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TO: Ms.

FROM: Carla Taboada, RWS Student
DATE: September 13, 2015
RE: Informative Discourse Practice

Ms. Gallardo:
Welfare in America is a big issue and should be taken with a serious matter.
Medicaid is an agency that helps some children with economy issues. This is
one of the organizations that are necessary for all children in America and the
government should take care of who is able to have this help and who is able to
care for their own children without Medicaid.
It provides for a basic health insurance plan for children which would include
providing help for children to visit the doctor, prescription drugs, everything
involving health for children. This program was designed for children with really
difficult situations, children who pass trough really bad problems.
The issue with Medicaid is that people take advantage of Medicaid and the
government needs to pay attention to who really needs it and who is just
taking advantage and just dont want to pay for anything. Medicaid is for the
only use of America and U.S. Citizens only. It is linked to many other agencies
which would include Social Security, CHIP, and different insurances. Medicaid is
not accepted by everything, there are special places which children are able to
go and which would accept to charge Medicaid for all the expenses, but many
others would not accept the insurance that Medicaid provides for children.
When having Medicaid each parent would be provided with a list which would
have the different places where they can take their children and would be
taken with the same care as in a regular place.
Even though this has been very effective and helpful in many children and
families, there is still a lot of poverty, health issues with children in America.
There are children who sadly have to live with a person who doesnt even like
them, doesnt even take care of them, and children who sometimes doesnt
even eat. There are a lot more things America can do to help all of this
Thank you.

Carla Taboada

Student of: The University of Texas at El Paso.

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