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How Omega 3 Helps With Hair Loss

Discover how Omega 3 helps with hair loss.
by Brad C has e

n orde r to have he althy hair and avoid hair loss, we

ne e d to m ak e sure that we are ge tting e nough of the
right nutrie nts in our die ts, including om e ga 3 fatty acids.
Adding m ore of the se fatty acids to your die t can he lp to
pre ve nt hair loss and e ve n e ncourage hair to grow
he althie r, and at a faste r rate .

In This A rticle
1 Nutrition and Your Hair
2 How Hair Grows
3 Hair Loss

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O m e ga 3 fatty acids have anti-inflam m atory prope rtie s,

which can he lp to ope n the hair follicle s, prom oting
he althy hair growth.
W he n the body is not ge tting the prope r nutrie nts, the
hairs that are lost re gularly e ach day are not re place d
e asily, and hair loss m ay be com e a proble m .

Nutrition and Your Hair

4 What is Omega 3?
5 Dietary Sources of Omega 3
5.1 Fish (proportion of Omega 3
in grams per serving)
5.2 Seed Oil (% of ALA)
5.3 Seed & Nuts (% of ALA)
6 How Does Omega 3
Prevent/Reverse Hair Loss
7 Supplementation and
Recommended Doses
8 Final Note

Did you k now that O m e ga 3 can he lp tre at hair loss?

Poor nutrition and lack of hair loss vitam ins can le ad to m any
he alth proble m s, including baldne ss, and O m e ga 3, along with
othe r im portant nutrie nts, can he lp pre ve nt and tre at hair loss.
O m e ga 3 is an e sse ntial fatty acid, one of the fats that our
bodie s ne e d in orde r to be he althy.
It is also ne ce ssary for he althy hair, and without e nough of the
right nutrie nts in the die t, including O m e ga 3, unhe althy hair and
hair loss can follow.

How Hair Grows

Each hair grows out of one follicle , and e ach tim e the follicle pushe s a hair out, a ne w one
form s in its place .
Ge ne rally, hair grows about a m illim e te r a day, or a half an inch e ve ry m onth. O f course , this
varie s from pe rson to pe rson.
Those who are not ge tting appropriate nutrition, and who do not ge t e nough O m e ga 3 fatty
acids, could e nd up e x pe rie ncing hair loss, or at the ve ry le ast, a lack of hair growth, which in
itse lf can be quite annoying.
Having he althy hair m e ans having a he althy die t.

Hair Loss
Hair loss is clinically re fe rre d to as Alope cia. Alope cia pre se nts
diffe re nt and could re fe r to hair loss from the he ad and/or the
body. Loss of hair from the he ad is the m ore com m on form
of Alope cia and it can be se e n from an e x am ination of the
scalp and the distribution of hair the re .
Male s ge ne rally, but not always, start losing hair from the
te m ple s while fe m ale hair loss starts with thinning from the
fore he ad and som e tim e s the crown.

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The re are diffe re nt cause s of hair loss, the m ost prom ine nt
be ing ge ne tics. He re ditary inhe ritance is re sponsible for the m ajority of case s of hair loss due
to natural cause s.
O the r cause s of hair loss include horm onal im balance , iron de ficie ncy, scalp infe ctions,
syste m infe ctions and e x ce ss Vitam in A. Ex te rnal cause s include com pulsive hair pulling,
ce rtain drugs, radiation the rapy, and the use of som e hair tre atm e nt products and re gim e ns.
Hair loss affe cts m illions of pe ople e ve ry ye ar with 40% of m e n e x pe rie ncing it at the age of
35 and by 60, the pe rce ntage of those who have disce rnible hair loss rise s to 65.
C linically, hair loss is the disruption of the balance be twe e n natural loss of hair and hair
re growth. The cycle of hair follicle growth involve s 4 stage s:
anage n, the long-growth phase
catage n, a shorte r phase during which the follicle s grow slowe r
te loge n, a re sting phase
and e x oge n, the hair loss stage signaling the start of a ne w cycle .
Ide ally, e ve ry day about 100 hair follicle s fall out to be re place d by ne w hair growth. Howe ve r,
whe n the hair loss from the e x oge n phase e x ce e ds the hair gain from the first 3 phase s,
the n a clinical diagnosis of Alope cia is m ade .

