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1. Socialising
1. The Impact of Culture on Business
2. Telephoning
2. Telephoning across cultures
3. Presentations
3. Planning and preparation
4. Image, impact and making impression
5. The presentation
6. The end of the presentation
4. Meetings
7. Preparation for meetings
8. Participating in meetings
9. Ending the meeting
5. Negotiations
10. Know what you want
11. Getting what you can
12. Not getting what you dont want
6. Management
13. What is management?
14. Types of managers
15. The management process
16. Management level and skills
7. Companies and organisations
17. Company structure
18. The external environment of organisations
8. Production and products
19. Just-in-time production
20. Products and brands
9. Marketing, advertising, promotion
21. The centrality of marketing
22. How companies advertise
23. The four major promotional tool
10. Market structure and competition
24. Market leaders, challengers and followers
25.Takeovers, mergers and buyouts
26. Profits and social responsibility
11. Money and finance

27. A history of money what makes the world goes round

28. The profits of labour
29. Accounting and financial statements
30. Exchange Rates
12. Banking and taxation
31. Types of banks
32. Opening an account and means of payment
33. Banking Key words and sentences
34. Taxation and how to avoid it
13. Stock market
35. Stocks and shares
36. Bonds
37. Futures, options and swaps
Cheia exerciiilor

Verbe modale I form i utilizare; Exerciii

Verbe modale II form i utilizare; Exerciii
Infinitivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Formele n Ing utilizare; Exerciii
Verbe care primesc infinitive sau forma n Ing; Exerciii
Verbe complexe form i utilizare; Exerciii
Vorbirea indirect form i utilizare; Exerciii
Prepoziii, Conjuncii form i utilizare; Exerciii
Substantivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Articolul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Adjectivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Pronumele form i utilizare; Exerciii
Adverbul form i utilizare; Exerciii


Cotton, David Keys to management, Longman, 1996

Cotton, David; Robbins, Sue Business Class, Nelson English
Language Teaching, London, 1993
MacKenzie, Ian English for Business Studies, Cambridge
University Press, 2001
Sweeney, Simon English for Business Communication,
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Chiriacescu, Adriana; Murean, Laura; Barghiel, Virginia;
Hollinger, Alexander Coresponden de afaceri n limbile
romn i englez, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1995
Geoghegan, C.G.; Geoghegan, J.Y. Engleza pentru negocieri,
Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000
Roland, Marie-Claude; Mast-Grand, Martha CV n limba
englez, un pas spre angajare, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000
Dayan, A.; Lindsay, W.H.; Janakiewicz, A.; Marcheteau, M.
Engleza pentru marketing i publicitate, Editura Teora, Bucureti,
Banta, Andrei; Poreanu, Rodica Limba englez pentru tiin i
tehnic, Editura Niculescu, Bucureti, 1995
Laun, Flavia E. Birotics and Telecommunication Explanatory
Dictionary, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1996
Mnil, D.; Popa, C.; Popa, D.; Popescu, I.M.; Vlad, V.I. Mic
dicionar poliglot de fizic, tehnic i matematic, Editura Acora
Press, Bucureti, 1995
Le Divenach, loi Engleza n pres, Editura Teora, Bucureti,
Marcheteau, Michel Berman, Jean-Pierre Savio, Michel,
Engleza comercial n 40 de lecii, Editura Niculescu, Bucureti,

1. Socialising

The following text is about cultural diversity. Read it through once
and decide which of the three statements (A, B or C) given below the
extract offers the most accurate summary.
1. The Impact of Culture on Business
Take a look at the new breed of international managers,
educated according to the most modern management philosophies.
They all know that in the SBU, TQM should reign, with products
delivered JIT, where CFTs distribute products while subject to MBO.
(SBU = strategic business unit, TQM = total quality management, JIT
= just-in-time, CFT = customer first team, MBO = management by
But just how universal are these management solutions? Are
these truths about what effective management really is, truths that
can be applied anywhere, under any circumstances?
Even with experienced international companies, many wellintended universal applications of management theory have turned
out badly. For example, pay-for-performance has in many instances
been a failure on the African continent because there are particular,
though unspoken, rules about the sequence and timing of reward and
promotions. Similarly, management by objectives schemes have
generally failed within subsidiaries of multinationals in southern
Europe, because managers have not wanted to conform to the abstract
nature of preconceived policy guidelines.
Even the notion of human-resource management is difficult to
translate to other cultures, coming as it does from a typically AngloSaxon doctrine. It borrows from economics the idea that human
beings are resources like physical and monetary resources. It tends to

assume almost unlimited capacities for individual development. In

countries without these beliefs, this concept is hard to grasp and
unpopular once it is understood. International managers have it tough.
They must operate on a number of different premises at any one time.
These premises arise from their culture of origin, the culture in which
they are working, and the culture of the organization which employs
In every culture in the world such phenomena as authority,
bureaucracy, creativity, good fellowship, verification and
accountability are experienced in different ways. That we use the same
words to describe them tends to make us unaware that our cultural
biases and our accustomed conduct may not be appropriate, or shared.
SBU = strategic business unit = unitate comercial, economic
TQM = total quality management = managementul total al calitii
JIT = just-in-time = livrare exact la momentul potrivit
CFT = customer first team =
MBO = management by objectives = managementul pe obiective
pay-for-performance = plat pentru munca depus
human-resource management = managementul resurselor umane
at any one time = n fiecare moment
premises = premise, locaii
grasp = a pricepe, a nelege (n text)
accountability = rspundere
bias = tendin, orientare
A. There are certain popular universal truths about management
which can successfully be applied in various cultural contexts.
B. Cultures are so varied and so different throughout the world that
management has to take account of differences rather than simply
assume similarities.
C. Effective management of human resources is the key to everyone
achieving their full potential.

Language Checklist
Cultural diversity and socializing

Welcoming visitors
Welcome to
My names
Hello. My names from
Ive an appointment to see
Sorry Im a little late / early.
My plane was delayed
Introducing someone
This is He/shes my Personal Assistant.
Can I introduce you to He/shes our (Project Manager).
Id like to introduce you to
Meeting someone and small talk
Pleased to meet you.
Its a pleasure.
How was your trip? Did you have a good flight / trip / journey?
How are things in (London)?
How long are you staying in (New York)?
I hope you like it.
Is your hotel comfortable/
Is this your first visit to (the Big Apple)?
Offering assistance
Can I get you anything?
Do you need anything?
Would you like a drink?
If you need to use a phone or fax, please say.
Can we do anything for you?
Do you need a hotel / a taxi / any travel information / etc.?
Asking for assistance
There is one thing I need
Could you get me
Could you book me a car / taxi / hotel / ?
Could you help me arrange a flight to?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Id like to book a room for tomorrow night.

Can you recommend a hotel?

Skills Checklist
Cultural diversity and socializing
Before meeting business partners and fellow professionals from other
countries, you could find out about their country:
The actual political situation
Cultural and regional differences
The role of women in business and in society as a whole
Transport and telecommunications systems
The economy
The main companies
The main exports and imports
The market for the industrial sector which interests you
You might also want to find out:
Which topics are safe for small talk
Which topics are best avoided
If you are going to visit another country, find out about:
The conversations regarding socializing
Attitudes towards foreigners
Attitudes towards gifts
The extent to which public, business and private lives are mixed
or kept separate
Conventions regarding food and drink.
You might also like to find out about:
The weather at the relevant time of the year
Public holidays
The conventions regarding working hours
Leisure interests

Body language

Practice 1
Make a dialogue based on the following flow chart. If you need
help, look at the Language Checklist


Introduce yourself
Say you have an appointment
with Sandra Bates.

Welcome visitor.
Explain that SB will be
along shortly.
Offer a drink / refreshments.

Decline ask if you can

use a phone.
Say yes / Offer fax as well.
Decline you only need
the phone.
Show visitor to the phone.
Thank him/her.
(a few minutes later)
Thank assistant.
Reply offer any other help.
Ask how far it is to station.
Two miles ten minutes
by taxi.
Offer to book one.
Accept offer suggest a time.
Promise to do that say that
SB is free now.
Offer to take him/her to SBs


About small talk

If you ask a question you should comment on the answer or ask a
supplementary question.
Exercise 1 First words
Often the first words are the most difficult. Below are some
suggestions for breaking the ice. Which of the sentences could be
said by a visitor, and which by the person receiving the visitor?
a. Sorry, Im a little early. I hope it is not inconvenient.
b. Is the weather the same in your country?
c. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was rather tied up just now.
d. Im pleased to be here, after a trip like that!
e. Is this your first visit? What do you think of the city?
f. People are very helpful here. On my way to meet you
g. Isnt it cold today?
h. You found us without too much difficulty, then?
i. Its good of you to spare the time.
j. Its kind of you to come all this way.
k. I like your offices. Have you been here long?
l. Did you have a good trip?
m. Would you like a cup of coffee?
Exercise 2 Ending the small talk
If the small talk continues too long, you may want to change the
subject to business matters. Here are some ways of doing it.
A. With someone you know well:
Lets get down to business. Or lets get started.
B. With someone you dont know well:
Perhaps we could talk about the subject of our meeting.
Perhaps we could talk about the reason Im here.
Which expressions would you use in the following situations?
a. On a sales visit to a potential customer.
b. At a weekly planning meeting with colleagues.
c. At your first meeting with the new group auditors.
d. At a meeting to obtain finance from a bank.

e. Before making a speech at an office party.

2. Telephoning


2. Telephoning across cultures

Many people are not very confident about using the telephone
in English. However, good preparation can make telephoning much
easier and more effective. Then, once the call begins, speak slowly
and clearly and use simple language.
Check that you understand what has been said. Repeat the
most important information, look for confirmation. Ask for repetition
if you think it is necessary.
Remember too that different cultures have different ways of
using language. Some speak in a very literal way so it is always quite
clear what they mean. Others are more indirect, using hints,
suggestions and understatement (for example not very good results =
absolutely disastrous) to put over their message. North America,
Scandinavia, Germany and France are explicit countries, while the
British have a reputation for not making clear exactly what they mean.
One reason for this seems to be that the British use language in a more
abstract way than most Americans and continental Europeans. In
Britain there are also conventions of politeness and a tendency to
avoid showing ones true feelings. For example if a Dutchman says an
idea is interesting he means that it is interesting. If an Englishman
says that an idea is interesting you have to deduce from the way he
says it whether he means it is a good idea or a bad idea.
Meanwhile, for a similar reason Japanese, Russian and Arabs
subtle countries sometimes seem vague and devious to the
British. If they say an idea is interesting it may be out of politeness.
The opposite of this is that plain speakers can seem rude and
dominating to subtle speakers, as Americans can sound to the British
or the British to the Japanese.

The British have the tendency to engage in small talk at the

beginning and end of a telephone conversation. Questions about the
weather, health, business in general and what one has been doing
recently are all part of telephoning, laying a foundation for the true
purpose of the call. At the end of the call there may well be various
pleasantries, Nice talking to you, Say hello to the family (if you have
met them) and Looking forward to seeing you again soon. A sharp,
brief style of talking on the phone may appear unfriendly to a British
partner. Not all nationalities are as keen on small talk as the British!
Being aware of these differences can help in understanding
people with different cultural traditions. The difficulty on the
telephone is that you cannot see the body language to help you.
Choose the closest definition of the following words from the text.
1. literal
a. direct and clear b. full of literary style c. abstract and
2. understatement
a. kind words
b. less strong way of talking
c. clever
3. deduce
a. reduce b. work out
c. disagree
4. vague
a. unclear b. unfriendly c. insincere
5. devious
a. rude
b. dishonest
c. clever
6. pleasantries
a. question b. request
c. polite remarks

Language Checklist
Telephoning (1)
Introducing yourself
Good morning, Aristo.
Hello, this is from
Hello, my names calling from

Saying who you want

Id like to speak to please.
Could I have the Department, please?
Is there, please?
Saying someone is not available
Im sorry he/shes not available
Sorry, he/shes away / not in / in a meeting / in Milan.
Leaving and taking messages
Could you give him/her a message?
Can I leave him/her a message?
Please tell him/her
Please ask him/her to ring me on
Can I take a message?
If you give me your number Ill ask him/her to call you later.
Offering to help in other ways
Can anyone else help you?
Can I help you perhaps?
Would you like to speak to his assistant?
Shall I ask him to call you back?
Asking for repetition
Sorry, I didnt catch (your name / your number / your company name )
Sorry, could you repeat your (name, number, etc.).
Sorry, I didnt hear that.
Sorry, I didnt understand that.
Could you spell (that / your name), please.
Acknowledging repetition
Okay, Ive got that now.
(Mr. Kyoto) I understand.
I see, thank you.
Skill Checklist
Telephoning: Preparation for a call
Reading background information
Desk preparation

Have the following available:

Relevant documentation / notes
Correspondence received
Computer files on screen
Pen and paper
Check time available
How much time do you need?
How much time do you have?
Who do you want to speak to?
In case of non/availability, have an alternative strategy:
Call back / be called back when?
Leave a message
Speak to someone else
Write or fax information
Do you want to:
Find out information?
Give information?
Do you need to refer to:
A previous call?
A letter, order, invoice or fax?
Someone else (who?)
An event (what? When?)
What do you expect the other person to say / ask you? how will you

Exercise 1 Making a call


A few common expressions are enough for most telephone

conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing
the following dialogue using the words listed below.


Conglomerate Group; can I help you?

Could I ------ ------- Mr. Pardee, please?
Putting you ------ .
Hello, Mr. Pardees ------ . -------- I help you?
------, can you hear me? Its a ------ line. Could you ------ up, please?
IS THAT BETTER? Whos --------, please?
(your name) from (your company).
Oh, hello. How nice to hear from you again. We
havent seen you for ages. How are you?
Fine thanks. Could you ------- me -------- to Mr.
Pardee, please?
-------- the line a moment. Ill see if hes in. Im sorry,
Im afraid hes not in the ------- at the ------ . Could
you give me your ----------, and Ill ask him to ------you ---------- ?
Im ----- 347 8621. Thats London.
Would you like to leave any -------- for him?
No thanks. Just tell him I --------- .
Certainly. Nice to hear from you again.
Ill expect him to ------- me this afternoon, then.
Youre welcome. Goodbye.
speak to



Note: If you do not hear or understand the other person, say: Im

sorry? or Im sorry, I dont understand. It is not polite to
say: Please repeat!

DATAFILE: The Telephone

This datafile gives you many of the terms and phrases commonly used
in making telephone calls.
The directory
Look up their number in the directory. (UK).
Ill look up the number in the telephone book. (US).
The number is ex-directory. (UK).
The number is unlisted. (US).
Ill ring Directory Enquiries. (UK).
Ill ring information. (US).
The receiver
Can I help you?
Putting you through.
Im afraid hes not available at the moment. (UK).
Im afraid hes tided up at the moment.
Youre welcome. Goodbye.
The line
Hes on the other line.
Would you like to hold the line?
The line is engaged. (UK).
The line is busy. (US).
The operator (in the public telephone system)
Dial 100 for the operator. (UK).
Dial 0 (zero) for the operator. (US).
Id like to make a reverse charge call. (UK).
Id like to make a collect call. (US).
Id like to make a transfer charge call. (UK).
The dial
Dial 123 for the correct time. (UK).
Listen for the dialling tone.
All lines to the country you have dialled are engaged.
Please try later. (UK).
The codebook
Im on a long distance (or international) call.
The STD code is (UK).

The area code is (US).

A message pad
Can I tell him who called?
Can I give her a message?
Let me take down your number.
If you do not understand, say Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.
Practice 1
Use the following flow chart to make a complete telephone
conversation. If you need to, refer to the Language Checklist.

Good morning, Gorliz and

Introduce yourself.
Ask to speak to Mr. Conrad Bird.
Mr. Bird is not in.
Ask when you can contact him.
Explain that he is away
offer to take a message.
You want Mr. Bird to call you.
Repeat your name.
Give your number.
Confirm the information.
End call.
End call.

Practice 2
In the following conversation, a Singaporean exporter plans to
send goods from Singapore to Greece. He wants to have a meeting
with a Greek shipping company, Intership.
Suggest suitable phrases for each step in the conversation, then
practice the dialogue with a colleague.

Caller (Computech)

Called Person (Intership)

Intership, good morning.

Introduce yourself.
Check name.
Confirm / correct.
Offer to help.
Ask for appointment
with Mr. Dionis.
Ask what its about.
Explain that you want
to discuss transport of goods
from Singapore to Athens.
Acknowledge ask when
would be a good time.
Suggest next week.
Reject Mr. Dionis is away.
Suggest beginning of next
Suggest Monday 3rd.
Reject On Monday Mr.
Dionis is busy all day.
Suggest Tuesday.
Agree. Suggest 10.00 a.m.
Agree ask for fax to
Offer to book hotel.
Agree to fax hotel booking
is not necessary.
Signal end of call.
End call / thanks / refer to
fax, etc.
End call.

Language Checklist
Telephoning (2)
Stating reason for a call
Im ringing to
Id like to
I need some information about
Making arrangements
Could we meet some time next month?
When would be a good time?
Would Thursday at 5 oclock suit you?
What about July 21st?
That would be fine.
No, sorry, I cant make it then.
Sorry Im too busy next week.
Changing arrangements
Weve an appointment for next month, but
Im afraid I cant come on that day.
Could we fix an alternative?
Confirming information
Can I check that? You said
To confirm that
Can you / can I confirm that by fax?
Ending a call
Right. I think that all.
Thanks very much for your help.
Do call if you need anything else.
I look forward to seeing you / your call / your letter / your fax / our
Goodbye and thanks.
Bye for now.


Skills Checklist
Telephoning (2)
Background information
Key information
Repetition, emphasis and confirmation
Possible confirmation by fax
Formal / informal
Cold call / new contact / established contact
In-company vs. Customer / Supplier / Outside agent
Colleague / friend / business associate / public
Company image
Structure of a call
Introduce yourself
Get who you want
Small talk
State problem / reason for call
Ask questions
Get / give information
Confirm information
Signal end
Thank other person
Small talk

Refer to next contact

Close call
Check that theres nothing else to say
Exercise 2 Changing arrangements
It is not always possible to follow your original plans. You, or your
contact, may want to change an appointment.
Language input

To apologize, say: Im afraid that .

Im sorry but
To suggest another time, say: Could I suggest ?
What about ?
Perhaps ?
Below is the schedule for your week in Sydney, Australia. Just before
you leave for Sydney you receive various telephone calls from the
people you are going to visit. They want to change their appointments.
But you do not want to change the order in which you visit them. First
apologize for not managing the day they suggest, then suggest a
different time on the original day. Here you have their calls:
Hello? Mr. Rossi? This is the Australian Chemical Bank. Im Mr.
Whitles secretary. I understand you have an appointment for 10 a.m.
on Tuesday 13th. Im afraid that Mr. Whitley is rather tied up them.
Could I suggest Monday instead?
Yes, Im sure that will be OK.
Hello, Mr. Rossi? Tim Brown, your agent. Small problem. Our
meeting for Friday is all right, but Monday afternoon is likely to be
difficult; someone is coming to see us who might be a useful outlet for
some of your range. perhaps we could change our meeting to Tuesday
Yes, OK. Right, thats fine.


Mr. Rossi? Its Jenny Kinsella here. From B.I.G. Im sorry but my
colleagues cant all make it on Thursday afternoon. Could I suggest
we meet on Tuesday instead?
Er yes why not? OK Well, thank you very much.
Hello again, Tim Brown here again. I forgot; I have some other
customers visiting on Friday morning. How about a meeting on
Thursday sometime, if thats all right with you?
Right. Sorry to be difficult. Thanks a lot, Mr. Rossi. Bye now.
Mr. Rossi? Good morning. Im ringing for Mr. Lund of Lund and Lund
Associates. Hes very sorry, but he wont be able to manage
Wednesday afternoon. Could I suggest Friday afternoon instead?
Well, I think that should be all right. Ill give you a cal this afternoon
to confirm. Thank you. Goodbye.

Monday, 12 November
Arrive Sydney airport 8.30 a.m.
3 p.m. Tim Brown (agent) at hotel
Tuesday, 13 November
10 a.m. Mr. Whitley, Australian Chemical Bank
Wednesday, 14 November
2 p.m. Lund & Lund Associates (Mr. William Lund)
Thursday, 15 November
3 p.m.






Friday, 16 November
11 a.m. Tim Brown
flight 390, Depart Sydney 6 p.m.

Practice 3
Use the flow chart below as the basis for a telephone conversation
involving a complaint. Refer to the Language Checklist if you
need to.
Berraondo S.A.

Tao Loon Company

(Sales Office)

Introduce yourself.
Offer to help.
Explain problem.
Order HF5618 for 20 printers.
Only 17 have arrived.
Express surprise.
This is second time you have
received an incomplete delivery.
Suggest possible error in
order administration.
Agree say you need the
other three printers urgently.
Delays are costing you goodwill
unhappy customers.
Explain stock problems.
Ask for a promise of delivery
date ASAP.
Promise next Monday.
Complain you want despatch now.

