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Justin Watts

Background Information
Glade: A relatively small area that serves as a living place for Gladers. It has 4 main areas: The
Gardens (North East), the Blood House (located in South East, animal stock), the Homestead
(has a map room located in North East), and the deadheads (where dead Gladers are buried.
Located South West). The Glade is square in shape and surrounded on all four sides with high

Commented [JW1]: Your background info was very

detailed and well-organized, but it would help to essentially
type the name of your topic. Readers may look at your
background info and wish they knew what you were talking
about. Just adding the name can go a long way! (Lauren

The Maze: The area outside of the glade. Each night the maze changes its layout. In the maze
lives grievers. The gladers hope to map and solve the puzzle to escape the Glade and return to
their normal lives.
The Grievers: The grievers are half animal and half machine. They are armed with spikes and
other dangerous weapons. They mostly come out after dark and are sealed off from the Glade
because of the enormous walls. Going through The Changing is a result of being stung by a
The Changing: Being stung by a griever initiates great pain or a near-death experience.
However, the experience grants the victim an insight into their former life before entering the
The Creators: The controlling force behind the maze. Those who are responsible for putting the
gladers there in the first place.
The Keepers: The chief gladers, who are in charge of a different job in the Glade.

Commented [JW2]: Great background information. You

gave excellent details that completely informed me about
the subject. Knowing the settings also helps a lot. (Michael

Runners: The gladers whose role it is to explore the maze each day and record their findings
1. Everyone do their part. There is no time for slackers
2. Never hurt another glader. You must trust one another.
3. Never go outside the Glade, unless youre runner

Builders: Gally is a keeper, they build places in Glade

Bricknicks: Repair buildings
Sloppers: Do dirty tasks, any job the gladers do not want to do
Baggers: Act as guards and deal with dead bodies
Cooks: Prepare meals
Track-hoes: Work in the garden
Med-jacks: Act as doctors
Slicers: Work with livestock and slaughtering
Runners: Only Gladers allowed to go in the maze

Commented [JW3]: I liked how you separated your rules

from the background information. It made it easier to find.
Good idea with doing that. (Mariah Romero)

Justin Watts

Figured World: A figured world is a large social structure complete with its own conventions of
appropriate behavior, manners, and community-specific discourse
Rules and Conventions:

Commented [JW4]: Your definitions of key terms are

excellent. They accurately address the term, but are
completely your own words. Readers are able to understand
the meaning. (Lauren Bray)

There are many rules and conventions in the Maze Runner. Alby specifically tells Thomas 3
rules when he arrives. One everyone do their part. There is no time for slackers. Two never hurt
another Glader. You must trust one another. Three never go outside the Glade, unless youre
runner. A notable convention includes staying in ones assigned area. For example, if a Glader is
assigned to be a builder they must do that job no exceptions. Another convention is that all work
areas begin work as soon as the sun comes up. This allows them to all start each of their task for
the day. It allows them to be organized and to work efficiently throughout the day. Another
convention as far as social norms is the Gladers hold certain attitudes towards their leaders.
Many of the Gladers look up to Newt and Alby because they have been in the Glade for the
longest. The manner aspect is very different as well. Gladers often greet the new person that
arrives at the Glades with rudeness and hostility. They do this because they dont know how the
new person who arrives is going to take the new experience. They mock the new person and
often call them names. One of the main rules about not going into the maze if youre not a runner
is essential. The Gladers agree, even if someone is in trouble and in desperate need, not to go in
the maze. These rules and conventions make up the community of the Glades.
Actors: People who play significant roles within a figured world; another way to think about
actors is as an archetypal role, which fulfills a specific purpose.
Thomas: He is the protagonist of the story. He arrives in the Glade with n\o knowledge of who
he is or was. He only remembers his name and nothing else about his life. Thomas proves to be
brave, loyal, and clever, with isolated telepathic powers and a very limited memory of previous
knowledge of the Maze. Soon after arriving in the Glade, Thomas makes both friends and
enemies and proves a leader among the boys.