What is Omega 3?
O m e ga 3 is the nam e give n to a group of re late d fatty acids found
in oils of plants and m arine life . The se are e sse ntial fatty acids
which are im portant to m e tabolism but cannot be synthe size d in
hum ans. The 3 m ost im portant of the se O m e ga 3 fatty acids are :
ALA (alpha-Linole ic acid)
DHA (docosahe x ae noic acid)
and EPA (e icosape ntae noic acid).
W hile ALA cannot be synthe size d in the body, both DHA and EPA can
be m ade from shorte r-chain fatty acids although the conve rsion
e fficie ncy is rathe r low (5% in m e n; highe r in wom e n).
O m e ga 3 fatty acids ne e d to be inge ste d in hum ans e ithe r from
die tary source s or supple m e nts. The y provide a wide range of he alth
be ne fits including the tre atm e nt of cardiovascular dise ase , cance r
the rapy, im prove m e nt of ne urological ailm e nts, and as anti-inflam m atory age nts.
O the r dise ase conditions tre ate d with O m e ga 3 include asthm a, ADHD, bipolar disorde r,
diabe te s, de pre ssion, Alzhe im e r's dise ase , lupus, oste oporosis, oste oarthritis, obe sity,
m igraine , m ultiple scle rosis, high blood pre ssure , psoriasis and e cze m a.

Dietary Sources of Omega 3

Fish Salm on, halibut, sardine s, albacore , trout, catfish,
cod, tuna and he rring
Shellfish Shrim p, clam s, lobste r, crab

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Nuts and Seeds W alnuts, alm onds and flax se e d

Oils C anola oil
C old wate r oily fish are the m ost im portant source s of
EPA and DHA O m e ga 3 fatty acids while se e ds are rich in
ALA. Fish oils are also a rich source of O m e ga 3. O the r
m arine source s of the se e sse ntial fatty acids include
gre e n-lippe d m usse ls and k rill.
O f all se e ds, flax se e d or linse e d contain the highe st
pe rce ntage of ALA with but is low in EPA and DHA O m e ga 3 fatty acids. Ve ge table s do not
contain appre ciable am ounts of O m e ga 3 e x ce pt purslane . Eggs and m e ats are also good
source s of O m e ga 3 e spe cially if the anim als producing the m we re fe d on O m e ga 3-rich
die ts.
It is im portant to k now that prolonge d e x posure of O m e ga 3 fatty acids to he at, light and
ox yge n can ox idize and de nature the m . O ils containing O m e ga 3 will turn rancid if so
e x pose d. The re fore , die tary source s of O m e ga 3 should not be cook e d for long, and frying
re m ove s som e of the he alth be ne fits of the se fatty acids.

Omega 3 Rich Foods

Fish (proportion of Omega 3 in grams per serving)

Sardine s and He rrine s - 2
Mack e re l - 1.5
Salm on - 1.2
Halibut - 1.1
Tuna - 1.0
Swordfish - 0.97
Musse ls - 0.95
C anne d Tuna - 0.25
C od - 0.24
C atfish - 0.2

Seed Oil (% of ALA)

Pe rilla - 61
C hia se e d - 58
Linse e d - 55
C owbe rry - 49
Purslane - 35
He m p -19

Seed & Nuts (% of ALA)

Linse e d - 18.1
He m pse e d - 8.7

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W alnuts - 6.3
Haze l nuts - 0.1

