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-Lesson 1-------

Goals & Objectives:

By the end of this unit, students will be able to identify with the experience of people and events of the Old Testament; describe major
people and events of the Hebrew story ; and communicate an overview of the themes, people and events of the Old Testament (taken
Coming to Know Worship & love- Secondary Curriculum Standards)

Materials Required: whiteboard markers, overhead projector, laptop to play YouTube video, x4 A3 Poster Paper, textas, coloured

Lesson Procedure:
1/ Begin the class with a prayer (previously have a book made with each students prayers), a biblical verse or a daily
2/ Introduce the topic for the days class- Old testament figures- the story of Samson (have that written on the board)
asking if anyone knows of or remembers the story/if anyone has never heard of it and then allow for class discussion
3/ View the following YouTube animated video to give students an insight to Samson
4/ Activity:
Part 1
Split the students into groups and allocate to each group a Chapter covering Samsons story from the Book of Judges
group A) ch. 13, group B) ch. 14, group C) ch. 15, group D) ch.16.
Each group reads and summarises their chapter of Samsons story, and together they produce a poster.
Part 2:
Each student is then allocated a specific task. One student draws a picture of the main character/s or of a main
incident in the story. Another student creates the heading for the poster, another writes the dot-pointed
summary onto the poster, another student lists the key themes that the group has come up with about the story,
whilst the other student writes up the moral of the story. If there is an extra student in the group he/she can add to the
poster the groups thoughts/comments on the story and the moral message- how we can apply that today in our
own lives.
5/ Upon completion of the group activity, each group will present to the class their chapter
6/ The Teacher can add his/her input to the story if he/she feels the need to, or can even choose to pose further questions to the class
as a whole for
more discussion on the key themes from the story
7/ Homework task- Students are asked to complete the online revision quiz
and print the results which are to bring into their next class

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