Commented [JW5]: Good job including all the main

characters. Writing about all the different characters helps
the reader know their roles in this society. Your descriptions
are also very detailed. (Michael Rowlands)

Alby: The leader of the Gladers. Alby has authority over much of what goes on in the Glade.
Only a few Gladers, those who have been there the longest like Minho or Newt seem fit to
question Albys decisions. After being stung by a griever. Alby goes into the changing and is
convinced they should not return to the outside world. Alby dies later saving Chuck from a
Newt: Newt is a tall, muscular boy with long blonde hair who operates as second in command in
the Glade. Sarcastic and direct, Newt befriends Thomas early on and spends time explaining the
way the Glade and the maze work. As Alby's leadership begins to erode, Newt steps in to fill the
gap and support Thomas's plans to escape.
Chuck: Chuck is awkward and one of the youngest Gladers. He is talkative, innocent and naive,
and though he is also annoying at times Thomas comes to see Chuck as a friend and even as a
sort of younger brother. Thomas takes it upon himself to ensure that Chuck gets out of the maze
and is reunited with his family. Chuck gives his life to save Thomas from Gally's knife. His
character represents innocence.

Commented [JW6]: You did a great job at describing the

characters and their importance. I like how you include
what jobs they're expected to perform. They are very
thorough. (Lauren Bray)

Justin Watts

Gally: An arrogant and rude boy who bullies Thomas on his first day in the Glade. Following a
confrontation with Minho, Gally disappears but reappears to warn the Gladers that the Creators
mean to kill them by sending in a Griever to take one of them every night until they are all dead.
He is then taken by a Griever himself. Thomas and the others who went with Thomas encounter
Gally again after escaping the Maze. Gally throws a knife at Thomas, but Chuck steps in the way
and is killed. Gally is then stabbed and dies.
Artifacts: These are physical items and emotions/feelings, which are culturally or socially
significant to specific characters within the group as a whole.

Commented [JW7]: Your artifacts are very detailed. Good

explaining about each of different artifacts. Very good job
overall. (Mariah Romero)

Metal Clue from Griever: We learn very early that grievers are very dangerous and are feared by
all the Gladers. The fact that Thomas takes down one in the maze saving Minho and Alby is truly
amazing to all the Gladers. Not only did he kill a griever, Thomas and Minho were able to access
a vital clue from the griever that was essential to the Gladers escaping the maze. This clue was
important to the group as a whole as it helped them escape the maze.
Specialization of jobs: The idea of assigning each Glader a certain job is significant. There are
many jobs in the Glades that need to be done. The assigning of jobs helps create organization and
make sure everyone does their own part. It is essential for the community staying together and
keeping away from chaos.
Communities of Practice: A group of people who share a craft and/or a profession. Through the
process of sharing information and experiences with group members they learn from each other,
and have an opportunity to develop themselves.
The Runners: Minho, Alby, and Thomas. Each one of these actors is trying to find a way to
escape the maze. They all map and try new ideas to help all the Gladers escape the maze. They
talk amongst themselves a lot to come up with new ideas to explore the maze.
WCKD Scientist and Ava Paige: Ava Paige is an administrator of some sort, who is cited as the
author of a memo sent to the employees of WICKED. The video reveals that Thomas and the
other Gladers have not actually escaped but are simply entering the next phase of the experiment,
without their knowledge. The scientist experiment and run test on the individuals in the Glade.
Domain: Domain is defined as shared interest. Membership depends on a commitment to the
domain. This being said shared interest Separate members from other people.
WCKD Scientist: The scientist who are analyzing the Gladers brains are a domain. They share
the interest of working for WCKD. WCKD values the group instead of their individual skills and
the group of scientist come together to try and analyze all of the Gladers.
The Unsolvable Maze: One obvious domain that drives the action of the movie is the goal of
solving the seemingly unsolvable maze. This domain has many expert contributors, which
include Minho, Alby, and Thomas. Though Thomas provides the most insight, Minho provides
the most background information about the maze since he is the keeper of the runners. Alby also
adds to the expertise by sharing the accumulating information that he has gained over time being
the first one to arrive in the glades.