How Does Omega 3 Prevent/Reverse Hair Loss

O m e ga 3 is only one of the e sse ntial nutrie nts ne e de d by the body for norm al functioning.
W hile only a fe w clinical studie s have e x am ine d the use fulne ss of O m e ga 3 in the tre atm e nt
of hair loss, those fe w conclude d that O m e ga 3 he lps with the condition. By conside ring the
total e ffe ct on O m e ga 3 on the bodys bioche m istry including its be ne ficial actions on the
inte grity of ce ll m e m brane s, ne rve functioning and its anti-inflam m atory action, it is cle ar that
O m e ga 3 can pre ve nt and e ve n re ve rse hair loss.
O ne of the popular cosm e tic be ne fits of O m e ga 3 is the prom otion of sk in he alth. A he althy,
we ll-oile d scalp, for e x am ple , m e ans that the hair follicle s are ge tting the prope r nutrition.
O m e ga 3 is e spe cially be ne ficial to those whose hair loss is due to factors othe r than ge ne tic.
Eve n the n, those with a ge ne tic pre disposition to hair loss can slow down the progre ssion of
the ir Alope cia with O m e ga 3.
Furthe rm ore , O m e ga 3 prom ote s the production and action of horm one s that affe ct the
he alth, tone , she e n and inte grity of your sk in and hair.
It is also the source of the bodys natural lubricant for the scalp and big contributor to the
se bace ous gland re sponsible for fe e ding hair follicle s.
Stre ss and aging are gre at induce rs of hair loss, and O m e ga 3 re ve rse s the signs and
dam age of the se . By prom oting ge ne ral he alth, O m e ga 3 fatty acids stop the cascade of
bioche m ical re actions le ading to Alope cia.

Supplementation and Recommended Doses

Eve n though die tary source s of O m e ga 3 provide highe r blood le ve ls of the fatty acids than
supple m e nts, O m e ga 3 supple m e ntation is re com m e nde d be cause m ost pe ople ne ve r m e e t
the ir daily re quire m e nt of O m e ga 3 from food source s.
The m ost com m on O m e ga 3 supple m e nts are fish oil in liquid
and capsule dosage form s.
Ex pe rts re com m e nd 1 table spoon of fish oil or 1 2 capsule s
of fish oil daily to pre ve nt hair loss and prom ote hair re growth.
At the se dose s, O m e ga 3 e ncourage s the anage n growth
phase of hair follicle s and re duce s hair loss during the e x oge n
phase . It also re duce s sk in inflam m ation and oils dry scalps.
Since Vitam in E is a k nown fat-soluble antiox idant, conside r adding it to your daily vitam in
supple m e ntation to he lp prote ct O m e ga 3 fatty acids from de gradation through ox idation.
O m e ga 3 dose s e x ce e ding 4000m g can incre ase the risk of ble e ding.

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The re fore , those with a history of ulce rs or othe r ble e ding disorde rs, those on drugs such as
blood thinne rs and aspirins, should consult the ir physicians be fore starting O m e ga 3
supple m e ntation.

Final Note
It is im portant to note he re that if you do have a lack of O m e ga 3 fatty acids and othe r
nutrie nts, the re are going to be m uch m ore than just hair loss proble m s to de al with.
In fact, hair loss or unhe althy hair can be a sign that the re are othe r, m ore se rious he alth
proble m s going on, and you should consult a physician.
If you are e x pe rie ncing hair loss, it is im portant to se e your physician right away. The soone r
you discove r the cause and start work ing on a tre atm e nt for hair loss, the be tte r it is going to
work .
O ne such tre atm e nt could include adding m ore O m e ga 3 fatty acids and othe r vital vitam ins
and nutrie nts such as vitam in E, be ta sitoste rol, inositol and m ore , to your die t.

Next A rticle: Do Deficiencies Cause A lopecia?



A dv ecia is a natural DHT block er that has been formulated to
restore the appearance of existing hair, while decreasing the
psy chosocial impact of hair loss.

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