathered with the corresponding analysis and

interpretation of data from the Junior High School students of Don Andres Soriano

National High School, DAS (Lutopan). Toledo City East District of Toledo City Division on

the academic year 2020-2021.

Table 1 shows the age profile of the respondents from grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.


Fourteen 232 (17%)

Fifteen 409 (30%)

Sixteen 450 (33%)

Seventeen 136 (10%)

Eighteen 136 (10%)

Based on table 1, out of 1363 student respondents we have surveyed they were 232

(17%) of the respondents are age 14 years old and 409 (30%) of the respondents are 15

years old. Then there were 450 (33%) respondents are 16 years old. Lastly, age of 17 and
18 years old had the same result which is 136 (10%).

The least number of respondents age 17 and 18years old, which is equivalent to 136

(10%) and the highest number of respondents which is equivalent to 450 (33%) age 16

years old.
Table 2 shows the gender profile of the respondents from grades 7 to 10 students.


Male 545 (40%)

Female 818 (60%)

Based on table 2, out of 1363 student respondents we have surveyed they were 545

(40%) are the male of the respondents and 818 (60%) are the female we surveyed.

The least number of respondents which is equivalent to 545 (40%) are male and the

highest number of respondents which is equivalent to 818 (60%) are the female


Table 3 shows the grade level profile of the respondents from grades 7 to 10 students.


Grade 7 136 (10%)

Grade 8 232 (17%)

Grade 9 368 (27%)

Grade 10 627 (46%)

Based on table 3, out of 1363 student respondents we have surveyed there were

136 (10%) who are grade 7 students and 232 (17%) of the respondents who are grade 8

students. Then there were 368 (27%) respondents who are grade 9 students. Lastly, 627

(46%) of the respondents who are grade 10 that the researcher surveyed.

The least number of respondents which is equivalent to 136 (10%) which are the

grade 7 students and the highest number of respondents which is equivalent 46% with

the total sample size and equivalent to 627 are the grade 10 students.


Table 4 shows the positive and negative outlooks of smartphone to Junior High School

Andresian learners while adapting the new way of learning.


Accomplishing of outputs, 56.5% 43.5%

modules and performance task
Submission and retrieval of 77% 23%
Comprehending the lesson 70% 30%

As what the table reveals, 56.5% of the respondents has a positive outlook while

43.5% has a negative outlook towards accomplishing of outputs, modules and

performance task. The table also shows that 77% of the respondents has a positive

outlook while 23% has a negative outlook towards submission and retrieval of modules.

Lastly, 70% of the respondents has a positive outlook while 30% has a negative outlook

towards comprehending the lesson.

The researcher found out that using smartphone while adapting the new way of

learning does not affect to Junior High School Andresian learners academic



Table 5 shows the ways and strategies employed in order to complete the task and



1. 1. The moment I received my modules, I will answer it right away.

2. 2. If I start answering my modules, I must turn off my phone to avoid

3. 3. I created a list of schedule to guide me what subject should I answer in that
specific day.
4. 4. I learn to manage my time for studies which is my priority and as well as for
social media.
5. 5. When I start answering my module, I set an alarm.

6. 6. I will delete all the unnecessary apps that I downloaded and exchange it for
educational apps.
7. 7. I try my best to not touching my smartphone so that I can focus of making
my academic performance.
8. 8. I tell my mom to get my phone if I have no control on playing smartphone.

9. 9. I overuse the smartphone to run out batteries so that I can answer my

module without having distractions.
10. 10. I switch my data mode into airplane mode so that no any notifications will
pop up.


Table 6 shows the top three (3) best strategies employed by Junior High School learners

to have maintain good academic standing that that stated in the table 5.


GOOD 7. I try my best to not touching my smartphone so that I 23%

can focus of making my academic performance.
BETTER 2. If I start answering my modules, I must turn off my 20%
phone to avoid distractions.
BEST 1. The moment I received my modules, I will answer it 23%
right away.

Table 6 above shows the strategies to maintain their good academic performance.

The respondents chose their top 3 best strategies which are GOOD, BETTER and BEST. In

GOOD and BEST there are 313 (23%) respondents. Lastly in BETTER there are 273 (20%)

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, as well as the conclusion and

recommendation which were made possible from the result garnered and interpreted

from the previous chapter of the research study.

Summary of Findings

The findings of this study yearned to find out the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age, in which the researchers found out that most of the

respondents were 16 years old Andresian learners; in terms of gender , in which the

researchers found out that most of them were the female respondents; and in terms of

grade level most of the respondents were Grade 10 Andresian learners.

In the table 4 revealed that most of the Junior High School Andresian learners have

positive perception towards accomplishing of school tasks, submission and retrieval of 25

modules, and comprehending the lesson.

Based from the gathered data from the student’s responses, the top three (3) best

strategies employed by the learners to maintain their good academic performance are I

try my best to not touching my smartphone so that I can focus of making my academic

performance, If I start answering my modules I must turn off my phone to avoid

distractions and the moment I received my modules I will answer it right away as good,

better and best respectively.

The researchers conclude that the null hypothesis was rejected.


After the computation, analysis, presentation and interpretation of data, the

researchers state that the junior high school Andresian learners has affect towards the

usage of smartphone while adapting the new way of learning.


The researchers recommend to the students to apply the strategies in order to have

an effective ways of learning. They also recommend the teachers to offers possible ways

on how to make their students improve their learning despite these trying times. The

researchers also recommend the future researchers to use this study to their related


The researchers can find out the negative impact of excessive smartphone usage and

the impact of different social networking site available on smartphone with this frame

work. In addition, they can add more variable favourable to the topic in order to

examine the overall smartphone impact. Also more in dept study of this topic can be

made such as detailed survey.

Chapter 6









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Appendix A
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII Central Visayas
Division of Toledo
Don Andres Soriano National High School
DAS, Toledo City

January 5, 2021
Principal I
Don Andres Soriano National High School
Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City

Dear Ma’am,
The undersigned our from Grade 11- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) currently working on a research study for the Practical Research 1
(Qualitative Research) entitled, “SMARTPHONE USAGE TOWARDS ACADEMIC

In lieu of, the undersigned are asking for your permission and approval to conduct
their study among Junior High School students from Grade 7 to Grade 10 in our school.
Rest assured that the findings will be utilized for the improvement of the school in
general and will benefit the Grade 7 to Grade 10 in particular.
With due respect, we humbly ask for your approval and positive response.
Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Appendix B
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII Central Visayas
Division of Toledo
Don Andres Soriano National High School
DAS, Toledo City

We are the researcher of Senior High School Department from Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics 11 as a requirements for our course, we currently
conducting a survey about “Smartphone Usage towards Academic Performance to Junior
High School Students in Don Andres Soriano National High School”.

In connection, we deliberately picked to be one of our respondents and we hope that

you will take time answering the question honestly.

Rest assured that all data gathered will be used for academic purposes.

Thank you for your support and cooperation

Respectfully yours,
Dhianne Elezabeth O. Martinez
Cherry Mae M. Piquero
Keindritch Kyle P. Amaba

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