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ASSIGNMENT: Webquest for Compiling Company Data.

Surf the net and gather information on the company you most desire to be
employed at. Complete the company data sheet below:


Company Name:
Korean Air


Business Line:
Passenger, Cargo, Aerospace, Catering, Hotel & In-Flight Sales

Korean Air Operations Center 1370, Gonghang-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Year Established:
March 1, 1969

Yang-Ho Cho

Number of Employees:
Total 19,178

Types of Products/Services:
Air Transportation and Other Business

Why do you want to work at this company?

1. Korean Air takes the lead in global transportation network and plays a key role
in enhancing Korea's status. Korean Air awarded the' Best In-flight Travel
Retailer of the year' at the '2009 DFNI Global Awards' hosted by ' Duty Free
News International '

2. Korean air has the best Operational Excellence, Service Excellence and
Innovative Excellence.

3. Korean air also has rapidly staff training system increased working ability. It
usually for new employees on time management and result oriented, work plan
and sales plan and management methods of training.

4. Since 1994, Korean air have made great progress in the Chinese market, in
Beijing, Shanghai and so on more than 20 cities have branches .
5. Choosing Korean air not only can get rich foreign treatment can also learn a lot
of experience for future promotion or choose better prepared positions or

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