Express regret not possible.

Ask for fax to confirm despatch.
Agree apologize.
End call.

Language Checklist
Telephoning (3)
Stating reason for the call
Im calling about
Unfortunately, theres a problem with
Im ringing to complain about
Explaining the problem
There seems to be
We havent received
The doesnt work.
The quality of the work is below standard.
The specifications are not in accordance with our order.
Referring to previous problems
Its not the first time weve had this problem.
This is the (third) time this has happened.
Three months ago
We had a meeting about this and you assured us that
If the problem is not resolved
Well have to reconsider our position.
Well have to renegotiate the contract.
Well contact other suppliers.
The consequences could be very serious.
Handling complaints and other problems

Asking for details

Could you tell me exactly what ?
Can you tell me ?
Whats the ?
Im sorry to hear that.
Im sorry about the problem / delay / mistake
Denying an accusation
No, I dont think that can be right.
Im sorry but I think youre mistaken.
Im afraid thats not quite right.
Im afraid that cant be true.

Skills Checklist
Telephoning (3)
If you receive a complaint:
Consider your companys reputation
Express surprise
Ask for details
Suggest action
Promise to investigate
Make reasonable suggestions, offers to help.
Consider your customer and:
Show polite understanding
Use active listening
Reassure customer.
If you make a complaint:
Prepare for the call
Be sure of the facts
Have documentation available

Decide what you require to resolve the problem at least partially

or completely.

Who is to blame?
Who is responsible?
Are you talking to the right person?
Was your order or your specifications correct?
Were you partly responsible for arrangements which went wrong, e.g.
Does responsibility actually lie elsewhere, i.e. with a third party?
If you do not get what you want:
Keep control state what you need calmly
Do you need to continue to do business with the other side?
If you do, keep a good relationship
Express disappointment not anger
Dont use threats unless you have to!

Read the text, then mark the sentences that follow as True (T)
or False (F).

In some countries, like Italy and Britain, conversation is a

form of entertainment. There is an endless flow and if you break the
flow for a second someone else will pick it up. In other countries there
is a higher value placed on listening it is not only impolite to break
in but listeners will consider what has been said in silence before
responding. Finland and Japan are examples.
If you are talking to people who are also speaking English as a
foreign language, they are likely to leave gaps and silences while they
search for words or try to make sense of what you have just said. So
be patient and try not to interrupt, as you would hope they would be
patient with you.
Every country has its own codes of etiquette. For example it is
common for Anglo-Saxons to use first names very quickly, even in a
letter of fax or telephone call. Such instant familiarity is much less
acceptable in the rest of Europe and Asia where even business partners
and colleagues of many years acquaintance address each other by the
equivalent of Mr. or Mrs. And the last name or job title.

So stick to last names unless you specifically agree to do

otherwise. Dont interpret the other persons formality as stiffness or
unfriendliness. On the other hand, if business partners with an AngloSaxon background get on to first name terms straightaway, dont be
Above all, one should remember that people do not usually
mind if their own codes are broken by foreigners as long as they sense
consideration and goodwill. This is much more important than a set of
rules of etiquette.
a. For the British and the Italians it is normal to interrupt the other
speaker during the conversation.
b. A special importance is attached to listening in Japanese and
Finnish cultures.
c. One should interrupt and try to help speakers who may have
difficulty in saying what they want to say.
d. It is unusual for Americans and British to use first names early in a
business relationship.
e. It doesnt matter if you break certain social rules if it is clear that
you are sensitive to other people.
f. Etiquette is the critical point in telephoning between different

3. Presentations
3. Planning and preparation
Language Checklist
Structure (1) The introduction to a presentation
Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
(Ladies and) Gentlemen
I plan to say a few words about
Im going to talk about
The subject of my talk is

The theme of my presentation is

Id like to give you an overview of
Ive divided my talk into (three) parts.
My talk will be in (three) part.
Im going to divide
In the first part
Then in the second part
My talk will take about ten minutes.
The presentation will take about two hours but therell be a twentyminute break in the middle. Well stop for lunch at 12 oclock.
Policy on questions / discussion
Please interrupt if you have any question.
After my talk therell be time for a discussion and any questions.
Skills Checklist
Effective presentations planning and preparation
Technical knowledge
Questions and / or discussion
Speakers competence
Presentation technique
What to include
Length / depth (technical details)

Number of key ideas

beginning, middle, end
Repetition, summarizing
Formal / informal
Enthusiasm / confidence
Variety / speed
Body language
Eye contact
Gesture / movement
Visual aids
Type / design / clarity
Tape recorder
Script or notes
Size / seating
Equipment (does it work?)
Sound quality
Simple / clear
Sentence length
Structure signals

Practice 1
Look at the following situations.
A medical congress in Tokyo with papers
on new techniques in open heart surgery.
The Purchasing and Product Manager of
a Taiwanese company interested in buying
some production equipment from your company.
An internal meeting of administrative
staff to discuss a new accounting procedure.
A staff meeting to discuss a charity event for
earthquake victims.
Imagine you have to give a brief presentation in two of the above
situations. Make brief notes on the following:
a. Will your talk be formal or informal?
b. What are the audiences expectations in terms of technical detail,
expertise, etc.?
c. What is the audiences probable level of specialist knowledge?
Are they experts or non-experts?
d. How long will your talk be: five minutes, twenty minutes, half an
hour, or longer?
e. What is your policy on questions? Will the audience interrupt or
will they ask questions afterwards? Will there be any discussion?
f. How will you help the audience to remember what you tell them?
Practice 2
In any presentation the beginning is crucial. Certainly some things
are essential in an introduction and others are useful. Here is a list
of what could be included in an introduction. Mark them
according to how necessary they are using the following scale:


Not necessary

Subject / title of talk.

Introduction to oneself, job title, etc.
Reference to questions and / or discussion.
Reference to the programme for the day.
Reference to how long you are going to speak for.
Reference to the visual aids you plan to use.
The scope of your talk: what is and is not included.
An outline of the structure of your talk.
A summary of the conclusions.
Read the text below and find:
a. eight advantages of using visual aids
b. three warnings about using visual aids
4. Image, impact and making an impression
Dinckel and Parnham (1985) say that The great danger (in
using visual aids) is that presenters place the major emphasis on visual
aids and relegate themselves to the minor role of narrator or
technician. You are central to the presentation. The visual aid needs
you, your interpretation, your explanation, your conviction and your
Visual aids can make information more memorable and they
help the speaker. However, they must literally support what the
speaker says and not simply replace the spoken information. It is also
not enough to just read the text from a visual aid.
There are many advantages to the correct use of visual aids.
They can show information which is not easily expressed in words or
they can highlight information. They cause the audience to employ
another sense to receive information, they bring variety and therefore
increase the audiences attention. They save time and they clarify
complex information.
Relegate = a retrograda, a degrada
Language Checklist

Using visuals
Types of visual support
Visual: film / video / picture / diagram / chart / pie chart / plan / map
Table graph
x axis / horizontal axis
y axis / vertical axis
left hand / right hand axis
Line graph
solid line
dotted line
broken line
(slide) projector
slides (B.E.)
diapositives (Am.E.)
overhead projector (OHP)
transparency (B.E.)
slide (Am.E.)
flip chart
metaplan board
Introducing a visual
Id like to show you
Have a look at this
This (graph) shows / represents
Here we can see
Lets look at this
Here you see the trend in
This compares x with y
Lets compare the
Here you see a comparison between

Pie chart = diagram circular (rotund, plcint)


Flow chart = schema procesului tehnologic / organigram

Diagram = diagram
Bar graph = diagram cu bare
Table graph = grafic stil tabel
Line graph = grafic cu linii
overhead projector = proiector
transparency / slide = slide-uri
(slide) projector = dia-proiector
slides / diapositives = diapozitive
flip chart = panou cu foi de hrtie detaabile
whiteboard = panou alb din material sintetic
Describing the speed of change
A dramatic
A marked
A significant
A slight

increase / fall

To increase / fall


Describing trends
To go up
To increase
an increase
To rise
a rise
To climb
a climb
To improve
an improvement
To recover
a recovery
To get better
an upturn
To level out
a leveling out
To stabilize
To stay the same
To reach a peak
a peak
To reach a maximum
To peak
To undulate
an undulation
To fluctuate
a fluctuation

To go down
To decrease
To fall
To decline
To deteriorate
To get worse

a decrease
a fall
a decline
a deterioration
a downturn

To reach a low point

To hit bottom
a trough


Skills Checklist
Using visual supports
Visual must be:
well prepared
well chosen
Available media
Use media which suit the room and audience size.
Overhead projector (OHP)
- Transparencies / OHTs / slides (Am.E.)
Slide projector
- Slides / diapositives (Am.E.)
Video / computer graphics / flip chart / whiteboard
Use of visual aids
Combination of OHP and flip chart with pens often good.
First visual should give the title of talk.
Second show structure of talk main headings.
Keep text to minimum never just read text from visuals.
Do not use too many visuals guide is one per minute.
Use pauses give audience time to comprehend picture.
Never show a visual until you want to talk about it.
Remove visual once finished talking about it.
Switch off equipment not in use.
Use of colour
For slides, white writing on blue / green is good. Use different colours
if colour improves clarity of message (e.g. pie charts.).
Use appropriate colour combination: yellow and pink are weak
colours on white backgrounds.
Use of room and machinery
Check equipment in advance.
Check organization of room, equipment, seating, microphones, etc.
Use a pointer on the screen (not your hand).
Have a good supply of pens.
Check order of your slides / OHTs, etc.

You in relation to your audience

Decide appropriate level of formality, dress accordingly.
Keep eye contact at least 80% of the time.
Use available space.
Move around, unless restricted by a podium.
Use gesture.

Practice 3
Draw a line graph for use in a presentation. Choose any situation
or subject, real or imagined. If possible draw the picture on an
overhead transparency.
Then present the graph as you would in a presentation. Your
description should last no more than one minute.
If possible, construct a graph that makes comparisons possible.
Use solid, dotted or broken lines (or colours) to make the picture
5. The presentation
Read the following passage and identify at least six
recommendations about speaking technique which can help to
make the message in a presentation clear.
Youre lost if you lose your audience
Clear objectives, clear plan, clear signals: the secrets of
presentation success.
Any presentation requires a clear strategy or plan to help you
reach your objectives. The aim is not to pass away twenty minutes
talking non-stop and showing a lot of nice pictures. It is to convey a

message that is worth hearing to an audience who want to hear it.

However, how many speakers really hold an audiences attention?
What is the secret for those who do? First, find out about the audience
and what they need to know. Plan what youre going to say and say it
clearly and concisely.
A good speaker uses various signals to help hold the
audiences attention and make the information clear. One type of
signal is to introduce a list with a phrase like There are three things
we have to consider. The speaker then says what the three things are
and talks about each one at the required level of detail. For example:
There are three types of price that we have to think about: economic
price, market price and psychological price. Lets look at each of
these in more detail. First, economic price. This is based on
production costs and the need to make a profit and the speaker goes
on to describe this type of price. After that, he goes on to talk about
the market price and so on.
Another signaling technique is to give a link between parts of
the presentation. Say where one part of the talk finishes and another
starts. For example, a well organized presentation usually contains
different parts and progression from one part to the next must be clear,
with phrases like Thats all I want to say about the development of the
product. Now lets turn to the actual marketing plan. This technique is
very helpful to the audience, including those who are mainly
interested in one part only.
Another type of signaling is sequencing of information. This
usually follows a logical order, perhaps based on time. So a project
may be described in terms of the background, the present situation and
the future. Key words in sequencing information are first, then, next,
after that, later, at the end, finally, etc.
Still another technique which helps to emphasize key points is
careful repetition. Examples are As Ive already said, there is no
alternative but to increase production by 100 per cent or Id like to
emphasize the main benefit of the new design it achieves twice as
much power with half as much fuel.
A final point concerns timing and quantity of information.
Psychologists have suggested that concentration is reduced after about
twenty minutes without a break or a change in activity. Furthermore,
audiences should not be overburdened with technical details or given
too many facts to remember. It is claimed that to ask people to
remember more than three things in a five-minute talk is too much.

Some say that seven is the maximum number of any length of

presentation. Any such calculations are probably not very reliable, but
every speaker needs to think about exactly how much information of a
particular type a specific audience is likely to absorb and to plan
Read the following text and identify the following:
a. the relationship between the main body of the presentation and the
b. a recommendation on one way to divide the main body of the talk.
The main body of the presentation contains the details of the
subject or themes described in the introduction. All the above
techniques are especially useful in making the main body easily
understood. They help the audience to follow the information and to
remember it.
They also help the speaker to keep to the planned structure
and to know exactly what stage has been reached at all times during
the presentation. Clear structure doesnt just help the audience! In
many presentations the main body can be usefully divided into
different parts. The main parts, each with a main heading, are referred
to in the Introduction. Clearly there are many ways to divide the main
body of presentation and often different parts will themselves be
divided into smaller sections of information:

Main body of information

First part

Second part

Third part

Practice 4
The information below is part of a Product Managers notes for a
presentation on an advertising mix for a new range of beauty
products, with the brand name Cheri. He is talking to a marketing
team set up to promote the new range. Use the notes to give a
presentation of about 5 minutes using listing, linking and
sequencing where necessary.

Advertising mix for Cheri beauty products

Above-the-line advertising
television commercials
newspaper advertising
youth magazines
womens magazines

Below-the-line advertising

free samples

joint promotions

Begin as follow:
Good morning, everyone. Id like to talk about the advertising mix
for the new Cheri range of beauty products. We are planning two
categories of advertising, above-the-line and below-the-line. Ill talk
first about
Merchandising: Any direct efforts to encourage sales of a product,
increase consumer awareness, etc.
Above-the-line advertising: Mass media advertising, such as
television, radio and newspaper.
Below-the-line advertising: Forms of advertising at the point of sale or
directly on the product, such as packaging, shop displays, etc.
Language Checklist
Structure (2) The main body
Signaling different parts in a presentation:
Ending the introduction
So that concludes the introduction.
Thats all for the introduction.
Beginning the main body
Now lets move to the first part of my talk, which is about
So, first To begin with

There are three things to consider. First Second Third
There are two kinds of The first is The second is
We can see four advantages and two disadvantages. First, advantages.
One is Another is A third advantage is Finally
On the other hand, the two disadvantages.
First Second
Linking: Beginning a new part
Lets move to (the next part which is)
So now we come to
Now I want to describe
There are (seven) different stages to the process
First / then / next / after that / then (x) / after x theres y, last
There are two steps involved.
The first step is The second step is
There are four stages to project.
At the beginning, later, then, finally
Ill describe the development of the idea.
First the background, then the present situation, and then the prospects
for the future.
Skills Checklist
Structure (2) The main body
Organization of presentation
Logical progression of ideas and/or parts of presentation.
Clear development.
Sequential description of processes.
Chronological order of events, i.e. background -- present -- future
Main parts










Internal structure of the main body of a complex presentation

Signaling the structure
Use listing techniques.
Link different parts.
Use sequencing language.
Signaling the structure
Makes the organization of the talk clear
Helps the audience to follow
Helps you to follow the development of your talk.

6.The end of the presentation

Read the following text and identify:
a. a potential problem at the end of a presentation.
b. three ways to avoid the problem.
Open for questions: The silent disaster
A nightmare scenario is as follows: the speaker finishes his
talk with the words Any questions? This is met by total silence. Not
a word. Then an embarrassed shuffling, a cough how can this be
avoided? A possible answer is that if the presentation has been good

and the audience is clearly interested, someone will have something to

Another way to avoid the nightmare of utter silence is to end
with an instruction to the audience. This should ensure immediate
audience response. Giving an instruction is often useful in sales
presentations and where the audience has special requirements.
A sales presentation
After talking about his or her products or services, the speaker
wants the audience to explain their needs and says:
Okay Ive told you about the ways Snappo can help
companies like yours. Now for us to do that, we need to know more
about the way you work. For example, tell me about your particular
situation, tell me what in particular may interest you .
This places a responsibility on the audience to respond
unless of course they have a completely negative view of both the
presenter and the message! Assuming they are well-disposed towards
the potential supplier, it is probably in their interests to offer some
information and begin discussion.
A training manager
Speaking to an audience of Department Managers, vicepresidents, or potential trainees, the Training Manager has outlined
recommendations and explained what is available. He/she can end
Right! Ive told you what we can offer. Now tell me what are
your impressions, what are your priorities and what else do you need
to know now?'
Another option is for the speaker to have a question prepared.
Ask something which you know the audience will have to answer.
This often breaks the ice and starts discussion. It may be possible to
single out an individual who is most likely to have a question to ask
you or a comment to make, or it may be apparent from earlier contact
perhaps during the reception or coffee break, that a particular
individual has something to say or to ask.


Handling questions is thought by many speakers to be the

most difficult part of a presentation. Why do you think this is?
Here you have a list of the pieces of advice you need in
handling questions:

Be polite.
Check understanding if necessary by paraphrasing.
Listen very carefully.
Dont say anything youll regret later.
Ask for repetition or clarification.
Agree partially before giving own opinions: Yes, but
Keep calm.
Tell the truth (most of the time!)
Practice 5
Imagine that you have given a talk on Marketing in Japan at a
conference on business trends. What would you say in these
situations? If you need to, refer to the Language Checklist.
1. At the end of your presentation, move to comments / discussion /
2. A member of the audience suggests that you said that many small
retail outlets, small shops, had actually closed down in recent
years. In fact, you said this process has been going on for a long
time. Politely correct the other person.
3. Ask the audience for comments on why this has happened.
4. Agree with someones suggestions, but suggest other factors. One
is the increasing number of take-overs of smaller companies.
5. A member of the audience says the following: I understand
that a report showed that 700 new drinks came out in Japan in
1990 and one year later 90 % had failed. Thats a pretty amazing
figure Paraphrasing this, ask if in the USA or Europe that could
not happen.
6. Someone suggests that in Japan there has always been an
emphasis on quality and on products. In the West market research
has been more developed. Agree, but say the situation is changing.
7. A speaker says something you dont understand. What do you


Language Checklist
The end of presentation
Ending the main body of the presentation
Right, that ends (the third part of) my talk.
Thats all I want to say for now on
Beginning the summary and/or conclusion
Id like to end by emphasizing the main point(s).
Id like to finish with
A summary of the main points.
Some observations based on what Ive said.
Some conclusions / recommendations.
A brief conclusion.
There are two conclusions / recommendations.
What we need is
I think we have to
I think we have seen that we should
Inviting questions and/or introducing discussion
That concludes (the formal part of) my talk.
(Thanks for listening) Now Id like to invite your comments.
Now we have (half an hour) for questions and discussion.
Right. Now, any question or comments?
So, now Id be very interested to hear your comments.
Handling Questions
Understood but difficult or impossible to answer
Thats a difficult question to answer in a few words.
it could be
in my experience
I would say
I dont think Im the right person to answer that. Perhaps (Mr.
Holmes) can help

I dont have much experience in that field

Understood but irrelevant or impossible to answer in the time

Im afraid thats outside the scope of my talk / this session. If I were
you Id discuss that with
Ill have to come to that later, perhaps during the break as were short
of time.
Not understood
Sorry, Im not sure Ive understood. Could you repeat?
Are you asking if ?
Do you mean ?
I didnt catch (the last part of) your question.
If I understood you correctly, you mean ? Is that right?
Checking that your answer is sufficient
Does that answer your question?
Is that okay?
Skills Checklist
Structure (3) Ending the presentation
A summary
Restates main point(s).
Restates what the audience must understand and remember.
Contains no new information.
Is short.
A conclusion
States the logical consequences of what has been said.
Often contains recommendations.
May contain new and important information.
Is short.


Inviting questions implies that the audience is less expert than the
Beware of the nightmare scenario total silence! Have one or
two prepared questions to ask the audience.
Keep control of the meeting.

Inviting discussion gives the impression that the audience have
useful experience, so is often more diplomatic.
You still need to control the discussion.
Inviting discussion and questions
Offer the best solution.
Keep control, limit long contributions, watch the time.

Handling questions
Listen very carefully.
Ask for repetition or clarification if necessary.
Paraphrase the question to check you understand it.
Give yourself time to think perhaps by paraphrasing the
Check that the question is relevant. If not, dont answer if you
dont want to.
Refer questioner to another person if you cant answer.
Suggest youll answer a question later if you prefer.
Check that the questioner is happy with your answer: eye contact
and a pause is often sufficient.
Keep control.
Dont allow one or two people to dominate.
Be polite.
Signal when time is running out Time for one last question.
At the end, thank the audience.


