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My favorite animal is the butterfly because I love the colors and the

strength it has in its wings, although it is a fragile animal, it uses its

wings for camouflage.


favorite sport is swimming, because I can

improve my quality of life, I get strengthen in my
muscles, it helps me burn fat and tone up at the
same time.

My family
My father 's name is Rodrigo Alonso Echeverri Ceballo, he is 53 years old, he works as a
mechanic making machine, as a parent he is excellent.
My mothers name is Maria Elena Muoz Cuellar, she is 47 years old, she is a housewife
and she takes care of my two nephews: Juan Pablo, he is 8 years old and Simon, he is 4
years old.
My sisters name is Madelyn Andrea Echeverri, she is 29 years old, she works as a
consultant in the company CLARO, she is the mother of two nephews aforementioned.

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