Commented [JW8]: What kind of tests? What are the

scientists trying to achieve? It's important for the reader to
understand their purpose. (Lauren Bray)
Commented [JW9]: Your domain definition was very
detail. Examples of the domain was also well done. You did
a good job with explaining the Maze. (Mariah Romero)

Justin Watts

Practices of the community: People who develop a shared resources such as experiences,
stories, tools, and ways of addressing recurring problems. More than just habits of the
community, practices of the community revolve around a series of shared ways of accomplishing
various tasks. In other words, in order to accomplish a goal, communities of practice must
engage in regular activities that help further their ideas/domains in some way. A literacy practice
is a specific type of practice of the community.
Glader Meetings: One of the practices within the community of practice is the act of solving
problems through the use of meetings. The community of practice as a whole recognizes that
there is something wrong about the grievers attacking. Together they seek to expose the original
cause of such an odd string of event and what they can do going forward.
Mapping Knowledge of the maze: The runners use their physical ability and knowledge of the
maze to run through and try to find clues. A combination of observing and questioning why
certain walls and boundaries are closed off help them go through. They report their findings to
the map room. The runners work together to help further the Gladers and try to find a solution to
the maze.
Literacy Practices: Simply put, literacy practices are ways of communicating both written and
spoken, verbal and nonverbal (such as body language).
Rudeness of Gladers: When Thomas first got to the glade, the other Gladers were rude and
hostile towards him. While he is scared to death by the new experience at the Glades, other
Gladers laugh and humiliate him. They call him names such as greenie,newbie, and green
bean. The hostility eventually wears off when it becomes apparent that Thomas is a great
leader. The Gladers start to believe that Thomas can get them home.
Observation 1:
3:00mins: A series of dark images, shouting, and weird creatures are flashed across the screen in
quick succession. The main character awakens out of breath and vomiting. He is screaming
help and get me out of here as he is moving upwards in what appears to be like an elevator
with a cage. The elevator comes to a stop and Thomas is surrounded by a group of random
people in an outdoor environment. He quickly begins to stand up and starts running out of fear.
He then falls and notices the outdoor is closed in and there is nowhere to run to. He is then
captured by the group and they put him in a holding cell. A character name Alby comes to his
cell asks Thomas if he can tell him anything about himself like where he came from or what
his name is. Thomas responds that he cant remember anything. Alby tells Thomas to relax and
that its normal not to remember anything.
6:00mins: Alby begins to show Thomas around the community. Alby introduces Thomas to
Newt who is second in command behind Alby. Alby explains that there are 3 rules Thomas
needs to follow. One Do your part, two never harm another Glader, and three never go beyond
those walls (referring to the maze). Thomas becomes curious about what is beyond the maze. He
is then pushed to the ground roughly by a Glader to protect him from going into the maze. Alby
sarcastically says Welcome to the Glades.

Commented [JW10]: Your descriptions of the movie are

very precise. I feel like I'm watching it. Explain the outdoor
environment a little more. (Michael Rowlands)