Exercise 1 The new product

Read Mr. Lopez presentation and try to match the titles (used in his
rough plan) of the different parts of his presentation to the right text
Winding-up; Introducing yourself; Delivering the message;
Preparing the audience
Good morning ladies and gentlemen; we havent all met before so Id
better introduce myself. Im Luis Lopez from the development
department of Citrus Incorporated I should say before we start that I
hope youll excuse my English. Im a little out of practice
Anyway, Im going to be talking this morning about a new product
which we are planning to launch in two months time; its called
KOOL-OUT, thats K-O-O-L dash O-U-T, and its a lemon-flavoured
Well, Ill start with the background to the product launch; and then
move on to a description of the product itself, Im going to list some of
the main selling points that we should emphasize in the advertising
and sales campaign. I think if you dont mind, well leave questions to
the end
Now firstly, as you all know, we had a gap in our soft-drink product
range for the last two years; we have been manufacturing mixed-fruit
drinks and orange drinks for the last ten years, but we stopped
producing lemonade two years ago; I think we all agreed that there
was room on the market for a completely new lemon-flavoured drink
Secondly, the market research indicated that more and more
consumers are using soft drinks as mixers with alcohol, so in other
words, the market itself has expanded.
This brings me to my next point which is that we have rather new
customer-profile in mind; I must emphasize that this product is aimed
at the young-professional, high-income, market and not the traditional
consumer of old-fashioned lemonade. At this point we must consider
the importance of packaging and design, and if you look at the video
in a moment, youll see that we have completely re-vamped the
container itself as well as the label and slogan
Now to digress for just a moment, the more sophisticated packaging
means a high unit cost, and this may be a problem in the selling area,
but well have a chance to discuss that aspect later so to go back
to my earlier point, this is a totally new concept as far as Citrus

Incorporated are concerned; as you see we are using both the new-size
glass bottle and the miniature metal cans.
Finally, lets look at the major attractions of the product. In spite of
the higher price it will compete well with existing brands; the design
is more modern than any of the current rival products, and incidentally
the flavour is more realistic and natural its low calorie, too.
O.K., so just before closing, Id like to summarize my main points
again We have KOOL-OUT, a new design concept, aimed at a
relatively new age and income group; its designed to be consumed on
its own, as a soft drink, or to be used as a mixer in alcohol-based
drinks and cocktails. It comes in both bottle and can and this will
mean a slightly higher price than we are used to; but the improved
flavour and the package design should give us a real advantage in
todays market well, thats all I have today for the moment, thank
you for listening, now if there are any questions, Ill be happy to
answer them

Exercise 2 The product presentation

Use the phrases written below to construct a similar presentation to be
given to a client.
a. Now, to change the subject for a moment
b. Before I finish, Id like to run through the main points again
c. Ill begin by describing ---------, and then go on to ---------, and
Ill end with -------- .
d. In conclusion
e. I want to stress
f. Good afternoon.
g. That brings me to the end of my presentation.
h. Id like to talk about
i. To return to the point I made earlier
j. First, let me introduce myself; Im ------- from ---------- .
k. Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.
l. Thank you for your attention.
m. First of all Next
n. Please excuse my rather poor English!
o. Id like now to turn to

p. If you have any questions, Ill be glad to answer them.

q. At this point we have to bear in mind
Exercise 3 Can I interrupt here?
While you were speaking your colleague, or your customer may
interrupt to make a point. You will have to deal with it! Look at the
interruptions listed below and some possible replies. Match the reply
to the interruption.
a. You havent mentioned the price yet!
b. Your product is more expensive than your competitors!
c. Id like the exact specifications, please!
d. I still dont understand the difference between the de-luxe and
economy models!
e. Your new model seems much heavier than the old one!

1. I take your point but have you taken into account the improved
2. Ill be coming to that in a moment.
3. Youre right, but on the other hand our product has a number of
unique design features.
4. Our technical department will be able to give you an answer on
5. Let me clarify that for you.
Exercise 4 Anticipating questions
It is a very good policy to try to anticipate questions or problems and
to deal with them before your audience raises them. Here are some
examples of how you can anticipate.
I can hear you say: why is this so costly?
I wonder why its so expensive?
Now, you may well ask, what does the mean by up-market?

Whats up-market?
You will have noticed that I havent given any figures.
Wheres the statistical data?
An obvious problem at this stage is the choice of colours.
Does it only come in black?
How would you anticipate the following questions? Example: Why is
it so heavy? An obvious problem is the weight.

Why is the delivery period so long?

Whats top quality specification?
Do the accessories have to be so expensive?
Why doesnt he mention the price?
Can he prove what he says with figures?

4. Meetings
7. Preparation for the meeting
Language Checklist
Chairing and leading discussion
Opening the meeting
Thank you for coming
(Its ten oclock). Lets start
Weve received apologies from
Any comments on our previous meeting?
Introducing the agenda
Youve all seen the agenda
On the agenda, youll see there are three items.
There is one main item to discuss
Stating objectives
Were here today to hear about plans for

Our objective is to discuss different ideas

What we want to do today is to reach a decision
Introducing discussion
The background to the problem is
This issue is about
The point we have to understand is
Calling on a speaker
Id like to ask Mary to tell us about
Can we hear from Mr. Passas on this?
I know that youve prepared a statement on your Departments
Controlling the meeting
Sorry Hans, can we let Magda finish?
Er, Henry, we cant talk about that.
So, what youre saying is
Can I summarise that? You mean
So, the main point is
Moving the discussion on
Can we go to think about
Lets move on to the next point.
Closing the meeting
I think weve covered everything.
So, weve decided
I think we can close the meeting now.
Thats it. The next meeting will be
Skills Checklist
Preparation for meetings
Decide objectives.
What type of meeting (formal or informal, short or long, regular
or a one off, internal / external information giving / discussion /
decision making)?

Is a social element required?

Prepare an agenda.
Decide time / place / participants / who must attend and who can
be notified of decisions.
Study subjects for discussion.
Anticipate different opinions.
Speak to participants.

Obtain agenda and list of participants.
Inform participants and check:
Room, equipment, paper, materials.
Refreshments, meals, accommodation, travel.
Study subjects on agenda, work out preliminary options.
If necessary, find out team or department views.
Prepare own contribution, ideas, visual supports, etc.
The role of the Chair
Start and end on time.
Introduce objectives, agenda.
Introduce speakers.
Define time limits for contributions.
Control discussion, hear all views.
Summarise discussion at key points.
Ensure that key decisions are written down by the secretary.
Ensure that conclusions and decisions are clear and understood.
Define actions to be taken and individual responsibilities.

Practice 1
Suggest phrases which could be used by a chairperson in the
following situations in a meeting.
a. To welcome the participants to a meeting.
b. To state the objectives of the meeting.


To introduce the agenda.

To introduce the first speaker.
To prevent an interruption.
To thank a speaker for his/her contribution.
To introduce another speaker.
To keep discussion to the relevant issues.
To summarise discussion.
To ask if anyone has anything to add.
To suggest moving to the next topic on the agenda.
To summarise certain actions that must be done following the
meeting (for example, do research, write a report, meet again,
write a letter, etc.).
m. To close the meeting.

Practice 2
1. In groups, work out a brief agenda, with an appropriate order,
for a meeting of the marketing department of Axis Finance Ltd., a
medium-size financial services company. Your agenda should
include the points listed here:
Any other business
New products
Minutes of previous meeting
Marketing plans for next year
Date of next meeting
Review of marketing performance in the current year
Personnel changes
Chairs opening address
Apologies for absence.
2. In pairs, prepare a brief opening statement by the chair to
introduce the meeting above:
Think about what the opening statement from the chair needs to say
Use your agenda as a guide
Refer to the Language Checklist

Practise in pairs

8. Participating in meetings
Language Checklist
Discussion in meetings
Stating opinion
It seems to me
I tend to think
In my view
We think / feel / believe
Theres no alternative to
Its obvious that
Clearly / obviously
Asking for opinion
Id like to hear from
Could we hear from ?
Whats your view?
What do you think about ?
Do you have any strong views on ?
Any comments?
Excuse me, may I ask for clarification on this?
If I may interrupt, could you say ?
Sorry to interrupt, but
Do you think so? My impression is
What? Thats impossible. We / I think
Handling interruptions
Yes, go ahead.
Sorry, please let me finish
If I may finish this point
Can I come to that later?
Thats not really relevant at this stage

Can we leave that to another discussion?

Skills Checklist
Participating in meetings
Types of meeting
Decision making meeting
Information giving meeting
Spontaneous / emergency meeting
Routine meeting
Internal meeting
Customer / client / supplier - first meeting / established
Structure of decision making meetings
Study / discuss / analyse the situation
Define the problem
Set an objective
State imperatives and desirables
Generate alternatives
Establish evaluation criteria
Evaluate alternatives
Choose among alternatives
The DESC stage of meeting
Describe situation
Express feelings
Suggest solutions
Conclude with decision
Goal of decision making meetings
Objective: to get a consensus in a time-efficient and cost effective
Importance of communication
Two-way process
Participants must be aware of others needs
Full communication and understanding is essential

Four elements in communication: awareness understanding

empathy perception

Reaching a consensus
Discussion leads to consensus
Consensus is recognised and verbalised by leader
Decisions checked and confirmed

Practice 3
Use the skeleton outline below to recreate the entire dialogue with
a partner. Choose alternative interruptions and ways of handling
The fall in sales is mainly due to
the recession affecting world markets.
Interrupt: ask for clarification.
Polite response.
(general fall of 5 % / most product areas
/ especially oil processing sector
/ also due to sale of Anglo, UK subsidiary)
Interrupt: ask why Anglo was sold.
Reject interruption:
No time / discussed before.
Try to move on to future prospects.
(the outlook is just good now)
Interrupt: disagree.
Respond: you disagree.
Forecast are much better.
Interrupt: you want to talk about
new markets.
Promise to discuss this later.
But first
Interrupt: suggest a break.
Reject the idea.



Read the following extract and answer these questions.

What kind of meeting is the text about?
What structure does the text describe?
What key points is made about communication?


Read the text again. Do you agree with:

The first sentence? Give reasons for your answer.
Haynes suggestions for the steps involved in decision making?
The view that communication must be a two-way process?
What the writer says about consensus in the final paragraph?

The reason for having a meeting is to make a decision.

Information may be given in a presentation followed by questions or
discussion, but it is to get a consensus that the meeting has been
arranged in the first place. Achieving this in the most time- and costeffective manner possible is a goal that everyone attending (the
meeting) must share.
Marion Haynes (1988) maintains that decision-making meetings
need to follow a specific structure. The rational decision process
includes the following steps:
Study / discuss / analyse the situation
Define the problem
Set an objective
State imperatives and desirables
Generate alternatives
Establish evaluation criteria
Evaluate alternatives
Choose among alternatives.
One other aspect of decision making is the necessity for
participants in the meeting to be aware of one anothers needs and
perceptions. If these are not effectively communicated, if there is an
insufficient degree of understanding of one anothers requirements,
then an acceptable conclusion is unlikely to be reached. There are four
essential elements in decision-making: awareness, understanding,
empathy and perception.

It is only when we accept that communications are a two-way

process that any form of communication, including decision making,
will become genuinely successful and effective.
Decision-making is not always an identifiable activity. Frequently the
discussion can evolve into a consensus which can be recognised and
verbalised by the leader without the need to put things to the vote.
3. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the
a. common agreement
b. economical use of resources
c. aim
d. fix a goal
e. what one must have
f. what one would like to have
g. consider other options
h. way of seeing things
i. seeing things as others see them
j. develop
k. express through speaking.
Interruptions can have different intentions:
To ask for clarification
To add opinion
To ask for more details
To change direction of the discussion
To disagree.
Handling interruptions:
Promise to come back to a point later
Politely disagree with an interruption
Say the interruption is not relevant or that time is short
Politely accept the interruption and respond to it before continuing
Reject a suggestion
9. Ending the meeting


Read the following text and identify:
a. three recommendations on how a meeting should end
b. what should happen after a meeting.
Regardless of the type of meeting (information or decision
making), it is important to close with a restatement of objective, a
summary of what was accomplished, and a list of agreed action that
needs to be taken.
After the meeting, it is essential to follow up with action. A
brief memorandum of conclusions should be written and distributed.
Inform appropriate people who did not attend the meeting about
essential decisions made.
Finally, each meeting should be viewed as learning
experience. Future meetings should be improved by soliciting
evaluations and deciding what action is required to conduct better

Language Checklist
Ending the meeting
Asking for clarification
Could you be more specific?
Can you explain that (in more detail)?
What do you mean by ?
This means
What I mean is
What I want to say is
To explain this in more detail
Checking that the clarification is sufficient
Is that okay? / is that clearer now?
Referring to other speakers
As Peter has already told us

Im sure Mr. Kowski knows about this

Later well hear a report from Neil on
Professor Gilberto is certainly aware of
Delaying decisions
I think we need more time to consider this.
I think we should postpone a decision
Can we leave this until another date?
It would be wrong to make a final decision
Ending the meeting
I think we should end there. Just to summarise
Weve covered everything, so Id like to go over the decisions weve
So, to conclude weve agreed
Confirming action
Well contact
John will
Weve got to
We need to look at
Referring to next contact
Well meet again next month
We look forward to hearing from you
Its been a pleasure to see you today and I look forward to our next
Skills Checklist
Ending meetings
Two general rules
Meeting should end on time!
Decision making meetings should end with decisions!
The Chair should close the meeting with:
A restatement of the objectives
A summary of decisions taken
A summary of the action now required
Reference to any individual responsibilities.

After the meeting

A memorandum should be sent to all participants summarising the
decisions taken and the action required.
The memorandum should be sent to any interested individuals
who were unable to attend.
The Chair should seek feedback on the meetings to try to improve
future meetings.
Improving meetings
Motivation to change
Gather information on present situation
Identify specific areas needing improvement
Identify alternative courses of action
Practise new techniques
Improvement model.

Practice 4
You are at an internal meeting to discuss increases in the price of
your products. With a partner, use these prompts to make a
dialogue. Try to use new language from this unit.
Participant A

Participant B

Ask if the meeting can

reach a decision on this.
Respond that we need more
Ask for clarification.
Say we need to know more
about the effects of a price
Suggest doing market research.


Agree. Suggest contacting a

friend who knows about
market consultancy firms.
Suggest first looking at previous
experience of price rises
then later going to a Marketing Consultancy.
Ask for general agreement.
Move to next item for discussion.

Practice 5
In pairs use the outline below to create a chairs closing remarks
for a meeting. To make this more realistic, add names and other
details as required. Practice your closing remarks together.
Indicate that the meeting is almost over.
Check that no one has anything else to say.
Restate the purpose of the meeting.
Introduce a summary of the decisions taken.
Ask if everyone is happy with your summary.
Indicate that a colleague will organise a presentation next week.
Fix a date for a new meeting.
Thank people for coming.

5. Negotiations
10. Know what you want

Language Checklist
Negotiations (1)
Making an opening statement
Welcome to
Im sure we will have a useful and productive meeting
First meeting
We see this as a preparatory meeting
We would like to reach agreement on
One of a series of meetings
Following previous meetings we have agreed on some important
issues. Today we have to think about
We have reached an important stage
Stating your aims and objectives
Id like to begin with a few words about our general expectations
May I outline our principle aims and objectives today
We want to clarify our positions
We have a formal agenda
We dont have a formal agenda, but we hope to reach agreement on
There are three specific areas we would like to discuss. These are
We have to decide
Stating shared aims and objectives
Together we want to develop a good relationship
We agree that
It is important for both of us that we agree on
Handing over
Id like to finish there and give you the opportunity to reply to this.
Id like to hand over to my colleague , who has something to say
Skills Checklist
Negotiations (1)
Planning and preparation

Type of negotiation
Towards agreement
Both teams try to suit joint interests
Independent advantage
Each team aims to get best deal
A team aims to win and make the other team lose
Purpose of negotiation
Exploratory (possible areas of interest)
Conciliatory (resolving differences)
Scale (e.g. 1-10)
Decide realistic maximum and minimum acceptable scores
Facts and figures
Prepare statistical data
Know facts
Prepare visuals
Strengths and weaknesses
List your bargaining strengths
Know your possible weaknesses
Calculate your bargaining position
Possible concessions
Plan your bargaining strategy
List essential conditions
Impossible to concede
List possible concessions
Opening statements
State general objectives
State priorities
State independent (not joint) objectives

Be brief

Practice 1
1. Suggest phrases for each of the following at the start of a
Welcome the other side.
Develop small talk (trip, weather).
Mention plans for lunch make your visitors feel welcome (see
city centre / local restaurant).
Suggest you start talking about the main subject of your meeting.
Introduce a colleague.
Explain general aim or purpose of the meeting. (preliminary /
Say what your side wants from the meeting. (Establish beginnings
of a partnership / learn about supply systems / price variations and
supply costs.)

2. Try to bring all the phrases above together in a single opening

Types of negotiation:

Agreement-based negotiation or win-win negotiation

Proposals and counter proposals (propuneri contrare) are
discussed until agreement is reached. Both sides hopes for repeat
business. Two parties have a shared objective: to work together in
a way which is mutually beneficial.
Independent advantage negotiation
This type of negotiation is less based on mutual benefit, but on
gaining the best deal possible for your side. Each team thinks only
about its own interests.
Winlose negotiation


This type is the negotiation to resolve conflict, for example in a

contractual dispute. Here, it is possible that each party regards the
other as an opponent and seeks to win the argument.
A typical structure of a negotiation:
Counter suggestion
Practice 2
1. Mark the seven points below (how to prepare a negotiation) in
the right order. The first is already marked as an example.
Identify your minimum requirements.
Prepare your opening statement.
Decide what concessions you could make.
Know your own strengths and weaknesses.
Know your role as part of a team.
Prepare your negotiation position know your aims and objectives. 1
Prepare any figures, any calculations and any support materials you
may need.
2.Match each of the four aspects of good preparation on the left
with why they are important on the right.
a. Knowing your aims
i. means you can support your
and objectives
b. Knowing your own strengths and
ii. helps clear thinking and
c. Preparing any figures, calculations iii. creates reasonable
and other materials
d. Preparing an opening statement
iv. helps you to know the
market, the context in which
you want to work.


11. Getting what you can

1. Read the following extract. According to the writer, are these
statements about negotiating true (T) or false (F):
a. Decide on the most important and less important issues.
b. Try to guess what the other side thinks.
c. Note answers to the questions you ask.
d. Deal with issues in isolation, one at a time.
e. Make concessions and get a concession in return.
f. Tough bargaining can combine with a spirit of cooperation.
g. If there are problems, you have to accept or reject what is on
Effective negotiation requires clear thinking and a constructive
It is necessary to have a clear understanding of what for you
are the most important issues and at the same time what for you are
less important. Try to identify aspects in the second category where
the other side will be very happy to gain concessions. Give what is not
so important for you, but is valuable for the other side.

To do this, you have to do the following:

Check every item of what the other side wants. Ask how
important items are and look for flexibility.
Do not guess their opinions or motives you could be wrong, or
they wont like your speculation.
Note the other sides answers, but dont immediately say what you
Avoid being forced into considering one issue alone, consider two
or three at once aim for an agreement to a package.

If there are big differences between the two parties, you have a
choice of these options: to accept, to reject, or to carry on negotiating.
If you decide to carry on, then the options in the next round are:
To make a new offer

To seek a new offer from the other party

To change the shape of the deal (vary the quantity or the quality,
or bring in third parties)
Begin bargaining.

Your bargaining should be governed by three principles: be

prepared, think about the whole package, and be constructive. In
preparing, you must identify the issues, and prepare your bargaining
position. You need:
An essential conditions list issues where you cannot concede
A concessions list issues where you can make concessions
To grade the concessions from the easiest to the most difficult,
where you need most in return.
As for the package, you must look for agreement in principle on a
broad front (zon cu elemente diferite). When the time comes for
compromise, each party will concede on one issue if they win a
concession on another.
The final principle is to be positive and constructive. You should
be fair and cooperative, even during difficult bargaining. This
approach is mot likely to move the negotiation towards a settlement
that both sides feel is to their advantage.
2. Read the text again. Identify the following:
a. How to respond to what the other side wants.
b. Three ways to change a deal.
c. Three actions to prepare for bargaining
Language Checklist
Negotiations (2)
We can agree to that if
On condition that
So long as

Thats not acceptable unless

Making concessions
It you could we could consider
So long as we could agree to
On condition that we agree on then we could
Lets think about the issue of
We could offer you
Would you be interested in ?
Could we tie this agreement to ?
We agree.
That seems acceptable.
Thats probably all right.
Can we run through what weve agreed?
Id like to check what weve said / confirm
I think this is a good moment to repeat what weve agreed so far.
Id like to run through the main points that weve talked about.
So. Ill summarise the important points of our offer.
Can we summarise the proposal in a few words?
Looking ahead
So, the next step is
We need to meet again soon.
In our next meeting we need to
So, can we ask you to ?
Before the next meeting well
We need to draw up a formal contract.
Skills Checklist
Negotiations (2) Bargaining in negotiations
Concessions rules

A key principle in negotiation is to give a little and get a little at the

same time.
Ask for concessions
All concessions are conditional
Conditions first If then
Its a package
Give whats cheap to you and valuable to them.
During the negotiation
Main speaker
Create a joint, public and flexible agenda.
Question needs and preferences.
Dont talk too much.
Dont fill silences.
Build on common ground.
Explore alternatives What if ?
Be clear, brief and firm.
Follow concession rules.
Support speaker
Wait till the Chair or your main speaker brings you in.
Be clear, brief and firm.
Follow the concession rules.
Support your main speaker
- Agree (nod, Thats right )
- Emphasise (This point is very important)
- Add forgotten points (And we must remember )
- But dont make concessions for your main speaker.
- Listen.
- Dont fill silences.
Practice 3
Make sentences which include concessions based on the prompts
below. The first is done for you as an example.
a. a better warranty / quicker payment terms

We could offer a better warranty if you would agree to quicker

payment terms.

free delivery / large order

free on-site training / small increase in price
5 % discount / payment on delivery
extra 50, 000 compensation / agreement not to go to law
promise to improve safety for staff / agreement on new contracts
better working conditions / shorter breaks

Practice 4
You and a partner are representatives of Beck Instruments and
Ojanpera Inc., a machine tool maker. Ojanpera is in discussion with
Beck Instruments to buy a machine, the BI 25. Use the flow chart
below to negotiate some aspects of an agreement for the sale of the
BI 25.
Offer to buy the machine if BI
can give a good price.

