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Ferris State University

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information

Name: John Yonker Date: 3-2-23

Curriculum/ Course: World Geography Grade Level(s): 6th
Time/ Period: 1:00-1:56, 6th hour Materials: Slideshow presentation, YouTube,
Community and Classroom profile: (demographics- such as age, race, gender identification, religious
preferences, SES, disabilities, etc.) Majority caucasian, mix of male and female, and a few students with ADHD.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
standard teacher language and “I (formative and/or
Can” with student language) summative)
Content Standards: 1. The learner will identify the 1. Formative: discussion
1. GLCE: 6 - P.1, 2, 3, 4 important figures of black 2. Summative: essay
2. CCSS - Read 2,4,5,7 history and put their works into
3. CCSS - Write 2,3,5,6 writing form.
Technology Standards 1. The learner will identify the 1. Summative: essay
MiTecs/ISTE important figures of black
1. Knowledge Constructor history and put their works into
writing form while using my
SEL Competencies 1. The learner will identify the 1. Summative: essay
1. Empowered learner important figures of black
history and put their ideas and
social justice accomplishments
into writing form.
Lesson Procedures
Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of
previous day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)
We will start class by going over the daily target which has the objectives for the period.
Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing
and what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies
- Start with daily target slide and let students get settled in.
- Explain the assignment and the three writing prompts that are available for them to choose from.
- Students will have the remaining allotted time at the end of the hour to write their essays.

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Extension Activities:
Students will be completing a 100 word essay on one of the three black history month essay prompts.
Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.
We will wrap up class by making sure the students have began writing their essays and that they
understand the timetable for when it is due.
Whole group Individual
Differentiation Accommodations Modifications (if
Instruction Student Readiness/
Content/Activity/ Interest/Learning
Product/Environment; Profile/Affect

This is a great opportunity to shed light on the di ering worlds that black ci zens live in as opposed to our
caucasian lifestyle. This will hopefully show the students the hardships that black ci zens have been faced with
for the past century in America.
Integra on of Select the appropriate ISTE Educator role(s) you For each ISTE Educator role you selected,
technology for used to design digital experiences: provide a descrip on explaining how you
designing and/ 1. Learner played this role(s).
or delivering 2. Leader
the Lesson 3. Ci zen I will play the role of facilitator by showing
4. Collaborator the students the stories of each prompt for
5. Designer their essay.
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst
Student Select the appropriate ISTE Student role(s) For each ISTE Student role you selected,
technology students will use: provide a descrip on explaining when/how
experiences 1. Empowered Learner the students will be in this role(s).
during the 2. Digital Ci zen
lesson 3. Knowledge Constructor Students will play the role of knowledge
4. Innova ve Designer constructor by portraying their thoughts on
5. Computa onal Thinker the desired subject in wri ng form.
6. Crea ve Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

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