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Page 1:
A creative cover page with only

A title

The logo

The names of the people in your group.

Page 2:
1-2 Paragraph summary of what Academy High School is and represents.
Ideas: (STEM, Pillars, relationships between staff and students, traditions, etc.)
Answer the question:

What is Academy High School?

***** Do not just go to the Mapleton website and copy and paste.
This needs to be in your own words. *****
Page 3:
Part 1: 1 - 2 paragraph summary of the process you went through to choose
your logo.
This can include:

Previous versions of the logo

Changes you made to the original image.

The colors you chose and why.

What you were thinking when you chose your logo.

Part 2: 1 - 2 paragraph description about how your logo represents Academy High

Page 4:

1 - 2 Paragraph summary of the research you conducted to justify your logo.

Works Cited page using MLA.

Page 5:
Images - Logo and T-Shirt (Front and Back)

To purchase logo

To purchase 1 (t-shirt)

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