Beck Instruments
Say that your prices are very

Ask for a discount.

Say a discount could be
possible if Ojanpera agrees to
pay for shipping costs.
Agree, if the discount is attractive.
Offer 4 % discount.
Ask for 6 % discount.
Unfortunately, you cant
agree, unless Ojanpera pays
for the installation.
Confirm your agreement.
Practice 5
The following letter is from Gibson Trust Ltd. To the Ministry of
Urban Development summarising the points agreed in the

negotiation between them and outlining the next steps. Complete

the spaces in the letter with appropriate words given below.
Enclosed developed specified examined excluded signed
Agreed drawn up confirm included


Units 9-12 East Side Monks Cross Industrial Estate BRISTOL BSI4
Telephone 01272 547777 Fax 01272 547701
Neil Finch
Ministry of Urban Development
140- 144 Whitehall
London WCI 4RF
May 2 200
Dear Neil,
Re: Meeting in Bristol, April 30 --- Railway Land Sale
I am writing to (a) _______ points (b) _______ in the above meeting,
held to discuss the sale of government owned railway land to Gibson
Trust Limited.
We would like to confirm through this letter and the (c) ________
drawings that the property (d) ______ in the above sale consists of the
land presently occupied by the station buildings and also the former
car parks to the east of the station, the offices to the west and the
warehouse alongside the traks. The government-owned housing on the
north side of the railway lines is (e) _______ .
We also agree that the station will be renovated by the Transport
Department and that the government will be responsible for running
an eventual museum and paying a rent of 100,000 per year to
Gibson Trust. The remaining land will be (f) _________ by Gibson

Trust and later sold off separately. The development is intended to be

for commercial and residential use. The eventual use of the land
should be (g) _______ in the contract.
Our next meeting will be on May 15 at 10 a.m., at which development
plans will be (h) ______. Soon after this, contracts will be (I) ______ .
Then we will need time to consider the contracts but hopefully they
will be (j) ______ by the end of September.
Do contact us if you have any comments or alterations you would like
to make to this summary. Thank you once again for a very
constructive meeting and we look forward to seeing you again on May
Your sincerely,
Jill Kearne
Chief Negotiator
Encs. (I)

12. Not getting what you dont want

What type of negotiator are you?
1. Your aim in a negotiation is
a) to find the greatest area of agreement in the joint interests of
both parties.
b) To win and to make the other side lose.
c) To find the best deal for your side.
2. When the other side is talking you

a) use the information you are hearing to identify weaknesses in

the other party.
b) Plan what you are going to say next.
c) Listen with maximum attention.
3. You think that
a) part of the available time must be spent socialising and getting
to know the other side.
b) Goodwill is important but the speed of the meeting should be
quick and businesslike.
c) The meeting should get down to business as soon as possible
and reach quick decisions.
4. When you speak in a negotiation you
a) make bold and forceful statements, possibly banging the table.
b) Make carefully considered statements in a calm, controlled
c) Are occasionally forceful and inflexible.
5. If the other side disagree with you, you
a) try hard to find a creative position by modifying your
b) Repeat your demands and will not concede your objective is
to make the other side give in.
c) Reshape your offer without fundamental changes.
6. If the other side state an opinion you disagree with, you
a) tentatively suggest an alternative.
b) Ask for clarification and explanation.
c) Ridicule it with sarcasm.
1 a)3 b)2 c)2
4 a)1 b)3 c)2

2 a)1 b)2 c)3

5 a)3 b)1 c)2

3 a)3 b)2 c)1

6 a)3 b)2 c)1

If you score 15 or more you are a creative negotiator. 11-14 you

negotiate to independent advantage. 7-10 you are a fighter! Less
than 7 you should get a gun licence!

Match each of the following to a phrase in the text with a similar
a. highlight the disadvantages of failing to reach a deal
b. think of new benefits for both sides
c. alter parts of what is on offer
d. take a break to consider positions
e. have the negotiation in a different place
f. change the individuals involved
g. ask an independent person to come and help you reach agreement
h. have an informal meeting to talk things over.
Dealing with conflict
Conflict may sometimes be an unavoidable step on the road
towards agreement. However, in some cases conflict leads to the break
down of negotiations as one or both sides realise that agreement is not
possible. In many cases this is better than agreeing to something
which would be against the interests of the people concerned.
When conflict arises, there are several possible actions which
may help to resolve conflict in a negotiation:
Leave the problem, go on to a different topic and return later to
the point at issue
Summarise progress and areas of agreement
Emphasise the benefits available to both sides
Emphasise the loss to both sides of not reaching agreement
Restate the issue and wait for a response
Change the package
Invent new options for mutual gain
Offer conditional concessions
Adjourn (a amna, a suspenda) to think and reflect
Fix an off-the-record meeting (ntlnire neoficial)
Change location
Change negotiator (personal chemistry?)
Bring in a third party (mediator?)
Consider walking away.

Practice 6
In pairs, use the given prompts to suggest a response to the
Situation 1
The problem is that we have never offered the kind of warranty you
are looking for.
Suggest leaving the point and returning to it later after discussing
other issues, i.e. training for technical staff.
Situation 2
Theres a number of issues on the table. We seem to be a long way
from an agreement.
Suggest changing the package on offer (variables include price,
shipment costs, payment terms).
Situation 3
The price you are asking is rather high, quite a lot higher than we were
Send a signal that you could offer better payment terms.
Situation 4
There are several problems. We think there is quite a lot of negotiation
ahead before we can agree on a common strategy.
Suggest advantages of reaching agreement: more global influence,
better prospects for the future.


Below are five strategies in dealing with conflict. Use them in

making statements.
Adjourn to think and reflect.
Summarise progress and areas of agreement.
Leave the problem, discuss something else, come back later to the
Emphasise the loss to both sides of not reaching agreement.
Offer a conditional concession.

Practice 7

Below are four offers or request. Reject each one, using the
information in the prompts.
Situation 1
Let me make a suggestion. If you agree to buy 100 units every month
for the next twelve months, well agree a 10 % discount.
You dont know how many units you will need in six and twelve
months. It might be more or less.
Situation 2
The price we are offering excludes installation costs but does include a
twelve months guarantee.
Other suppliers offer free installation and a two year parts and labour
Situation 3
I think the absolute minimum investment in advertising must be
$40,000, otherwise we cannot reach enough of our market. Its not
much to ask for.
You cannot spend more than your budget.
Situation 4
Now, some excellent news: wed like to increase our order. Right now
you are sending us 350 boxes a month. We need at least 500, demand
is very high
Your order books are full, the plant is working at capacity.

Practice 8
Suggest what you could say in the following situations.
Situation 1
After a long negotiation, you have reached agreement and now plan a
meal in a local restaurant with the other party in the negotiation.
Situation 2


Your efforts to reach agreement have been unsuccessful. It is late. End

the negotiation but offer some hope that in the future you might
manage some cooperation with the other side.
Situation 3
A colleague has asked you to cooperate on a project, but after long
discussion you feel you cannot participate because of fundamental
disagreement. It is important that you continue to work together in the
other areas.
Situation 4
You want to repeat an order with a supplier but they are trying to
increase prices by 20 %. You cannot agree to this. End your
Situation 5
A customer is asking you to supply goods in a month. This is
physically impossible. End the discussion.
Language Checklist
Negotiations (3)
Dealing with conflict
I think we should look at the points we agree on
We should focus on the positive aspects
We should look at the benefits for both sides
It is in your interests to resolve the issue
What do you think is a fair way to resolve this problem?
We hope you can see our point of view
Let us explain our position
Could you tell us why you feel like that?
I think we should look at the whole package, not so much at individual
areas of difficulty.
Perhaps we could adjourn for a little while.
I think we need to consider some fresh ideas
Im afraid we cant
Before agreeing to that we would need

I dont think it would be sensible for us to
I think if you consider our position, youll see that
Ending negotiations
So, can we summarise the progress weve made?
Can we go through the points weve agreed?
Perhaps if I can check the main points
So, the next step is
What we need to do now is
Its been a very useful and productive meeting.
We look forward to a successful partnership.
Breaking off negotiations
I think weve gone as far as we can.
Im sorry, but I dont think were going to agree a deal.
Its a pity we couldnt reach agreement this time.
Unfortunately we appear unable to settle our differences.
It would be better if we looked for some independent arbitrator.
Skills Checklist
Negotiations (3)
Dealing with conflict
Show understanding of the other sides position
Highlight advantages of agreement
Be sarcastic

ask questions
build on common ground
explain your feelings

Types of negotiators
Negotiates to win
Makes demands

Looks for common benefits
Makes offers
Looks for agreement
Accepts whats on offer

Independent advantage

Creative negotiator
looks for agreement

Ask for an adjournment.
Discuss options.
Remember your limits.
Decide if your interests are being met: if not, reject the proposal
on offer, or suggest alternatives.
After the negotiation
Compare the result with your objectives, targets and limits.
Examine the process of the negotiation:
The planning the strategy team roles the issues.
Learn from failure:
What went wrong and why?
Identify weaknesses and errors
Discuss and plan ahead.
Build on success:
Recognise success
Praise people
Develop teamwork and partnership.

Negotiating Conditions

Unit price
Minimum quantity
Credit period
Delivery date

$8.50 per unit
at least 10,000 units
30 days after invoice
20 June 2003

Bulk discount
Penalty clause
Cancellation clause

-2 % if over 10,000 units

5 % for each month of delay
50 % charge if cancelled less
than six weeks beforehand
sole rights over all East Coast
3 % of turnover on licensed
5 % on sales in the territory
-2 % if paid within 20 days
first option for 12 months
after contract
irrevocable letter of credit
18 months warranty from

Royalty on sales under licence
Early settlement discount
Option period
Method of payment
Warranty period

DATAFILE: Negotiation

Below are the stages of negotiation and some expressions which you
may find useful at each stage:
Conversation (1)
Im sure/confident we can reach agreement. (optimistic)
Im sure theres room for negotiation.
We have a lot to discuss.
Lets see how we get on. (cautious)
Presenting your position (2)
This is our position.
This is how we see it.
We think the following is reasonable/appropriate.
Our approach is this.
Questioning the others position (3)
How do you/ explain your attitude?
/ justify ? Account for? Arrive at?
Why do you want?
Why such a / high charge?
/ long delivery period?
/ low discount?

Refusing to accept (4)

Im sorry, I cant accept 2 %.
Youll have to do better than that, Im afraid.
Im afraid its not enough.
Other firms offer more than 2 %.
Refusing to move (5)
Im afraid I cant agree to / that.
/ increase the rate.
/ lower the price.
/ shorten delivery.
Weve done our best for you.
We have maintain a policy.
I have my instructions.
Suggesting a compromise (6)
May I make a suggestion?
If you then we may be able to
We may be able to but only if you
Unless you there is no question of our being able to
Reaching agreement (7)
Lets just go through the terms.
Lets summarize the conditions.
Exercise 1 Your turn to negotiate!
Now you have the opportunity to negotiate. To help you with each
answer you are given some information in the script below and a
number which refers back to the Datafile.
Supplier Well, lets get started. You know, with this delivery problem
Im sure theres room for negotiation.
You (1: cautious)
Supplier Right, well this is how we see it. We can deliver the first
machine in ten weeks, and install it four weeks after that.
You (3: long delivery period)


Supplier Well, these are in fact the usual periods. Its pretty normal
in this kind of operation. Did you expect we could deliver any
You (2: 6 weeks maximum delivery; 4 weeks installation)
Supplier I see what you mean, but that would be very difficult. You
see we have a lot of orders to handle at present, and moving just one
of these machines is a major operation. Look, if I can promise you
delivery in eight weeks, does that help?
You (4: too late)
Supplier Ah-ha! Well, look er You want the machine in six
weeks. Now that is really a very short deadline in this business. You
said that you couldnt take it any later, but couldnt your engineers
find a way to re-schedule just a little, say another week?
You (5: refuse)
Supplier Well, you really are asking us for something that is very
difficult. Ive already offered you seven weeks. Ill have to consult
with my colleagues and come back to you, but I cant see what we can
You (6: if deliver in 6 weeks perhaps talk about further order)
Supplier Well, on that basis I suppose we might be able to look at
some kind of arrangement. In fact, if you can promise another order I
think we could accept your terms.
You (7: 6 weeks delivery; 4 weeks installation; decision on next
order by 26th of this month)
Supplier Exactly. If you could confirm this in writing I
Exercise 2 Ten rules for negotiating
Dr Ed Zap is holding a two-day seminar on negotiating techniques. At
the end of the first morning he gives the group his ten rules for
negotiating. Here they are.

Find out how many points are to be negotiated.

Start from an extreme position.
Assume the other person owes you a concession.
Never concede without exchange.
Never give what you can sell.
Exaggerate the value of your concessions, minimize the value of
7. If he insists on principle, expect a concession in return.

8. Only threaten what you are prepared to carry out.

9. Dont show disrespect to your opponent.
10. If youre happy with the result, dont shout Ive won!
Read Dr Zaps rules and then look at the remarks in list A. These
remarks are not good for negotiating. Instead, use phrases from list B.
which one would you use in each case?

a. You see? I knew Id win!

1. If you increase the order, then we may be able to reduce the price.
b. I know what you want to discuss, so lets start.
2. Very well, but if you cant give discounts Im sure you can
c. I can reduce the price. Does that help?
3. If you cant accept this, I may have to reconsider my position.
d. Delivery? Thats no problem; no extra charge.
4. I think we can agree on these terms.
f. Its against your policy to give discounts? OK.
5. Im afraid that will not be possible.
g. What a ridiculous idea! Dont be stupid!
6. May we go through the points to be discussed before we begin?
h. Another half per cent? Yes, thats very generous offer youre
7. Half per cent is very small amount
i. This is my final offer. If you refuse, Ill cancel everything.
8. Delivery? Well it may be possible but only if
Exercise 3 When things get difficult
In their negotiation exercises the managers on Dr Zaps seminar
sometimes find themselves in difficult situations. As they are all from
English-speaking countries they know what to say.
Could you give me a moment to do some calculations?
Certainly! Would you excuse me a minute?
Would you like me to go through that again?
Im sorry, could you go through that again?

I dont think were talking about the same thing.

Thats right! Were talking at cross-purposes.
Can we say its agreed, here and now?
Ill have to come back to you on this.
Where does the January figure come from?
Im just looking. Could you bear with me a moment?
So what is the basis of calculation?
Im sorry, I dont have the figures to hand.
Which expression would you use in the following cases?
a. The other person does not seem to understand your explanation of
the payment schedules.
b. He wants you to agree a definite price today, but you need to
consult your boss at the office before committing yourself.
c. He suddenly asks you what discount you would make for a very
large order indeed. You need a minute to work it out.
d. You are rather surprised at the high charge for transport.
e. He suddenly asks the price of similar products in the range. You
have the price list in your briefcase somewhere.
f. You think he has just made up the figure for installation costs!
g. He has already explained the commission system twice but you
are still not really clear about it.

Understanding contracts

Exercise 4 Vocabulary for contracts

The words below are often used in connection with contracts. Use
some of them to complete the sentences which follow. You may need
to put certain words in the plural.

draw up
provide for
comply with/abide by
out of court


a. A contract is an ---------- between two ----------- . It is divided into

---------- , ------------ , and ------------ .
b. The contract --------- ---------- any problems between the two
parties. The conditions of the contract are --------- on both parties.
If one party does not ----------- ----------- the clauses, this is called
a --------- of contract.
c. In the case of a dispute, many contracts provide for ----------, but
in some cases the dispute results in ---------- . Most parties reach a
--------- without going to --------- , and the dispute is settled ------------- ---------- .
d. Some contracts are for a fixed period, or --------- ; also, there are
ways in which the parties can end, or ---------, the contract.
Exercise 5 Licensing terms
You have asked a US firm if you could make one of its products under
licence, in your own country. Here is part of their answer. But what do
the legal terms really mean? Replace the underlined terms with the
phrases listed below.
Weve checked with our legal department. Yes, we are the patent
holders for the XT7. We are prepared, in fact, to grant you a licence to
make it in your own territory on these conditions: there would be a fee
on agreement and then a royalty of 5 % with a minimum annual
royalty of $50,000. The term would be four years, with the possibility
of renewal on expiry. And, of course, in the event of any infringement,
as our licensee you would have to apply for an injunction on the
infringers production.

Let you have

yearly bottom limit
illegal copying
Official manufacturer
have the legal rights over
Further years
Ask for a ban
when it ended
An immediate payment
5 % to pay


6. Management
13. What is management?


What do you think makes a good manager? Which four of the

following qualities do you think are the most important?
A being decisive: able to make quick decisions
B being efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks unfinished,
having a tidy desk, and so on
C being friendly and sociable
D being able to communicate with people
E being logical, rational and analytical
F being able to motivate and inspire and lead people
G being authoritative: able to give orders
H being competent: knowing ones job perfectly, as well as the work
of ones subordinates
I being persuasive: able to convince people to do things
J having good ideas
This text summarizes some of Peter Druckers views on
management. As you read about his description of the work of a
manger, decide whether the five different functions he mentions
require the four qualities you selected in your discussion, or others
you did not choose.
Peter Drucker, the well-known American business professor
and consultant, suggests that the work of a manager can be divided
into planning (setting objectives), organizing, integrating (motivating
and communicating), measuring, and developing people.
First of all, managers (especially senior managers such as
company chairmen and women and directors) set objectives, and

decide how their organization can achieve them. This involves

developing strategies, plans and precise tactics, and allocating
resources of people and money.
Secondly, managers organize. They analyse and classify the
activities of the organization and the relations among them. They
divide the work into manageable activities and then into individual
jobs. They select people to manage these units and perform the jobs.
Thirdly, managers practice the social skills of motivation and
communication. They also have to communicate objectives to the
people responsible for attaining them. They have to make the people
who are responsible for performing individual jobs form teams. They
make decisions about pay and promotion. As well as organizing and
supervising the work of their subordinates, they have to work with
people in other areas and functions.
Fourthly, managers have to measure the performance of their
staff, to see whether the objectives set for the organization as a whole
and for each individual member of it are being achieved.
Lastly, managers develop people both their subordinates and
Obviously, objectives occasionally have to be modified or
changed. It is generally the job of a companys top managers to
consider the needs of the future, and to take responsibility for
innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited
life. Top managers also have to manage a businesss relations with
customers, suppliers, distributors, bankers, investors, neighbouring
communities, public authorities, and so on, as well as deal with any
major crises which arise. Top managers are appointed and supervised
and advised (and dismissed) by a companys board of directors.
Although the tasks of a manager can be analyzed and
classified in this fashion, management is not entirely scientific. It is
human skill. Business professors obviously believe that intuition and
instinct are not enough; there are management skills that have to be
learnt. Drucker, for example, wrote over 20 years ago that Altogether
this entire book is based on the proposition that the days of the
intuitive manager are numbered, meaning that they were coming to
an end. But some people are clearly good at management, and others
are not. Some people will be unable to put management techniques
into practice. Others will have lots of technique, but few good ideas.
Outstanding managers are rather rare.

a. Complete the following sentences with these words.

board of directors


1 Managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical

and capital .. available to them.
2 Managers logically have to make sure that the jobs and tasks
given to their subordinates are .. .
3 There is no point in . objectives if you dont them to
your staff.
4 Managers have to . their subordinates, and to measure, and try
to improve, their .
5 Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being
. .
6 A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be
dismissed by the companys . .
7 Top managers are responsible for the . that will allow a
company to adapt to a changing world.
b. The text contains a number of common verb-noun partnerships
(e.g. achieve objectives, deal with crises, and so on).
Match up these verb and nouns to make common collocations.