Justin Watts

11:00mins: Newt talks to Thomas as the Gladers have a campfire. Newt speaks of the runners
and specifically Minho the keeper of all the runners. The runners have been looking for a way
to escape the maze for 3 years and have still found nothing. Every morning when the maze opens
they leave and run the maze trying to find any clues. Each night the maze changes is what Newt
explains to Thomas. Newt explains that the runners are the fastest and strongest of all the
Gladers and that they are the only ones that know what goes on beyond the walls of the Glades.
If the runners dont make it back by time the walls close they are stuck in there for the night and
no one has ever survived a night in the maze. Thomas asks what happens to them. Newt responds
saying grievers get to them yet no one has ever seen a griever and lived to talk about it.
15:00mins: Gally (Keeper of the Builders) challenges Thomas to a fight to see what he is made
of. Gally kicks Thomas to the floor and Thomas hits his head on the ground. Thomas then
remembers his own name Thomas. All the Gladers cheer and welcome Thomas to the Glades.
Gally congratulates Thomas on a good fight and shakes his hand. They call it a night and
everyone goes to their hut for sleep. While dreaming Thomas visons being in a lab being
experimented on with flashes of doctor and test tubes coming on to the screen. Alby wakes
Thomas up and tells him to come with him. Alby tells Thomas he is not like the other he is
curious. Alby tells Thomas is one of them now and needs to know what that means. Thomas
begins to come up with ideas to escape. Newt informs him that they have tried everything. The
only way out is through the maze.
23:00mins: Thomas goes into the woods to collect materials for the group. He is attacked by a
Glader named Ben. Ben tries to kill Thomas and starts to chase him through the woods. Thomas
escapes barely when the Gladers come to his rescue after hearing his screams. Ben was stung by
a rare creature that infected him and made him crazy. They take Ben away and throw him in the
maze as a sacrifice. The Gladers then write his name among the other dead people on the wall.
30:00mins: The next day Minho and Alby go into the maze. All the Gladers wait for their return.
It begins to get late and they wonder where they are. The walls begin to close as the Gladers
watch. They see Minho and Alby trying to make it. Minho is carrying Alby trying to make it as
the walls close. Thomas runs inside the maze right before the wall closed. Now all 3 of them
(Minho, Thomas, and Alby) are stuck in the maze for the night. Minho (The keeper of the
runners) is convinced they are now all dead. Together Thomas and Minho carry an unconscious
Observation 2:
37:00mins: Together, Minho and Thomas hang Alby from a wall that is somewhat hidden by
leaves. Minho starts to hear griever sounds coming so he takes off running leaving behind
Thomas. Thomas leaves Alby hoping he will be hidden enough to survive the night from the
monsters in the maze. Monsters begin to chase Thomas all throughout the maze. He must run on
walls and make dangerous jumps to escape from them. He soon runs into Minho and he leads
them where to go next. As they run for their lives Thomas notices that the wall is closing in. He
shouts at the monster saying Come on and Get me. He lures the monster into his trap and the
walls close in together smashing the monster.

Commented [JW11]: Your observations are very detailed

and easy to follow along with. It does make it seem like I am
watching the movie myself. Also I liked how you describe
what a Griever was. (Mariah Romero)

Justin Watts

41:00mins: Minho, Thomas, and an unconscious Alby make it out of the maze alive in the
morning and are back in the Glade. We find out that Alby has been stung by a griever. A griever
is a creature that lives in the Maze and comes out after dark. Its purpose is to kill the Gladers,
with the exception of Gally. It is described as being a bulbous, dark creature, with many
appendages such as spikes, shears, and rods. The Gladers have a meeting to discuss the strange
events that have been going on. Gally says that things are changing. Such as Ben being stung in
broad daylight and then Alby. They discuss how Thomas broke a rule of going into the maze.
Others come to Thomas defense saying he saved Albys life. Gally thinks that Thomas should
be punished for his actions. Minho comes to Thomas defense and says that he was brave for
staying with Alby after he ran and for killing a griever. Minho believes that Thomas should be a
46:00mins: The Gladers hear a sound coming from outside the hut where the meeting is being
held. They run out to see what is happening. For the first time a girl is brought to the Glade. She
has a note that says she is the last one ever. She wakes up gasping and says Thomas All the
Gladers look at Thomas shockingly. The girl then passes out. They take her to the med-jacks
(Those who serve as doctors). Thomas decides he needs to go back in the maze to dissect the
dead griever and hopefully find some clues. Thomas wants to discover what the Gladers are
really up against. Minho agrees to go with him to try and help. Minho then gathers a small group
of people to go into the maze along with some supplies to dissect the griever.
49:00mins: Thomas along with the others go into the maze. They pull the smashed griever out of
the wall. They discover something made up of medal inside the grievers heart. They decide it
would be best to take it back to the Glade and try to figure out what it is. They take the
mechanical object and show it to Newt. They see the initials WCKD on it. They conclude that
whoever put them in this place made the grievers and this is the real first clue they have ever
gotten. Gally convinces Newt that Thomas needs to be punished for breaking the rules. Thomas
is assigned the punishment of one night in the pit with the no food. Newt officially makes
Thomas a runner.
53:00mins: Minho leads Thomas towards the map room. Minho shows Thomas how the runners
have mapped the entire cycle of the maze. Minho says if there was a way out they should have
found it by now. Minho says he hasnt told the other Gladers because Alby said the others
needed to believe they had a chance to escape to keep the peace among the Gladers. Minho now
believes they have a real chance of escaping with Thomas and the clue they just found. Minho
explains the system of the maze to Thomas. He says there are 8 sections of walls, each night it
changes and different walls open but the pattern always stays the same. Tomorrow Minho says
they will explore sector 7 because thats where he thinks the grievers are coming from.
56:00mins: The girl has woken up and has climbed to the top of the watch tower to protect
herself. Thomas says he is going to come up and talk to her. The girl remembers her name unlike
the others when they firs arrive to the Glade. She says her name is Theresa. Thomas introduces
himself and Theresa tells Thomas the others said she was saying Thomas in her sleep. Thomas
explains to her how all the other Gladers no nothing about themselves other than there name. The
other Gladers ask if she is coming down. Thomas says to give them a while so they can talk. The

