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October 8, 2015

8 Park Ave
Baltimore, MD 21201
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Mayor of Baltimore
250 City Hall, 100 N.Holliday St
Baltimore, MD 21202
Dear Mayor Rawlings-Blake:
We here at Drinkberry aim to create a fun and safe atmosphere for adults to gather and enjoy a
unique social experience. We are the first company in the United States to patent our now famous
Drinkberry alcoholic frozen yoghurt. We have opened stores in New York City, Chicago, Los
Angeles, and Miami, all of which are creating jobs and stimulating the local economy while
providing an entertaining venue for adults to gather.
We are thrilled to bring our service to Baltimore and open our fifth location in your beautiful and
historic city. We have long admired the diversity and rich culture of Baltimore City and are
excited to become part its hip and innovative atmosphere. We hope that our store will add
commmunity jobs and act as a source of joy and excitement for a city and its citizens in recovery
from the recent riots. Our opening date is November 10th, 2015 and we would be honored if you
would be present! Your presence would invigorate the community and encourage the adults of
Baltimore to find and let out the child inside in a welcoming and safe social atmosphere. We
hope to see you there!
Respectfully yours,
Emma Felter and Onjen Nisevic, Drinkberry founders

Ognjen Nisevic, Emma Felter

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