14. Types of Managers

We have been using the term manager to mean anyone who is
responsible for subordinates and other organizational resources. There
are many different types of managers, with diverse tasks and
responsibilities. Managers can be classified in two ways: by their level
in the organization so-called first-line, middle, and top managers
and by the range of organizational activities for which they are
responsible so-called functional and general managers.
Management Levels
First-Line Managers. The lowest level in an organization at which
individuals are responsible for the work of others is called first-line or
first-level management. First-line managers direct operating
employees only; they do not supervise other managers. Examples of
first-line managers are the foreman (maistru) or production
supervisor (ef de producie) in a manufacturing plant, the technical
supervisor (ef de echip) in a research department, and the clerical
supervisor (ef de birou) in a large office. First-level mangers are often
called supervisors.
Middle Managers. The term middle management can include to more
than one level in an organization. Middle managers direct the
activities of lower-level managers and sometimes also those of
operating employees. Middle managers principal responsibilities are
to direct the activities that implement their organizations policies and
to balance the demands of their superiors with the capacities of their
Top Managers. Composed of a comparatively small group of
executives, top management is responsible for the overall
management of the organization. It establishes operating policies and
guides the organizations interactions with its environment. Typical
titles of top managers are chief executive officer, president and
senior vice-president. Actual titles vary from one organization to
another and are not always a reliable guide to membership in the
highest management classification.

Functional and General Managers

The other major classification of managers depends on the scope of
the activities they manage.
Functional Managers. The functional manager is responsible for
only one organizational activity, such as production, marketing, sales,
or finance. The people and activities headed (a conduce) by a
functional manager are engaged in a common set of activities.
General Managers. The general manager, on the other hand,
oversees (a supraveghea) a complex unit, such as a company, a
subsidiary, or an independent operating division. He or she is
responsible for all the activities of that unit, such as its production,
marketing, sales, and finance.
A small company may have only one general manager its
president or executive vice-president but a large organization may
have several, each at the head of a relatively independent division. In a
large food company, for example, there might be a grocery-production
division, a refrigerated-products division, and a frozen-food-products
division, with a different general manager responsible for each. Like
the chief executive of a small company, each of these divisional heads
would be responsible for all the activities of the unit.
chief executive officer = director executiv
senior vice-president = vice-preedinte senior (mai important dect cel
president = preedinte
executive vice-president vice-preedinte executiv
chief executive = director sau administator al unei firme
15. The Management Process
Plans give the organization its objectives and set up the best
procedures for reaching them. In addition, plans become the guides by
which the organization obtains and commits (a angaja) the resources
required to reach its objectives, members of the organization carry on

activities consistent with (concordant cu) the chosen objectives and

procedures, and progress toward the objectives is monitored and
measured, so that corrective action can be taken if progress is
The first step in planning is the selection of goals for the
organization. Then objectives are established for the subunits of the
organization its divisions, departments, and so on. Once the
objectives are determined, programs are established for achieving
them in a systematic manner. Of course, in selecting objectives and
developing programs, the manager considers their feasibility and
whether will be acceptable to the organizations managers and
Plans made by top management for the organization as a
whole may cover periods as long as five or ten years. In a large
organization, such as a multinational energy corporation, those plans
may involve commitments (angajamente) of billions of dollars.
Planning at the lower levels, by middle or first-line managers, covers
much shorter periods. Such plans may be for the next days work, for
example, or for a two-hour meeting to take place in a week.
Once managers have established objectives and developed
plans or programs to reach them, they must design and staff an
organization able to carry out those programs successfully. Different
objectives will require different kinds of organizations. For example,
an organization that aims to develop computer software will have to
be far different from one that wants to manufacture blue jeans.
Producing a standardized product like blue jeans requires efficient
assembly-line techniques, whereas writing computer programs
requires teams of professionals systems analysts, software engineers,
and operators.
Although they must interact effectively, such people cannot be
organized on an assembly-line basis. It is clear, then, that managers
must have the ability to determine what type of organization will be
needed to accomplish a given set of objectives. And they must have
the ability to develop (and later to lead) that type of organization.
After plans have been made, the structure of the organization
has been determined, and the staff has been recruited and trained, the

next step is to arrange for movement toward the organizations defined

objectives. This function can be called by various names: leading,
directing, motivating, actuating (impulsionare, stimulare), and others.
But whatever the name used to identify it, this function involves
getting the members of the organization to perform in ways that will
help it achieve its established objectives.
Whereas planning and organizing deal with the more abstract
aspects of the management process, the activity of leading is very
concrete; it involves working directly with people.
Finally, the manager must ensure that the actions of the
organizations members do in fact move the organization toward its
stated goals. This is the controlling function of management, and it
involves four main elements:
Establishing standards of performance.
Measuring current performance and comparing it against the
established standards.
Detecting deviations from standard goals in order to make
corrections before a sequence (succesiune, ir) of activities is
Taking action to correct performance that does not meet those
Through the controlling function, the manager can keep the
organization on its chosen track, keeping it from straying (a se
deprata, a se abate) from its specified goals.

16. Management Level and Skills

Managers at every level plan, organize, lead, and control. But
they differ in the amount of time devoted to each of these activities.
Some of these differences depend on the kind of organization in which
the manager works, some on the type of job the manager holds.
Managers of small private clinics, for example, spend their
time quite differently from the way the heads of large research
hospitals spend theirs: Managers of clinics spend comparatively more

time practicing medicine, and less time actually managing, than do

directors of large hospitals. The technical supervisor of research
physicists at AT&T Bell Labs will have a job that in some respects is
quite different from that of a production supervisor on a General
Motors assembly line. Yet both are first-line managers. And yet there
will also be important similarities in the jobs of all these managers.
Other differences in the ways managers spend their time
depend upon their levels in the organizational hierarchy. Robert L.
Kats, a teacher and business executive, has identified three basic kinds
of skills: technical, human, and conceptual. Every manager needs all
three. Technical skill is the ability to use the procedures, techniques,
and knowledge of a specialized field. Surgeons, engineers, musicians,
and accountants all have technical skills in their respective fields.
Human skill is the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other
people, as individuals or in groups. Conceptual skill is the ability to
coordinate and integrate all of an organizations interests and
activities. It involves the managers ability to see the organization as a
whole, to understand how its parts depend on one another, and to
anticipate how a change in any of its parts will affect the whole.
Kats suggests that although all three of these skills are
essential to a manager, their relative importance depends mainly on
the managers rank in the organization. Technical skill is most
important in the lower levels. Human skill, by contrast, is important
for managers at every level: because they must get their work done
primarily through others, their ability to tap (a capta, a aborda) the
technical skills of their subordinates is more important than their own
technical skills. Finally, the importance of conceptual skill increases
as one rises through the ranks of a management system based on
hierarchical principles of authority and responsibility. It depends
mainly on the managers rank in the organization.

7. Companies and Organizations

17. Company structure


Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right
1 autonomous
2 decentralization
3 function
4 hierarchy
5 line authority
6 report to
7 subordinates

A a system of authority with different levels,

one above the other
B a specific activity in a company, e.g.
production, marketing, finance
C independent, able to take decisions without
consulting a higher authority
D people working under someone else in a
E dividing an organization into decisionmaking units that are not centrally controlled
F the power to give instructions to people at
the level below in the chain of command
G to be responsible to someone and to take
instructions from him or her

Read the text below, about different ways of organizing
companies, and then label the diagrams, according to which of
these they illustrate:
Line structure / functional structure / matrix structure / staff





Most organizations have hierarchical or pyramidal structure,

with one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing
number of people below them at each successive level. This is a clear
line or chain of command running down the pyramid. All the people in
the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their
superior (or boss) is (to whom they report), and who their immediate
subordinates are (to whom they can give instructions).
Some people in an organization have colleagues who help
them: for example, there might be an Assistant to the Marketing
Manager. This is known as a staff position: its holder has no line
authority, and is not integrated into the chain of command, unlike, for
example, the Assistant Marketing Manager, who is number two in the
marketing department.
Yet, the activities of most companies are too complicated to
be organized in a single hierarchy. Shortly before the First World War,
the French industrialist Henry Fayol organized his coal-mining
business according to the functions that it had to carry out. He is
generally credited with inventing functional organization. Today, most
large manufacturing organizations have a functional structure,
including (among others) production, finance, marketing, sales, and
personnel or staff departments. This means, for example, that the
production and marketing departments cannot take financial decision
without consulting the finance department.
Functional organization is efficient, but there are two standard
criticisms. Firstly, people are usually more concerned with the success
of their department than that of the company, so there are permanent
battles between, for example, finance and marketing, or marketing and
production, which have incompatible goals. Secondly, separating
functions is unlikely to encourage innovation.
Yet, for a large organization manufacturing a range of
products, having a single production department is generally
inefficient. Consequently, most large companies are decentralized,
following the model of Alfred Sloan, who divided General Motors
into separate operating divisions in 1920. Each division had its own
engineering, production and sales departments, made a different
category of car (but with some overlap (suprapunere,
ntreptrundere), to encourage internal competition), and was
expected to make a profit.
Business that cannot be divided into autonomous divisions
with their own markets can simulate decentralization, setting up

divisions that deal with each other using internally determined transfer
prices. Many banks, for example, have established commercial,
corporate, private banking, international and investment divisions.
An inherent problem of hierarchies is that people at lower
levels are unable to make important decisions, but have to pass on
responsibility to their boss. One solution to this is matrix management,
in which people report to more than one superior. For example, a
product manager with an idea might be able to deal directly with
managers responsible for a certain market segment and for a
geographical region, as well as the managers responsible for the
traditional functions of finance, sales and productions. This is one way
of keeping authority at lower levels, but it is not necessarily a very
efficient one. Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, in their wellknown book In Search of Excellence, insist on the necessity of
pushing authority and autonomy down the line, but they argue that one
element probably the product must have priority; four-dimensional
matrices are far too complex.
A further possibility is to have wholly autonomous, temporary
groups or teams that are responsible for an entire project, and are split
up (a se diviza, a se mpri) as soon as it is successfully completed.
Teams are often not very good for decision-making, and they run the
risk or relational problems, unless they are small and have a lot of
self-discipline. In fact, they still require a definite leader, on whom
their success probably depends.

Describing company structure

The most common verbs for describing structure are:

Consists of
Is composed of
is made up of
is divided into
e.g. The company consists of five main departments.
The marketing department is made up of three units.


Other verbs frequently used to describe company organization

To be in charge of
to be responsible for
To support or to be supported byto assist or to be assisted by
To be accountable to
e.g. The marketing department is in charge of the sales force.
The five department heads are accountable to the Managing Director.
This is an example of part of a company organization chart:
Board of Directors
with a Chairman (GB)
or President (US)
Managing Director (GB)
Chief Executive Officer (US)
Production Marketing



Research &





Now write a description of either the organization chart above, or a

company you know, in about 100-150 words.
18. The External Environment of Organizations
The many rapid changes taking place in the external environment
of organization require increasing attention from managers. The
direct-action component of the environment consists of the
organizations stakeholders that is, the groups with direct impact on

the organizations activities. External stakeholders include customers,

suppliers, governments, consumer and environmental advocates,
special interest groups, labor unions, financial institutions, the media,
and competitors. Internal stakeholders include employees,
shareholders, and the board of directors.
Managers must balance the interests of the various stakeholders
for the good of the organization as a whole. They may be able to use
the network of relationships among the stakeholders and the
organization to influence stakeholders individually. For their part,
stakeholders may unite in coalitions to exert over (a exercita, a face
uz de influen) the organization. Individual stakeholders may also
hold conflicting stakes (interes, participare) in an organization.
The indirect-action component of the environment consists of
their factors that influence the organization indirectly. Not only do
these factors create a climate to which the organization must adjust,
but they have the potential to move into the direct-action environment.
Demographic and lifestyle variables mold (a forma, a modela)an
organizations labor supply and customer base, and changes in values
are at heart of every other social, economic, political, and
technological change. Managers must distinguish between and adjust
to structural and cyclical changes in the economy. In addition, they
must contend with (a lupta cu) the growing influence of special
interest groups in politics, and technological developments also fuel
the competition between organizations.
Technological advances in communication and transportation have
made the international environment increasingly important. Greater
international competition has made the U.S. lag (a ntrzia, a rmne
n urm) in competitiveness critical, and has also blurred (a ntuneca,
a pune n cea) the distinction between the private and public sectors.
The environment determines the extent to which (gradul n care)
organizations face uncertainty and to which they are dependent on
others for vital resources. In turbulent environments, organizations
must devote more of their resources to monitoring the environment.
The natural-selection, resource-dependence, and industrialorganization models provide alternative views of the relationship
between organizations and the environment.
Managers especially at higher levels must monitor the external
environment and try to forecast changes that will affect the

organization. They may use strategic planning and organizational

design to adjust to the environment.

8. Production and products

a. Match up these words with the definitions which follow.

lead time
subcontractor outsourcing or contracting out

1. any company that provides goods or services for another one

2. any of the pieces or parts that make up a product, machine, etc.
3. buying products or processed materials from other companies
rather than manufacturing them
4. the (maximum) rate of output that can be achieved from a
production process
5. the buildings, machines, equipment and other facilities used in the
production process
6. the geographical situation of a factory or other facility
7. the stock of any item or resource used in an organization
(including raw materials, parts, supplies, work in process and
finished products)
8. the time needed to perform an activity (i.e. to manufacture or
deliver something)

b. After it has been decided what to manufacture, operations

managers have to decide where to manufacture the different
products, how much productive capacity their factories and plants
should have, and how much inventory to maintain. Read the 15
sentences below, and classify them under the following six
headings. Some sentences may fall under two headings.
A The consequences of insufficient capacity
B The consequences of excess capacity

C The advantages of large facilities

D The disadvantages of large facilities
E The advantages of having a large inventory
F The disadvantages of having a large inventory
1. A long lead time may allow competitors to enter the market.
2. Average fixed cost per unit drops as volume increases because
each succeeding unit absorbs part of the fixed costs, giving
economies of scale.
3. Finding staff and coordinating material flow become expensive
and difficult.
4. If lead time increases, some customers may go to other suppliers.
5. Lost sales and market share are usually permanent.
6. The working environment might worsen and industrial relations
7. There are costs of storage, handling, insurance, depreciation, the
opportunity cost of capital, and so on.
8. You can be more flexible in product scheduling, and have longer
lead times and lower cost operation through larger production runs
with fewer set-ups.
9. There is always a risk of obsolescence, theft, breakage, and so on.
10. You can meet variation in product demand.
11. You may be under-utilizing your work force.
12. You have protection against variation in raw material delivery
time (due to shortages, strikes, lost orders, incorrect or defective
shipments, etc.)
13. You may be forced to produce additional less profitable products.
14. You can take advantage of quantity discounts in purchasing.
15. You may have to reduce prices to stimulate demand.
19. Just-in-time production

Read the text below, and insert the eight words defined in
vocabulary a) in the spaces.





lead time

Manufacturing companies are faced with a make-or-buy decision

for every item or (1) . they use (as well as for every process
and service). Do they make it themselves or do they outsource (a
contracta lucrri n afara companiei), and buy from a (2) ? If
a company assembles products supplied by a large number of
subcontractors (furnizor intermediar), they face the problem of how
much (3) . they require.
In Just-In-Time (JIT) production also called lean production,
stockless production, and continuous flow manufacture nothing is
bought or produced until it is needed. Each section of the production
process makes the necessary quantity of the necessary units at the
necessary time which is when it is required by the next stage of the
manufacturing process, or by distributors or customers.
The JIT system is usually credited to Taiichi Ohno, who was vicepresident for manufacturing with Toyota in Japan in the early 1950s
although he stated that he got the idea from American supermarkets!
JIT is wholly contrary to the European and American logic of
encouraging greater productivity, and welcoming production that
exceeds the agreed schedule or quota, and stocking extras in case of
the future problems.
JIT minimizes the cost of holding inventories, which are regarded
negatively, as avoidable costs, rather than as assets. The large
Japanese manufacturing companies have long practised (4),
and generally use extensive networks of small subcontractors. Of
course, if a single subcontractor fails to deliver a component on time,
the whole production process is sabotaged, but the Japanese industrial
system relies on mutual trust and long-term relationships. Small
suppliers often attempt to situate their facilities close to the (5).
of a larger company with which they work.
The Japanese also prefer small, specialized production (6).
with a limited (7).. , in which, wherever possible, all the
machines required for a certain job are grouped together. This avoids
all the waiting and moving time involved in sending half-finished item
from one department to another, although it often requires flexible,
multi-skilled employees.
JIT thus greatly reduces transportation and inventory costs, and
should ensure that there is no waste from overproduction, or from idle
workers waiting for parts. It allows increased productivity because of
shortened throughput time (timpul de prelucrare a materialelor). If
factories are equipped so that set-up times are short, very small

production runs (etape de producie) are possible. Any quality

problems or product defects should be noticed more quickly,
production (8) (timpul de conducere a produciei) are reduced,
and the firm can react more rapidly to demand changes.

20. Products and brands

Read the following text, and write a brief heading for each
Marketing theorists tend to give the word product a very broad
meaning, using it to refer to anything capable of satisfying a need or
want. Thus services, activities, people (politicians, athletes, film stars),
places (holiday resorts), organizations (hospitals, colleges, political
parties), and ideas, as well as physical objects offered for sale by
retailers, can be considered as products. Physical products can usually
be augmented (a spori, a crete) by benefits such as customer advice,
delivery, credit facilities, a warranty or guarantee, maintenance, aftersales service, and so on.
Some manufactures use their name (the family name) for all
their products, e.g. Philips, Colgate, Yamaha. Others, including
Unilever and Procter & Gamble, market various products under
individual brand names, with the result that many customers are
unfamiliar with the name of the manufacturing company. The major
producers of soap powders, for example, are famous for their multibrand strategy, which allows them to compete in various market
segments, and to fill shelf space in shops, thereby leaving less room
for competitors. It also gives them a greater chance of getting some of
the custom of brand-switchers (cei care schimb mrcile pe care le
Most manufactures produce a large number of products, often
divided into product lines. Most product lines consist of several
products, often distinguished by brand names, e.g. a range of soap

powders, or of tooth-pastes. Several different items (different sizes or

models) may share the same brand name. Together, a companys
items, brands and products constitute its product mix. Since different
products are always at different stages of their cycles, with growing,
stable or declining sales and profitability, and because markets,
opportunities and resources are in constant evolution, companies are
always looking to the future, and re-evaluating their product mix.
Companies whose objectives include market share and market
growth generally have long product lines, i.e. a large number of items.
Companies whose objective is high profitability will have shorter
lines, including only profitable items. Yet, most product lines have a
tendency to lengthen over time, as companies produce variations on
existing items, or add additional items to cover further market
segments. Additions to product lines can be the result of either upmarket or down-market, i.e. making items of higher or lower quality.
This can be carried out in order to reach new customers, to enter
growing or more profitable market segments, to react to competitors
initiatives, and so on. Yet, such moves may cause image problems:
moving to the lower end of the market dilutes (a slbi, a dilua) a
companys image for quality, while a company at the bottom of a
range may not convince dealers and customers that it can produce
quality products for the high end. Line-filling adding further items in
that part of a products range which a line already covers might be
done in order to compete in competitors niches (ni), or simply to
utilize excess production capacity.

