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Picture of Character

Name of Character: Katniss


Billy Geyer

Book: The Hunger Games

Period 5
Sept. 25- Oct. 1





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Today is the last day of the enjoyment of sleeping, showering, eating, and just generally having
fun. So you probably know what that means. Thats right, tommorow is the Hunger Games. I
am not going to enjoy this at all. Killing other people, just to eventually get killed. I will at least
try just so I can make Primm happy. I cannot let her down.
Today is the Hunger Games. I get to wake up, eat, and go to my stylist, Cinnas, styling quarters. I did
not sleep a wink last night. I am exhausted. When I go to Cinnas place, I will not have to be dresses in
an extremely fancy outfit like last time, this time, it will only be a t-shirt, some pants, a jacket, and
some shoes. Then, I will be launched into the Arena.
So, now it is the end of the day of the first day of the Hunger Games. So far 4 people are dead. One of
them was the boy with the crippled foot from district 8. He died while we were fighting over the
backpack that I now have in my possession. A girl from district 1 ran up to him and stabbed him. It is
guarenteed I will not sleep at all tonight.
Ughh. Its no surprise morning is only one letter away from mourning. I have not slept, ate, or drank.
If I do not get somethong in my stomach very soon, I might suffer the symptoms of dehydration. First, I
will get dizzy and very tired a dry mouthed. Then, I will start to hallucinate and be unable to walk, and
soon, I will just evernutally fall down and die or just get killed.
Well, I am definitley unable to walk. I have to crawl around. I am trying to look for water, but at least I
got some sleep last night, that is if blacking out counts as sleeping. I really hope that the lake where we
were at when the tributes first enetered the Arena wasnt the only source of water. Why wont
Haymitch help me and send me some water?! Oh my gosh I- Im getting light headed. I need to find
water soo--
I cannot survive much longer with out water *GASP*! Wait, I figured out why Haymitch
wont send me any water. I must be very close to it! I can almost hear his voice in my head. Katniss,
come on! I know you can find it! You are so close! But still, I have to find it soon, because if I dont find
it with in about two days, it will be too late.
What was I thinking? Why would Haymitch even care about me? I bet the only water in this Arena is
the lake. And I believe the Gamemakers put it there so they could drive us, all of the tributes, together,
just so those filthy, digusting, bloodthirsty PIGS can watch us kill each other. Evil people. Why am

I wet all of a sudden? And what is that sound? What kind of plant is that?! WAIT, A CREEK!!!

Weekly Parent Signature:


William P. Geyer

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