Justin Watts

other Gladers leave from under the tower. Thomas tells Theresa ever since she has come to the
Glade the box hasnt went back down like it usually does. Thomas asks if she remembers
anything else. She says she remembers water and feeling like she was drowning and faces staring
at her. Thomas explains how he has been having similar dreams since he had gotten to the Glade.
He thinks that Theresa was there and told her everything is going to change. Thomas wonders
why both of them are different. Theresa has something in her pocket. It is a bile looking object
with the initials W.C.K.D. They both wonder if they were sent here for a reason.
60:00mins: Theresa and Thomas go over to see Alby. They think whats in the bile is medicine
that could heal Alby. Newt doesnt trust it, but Thomas brings up a point that Alby is already
dying and that its worth a try. They inject the medicine into Alby and it appears to work. Gally
walks in and says the sun has went down and that it is time for Thomas to be punished and he is
taken to the cell where he will be given no food for the night. Thomas asks what Gallys problem
with him is. Gally responds by saying everything starting going bad when he arrived. First Ben,
then Alby, and now the girl shows up. Gally believes that Thomas and Theresa already know
each other and are up to something. Thomas says to Gally You know we cant stay here
forever. Chuck comes up later and sneaks Thomas some food and water. Chuck was given a toy
he thinks was from his parents. He thinks they must miss him but he cant miss them because he
doesnt remember his parents. Thomas says there going to try and find a way out. Chuck gives
Thomas the toy and says if he finds a way out Thomas could give it to his parents. Thomas
returns the toy to Chuck and says he will be able to give it to them when they all escape.
65:00mins: Minho comes in the morning and lets Thomas out. They run into the maze as soon as
it opens. They run to the inner ring of the maze. Sector 7 is open even though its not supposed to
until next week. The metal clue they found begins to beep in Minhos backpack. Thomas takes it
out and examines it. Thomas believes that the metal clue is showing them the way. They follow
where it leads them. The clue leads them to a wall Minho has never seen before. The wall opens
to another room with a big circle on a wall. The circle begins to scan them and an alarm goes off
and the walls begin to close. Minho and Thomas run and try and make it back to the Glade.
Walls collapse as they run they crawl through small spaces to barely escape the maze. They
make it back to the Glade safety
73:00mins: Theresa tells the Gladers they need to see Alby. Alby is not acting normal. Thomas
tells them they are getting closer to getting out of the maze. Alby says the Gladers wont be able
to escape. Alby says he remembers Thomas being the creators favorite. He begins to question
Thomas asking him why he came here. The Gladers run out of the hut to discover the walls to the
maze arent closing like they usually do at night. They start to hear noises coming from the maze
they all run for their lives and head towards the woods. Grievers begin to attack and all they can
do is run. They hide in the box (where new people arrive) to hide from the grievers. Meanwhile,
the grievers attack many of the Gladers. They run into a small hut and hide for their lives. Chuck
is grabbed by a griever and is almost pulled towards its claws. Alby jumps up and smashes one
of the grievers arm. Alby then is taken by a griever. His last words towards Thomas were Get
them out of here. The Gladers that were in the hut come out of the building to see that
everything is destroyed. Others come out of the woods as well. Gally punches Thomas and