Find words or expressions in the text which mean the following.
1 the possibility of paying for a product over an extended period
2 a promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace defective
goods during a certain period of time
3 a surface in a store on which goods are displayed

4 consumers who buy various competing products rather than being

loyal to a particular brand
5 the standard pattern of sales of a product over the period that is
6 the extend to which an activity provides financial gain
7 possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which the
company can produce goods or services effectively
8 the sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a
given market
9 the set of beliefs that the public at large holds of an organization
10 a small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market

9. Marketing, Advertising, Promotion

Match up the words or expressions on the left with the definitions on
the right.
1 distribution channel

2 to launch a product
3 market opportunities
4 market research
5 market segmentation
6 packaging

A all the companies or individuals

involved in moving a particular good
or service from the producer to the
B an idea for a new product, which is
tested with target consumers before
the actual product is developed
C attributes or characteristics of a
product: quality, price, reliability, etc.
D dividing a market into distinct
groups of buyers who have different
requirements or buying habits
E places where goods are sold to the
public shops, stores, kiosks, market
stalls, etc.
F possibilities of filling unsatisfied
needs in sectors in which a company
can profitably produce goods or


7 points of sale

8 product concept

9 product features
10 sales representative

G someone who contacts existing and

potential customers, and tries to
persuade them to buy goods or
H collecting, analysing and reporting
data relevant to a specific marketing
situation (such as a proposed new
I to introduce a new product onto the
J wrappers and containers in which
products are sold

21. The centrality of marketing

Look quickly through the following text and decide which
paragraphs are about these subjects:
- company-to-company marketing
- identifying market opportunities
- the marketing mix
- the selling and marketing concepts
- the importance of market research
Most management and marketing writers now distinguish between
selling and marketing. The selling concept assumes that resisting
consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques
to buy non-essential goods or services. Products are sold rather than
bought. The marketing concept, on the contrary, assumes that the
producers task is to find wants and fill them. In other words, you
dont sell what you make, you make what will be bought. As well as
satisfying existing needs, marketers can also anticipate and create new
ones. The markets for the Walkman, video games, personal computers,
and genetic engineering, to choose some recent examples, were
largely created rather than identified.
Marketers are consequently always looking for market
opportunities profitable possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs or
creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a
differential advantage, due to its distinctive competencies (the things it
does particularly well). Market opportunities are generally isolated by

market segmentation. Once a target market has been identified, a

company has to decide what goods or service to offer. This means that
much of the work of marketing has been done before the final product
or service comes into existence. It also means that the marketing
concept has to be understood throughout the company, e.g. in the
production department of a manufacturing company as much as in the
marketing department itself. The company must also take account of
the existence of competitors, who always have to be identified,
monitored and defeated in the search for loyal customers.
Rather than risk launching a product or service solely on the basis
of intuition or guesswork, most companies undertake market research
(GB) or marketing research (US). They collect and analyze
information about the size of a potential market, about consumers
reactions to particular product or service features, and so on. Sales
representatives, who also talk to customers, are another important
source of information.
Once the basic offer, e.g. a product concept, has been established,
the company has to think about the marketing mix, i.e. all the various
elements of a marketing program, their integration, and the amount of
effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the
target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the
4Ps: product, place, promotion and price. Aspects to be considered
in marketing products include quality, features (standard and
optional), style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee.
Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution
channels, locations of points of sale, transport, inventory size, etc.
Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and
personal selling, while price includes the basic list price, discounts,
the length of the payment period, possible credit terms, and so on. It is
the job of a product manager or a brand manager to look for ways to
increase sales by changing the marketing mix.
It must be remembered that quite apart from consumer markets (in
which people buy products for direct consumption) there exists an
enormous producer or industrial or business market, consisting of all
the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that
are used in the production of other goods, or in the supply of services
to others. Few consumers realize that the producer market is actually
larger than the consumer market, since it contains all the raw
materials, manufactured parts and components that go into consumer
goods, plus capital equipment such as building and machines, supplies

such as energy and pens and paper, and services ranging from cleaning
to management consulting, all of which have to be marked. There is
consequently more industrial than consumer marketing, even though
ordinary consumers are seldom exposed to it.
Look at the following diagrams from Marketing Management by
Philip Kotler.
1 The first diagram contrasts the selling and the marketing concepts.
Fill in the four spaces with the following words or expressions:
Coordinated marketing
Customer needs
Profits through customer satisfaction





Selling & promoting

through sales volume

a. The selling concept

(1) .. (2) . (3) .. (4)
b. The marketing concept
22. How companies advertise
Advertising informs consumers about the existence and
benefits of products and services, and attempts to persuade them to
buy them. The best form of advertising is probably word-of-word
advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about the
benefits of products or services that they have purchased. Yet,
virtually no providers of goods or services rely on this alone, but use
paid advertising instead. Indeed, many organizations also use
institutional or prestige advertising, which is designed to build up their
reputation rather than to sell particular products.
Although large companies could easily set up their own
advertising departments, write their own advertisements, and buy

media space themselves, they tend to use the services of large

advertising agencies. These are likely to have more resources, and
more knowledge about all aspects of advertising and advertising
media than a single company. The most talented advertising people
generally prefer to work for agencies rather then individual companies
as this gives them the chance to work on a variety of advertising
accounts (contracts to advertise products or services). It is also easier
for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another agency than it
would be to fire its own advertising staff.
The client company generally gives the advertising agency an
agreed budget; a statement of the objectives of the advertising
campaign, known as a brief; and an overall advertising strategy
concerning the message to be communicated to the target customers.
The agency creates advertisements (the word is often abbreviated to
adverts or ads), and develops a media plan specifying which media
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema, posters, mail, etc.
will be used and in which proportions. (On television and radio, ads
are often known as commercials.) Agencies often produce alternative
ads or commercials that are pre-tested in newspapers, television
stations, etc. in different parts of a country before a final choice is
made prior to a national campaign.
The agencys media planners have to decide what percentage
of the target market they want to reach (how many people will be
exposed to the ads) and the number of times they are likely to see
them. Advertising people talk about frequency or OTS (opportunities
to see) and the threshold effect (efectul de pronire) the point at
which advertising becomes effective. The choice of advertising media
is generally strongly influenced by the comparative cost of reaching
1,000 members of the target audience, the cost per thousand (often
abbreviated to CPM, using the Roman numeral for 1,000). The timing
of advertising campaigns depends on factors such as purchasing
frequently and buyer turnover (new buyers entering the market).
How much to spend on advertising is always problematic.
Some companies use the comparative-parity method (metoda
comparativ-analogic) they simply match their competitors
spending, thereby avoiding advertising wars. Others set their ad
budget at a certain percentage of current sales revenue. But both these
methods disregard (a nu ine seama, a neglija) the fact that increased
ad spending or counter-cyclical advertising (reclam anticiclic) can
increase current sales. On the other hand, excessive advertising is

counter-productive (antiproductiv) because after too many exposures

people tend to stop noticing ads, or begin to find them irritating. And
once the most promising prospective customers have been reached,
there are diminishing returns, i.e. an ever-smaller increase in sales in
relation to increased advertising spending.
Find the terms in the text which mean the following.
1 free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend products to
their friends.
2 advertising that mentions a companys name but not specific
3 companies that handle advertising for clients
4 a contract with a company to produce its advertising
5 the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its
advertising and buying media time or space
6 the statement of objectives of an advertising campaign that a client
works out with an advertising agency
7 the advertising of a particular product or service during a particular
period of time
8 a defined set of customers whose needs a company plans to satisfy
9 the people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right
10 the fact that a certain amount of advertising is necessary to attract a
prospective customers attention
11 choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as ones
12 advertising during periods or seasons when sales are normally
relatively poor
Which of the following claims do you agree with?
1. Advertising is essential for business, especially for launching new
consumer products.
2. A large reduction of advertising would decrease sales.
3. Advertising often persuades people to buy things they dont need.
4. Advertising often persuades people to buy things they dont want.


Advertising lowers the publics taste.

Advertising raises prices.
Advertising does not present a true picture of products.
Advertising has a bad influence on children.

In a well-known survey, the Harvard Business Review asked 2,700

senior business managers whether they agree with these
statements. The survey produced some unexpected results. Which
of the following percentages do you think go with which of the
statements above?








23The four major promotional tools

Insert the following words in the text below.

aimed awareness

The basic idea behind the marketing concept that you

make what you can sell rather than sell what you make does not
mean that your product will sell all by itself. Even a good, attractivelypriced product that clearly satisfies a need has to be made known to its
(1). Customers. During the introduction and growth stages of
the standard product life cycle, the producer (or importer, and so on)
has to develop product or brand (2). , i.e. inform potential
customers (and distributors, dealers and retailers) about the products
existence, its features, its advantages, and so on.
According to the well-known Four Ps formulation of the
marketing mix (product, place, promotion and price), this is clearly a
matter of promotion. Since budgets are always limited, marketers
usually have to decide which tools advertising, public relations,
sales promotion, or personal selling to use, and in what proportion.
Public relations (often abbreviated to PR) is concerned with
maintaining, improving or protecting the image of a company or
product. The most important element of PR is publicity which (as
opposed to advertising) is any mention of companys products that is
not paid for, in any (3). : read, viewed or heard by a companys
customers or potential customers, aimed at assisting sales. Many

companies attempt to place stories or information in news media to

attract attention to a product or service. Publicity can have a huge
impact on public awareness that could not be achieved by advertising,
or at least, not without an enormous cost. A lot of research has shown
that people are more likely to read and believe publicity than
Sales promotions such as free samples, coupons, price
reductions, competitions, and so on, are temporary (4).
Designed to stimulate either earlier or stronger sales of a product. Free
samples, for example, (combined with extensive advertising), may
generate the initial (5). Of a new product. But the majority of
products available at any given time are of course in the (6)..
stage of the life cycle. This may last many years, until the product
begins to be replaced by new ones and enters the decline stage. During
this time, marketers can try out a number of promotional strategies
and tactics. Reduced-price packs in supermarkets, for example, can be
used to attract price-conscious brand-switchers, and, also, to counter
(a contracara) a promotion by a competitor. Stores also often reduce
prices of specific item as loss leader, which bring customers into the
shop where they will also buy other goods.
Sales promotions can also be (7).. at distributors,
dealer and retailers, to encourage them to stock new items or larger
quantities, or to encourage off-season buying, or the stocking of items
related to an existing product. They might equally be designed to
strengthen brand (8). Among retailers, or to gain entry to new
markets. Sales promotions can also be aimed at the sales force,
encouraging them to increase their activities in selling a particular
Personal selling is the most expensive promotional tool, and is
generally only used sparingly, e.g. as a complement to (9).. .
As well as prospecting for customers, spreading information about a
companys products and services, selling these products and services,
and assisting customers with possible technical problems, salespeople
have another important function. Since they are often the only person
from a company that customers see, they are an extremely important
(10) of information. It has been calculated that the majority
of new product ideas come from customers via sales representatives.
Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above.

1 When a new product is launched, the producer has to ..

2 Promotion is one of the four . ; sales promotions are one of the
four different .
3 The advantages of publicity include ..
4 The four stages of the standard product life cycle (excluding the prelaunched development stage) are .
5 Reasons to offer temporary price reductions include .
6 Sales promotions need not only be aimed at customers; .
7 Apart from selling a companys products, sales representatives .
What kind of sales promotions are you receptive to?
coupons giving a price reduction?
free samples?
discounts for buying a large quantity?
price reductions in shops?
packets offering 20% Extra?
There is a logical connection among three of the four words in
each of the following groups. Which is the odd one out, and why?
1 advertising competitors publicity sales promotion
2 advertising agency advertising campaign media plan word-ofmouth advertising
3 advertising manager brand-switcher marketing manager sales
4 after-sales service guarantee optional features points of sale
5 brand awareness brand loyalty brand name brand preference
6 competitions coupons free samples line-stretching
7 credit terms discount list price packaging
8 decline growth introduction product improvement
9 focus group interviews internal research media plan
10 packaging place product promotion

10. Market structure and competition

24. Market leaders, challengers and followers
Read the following text and write short headings for each
1 .
In most markets there is a definite market leader: the firm
with the largest market share. This is often the first company to have
entered the field, or at least the first to have succeeded in it. The
market leader is frequently able to lead other firms in the introduction
of new products, in price changes, in the level or intensity of
promotions, and so on.
Market leaders usually want to increase their market share
even further, or at least to protect their current market share. One way
to do this is to try to find ways to increase the size of the entire
market. Contrary to a common belief, wholly dominating a market, or
having a monopoly, is seldom an advantage: competitors expand
markets and find new uses and users for products, which enriches
everyone in the field, but the market leader more than its competitors.
A market can also be expanded by stimulating more usage: for
example, many households no longer have only one radio or cassette
player, but perhaps one in each room, one in the car, plus a Walkman
or two.
3 ..
In many markets, there is often also a distinct market
challenger, with the second-largest market share. In the car hire
business, the challenger actually advertises this fact: for many years
Avis used the slogan Were number two. We try harder. Market
challengers can either attempt to attack the leader, or to increase their
market share by attacking various market followers.
4 ..
The majority of companies in any industry are merely market
followers, which present no threat to the leader. Many market
followers concentrate on market segmentation: finding a profitable
niche in the market that is not satisfied by other goods or services, and

that offers growth potential or gives the company a differential

(distinctiv, deosebit) advantage because of its specific competencies.
A market follower, which does not establish its own niche is
in a vulnerable position: if its product does not have a unique selling
proposition there is no reason for anyone to buy it. In fact, in most
established industries, there is only room for two or three major
companies: think of soft drinks, soap and washing powders, jeans,
sports shoes, and so on. Although small companies are generally
flexible, and can quickly respond to market conditions, their narrow
range of customers causes problematic fluctuations in turnover and
profit. Furthermore, they are vulnerable in a recession when, largely
for psychological reasons, distributors, retailers and customers all
prefer to buy from big, well-known suppliers.
Find words in the text which mean the following.
1 a companys sales expressed as a percentage of the total market
2 short-term tactics designed to stimulate stronger sales of a product
3 the situation in which there is only one seller of a product
4 companies offering similar goods or services to the same set of
5 a short and easily memorized phrase used in advertising
6 the division of a market into submarkets according to the needs or
buying habits of different groups of potential customers
7 a small and specific market segment
8 a factor which makes you superior to competitors in a certain respect
9 a businesss total sales revenue
10 a period during which an economy is working below its potential

25. Takeovers, mergers and buyouts

Match up these words with the definitions below.
Backward integration
Forward integration

to diversify (diversification)
horizontal integration to merge (a merger)

to innovate (innovation)
vertical integration

a raid a takeover bid

1 designing new products and bringing them to the market

2 to expand into new fields
3 to unite, combine, amalgamate, integrate or join together
4 buying another companys shares on the stock exchange, hoping to
persuade enough other shareholders to sell to take control of the
5 a public offer to a companys shareholders to buy their shares, at a
particular price during a particular period, so as to acquire a company
6 to merge with or take over other firms producing the same type of
goods or services
7 joining with other firms in other stages of the production or sale of a
8 a merger with or the acquisition of ones suppliers
9 a merger with or the acquisition of ones marketing outlets
10 combined production that is greater than the sum of the separate


Leveraged buyouts
One indication that the people who warn against takeovers
might be right is the existence of leveraged buyouts.
In the 1960s, a big wave of takeovers in the US created
conglomerates collections of unrelated businesses combined into a
single corporate structure. It later became clear that many of these
conglomerates consisted of too many companies and not enough
synergy. After the recession of the early 1980s, there were many large
companies on the US stock market with good earnings but low stock
prices. Their assets were worth more than the companies market
Such conglomerates were clearly not maximizing stockholder
value. The individual companies might have been more efficient if
liberated from central management. Consequently, raiders (persoan
agresiv, acaparatoare) were able to borrow money, buy badlymanaged, inefficient and under-priced corporations, and then
restructure them, split them up, and resell them at a profit.

Conventional financial theory argues that stock markets are

efficient, meaning that all relevant information about companies is
built into their share prices. Raiders in the 1980s discovered that this
was quite simply untrue. Although the market could understand data
concerning companies earnings, it was highly inefficient in valuing
assets, including land, buildings and pension funds. Asset-stripping
selling off the assets of poorly performing or under-valued companies
proved to be highly lucrative (avantajos, profitabil).
Theoretically, there was little risk of making a loss with a
buyout, as the debts incurred (datoriile fcute) were guaranteed by the
companies assets. The ideal targets for such buyouts were companies
with huge cash reserves that enabled the buyer to pay the interest on
the debt, or companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold
to repay the principal, or companies in fields that are not sensitive to a
recession, such as food and tobacco.
Takeovers using borrowed money are called leveraged
buyouts or LBOs. Leverage (raportul dintre creane i capital)
means having a large proportion of debt compared to equity capital.
(Where a company is bought by its existing managers, we talk of a
management buyout or MBO.) Much of the money for LBOs was
provided by the American investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert,
where Michael Millken was able to convince investors that the high
returns on debt issued by risky enterprises more than compensated for
their riskiness, as the rate of default (rata neonorrii plii) was lower
than might be expected. He created a huge and liquid market of up to
300 billion dollars for junk bonds (obligaiuni cu risc). (Millken was
later arrested and charged (a fi acuzat) with 98 different felonies
(crime, acte penale), including a lot of insider dealing (operaiuni ale
unui iniiat, a unei persoane angajate n respectiva firm), and Drexel
Burnham Lambert went bankrupt (a da faliment) in 1990.)
Raiders and their supporters argue that the permanent threat of
takeovers is a challenge to company managers and directors to do
their jobs better, and that well-run businesses that are not undervalues
are at little risk. The threat of raids forces companies to put capital to
productive use. Fat or lazy companies that fail to do this will be taken
over by raiders who will use assets more efficiently, cut costs, and
increase shareholder value. On the other hand, the permanent threat of
a takeover or a buyout is clearly a disincentive (mijloc de intimidare)
to long-term capital investment, as a company will lose its investment

if a raider tries to break it up as soon as its share price falls below

LBOs, however, seem to be largely an American phenomenon.
German and Japanese managers and financiers, for example, seem to
consider companies as places where people work, rather than as assets
to be bought and sold. Hostile takeovers and buyouts are almost
unknown in these two countries, where business tends to concentrate
on long-term goals rather than seek instant stock market profits.
Workers in these companies are considered to be at least as important
as shareholders. The idea of a Japanese manager restructuring a
company, laying off (a concedia temporar) a large number of workers,
and getting a huge pay rise (as frequently happens in Britain and the
US), is unthinkable. Lay-offs in Japan are instead a cause for shame
for which managers are expected to apologize.
Complete the following sentences, which summarize the text
1 The fact that many large conglomerates assets were worth more
than their stock market valuation demonstrated that
2 Raiders bought conglomerates in order to
3 Raiders showed that the stock market did not
4 Raiders were particularly interested in
5 Investors were prepared to lend money to finance LBOs because
6 Raiders argue that the possibility of a buyout
26. Profits and social responsibility
In the 1920s, many large American corporations began, on a
wide scale, to establish pension funds, employee stock ownership, life
insurance schemes, unemployment compensation funds, limitations on
working hours, and high wages. They built houses, churches, schools
and libraries, provided medical and legal services, and gave money to
charities (acte filantropice). Since this is fairly surprising behavior for
business corporations, there must be a good explanation.
In the Generous Corporations, Neil J. Mitchell argues that the
reason for many of these actions, most of which clearly did not bring
immediate cash benefits, was that large corporations had a legitimacy
problem. The existence of large corporations showed the classical

economic theory of perfect competition to be inadequate.

