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Task 1 (a trip to the moon)

1. What is happening In this film?

A group of astronomers travel to the moon in a cannon propelled

capsule, where they encounter life.

2. What happened in1902 with regards to flight

exploration that might have influenced this film?

The wright brothers were experimenting flight travel using

models of planes they had built this influenced the films idea of
travelling in the air e.g. to the moon

3. Which moves more, the camera or the actors?

The actors moved more throughout the film production due to the time
this film was set they did not have the technology for digital handheld
cameras to move to different angles etc therefore the actors had to
move continuously to keep the film flowing

4. What is the purpose of this film?

The purpose of this film is to send a message to the audience
that you can achieve if you put your mind to it and to show how
well their theatre has expanded and to show its full potential.

5. What section show development of special effects?

One section of the film where special effects were used was when
they lit the cannon to shoot them to the moon they made smoke
appear at the end of the cannon, also another example is when
the astronomer hits the selenite and it disappears.

6. How is it telling a story?

The film is telling a story as at the beginning, the are

astronomers admiring the moon as if they dreamed to go there
then they have a cannon and a capsule to travel there inspired
ny the wright brothers, they then travel to the moon and find life
there, there is then a action see and a dilemma then they travel
back to earth so a story is told throughout.

7. What is important about its length?

The importance of the films length is that it is the first 12 minute

one reel film which is difficult to pull off.

8. How do you think Melies has moved film production

on from Muybridge and lumiere brothers?

He has used still images and fixed them together to give the
impression of movement.

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