Commented [JW12]: Explain why Newt doesn't trust the

bible. What does he do that makes you think he doesn't
trust it. If it doesn't clear show that, what makes you think
he doesn't trust it. (Michael Rowlands)

Justin Watts

blames all of this on Thomas. Others hold Gally back saying its not Thomas fault. Thomas then
grabs one of the grievers arms and stings himself with it so he can remember.
Observation 3
81:00mins: Flashes of laboratories, water, and scientist flash across the screen. The scientist look
like they are analyzing members of the people that live on the glade. Thomas appears to be a
scientist in this dream and is asking Theresa (also a scientist) why they are doing this. A lady
pulls Thomas aside and tells him the WCKD is good. Thomas can see the bodies of the glade
members in water tubes being tested on. Thomas wakes up from the dream. Newt informs
Thomas that Gally is now taking over. Join Gally or be banished from the glade by sundown.
Gally has convinced everyone in the glade that all these events are happening because of
Thomas. Thomas tells Newt, Minho, Chuck and Theresa that this place isnt what they thought.
This place isnt a prison its a test. He tells them that unknown people are experimenting on
them. Thomas tells them that he is one of them he use to work with these unknown people
working on the experiment. Thomas as well as Theresa watched them for years and was on the
other side of it. Newt says that none of this matters. The only thing that matters is the people they
have become and what they can do to get out the maze. Alby would want them to find a way out
says Newt.
85:00mins: A couple of Gladers take Thomas and Theresa near the maze. Gally is going to put
Theresa and Thomas into the maze. A few Gladers speak up saying this doesnt feel right and
what if Thomas can take us home. Gally says the glade is there home now. Theresa ask if
banishing them is really going to do anything for the Gladers. Gally responds by saying it isnt a
banishment but an offering. Gally plans to tie them up and let them be eaten by grievers. Gally
points out all the destruction that has come to the glades and says they must be sacrificed so
everything can go back to how it was. Theresa calls Gally crazy because the grievers will
eventually kill them. Gally commands Gladers to tie them up. Thomas and Theresa punch the
Gladers trying to tie them up. Minho, Newt, and a few others come to back Theresa and Thomas
up. Chuck comes with spears to help them. Thomas says they dont have to come with them but
the group is leaving. Thomas offers anyone that wants to come can come and that this is there
last chance. He says he would rather risk his life out in the maze than to stay in the Glade and do
nothing. He says the Gladers were trapped here and that this wasnt there home. Other Gladers
join the small group of people. Thomas tells Gally to come with them. Gally says Good luck
against the grievers.
90:00mins: The remaining group of Gladers run through the maze following Thomas. They come
across a griever. Thomas gives Chuck the metal clue from earlier. They run heads on and attack
the grievers with their spears. The griever kills a few of the Gladers. More grievers come as the
Gladers kill a few of the grievers. They run to the wall with the circle in it from the earlier runs
Thomas and Minho did. The Wall scans and says to enter in 8 numbers. Minho tells Theresa
what numbers to put in from the maze sequence. As they fight off the grievers the 8 digit code is
put in. Once entered many walls begin to close shut and the grievers are smashed by the walls.
The screen goes dark and the circular vault opens. The remaining group walks out slowly. They
walk into what seems to be an underground department. They come to a door that says Exit.

Justin Watts

They go through and now theyre inside the lab from Thomas dreams and memories. All the
scientists are dead. A video starts to play.
The woman from earlier identifies herself as Ava Paige and tells the remaining group that they
dont remember this but there was global devastation by something called the Flare. She was
part of a controversial group called The World Catastrophe Killzone Department (WCKD) that
believed that in testing the kids they could monitor their brains and find a cure. While she
speaks, soldiers rush in and start killing other scientists. She tells them shes glad they passed the
first test and reminds them that Wicked is good. Before signing off, Paige shoots herself in the
100:00mins: A door opens leading outside. Before anyone can leave, Gally shows up. He has a
gun. He says that they all belong in the Glade. He goes to shoot Thomas, but Chuck jumps in
front of the bullet. Gally gets stabbed in the chest with a knife. Chuck hands the, now bloody,
statue to Thomas and dies. A group, who looks like the soldiers from the video, rushes in and
takes the kids outside to waiting helicopters.
105:00mins: Paige, alive and wiping fake blood off her head, says that the kids have taken the
bait. She says Thomas continues to surprise them and that he could be the key to everything.
More kids survived than she anticipated. The maze was a success and now it was time to start
phase 2. At first it looks like theyre in the desert, but we pull out to reveal that theyre outside
what used to be a city. Buildings are destroyed and everything is covered in sand. They fly
over the maze and the Glade and no one asks why the choppers just didnt land inside the Glade
and rescue the kids there instead.