Consequently large corporations introduced welfare capitalism
(capitalism social) as a way of creating favorable public opinion.
Rational capitalists starting with Henry Ford, also realized that a better
paid work force would be more loyal, and would be able to buy more
goods and services, and that a better educated work force would be a
more efficient one.
Of course, pure free market theorists disapprove of welfare
capitalism, and all actions inspired by social responsibility rather
than the attempt to maximize profits. Since the benefits of such
initiatives are not confined to (a se limita la) those who bear the costs,
Milton Friedman has criticized them for being unbusinesslike, and for
threatening the survival not only of individual corporations but also
the general vitality of capitalism. In a newspaper article titled The
social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, he argued
In a free enterprise, private-property system, a corporate
executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct
responsibility to his employers. That responsibility is to conduct the
business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to
make as much money as possible, while of course confirming to the
basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those
embodied in ethical custom.
Thus executives should not make expenditures on reducing
pollution beyond the amount that is required by law or that is the best
interest of the firm. Nor should they deliberately hire less-qualified,
long-term unemployed workers, or workers from ethnic minorities
suffering from discrimination. To do so is to be guilty of spending the
stockholders (or the customers or the employees) money. Friedman
does not consider the possibility that stockholders might prefer to
receive lower dividends but live in a society with less pollution or less
unemployment and fewer social problems.
An alternative view to the stockholder model exemplified by
Friedmans article is the stakeholder (cei care dein un interes) model,
outlined, for example, in John Kenneth Galbraiths book, The New
Industrial State. According to his approach, business managers have
responsibilities to all the groups of people with a stake in or an interest
in or a claim on the firm. These will include suppliers, customers,
employees, and the local community, as well as the stockholders. A
firm which is managed for the benefit of all its stakeholders, will not,

for example, pollute the area around its factories, or close down a
factory employing several hundred people in a small town with no
other significant employers, and relocate production elsewhere in
order to make small financial savings. Proponents of the stakeholder
approach suggest that suppliers, customers, employees, and members
of the local community should be strongly represented on a companys
board of directors.
Find words or expressions in the text which mean the following.
1 institutions or organizations that provide help for people in need
2 acceptability, according to law or public opinion
3 the situation when there are a large number of sellers and buyers,
freedom to enter and leave markets, a complete flow of information,
and so on
4 a condition of general well-being (and government spending
designed to achieve this)
5 menacing, endangering
6 liveliness, health, energy, strength
7 an economic system in which anyone can attempt to raise capital,
form a business, and offer goods or services
8 complying with or following (rules, etc.)
9 expressed, given a material form
10 supporters, people who argue in favour of something

11. Money and Finance

27. A history of money what makes the world go round


Money it jingles in your pocket, it rustles in your wallet and

it clinks in your piggy-bank. Money makes the world go round, but
whats it? Its a store of value or a measure of wealth. Money is
anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and
services. This is a wide definition and, over the centuries, money has
appeared in all shapes and sizes; cowrie shells in ancient China, huge
stone discs on a South Pacific Island or beads (Wampum) for the
North American Indians.
Jingle = a zorni
Rustle = a foni
Clink = a zngni
Piggy-bank = puculi
Cowrie = scoic, ghioc
Beads = mrgele, mtnii
Wampum = colier de scoici
From Chickens to Plastic
At the end of the day, of course, it doesnt really matter what
shape or size the money takes, as long as everyone recognises it and
accepts it in payment. But, over the course of history, money has
predominantly been associated with metals, in particular gold, silver
and copper.
Bartering (troc)
Before metal money become the usual means of exchange,
people would swap (schimba) goods and services in a process known
as bartering Ill swap you ten chickens for your goat. This kind of
exchange does not really encourage trade, as all sorts of problems
arise; are all the chickens of the same size? If Ive only got five
chickens, can I buy half a cow? Obviously, precious metals are a
practical alternative to payment in kind (n natur).
Four Essential Qualities
For money to be practical and efficient it should possess these

Durability in prison, cigarettes may become a medium of exchange

but theyre easy to break and quickly dry up; in other words, they
dont last.
Portability in some parts of Africa your wealth is measured in cattle.
This is fine if youre trading locally, but if money isnt easy to carry,
how can trade develop?
Divisibility small units make life much easier imagine trying to
buy a hot dog in New York if the $100 bill was the lowest unit of
Intrinsic value money should have some worth in itself, otherwise it
wont inspire confidence.
We first read of coins in the Kingdom of Lydia in the 7 th
century BC. Their coins were of equal weight and therefore of equal
value, simplifying trade. Stamping a design onto the coins is called
minting; Alexander the Great introduced the practice of stamping a
picture of the sovereigns head on the coins, an idea that was soon
Coins however, were not always as valuable as they seemed
they were often clipped or shaved by unscrupulous individuals or
debased by the state. The Romans, with the economic pressure of the
Punic wars, began a long process of debasement, mixing more and
more copper in with the silver, so that the intrinsic value of the coin
was far lower than the marked face value.
Mint = a bate moned
Debase = a devaloriza
Debasement = devalorizare
Clipped = retezat, scurtat
Shaved = redus
Paper Money
Bank notes were first introduced by the Chinese in the 10 th
century. They were later used by governments in dire financial straits
(n dificulti mari financiare) caused by things like having to
finance a war, for example. The English colonies in North America
made important strides in the use of bank notes. For various political
and economic reasons, the Colonists often found themselves short of
coinage. To get round this problem, they used first wampum, then

tobacco, rice and whisky or brandy not exactly the most practical
solution. The first paper money issue was by the Massachusetts Bay
Colony in 1690. The practice was frowned upon and eventually
banned by the mother country, but the inventive money-making
instincts of the new United States of America meant that, during the
19th century, most of the money used was in the form of paper dollars.
The first fully printed note in England was issued in 1855 until that
time the cashier had to write the name of the payee and sign each note
At first, bank notes were redeemable for gold on Bank of
England notes you will see written I promise to pay the bearer on
demand the sum of If you took a ten-pound note to the Bank they
used to have to give you ten pounds in gold coin. Britain left the gold
standard in 1931 and thus the notes are no longer backed by gold.
Strides = progrese, pai
Short of coinage = lips de monezi
Ban = a interzice, a scoate n afara legii
Frown upon = a nu fi de acord cu ceva
Redeem = a compensa, rscumpra
Plastic money
Nowadays many transactions are carried out with plastic
money such as credit cards. The newest are called smart cards and
carry small silicon chips that can record every transaction on the card.
Research into the cards of the future continues, but the latest
development is e-cash, cash to be used across the Internet youll be
able to spend money from the comfort of your armchair. If only
earning the damn stuff was so easy!

MONEY TALK the language of cash

Money is so central to our lives that it has spawned (a
prolifera) a wealth of specific terminology, idioms and sayings. Great

thinkers in all ages have had something to say about it; governments
are elected on the strength of how they plan to manage it, empires rise
and fall because of it.
The Root of All Evil
Money is so important to us people even say it makes the
world go round that it has acquired many nicknames, such as bread,
dough, dinero, mazuma, spondulicks, rhino, gravy, dosh, lucre or
simply the necessary. Small amounts of it are chickenfeed or peanuts.
(n slang: lovele, bitari, parale, bani, ctig)
So what are you thinking about now? A penny for your thoughts! Oh,
I see, you like the look of that new jacket itll cost you an arm and
a leg. Im afraid, or, to put it another way, youll have to pay through
the nose for it.
You may like it so much you insist that moneys no object
but dont forget: money doesnt grow on trees, so dont live beyond
your means! If you do go ahead and buy that jacket, your friends will
tell you that you might as well flush it (the money) down the toilet.
So, if you cant afford it, buy the cheapo version: you can bet your
bottom dollar that nobody will be able to tell the difference.
Of course your attitude to money depends, to a certain extend,
on how well off you are. You may be experiencing a liquidity
problem or a cashflow problem at the moment; in other words, youre
strapped for cash, broke, or even flat broke. Perhaps you dont have
a dollar to your name, you dont have a red cent and you havent got
a bean, in which case youre as poor as a church mouse!
If, on the other hand, youve got plenty of money then youre
filthy rich, or stinking rich or rolling in it perhaps you had some
good business ideas and put your money where your mouth is or
cashed in on a golden business opportunity and managed to get rich
quick, so now youre laughing all the way to the bank.
Youve got money to burn; youre earning megabucks and,
now that you know its power, you believe what people say money
talks! In spite of this, you might be so careful with money that people
think youre mean or stingy (zgrcit). Perhaps theyll call you a miser
behind your back; in the US youd be called a tightwad (calic, avar).
You might reply that money doesnt grow on trees but then
others might say that you cant take it with you (when you die) and so
they spend money as if it were going out of fashion. In this case,

money burns a hole in their pocket, and you would be the first to
remind them that a fool and his money are soon parted. If, on the
other hand, you look after the pennies, then the pounds will look
after themselves.
28. The profits of labor
Roman soldiers were given part of their pay in salt, as it was
so valuable at least thats the excuse the Senate gave!
At the time it was called their salario, and it is for this reason that we
still use the word salary to describe the regular monthly payment
made to employees especially white-collars workers. If you receive
your pay every week, then you receive wages on payday, in the form
of a paycheck in the US, or a paypacket in the UK.
You may find that some of your money is taken from you
before you even see it, that is it is deducted at source; in the US these
deductions are known as deducks or ducks. They may be for tax and
also, in the UK, National Insurance, which means that your takehome pay may be a lot less than you expected!
Those who are unlucky enough not to have a job will be on
the dole receiving unemployment benefit in the UK or on welfare in
the US. If you pay money for your retirement then your company
runs a pension scheme. If you work more than your normal hours,
then youre paid overtime. If your company has been doing well, you
may get a bonus.
If youre one of the bosses of a newly-privatised monopoly,
your employees may call you a fat cat, and part of your pay may take
the form of share options; when you started to work for the company
you were given a golden hello and, regardless of the companys
performance, you will be given a golden handshake when you leave.
Perhaps youre the kind of boss that never stops complaining about
your employees; if so remember: if you pay peanuts you get
You and your fellow top-managers are likely to enjoy a range
of fringe benefits or perks like a free car, house and even private
education for your children. This is in lieu of money, and means that
you have a high standard of living without having to declare
hundreds of thousands of pounds at the end of the tax year. All the

expenses the company incurs on your behalf are also tax deductible
for the company, so it doesnt lose out either.
When the time comes to retire, sooner rather then later, for the
lucky few who can choose early retirement, you may decide to take
your company pension in a lump sum and finally you can go on that
world cruise!
White-collars workers = funcionari
On the dole = ajutor de omaj, subvenie de la stat
On welfare = ajutor social
Share options =
Fringe benefit / perks = beneficiu suplimentar
In lieu of money = n loc de bani
Incur = a face, a crea
Lump sum = sum global / unic, plat unic
Many of us go to the bank at some point to ask for a loan it
is often said that a bank manager is someone who lends you an
umbrella when the sun is shining and who asks for it back when it
starts to rain.
The simplest way to borrow is with an overdraft, or by using
the facilities offered by a credit card; but to borrow large sums youll
probably negotiate a loan with your bank; you can either borrow a
fixed amount or agree a credit limit.
If youre buying a house, then youll want a mortgage. If the
bank refuses to lend you money, you might resort to borrowing from a
finance company or even the local loan shark to pay off your IOUs
(I Owe You). For any loan, you should look at the Annual Percentage
Rate which takes into account the various charges which will be
included in your repayments.
Borrowing from a loan shark can involve exorbitant interest
rates. If youre being gouged in this way, then you may end up being
unable to make the repayments. Your debt may be sold to a debt
collector or you may receive a visit from the bailiffs in the UK. If
youve been buying something in instalments or on a hire purchase
(HP) scheme, defaulting on the repayments will probably lead to a
visit from the dreaded repo (repossesssion) man.

Gouged = escrocat, tras pe sfoar

Bailiff = inspector
Dreaded = de temut
With the invention of money came forgery. Modern
counterfeit notes can be extremely difficult to spot and new
developments in the production of notes are soon copied by the
forgers. Heres a quick guide to recognizing a counterfeit Bank of
England note:
The feel of the paper: it should be crisp and slightly rough in the
heavily printed areas.
The watermark: you shouldnt be able to notice it until you hold the
note up to the light; then you can see a picture of the Queen.
The thread: all genuine notes have a thread embedded in the paper.
Recent notes have a windowed thread which does not appear as a
continuous line until the note is held up to the light.
Quality of printing: pure, clear colours and sharp, well-defined lines.
Spot = a identifica, a distinge
Counterfeit notes = bancnote contrafcute
Forgers = falsificatori
Crisp = fragil
Embedded = introdus
Hard Times
If youve fallen on hard times, you might tell people that you
need to watch your spending, your money or your pennies. In the
States, you might say that you have to watch every dime. Perhaps
your bank account is in the red, so you decide to control your
spending and keep track of your expenses more closely. This will
certainly involve cutting down on expenses in general, budgeting
your money, tightening your belt and saving your pennies.
Almost certainly you will have to cut the frills (unneccessary
expenditure), trim (reduce) the budget and go back to basics. If an
unexpected expense comes up that you have to meet, you might
decide to dip into your savings, or scrounge the money somehow.

If, on the other hand, you splash out on something

extravagant, you might justify the expense by telling people that
youve got enough saved up, that youve been saving for a rainy day
or that youre lucky enough to have a nest egg that youve finally
decided to use.
Frills = fasoane, lucruri care nu sunt necesare
Scrounge = a aprli, a terpeli
Splash out = a se arunca
29. Accounting and financial statements
a. Match up the terms on the left with the definitions on the
1. Bookkeeping
A calculating an individuals or a companys liability for tax
2. Accounting
B writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits) 3. Managerial accounting
C keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure,
valuing assets and liabilities, and so on
4. Cost accounting
D preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for
5. Tax accounting
E inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants
6. Auditing
F using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the
true financial position of a company
7. creative accounting
G working out the unit cost of products, including materials, labour
and all other expenses
b. Match up these words with the definitions below
1. Assets

A a companys owners
2. Depreciation
B all the money received by a company during a given period
3. Liabilities
C all the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in
the future, including taxes, debt, and interest and mortgage payments
4. Turnover
D the amount of business done by a company over a year
5. Creditors (GB) accounts payable (US)
E anything owned by a business (cash investments, buildings,
machines, and so on) that can be used to produce goods or pay
6. Debtors (GB) accounts receivable (US)
F the reduction in value of a fixed asset during the years it is in use
(charged against profits)
7. Overheads (GB) overhead (US)
G sums of money owed by customers for goods or services purchased
on credit
8. Revenue or earnings or income
H sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit
9. Shareholders (GB) stockholders (US)
I (the value of) raw materials, work in progress, and finished products
stored ready for sale
10. Stock (GB) inventory (US)
J the various expenses of operating a business that cannot be charged
to any one product, process or department
Insert the words in vocabulary b) in the gaps in the text below.
Accounting and financial statements
In accounting it is always assumed that a business is a going
concern, i.e. that it will continue indefinitely into the future, which
means that the current market value of its assets is irrelevant, as they
are not for sale. Consequently, the most common accounting system is
historical cost accounting, which records (1) at their
original purchase price, minus accumulated depreciation charges. In
times of inflation, this understates the value of appreciating assets

such as land, but overstates profits as it does not record the

replacement cost of plant or (2) . The value of a businesss
assets under historical cost accounting purchase price minus (3)
.. is known as its net book value. Countries with persistently
high inflation often prefer to use current cost or replacement cost
accounting, which values assets (and related expenses like
depreciation) at the price that would have to be paid to replace them
(or to buy a more modern equivalent) today.
Company law specifies that (4) . Must be given certain
financial information. Companies generally include three financial
statements in their annual reports.
The profit and loss account (GB) or income statement (US) shows
(5) .. and expenditure. It usually gives figures for total sales or
(6) . And costs and (7) . The first figure should
obviously be higher than the second, i.e. there should be a profit. Part
of the profit goes to the government in taxation, part is usually
distributed to shareholders (stockholders) as dividend, and part is
retained by the company.
The balance sheet shows a companys financial situation on a
particular date, generally the last day of the financial year. It lists the
companys assets, its (8) , and shareholders (stockholders)
funds. A businesss assets include (9) as it is assumed that
these will be paid. Liabilities include (10) , as these will have
to be paid. Negative items on financial statements, such as creditors,
taxation, and dividends paid, are usually enclosed in brackets.
In accordance with the principle of double-entry bookkeeping
(that all transactions are entered as credit in one account and as debit
in another), the basic accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities +
Owners (or Shares) Equity. This can be rewritten as Assets
Liabilities = Owners Equity or Net Assets. This includes share capital
(money received from the issue of shares), share premium (GB) or
paid-in surplus (US) (any money realised by selling shares at above
their nominal value), and the companys reserves, including the years
retained profits. Shareholders equity or net assets are generally less
than a companys market capitalisation (the total value of its shares at
any given moment, i.e. the number of shares times their market price),
because net assets do not record items such as goodwill.
The third financial statement has various names including the
source and application of funds statement, and the statement of
changes in financial position. This shows the flow of cash in and out

of the business between balance sheet dates. Sources of funds include

trading profits, depreciation provisions, sales of assets, borrowing, and
the issuing of shares.
Applications of funds include purchases of fixed or financial
assets, payment of dividends, repayment of loans, and in a bad year
trading losses.
The profit and loss account (GB) or income statement (US)
calculul rezultatelor, al pierderilor i a profitului
The balance sheet bilanul contabil
Net Assets activul net
Share capital capitalul acinilor
Share premium (GB) or paid-in surplus (US) prim suplimentar
din aciuni
Companys reserves rezervele firmei
The years retained profits profitul pstrat dintr-un an
Goodwill clientela; fondurile comerciale; vad
Source and application of funds statement / the statement of
changes in financial position situaia surselor i a aplicrii
fondurilor / situaia schimbrilor din situaia financiar
There are ten gaps in the two statements which follow. According
to the information in the previous text, decide where the following
headings should appear:
Called-up share capital
cash in hand and at bank
Corporation tax
Freehold properties
historical cost net assets

The Arsenal Football Club PLC

Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31st May 1994



[1 .]
(income from football and related
activities: gate receipts, broadcasting,
ground advertisements, prize money)



Costs and [2 ],
less other income (costs include
salaries, [3 ], auditors
remuneration, and lease payments; other
income includes Interest Receivable)



Profit on Ordinary Activities before

Transfer Fees



Transfer fees payable



Profit on Ordinary Activities before









Profit after Taxation Retained for

The Financial Year

Arsenal Football Club PLC Balance Sheet 31st May 1994

Fixed Assets
(including [4 .],
leasehold properties, plant and
equipment, and motor vehicles;
all recorded at [5 ]
minus depreciation)
Current Assets
Stocks; (including [6 .],
Instalments on executive boxes);
and [7 .]








Amounts falling due within one
year (including [8 .]
and social security)


Total Assets less Current Liabilities

Long Term Liabilities
Amounts falling due after more than
One year (including debenture




(17,893,500) (11,923,100)

[9 ..]


Capital and Reserves

[10 ]
Share premium account
Building reserve
Profit and loss account
(years profit added to previous balance)





Shareholders Funds


30. Exchange rates

While reading the text, decide which paragraph could be given the
following headings.

Floating exchange rates

Intervention and managed floating exchange rates
Supporters of fixed and floating rates
The abolition of exchange controls
The period of gold convertibility
The power of speculators and the collapse of the EMS
Why many business people would prefer a single currency

The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 established fixed

exchange rates, defined in terms of gold and the US dollar. Between
1944 and 1971, many currencies were pegged against (fixat, stabilizat
dup) the US dollar, i.e. their parties with the US dollar were fixed. In
this period, a US dollar was a promissory note issued by the United
States Treasury. If anybody requested it, the Treasury had to exchange

the note for 1/35th of an ounce of gold. Under this system, overvalued
or undervalued currencies could only be adjusted with the agreement
of the International Monetary Fund. Such adjustments are called
devaluations and revaluations. The Bretton Woods system of gold
convertibility and pegging against the dollar was abandoned in 1971,
because following inflation, the Federal Reserve did not have enough
gold to guarantee the American currency.
Gold convertibility was replaced by a system of floating
exchange rates. (Today, the US dollar the unofficial world currency
is merely a piece of paper on which is written In God We Trust.
God, not gold!) a freely (or clean) floating exchange rate is
determined purely by supply and demand. Theoretically, in the
absence of speculation, exchange rates should reflect purchasing
power parity the cost of a given selection of goods and services in
different countries. Proponents of floating exchange rates, such as
Milton Friedman, argued that currencies would automatically establish
stable exchange rates, which would reflect economic realities more
precisely than calculations by central bank officials. Yet, they
underestimated the impact of speculation, and the fact that companies
and investors frequently follow short-term money market trends even
if these are contrary to their own long-term interests.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the American, British and
other governments deregulated their financial systems, and abolished
all exchange controls. Residents in these countries are now able to
exchange any amount of their currency for any other convertible
currency. This has led to the current situation in which 95% of the
worlds currency transactions are unrelated to transactions in goods
but are purely speculative. Enormous amounts of money move round
the world, chasing high interest rates or capital gains, as investors
including rich individuals, companies and pension funds seek to
maximize the value of their assets. In London alone, over $300 billion
worth of currency is traded on an average day the equivalent of
about 30% of the value of the goods Britain procedures each year.
Banks make a profit from the spread (marj) between a currencys
buying and selling prices.
Few governments, however, leave exchange rates wholly at
the mercy of market forces. Most of them attempt to influence the
level of their currency when necessary. Managed (or dirty) floating
exchange rates are more common than freely floating ones. In 1979,
most Western European governments joined the EMS (European

Monetary System), with its ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism). This

established parties between member currencies, and a margin of plus
or minus 2 %. If the rate diverged by more than this amount from
the central parity, governments and central banks had to intervene in
exchange markets, buying or selling in order to increase or decrease
the value of their currency.
Yet, government policy can easily be defeated by the
combined action of international speculators. For example, on a single
day in September 1992 the Bank of England lost five billion pounds in
a hopeless attempt to support the pound sterling. For weeks, all the
worlds financial institutions and rich individuals had been selling
their pounds, as everyone except the British Government believed that
ever since it joined the ERM in 1990, the pound had been seriously
overvalued. When the British central bank ran out of reserves and
could no longer buy pounds, the currency was withdrawn from the
ERM and allowed to float, instantly losing about 15% of its value
against the D-mark. The next year, speculators attacked the French
franc, the Belgian franc, the Danish krone and the Spanish peseta. In
August 1993, the European Monetary System was more or less
Many manufacturers are in favour of fixed exchange rates, or
a single currency. Although it is possible to some extend to hedge
against (a se asigura mpotriva) currency fluctuations by way of
futures contracts, forward planning is difficult when the price of raw
materials bought from abroad, or the price of your products in export
markets, can rise or fall by 50% in only a few months. (Since
exchange controls were abolished, currencies including the US$ and
the pound sterling have in turn appreciated by up to 100% and then
depreciated by more than 50% against the currencies of major trading
Other supporters of fixed exchange rates or a single currency
include extreme conservatives who want to return to something like
the gold standard, as well as people on the left who believe that
speculators have too much power. Supporters of flexible rates include
monetarists who want countries to follow strict monetary rules, as
well as Keynesians who want to be free to devalue in the attempt to
reduce unemployment. These are both rather surprising alliances,
which put into doubt the planned timetable for the introduction of a
Single European Currency.

Are the following statements True or False?
1 Gold convertibility was abandoned because there was too much
2 It is now impossible to exchange dollars for gold.
3 Only a pegged currency can be devalued or revalued.
4 A floating currency can either appreciate or be devalued.
5 Central banks sometimes attempt to decrease the value of their
6 The EMS was designed to stabilize exchange rates.
7 To speculate is to take risks; to hedge is to try to avoid risks.
8 Under the system of floating exchange rates, currencies can
depreciate 100% in a short time.


