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Warren Harding- Harding was the president just after the completion of WWII.

While he campaigned for a return to

normalcy following the war, he saw this as economic conservatism. His cabinet caused major corruption, despite his
landslide win in the election. He was very pro-business, and anti-tax and regulations, which caused the gap between
the wealthy and poor to grow under his presidency.
Calvin Coolidge- Calvin Coolidge managed to separate himself from the ideals of Harding, allowing him to be elected.
He believed in economic growth, which helped the time he lead to be very prosperous following the corruption of
Harding. He believed in business, and that that was what America should follow through on.

Warren Harding
Era of Major Corruption
Campaigned for a Return to Normalcy
Anti-Tax & Anti-Regulations

-Economic Conservativism

High election wins


Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Prosperity in his time

Believed in potential of private market

"The Business of America is business"

Strong Public Figure

-Economic Growth
-Free Market

President during Stock Market Crash

Triumph over Poverty

Herbert Hoover- Hoover was the president that faced the worst economic era of American History, the Great
Depression. Despite the unfortunate circumstances of the economy during his presidency, Hoover won his election
in a huge landslide, and believed in the potential of the private market. He let the economy work in free market
standing, which helped him to triumph over poverty prior to the stock market crash.

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