Commented [JW13]: All of your observations were very

well written. You gave great detail and made it feel like I
knew all the characters. Good job with the flow of the plot.
(Michael Rowlands)

Maze Runner Interview:

Commented [JW14]: Your questions were long and

thought out. This made it possible to receive effective
answers that will help you. The answers contain much detail
about the person being interviewed thoughts. (Lauren Bray)

Me: Tell me what you like or dislike about the character Thomas and how his actions changed
the Gladers.
Chugs Ngwadom: I admire and dislike altogether Thomas impulsiveness and curiosity. Its
relatable to Icarus mentality in the sense that he sees the now rather than what is to come. He
seek personal satisfaction at the moment rather than thinking about the positive or negative
consequences. Such as when he runs into the maze to try and help Minho and Alby. That leads to
my admiration of his bravery and courage.
Me: Tell me what stands out about the character Gally and his conflict with Thomas.
Chugs Ngwadom: At the beginning of the film, I found Gally to be strong and have the right
mind set. He wanted for everyone to be safe and for no one to face death in the maze. As the film
goes on, I started to find flaws in Gally that I certainly didnt agree with. I felt like he thought he
was better than all the other Gladers and tried to force his perspective of certain subjects on other
Gladers. Gally wanted to stay in the Glades forever calling it the Gladers home which I didnt
agree with at all. When Thomas came along, I felt he was a stronger leader with a better mindset.
Thomas wanted to do what was right for the group not what he viewed was right for himself. I
soon saw myself taking the side of Thomas instead of Gally. I believed Thomas gave the Gladers
the best opportunity to escape and was overall the better leader.

Justin Watts

Me: If you could be any character in the film, who would you be and why?
Chugs Ngwadom: If I could be any character in the film, I would be Alby. Alby gives everyone
in the Glades hope and is a sense of inspiration. He was the first to arrive to the Glades and
seems to know more than anyone. All the Gladers look up to him and great leadership. Even
though he knows escaping the maze will be tough and will probably never be done, he gives
everyone the impression they can accomplish any goals if they work hard enough. He also saves
Chuck and sacrifices himself for the better of the group. I find this very heroic and would
definitely want to be the character Alby.
Me: If you could choose any of the 10 known jobs (Runners, Builders, Slicers, Med-jacks,
Sloppers) in the glades which one would you choose and why?
Chugs Ngwadom: If I could choose any job on the glades it would for sure be Med-jacks. Im a
Biology major so Im working on becoming a pediatric hematologist/oncologist. I guess that
would be the closest job for someone like me. I wish to help people out the best way I can and
this job relates directly to what I see myself doing in the future.
Me: Despite the Gladers youth and lack of adult supervision, how were the Gladers able to
preserve order and rules?
Chugs Ngwadom: The Gladers set up rules of what to do while there. That had to trust one
another and believe there was a way out. I think the best system they used for organization was
the use of jobs. The ability to assign people to jobs they could accomplish with their own
personal skills was vital to the success of the whole Glade. Gladers looked up to seniority with
whos been in the Glade the longest. So Alby being in there the longest was looked up to and
used as a source of wisdom and respect. Between dividing jobs and everyone pulling their own
weight, the Gladers were able to preserve order and rules.

Commented [JW15]: Your questions were very thought

to where the answers you receive were also thought out. In
some of your questions you asked more than one question
in it, which also showed that you thought about it. They
were very insightful questions. (Mariah Romero)

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