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Name: Ravin Schulz Grade/Subject: 6th Grade Science Date: 11/7/22

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)

6.11(A) describe the physical properties, locations, and movements of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors,
asteroids, and comets

2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do
Students will be able to describe the physical properties, locations, and movements of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors,
asteroids, and comets

Verb: Describe
Content: The sun, planets, moons, meteors, asteroids, and comets
Context: physical properties, locations, and movements

3. SMART After observing a demonstration, students in small groups, will categorize different extraterrestrial bodies
Objective(s): (C3) by physical properties, locations, and movements with at least 80% accuracy.

Essential Question: What characteristics can I use to categorize extraterrestrial bodies?

4. Central Focus The purpose of this lesson is to build on students’ prior knowledge of the solar system and
(C4) extraterrestrial bodies. Students will learn the physical properties, locations, and movements of
How will this lesson link different extraterrestrial bodies. This lesson will also serve as a building block for space
with other lessons in the exploration and travel.

Learning Targets I can describe the physical properties of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors,
I CAN statements that asteroids, and comets
Clearly show alignment
with TEKS I can describe the location of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors,
asteroids, and comets

I can describe the movements of the Sun, planets, moons, meteors,

asteroids, and comets

5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language Describe
represents the language
of the discipline that
students need to learn and Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
use to engage in the physical property, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Unaus, Neptune, planet, moon,
content area in meteor, asteroid, comet, orbit, solar system
meaningful ways.
Discourse (Structures of written and oral language, how they will talk, write, and participate in
knowledge construction: discussions, reports, essays, multi-media presentations, performance):
There are 4 language
Small group discussion, complete a graphic organizer
demands to consider as
you require students to
read, write, speak, listen,
Syntax (The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures, e.g.,
demonstrate and perform.
graphic organizers, formulas, charts, language rules, outlines, graphs, tables):
Graphic organizer, demonstration
6. Targeted Language Language Function (How will you help them demonstrate the DO verb?)
Supports (C5) Describe after seeing a demonstration
The resources,
representations, and Vocabulary Strategies - (GO TO Page)
strategies you will 1. Repetitive exposure to words
provide to help students
understand, use, and
practice the concepts and 2. Learning vocabulary in both written and oral speech
language they need to
learn within the
Discourse strategies - (GO TO Page)
Site the researcher’s -Write: Classifying (Marzano) through a graphic organizer
name as you refer to the
strategy. -Talk: Small groups, (collaborative learning-Hattie Ranking)

Syntax - (GO TO Page)

1. Simple summary

2. Graphic organizer

Making Content Comprehensible (R9)

Graphic organizer

7. Assessment/ Assessment of your TEK

Evaluation (C6) Formative:
Assessment(s) must be Oral report
aligned to the TEKS, During the “we do” section in the body of the lesson, students will orally give answers about
and objectives. the physical properties, movements, and locations of exterritorial bodies. This will be a
formative assessment of the students’ understanding of the content. From this formative
assessment, I will determine content that needs to be re-taught or have more time spent on it to
better understand.

Unit project
At the end of the unit, there will be a unit project that will be a summative assessment of the
students’ knowledge of the physical properties, movements, and locations of exterritorial
bodies. This project will be graded based on meeting the lessons’ objectives. Students will be
graded on a 100-point scale.

Assessment of your language demands:

Oral report
During the “we do” section in the body of the lesson, students will orally give answers
including vocabulary. This will be a formative assessment of the students understanding of the
presented academic language. From this formative assessment, I will determine vocabulary that
needs to be re-taught.

Short form test including multiple choice, true‐false and matching type questions to assess
students’ understanding of the academic language used in this lesson. Students will be graded
on a 100-point scale.

8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning)

What am I- solar system

Closure (C7) Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning)


Personal assets: Specific background information that students bring to the learning
Student Assets (C7) environment.

Cultural assets: Cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the learning

Community assets: Common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from the
community where they live

9. Body of Lesson/ I DO –
Teaching Strategies and I will demonstrate the layout of the solar system along with the characteristics of the
Learning Task(s) extraterrestrial bodies within it, with the help of students as actors. I will have students hold
(C9) cards that include a photo and details about their planet or other body. The students will
introduce their body and read their characteristics. I will further instruct on the movement of the
Be sure to include: bodies, and point out groupings with similar characteristics.
How will students learn
and use academic I will repeat important vocabulary as a strategy to help students engage in academic language.
language? throughout the lesson and in an ending summary.

Three higher order I will remove the cards that the acting students are holding and then have the class as a whole
thinking questions. rename which bodies the student actors were and some of the characteristics they had.

Marzano Strategy YOU DO –

In a small group setting, students will use the Adobe Spark Page app to create a graphic
organizer that categorizes extraterrestrial bodies by physical properties, locations, and movements.

In accordance with Bloom’s higher order thinking of evaluating, students will collaborate and categorize
using the Adobe Spark Page app.

Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the

content, process, product, and/or learning environment):

o Second Language learners / Cultural Diversity: As Tomlinson Suggests, I plan on having

tiered instruction that changes the level of complexity to meet the students’
developmental needs.

o Gifted / advanced learners: As Tomlinson suggests, I will have an anchoring activity for
students to work on if they complete their work early. (Vocabulary Jenga)

Technology: -(GO TO page)

The Adobe Spark Page, blooms higher order thinking (evaluating)
Marzano Strategy - (GO TO page)
In Small Groups, Students will use Marzano’s strategy of classifying to help students create
their graphic organizers

Higher Order Thinking Questions (GO TO page)

1. What can you infer about the last three planets?
2. What would the result be if the planets didn’t move along their correct paths?
3. What explanation do you have for planets having moons?

Grouping / Partnering Technique: (Hattie)

Cooperative learning groups add value to whole class instruction.

Potential misconceptions and your plan to address it:

A misconception students may have is that Pluto is a planet. To address this, I plan on providing
information about Pluto that categorizes it as a Dwarf planet

10. Resources and (How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)
materials needed (C9) Note cards with extraterrestrial body photos and written characteristics
Ipad, smart phone, or laptop
(E7) Who am I clues
Blank note cards for 3-2-1 close
Expo marker
White board

1-Talk to text program use to create the graphic organizer for students with writing problems
2-Large print materials for student with visual impairments


11. Classroom
Management Strategies 1. Bell ringers at the beginning of class
What procedures will you 2. Use of the time out signal during transitions
employ to manage
transitions, behavior, 3. Use a “in box” for students to turn in work when they’re finished
passing out materials,
engagement, etc.?

Add 3 procedures
12. Academic Supports
for Students (E6) Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around obstacles ):
What instructional 1. Preferential seating
strategies and planned
supports, will you employ to 2. Behavior reward system
meet the needs of each
student that has identified
3. Peer buddy
special learning needs?
Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):
1. Grading based on work completion

2. Simplified vocabulary and concepts

3. Alternative curricula written at a lower level

Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)

1. Sentence framing/ fill in the blank notes

2. Increasing wait time when asking questions

3. QSSSA (Question, Signal, Stem, Share, Assess) during discussion

4. The use of multiple mediums to present information (visually, orally, written)

5. Flexible grouping

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