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Student Teacher: Mary White

Lesson Date:

Grade Level: 1st grade

Name of Lesson: Places we can go

"If we are to reach real peace in the world,

we shall have to begin with the children." Gandhi
Common Core Standards:
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply
some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or
information presented orally or through other media.
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to
clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of
their central message or lesson.
Student Learning Objective:

to go.

will understand the message of the book.

discuss the concept of traveling places.
complete an activity to pinpoint their goals on places they want
will create bulletin board to display their goals.


Bulletin board of balloons filled with their goals of the places

they wish to go visit someday.
o Differentiation: use worksheet as listed under Lesson

Classroom Learning Environment Focus:


Group work discussing places of where they have been

and where they may want to go
Arrange instruction with a prepared example to show
students what be expected of them.

Instructional Model/Strategy:
Model will vary depend on how you approach the reading portion. It
could be group discussion if you had students read in small groups.
Small groups may be effective for students that are shy reading in front
of larger groups.
Students will also work together in order to create the bulletin board of
all the places that they may go one day. Students seem to often be
excited when it comes displaying their work for their peers to see. It will
get all students engaged in the learning process.

Oh, the Places Youll Go! By Dr. Seuss

Colorful construction paper

The following is a link to a YouTube video of the book being used for this
lesson done using American Sign Language that can be used for
students that are hard of hearing:
Before reading Oh, the Places Youll Go! aloud to the class, ask students to
make predictions about what the book is about based on the cover. Have
they seen the character on the cover in other Dr. Seuss books? What do
they think of the color scheme?
Lesson Development:
1) Ask students which places theyve been to and which places
they want to go to. What makes a destination likable or
unlikable? Which books have they read with settings, realistic
or imaginary, that theyd like to visit? Can you travel while
reading? Why or why not?
2) Read the book with the class
a. Differentiation: Have students read independently, read
in small groups, read aloud, and shared reading.
3) Discuss the different color schemes that Dr. Seuss used in Oh,
the Places Youll Go! to evoke the good times and the bad. How
did the author use color to suggest mood? Have students seen

this technique used in other picture books or artwork?

4) Create an Oh, the Places Youll Go! bulletin board.
5) Have students cut balloon shapes out of construction paper
and on their balloons draw pictures of what they want to be or
where they want to go when they grow up.
a. Differntiation: use the worksheet at this website
6) Optional: Invite parents or members of the community to your
classroom to talk about their careers and the ups and downs they
experienced on the path to where they are today.
Bulletin board YouTube used with ScreenOmatic (in the case of teachers
Powtoon for discussion questions:
After the bulletin board is complete, students can be put in groups of 2
or 3. Students can share on behalf of another students (like an
introduction). They will introduce each other and share where another
student hopes to go one day.
This lesson will start to get the ball rolling on the possibilities of places
they can travel. It will show students that they arent limited on the
United States, or the state they are in, they can go beyond!
It will also show students that by learning the possibilities of travel, you
can travel physically, but also that through reading Oh the Places Youll
Go! you can travel through books as well.

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