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Ferris State University

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information

Name: John Yonker Date: 4/17/23

Curriculum/ Course: World Geography Grade Level(s): 6th grade

Time/ Period: 2nd hour - 9:00 am Materials: mission brief slides, Ch. 7 quizlet

Community and Classroom profile: Predominantly caucasian students ages 11 to 12.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
standard teacher language and “I (formative and/or
Can” with student language) summative)
Content Standards: 1. In teams, students effectively 1. Formative assessment
1. read and orally communicate questions will be asked
weekly targets and other throughout the briefing to
pertinent info to the class using make sure students are
Google slides. retaining the information.
Technology Standards 1. Collaborator: Become 1. Formatively assess the slide
MiTecs/ISTE proficient in the use of google presenter and make sure they are
1. slides. flowing in sync with the
SEL Competencies 1. Creative communicator: 1.
1. Portray thoughts and ideas
through the use of speech and
Lesson Procedures
Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of
previous day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)
Class will start with the daily target slide to let students know what we will be going through that day in
terms of content.
Steps in the Lesson:
Class begins with daily target slide - 5 minutes.
Mission Brief - 25 to 30 minutes.
Quizlet review for test - 15 to 20 minutes

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Extension Activities:
Extension activities include the test that the students will take on Wednesday.
Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.
At the end of class I will remind the students of the test Wednesday and make sure they have access to
the quizlet for study material.
Whole group Individual
Differentiation Accommodations Modifications (if
Instruction Student Readiness/ Students with
Content/Activity/ Interest/Learning accommodations are
Product/Environment; Profile/Affect spread out throughout
the class to make sure
the teams are even for
group review games.

Providing a glimpse of what the world is like outside of school walls is what mission brief is all about. It
is vital to show the students that there is a whole world out there with different beliefs and ideologies
than yours, and that they may impact the way you think moving forward.
Integra on of Select the appropriate ISTE Educator role(s) you For each ISTE Educator role you selected,
technology for used to design digital experiences: provide a descrip on explaining how you
designing and/ 1. Learner played this role(s).
or delivering 2. Leader
the Lesson 3. Ci zen Collaborator: I played this role by ini a ng
4. Collaborator discussion with the students about the
5. Designer topics within mission brief.
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst
Student Select the appropriate ISTE Student role(s) For each ISTE Student role you selected,
technology students will use: provide a descrip on explaining when/how
experiences 1. Empowered Learner the students will be in this role(s).
during the 2. Digital Ci zen
lesson 3. Knowledge Constructor Global Collaborator: Students become more
4. Innova ve Designer well in tune with their surroundings and
5. Computa onal Thinker current events.
6. Crea ve Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

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