1. Match up the half-sentences below.

1. To peg a currency against something means to
A. the amount of a countrys money that residents were able to
change into foreign currencies.
2. A clean floating exchange rate
B. fix its value in relation to it.
3. Exchange controls used to limit
C. make a profit by making capital gains or by investing at higher
interest rates.
4. Speculators buy or sell currencies in order to
D. is determined by supply and demand.
5. Market forces means
E. trying to insure against unfavourable price movements by way of
futures contract.
6. Hedging means
F. the determination of price by supply and demand (the quantity
available and the quantity bought and sold).


2. Which six of these verbs are defined below?


adjust appreciate



1 to make changes to something

2 to change something into something else
3 to end something permanently
4 to end something temporarily
5 to go up or down (in quantity, value, etc.)
6 to move away from what is considered normal

12. Banking and taxation

Match up these terms with the definitions below.
Cash card

cash dispenser
credit card
Loan mortgage
standing order
Current account (GB) or checking account (US)
Deposit account (GB) or time or notice account (US)
1 an arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more from a
bank account than has been deposited in it, up to an agreed limit;
interest on the debt is calculated daily
2 a card which guarantees payment for goods and services purchased
by the cardholder, who pays back the bank or finance company at a
later date
3 a computerized machine that allows bank customers to withdraw
money, check their balance, and so on
4 a fixed sum of money on which interest is paid, lent for a fixed
period, and usually for a specific purpose
5 an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to certain
people or organizations at stated times


6 a loan, usually to buy property, which serves as a security for the

7 a plastic card issued to bank customers for use in cash dispensers
8 doing banking transactions by telephone or from ones own personal
computer, linked to the bank via a network
9 one that generally pays little or no interest, but allows the holder to
withdraw his or her cash without any restrictions
10 one that pays interest, but usually cannot be used for paying
cheques (GB) or checks (US), and on which notice is often required to
withdraw money
31. Types of banks
Read the text below and write short headings (one or two words)
for each paragraph
Commercial or retail banks are businesses that trade in money.
They receive and hold deposits, pay money according to customers
instructions, lend money, offer investment advice, exchange foreign
currencies, and so on. They make a profit from the difference (known
as a spread or a margin) between the interest rates they pay to lenders
or depositors and those they charge to borrowers. Banks also create
credit, because the money they lend, from their deposits, is generally
spent (either on goods or services, or to settle debts), and in this way
transferred to another bank account often by way of a bank transfer
or a cheque (check) rather than the use of notes or coins from where
it can be lent to another borrower, and so on. When lending money,
bankers have to find a balance between yield and risk, and between
liquidity and different maturities.
Merchant bank in Britain raise funds for industry on the
various financial markets, finance international trade, issue and
underwrite securities, deal with takeovers and mergers, and issue
government bonds. They also generally offer stockbroking and
portfolio management services to rich corporate and individual clients.
Investment banks in the USA are similar, but they can only act as
intermediaries offering advisory services, and do not offer loans

themselves. Investment banks make their profits from the fees and
commissions they charge for their services.
In the USA, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1934 enforced a strict
separation between commercial banks and investment banks or
stockbroking firms. Yet, the distinction between commercial and
investment banking has become less clear in recent years.
Deregulation in the USA and Britain is leading to the creation of
financial supermarkets: conglomerates combining the services
previously offered by banks, stockbrokers, insurance companies, and
so on. In some European countries (notably Germany, Austria and
Switzerland) there have always been universal banks combining
deposit and loan banking with share and bond dealing and investment
A countrys minimum interest rate is usually fixed by the
central bank. This is the discount rate, at which the central bank makes
secured loans to commercial banks. Banks lend to blue chip borrowers
(very safe large companies) at the base rate or the prime rate; all other
borrowers pay more, depending on their credit standing (or credit
rating, or creditworthiness): the lenders estimation of their present
and future solvency. Borrowers can usually get a lower interest rate if
the loan is secured or guaranteed by some kind of asset, known as
In most financial centres, there are also branches of lots of
foreign banks, largely doing Eurocurrency business. A Eurocurrency is
any currency held outside its country of origin. The first significant
Eurocurrency market was for US dollars in Europe, but the name is
now used for foreign currencies held anywhere in the world (e.g. yen
in the US, DM in Japan). Since the US$ is the worlds most important
trading currency and because the US has for many years had a huge
trade deficit there is a market of many billions of Eurodollars,
including the oil-exporting countries petrodollars. Although a
central bank can determine the minimum lending rate for its national
currency it has no control over foreign currencies. Furthermore, banks
are not obliged to deposit any of their Eurocurrency assets at 0%
interest with the central bank, which means that they can usually offer
better rates to borrowers and depositors than in the home country.

Commercial / retail bank banc comerciale / banc de depozit

Merchant bank / Investment bank banc comercial / de investiii
a. Find the words or expressions in the text which mean the
1 to place money in a bank; or money placed in a bank
2 the money used in countries other than ones own
3 how much money a loan pays, expressed as percentage
4 available cash, and how easily other assets can be turned into cash
5 the date when a loan becomes repayable
6 to guarantee to buy all the new shares that a company issues, if they
cannot be sold to the public
7 when a company buys or acquires another one
8 when a company combines with another one
9 buying and selling stocks or shares for clients
10 taking care of all a clients investments
11 the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions
12 a group of companies, operating in different fields, that have joined
13 a company considered to be without risk
14 ability to pay liabilities when they become due
15 anything that acts as a security or a guarantee for a loan
b.The text contains a number of common verb-noun partnerships
(e.g. to lend money, to finance international trade). Match up the
verbs and nouns below to make common collocations.

security issues

32. Opening an account and means of payment

At the Bank Opening an account
Mr. X I would like to open an account with you.
Bank Clerk Very well, sir. Here is a form youll have to fill in.
Mr. X There may be a problem. You see, Im a foreign resident.
Bank Clerk This is quite all right, sir. Quite a large number of our
clients are foreigners. Do you want to open a current account or a
deposit account?
Mr. X Well, Im going to stay and work here for a while, and Id
like my salary to be paid into my account. But I dont want to have to
give notice before I can withdraw money.
Bank Clerk Its obviously a current account you need.
Mr. X How long will take to open an account?
Bank Clerk Doesnt take long, sir. Let me see Today is Thursday,
if you can complete this form today, your cheque-book will be ready
for you on Tuesday.
Mr. X Fine. So, my salary could be paid in at the end of the month.
Bank Clerk No doubt, sir.
Mr. X There are two questions Id like to ask. Will this be the only
place where I can cash a cheque?
Bank Clerk Oh, no, sir. You can have them cashed at any of our
Mr. X Good. And what about statements of account? How
frequently does one get them?
Bank Clerk Normally, once a month. But we shall send one out
after each transaction if you want us to.

General Information:
When do/are you open?
How late do you stay open?

When do you close?

What are your opening hours?
In the US: Does this bank have an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine
In the UK: Do you have a cash point/dispenser?
The ATM ate/kept my card.
The cash dispenser wont give me my card back.
If you want to use bank services you may have to queue (UK) or stand
in line (US) and wait for the next available teller (US) or clerk (UK):
When their desk is free, a light will come on:
Next, please.
Please step down (US).
Im open over/down here.
Queue / stand in line = a sta la coad
Teller / clerk = funcionar la ghieu
You can then tell him or her what you want:
I want/need/would like to cash a check.
Id like to cash these travelers checks, please.
Can you change a ten-pound note, please?
Id like ten dollars worth of quarters, please.
I need a roll of quarters.
If you have an account there:
Id like to make a deposit.
Id like to withdraw some money from my account.
Id like to make a withdrawal.
If you want to withdraw some money from abroad:
Id like to transfer some money from an overseas bank account.
Before the clerk gives you any money, she/he will ask:
How would you like that?
Any preference?
Large or small bills (US) notes (UK)?
Your reply:
It doesnt matter (which denomination)
All twenties, please.

Just tens and twenties, please.

Five, tens and three fives, please.
No small bills/notes, please.
If you want to transfer some money, the clerk will say:
Are you a customer here?
First of all, I need some ID, please.
May I see some identification?
Do you have a bank card with you?
Id like the name and address of your bank, your account number and
your sorting code, please.
Please fill in this form.
Im afraid youll have to go to the enquiries desk (biroul de
Or, if youre cashing a check:
Could you endorse this (sign it on the back), please.
Perhaps youre withdrawing money with a credit card:
Enter your PIN number, please (PIN: Personal Identification Number).
If you have foreign currency:
Do you handle foreign exchange here?
Is there a foreign exchange desk?
Id like to change/buy some foreign currency.
Whats the current exchange rate, please?
How many marks to the dollar, please?
And the reply:
The exchange rate is 1,5 marks to the dollar.
Im afraid the rate has gone up today.
You might want to know:
Do I have to pay bank charges (comision) on top of that?
Is that inclusive of commission?
Are there any additional expenses?
What commission do you charge?
Maybe youre staying in an Anglophone country for more than a
year and you want to open a bank account there:

Id like to open a deposit/checking/ savings account, please.

Id like to apply for a loan.
Id like to get a safety deposit box (safe de depuneri).
Whats the interest rate on this account?
Could you explain the service charges on this account?
Could I have a new checkbook, please?
Id like to apply for a bank/cheque/credit/cash card, please.
Means of payment.
Id just had a phone call from the bank. They couldnt cash in Ds
cheque. They were told there were insufficient funds on his account.
Im surprised. That would be the first time. Can you remind me of the
Its not a large sum: only 135 pounds.
This is all the more surprising. He is not the kind of person to
overdraw his account. What sort of a cheque did he make out?
Im looking into his file Now It was a giro cheque. Usually he
pays us by bank cheque for small amounts, and by draft for large
It makes more sense. Just give him a ring, will you? Im sure hell
settle immediately.
Ill do that. Something else. Ive had very bad information about B,
you know, the reseller (vnztor) who wanted immediate delivery.
I see who you mean. Its his first order with us?
Thats it. Hes already had a current account cancelled and has a
reputation for being a slow payer.
If so, insist on payment with the order (plata la comand). Delivery is
out of the question until the sum has been paid into our account.
Well, I think thats all. Oh yes! One more thing, the drafts to be

Means of payment. Key sentences.

His account is overdrawn (in the red).

Cecul su este descoperit.

The settlement is long overdue.
Plata ar fi trebuit s fie fcut demult.
Whats his current account number?
Care este numrul contului su curent?
Charge it to my account.
Scoatei suma din contul meu.
Settle the amount by money order if you find it more convenient.
Pltii suma prin mandat potal dac considerai c este mai practic.
The cheque was made out to his order.
Cecul era fcut la ordinul su.
He intends to open a deposit account at one of our branches.
El are intenia s deschid un cont pentru depuneri la una din
sucursalele noastre.
I think I remember it was a bearer cheque.
Cred c mi amintesc, era un cec la purttor.
Normally, that payment-in ought to have been recorded on my last
statement of account.
Normal, acea plat (vrsmnt) ar trebuie s figureze pe ultimul meu
extras de cont.
For sight withdrawals, you simply have to go to counter no.3
Pentru retragerile la vedere, ajunge s mergei la ghieul nr.3
She will pay us by instalments over six months.
Ea ne va plti n rate ealonate pe ase luni.
I have kept the stub (counterfoil) of the cheque which I issued on
March 6th.
Am pstrat talonul cecului pe care l-am emis pe 6 martie.
The holder of the credit card must inform our nearest office in case of
loss or theft.
Titularul crii de credit trebuie s informeze imediat biroul nostru cel
mai apropiat n caz de pierdere sau de furt.
Thanks to your credit card, you may rent a car without leaving a
Datorit crii dumneavoastr de credit vei putea nchiria o main
fr s lsai o garanie.
How is it that this cheque has not been endorsed?
Cum se face c acest cec nu a fost andosat?
I suppose youd rather be paid in cash?
Presupun c preferai s fii pltii cu bani ghea.
The draft will fall due at the end of the month.

Trata ajunge la scaden la sfritul lunii.

Why havent you presented this draft for acceptance yet?
De ce nu ai prezentat nc aceast trat la acceptare?
How long will it take to have the sum transferred to my account?
Ct dureaz s virai suma n contul meu?
It has been rejected for non-conformity of the signature (because the
signature was not true).
El a fost refuzat din cauza nepotrivirii semnturii (din cauz c
semntura nu era cea adevrat).
This is not the first time he has issued bad cheques (dud checks;
cheques that bounce).
Nu este prima dat cnd el emite cecuri fr acoperire.

33. Banking Key words and sentences

The banks have played a prominent role in the development of
modern economy since the very beginning of commercial activities.
Their branches have become a familiar sight on many city streets, but
also in villages, as more and more people now bank with any one of
the national or local banks.
Banks offer their services both to private individuals and to
businesses. One can open a current account or a deposit account with
them. The former will enable a person to use a cheque for payment
instead of hard cash, whereas the latter will bring a small interest.
People can ask their bank to pay recurring expenses for them, such as
subscription, rents, telephone, gas or electrical bills. Valuables or
deeds can be left in custody in a bank safe on payment of certain
charge. The bank will obtain foreign currencies, issue travellers
cheques and letter of credit payable at their branches or at
correspondent banks.
Besides, banks will operate transactions on the stock
exchange for you and give advice on investments. They also lend
money, generally on a short term basis: thus they can allow overdraft
facilities or personal loans; if your credit rating is good and if you can
offer some sort of security, they may consider longer term credit. Most
of this applies to business discounting of their bills Bills of
Exchange (drafts), or even Promissory Notes. In the field of foreign

trade, the banks can help by financing or advising their clients. They
can be referred to by either party for status enquiries in business
Recurring expenses = cheltuieli recurente
Valuables / deeds = acte, valori
Overdraft = cont debitor, descoperire de cont
Be referred to = a fi ndrumat

A cheque is signed by the payer and payable to the payee or to his
order. A draft (or bill of exchange) is drawn by the creditor on the
debtor and payable to the drawer or to a third party after acceptance
by the drawee.
Un cec este semnat de pltitor i se pltete beneficiarului sau la
ordinul su. O trat este tras de creditor asupra debitorului i se
pltete trgtorului sau unei tere pri dup acceptare de ctre tras.

Bank. Key sentences.

1. An interest is charged on all banks services.
Se percepe dobnd pentru toate serviciile bancare.
2. You had better ask for an overdraft before your account is
overdrawn (in red).
Ar fi bine s cerei un descoperit nainte de a vi se epuiza contul.
3. I always deposit my valuables and my wifes jewels in a bank safe
before leaving for a long holiday.
Depun ntotdeauna obiectele mele de valoare i bijuteriile soiei
la o banc nainte de a pleca ntr-o vacan de lung durat.
4. Where can I cash this cheque (check U.S.)?
Unde pot ncasa acest cec?
5. Remember to record all withdrawals on counterfoils (U.S. stubs)
in your cheque-book.










Nu uitai s nregistrai toate retragerile pe talonul carnetului

dumneavoastr de cecuri.
They offered me to refund a 2,000 personal loan over a 30-month
Ei mi-au propus s rambursez un mprumut personal de 2.000 de
lire n treizeci de rate lunare.
When writing out or endorsing a cheque, one must be careful to
avoid any erasure.
Cnd se redacteaz sau se andoseaz un cec, trebuie s se evite
orice terstur.
She made out so many dud (bad) cheques that no bank will trust
her with a cheque-book.
Ea a ntocmit attea cecuri fr acoperire, nct nici o banc nu-I
va mai ncredina un carnet de cecuri.
Dont forget to have these bills discounted by the end of this
Nu uitai s scontai aceste efecte la sfritul lunii.
Recently a trader sued his banker after he could no longer have his
bills discounted.
Recent, un comerciant a intentat un proces bncii sale dup ce na mai avut posibilitatea s-i sconteze efectele de comer.
The clearing-house will centralize all the operations dealing with
the exchange of bills and cheques between banks.
Camera de decontri/oficiul de cliring va centraliza toate
operaiunile care se refer la schimbul interbancar de efecte de
comer i cecuri.
The U.S. investment banks have just raised their prime rate by
point to 6,75%.
Bncile de investiii americane tocmai au crescut rata de baz (a
dobnzii) la 6,75% mrind-o cu un sfert de punct.
The increase in the price of short-term money has been confirmed
whereas longer term rates remain stable.
S-a confirmat creterea preului pentru mprumuturile pe termen
scurt, n timp ce ratele (dobnzii) pe termen lung rmn stabile.
The Prime Rate (fine rate, blue-chip rate, [B.E.] base rate) is the
rate granted by U.S. banks to their clients with the highest rating.
Rata de baz reprezint rata acordat de bncile americane
clienilor care prezint cel mai mic risc.
The spell of monetary stability has lasted since the begining of the

Aceast perioad de stabilitate monetar dureaz de la nceputul

16. The policy of expensive money is meant to fight inflation.
Politica dirijat mpotriva creterii preurilor este destinat
combaterii inflaiei.
17. but it has immediate repercussions on corporate income
dar acest lucru are repercursiuni imediate asupra conturilor de
venit i pierderi ale ntreprinderilor.
18. The Central Bank acts as banker to the government and to other
banks, and as the central note-issuing authority.
Banca central funcioneaz n calitate de bancher pentru guvern
i alte bnci i ca autoritate central de emisiune monetar.

Banking. Key sentences.

1. Id like to change French francs into pounds.
A vrea s schimb franci francezi n lire.
2. Your account is in the red (overdrawn).
Contul Dumneavoastr este epuizat.
3. Should I (must I) endorse the cheque?
Trebuie s andosez cecul?
4. He has opened a giro account.
El a deschis un cont-cec potal.
5. My salary is paid into my account every month.
Salariul meu este vrsat n contul meu n fiecare lun.
6. The holders of such deposit accounts must give seven days notice
before withdrawal.
Deintorii de astfel de conturi de depuneri trebuie s ntiineze
(banca) cu apte zile nainte pentru a-i retrage banii.
7. Savings accounts earn an interest.
Conturile de economii aduc o dobnd.
8. The last withdrawal dates back to the 27th of last month.
Ultima retragere este din 27 luna trecut.
9. He wanted me to make out a blank cheque.
El voia s fac un cec n alb.
10. Im not sure I kept the stub.
Nu sunt sigur c am pstrat talonul.

11. Why not endorse the cheque to his (her) name?

De ce s nu andosez cecul pe numele lui (ei)?
12. My bank will lend me part of the sum.
Banca mea o s-mi dea cu mprumut o parte din sum.
13. He will find it hard to repay his loan.
i va fi greu s ramburseze mprumutul.
14. Why has his (her) overdraft been discontinued ?
De ce nu i s-a mai dat descoperitul?
15. He should not have borrowed so much.
Nu ar fi trebuit ca el s mprumute att.
16. This is the 5th bad cheque (dud cheque) weve had this month.
Este al cincilea cec fr acoperire care mi se d luna aceasta.
17. Please go to counter 6.
V rog s mergei la ghieul 6.
18. Please give me the rest in 5-pounds notes.
Dai-mi restul n hrtii (bancnote) de 5 lire.
19. The statement has still not reached me.
Extrasul (de cont) nu a ajuns nc la mine. (nu mi-a parvenit
20. I have to (I must) replenish my account.
Trebuie s-mi reaprovizionez contul.
21. She hasnt drawn on her account for 3 weeks.
Ea nu a mai scos din contul su de trei sptmni.
34. Taxation and how to avoid it
Which terms do the following sentences define?
1. The tax people pay on their wages and salaries is called
Capital transfer tax
income tax
wealth tax
2. A tax on wages and salaries or on company profits is a/an
Direct tax
indirect tax
value-added tax
3. A tax levied at a higher rate on higher incomes is called a
Progressive tax
regressive tax
wealth tax
4. A tax paid on property, sales transactions, imports, and so on is
Direct tax
indirect tax
value-added tax

5. A tax collected at each stage of production, excluding the alreadytaxed costs from previous stages, is called a/an
Added-value tax
sales tax
value-added tax
6. Profits made by selling assets are generally liable to a
Capital gains tax
capital transfer tax
wealth tax
7. Gifts and inheritances over a certain value are often liable to a
Capital gains tax
capital transfer tax
wealth tax
8. The annual tax imposed on peoples fortunes (in some countries)
is a/an
Added-value tax
capital gains tax
wealth tax
9. Making false declarations to the tax authorities is called
Fiscal policy
tax avoidance
tax evasion
10. Reducing the amount of tax you pay to a legal minimum is called
Creative accounting
tax avoidance
tax evasion
Income tax impozit pe venit
Wealth tax impozit pe avere
Direct tax impozit direct
Indirect tax impozit indirect
Progressive tax impozit progresiv
Regressive tax impozit regresiv
Value-added tax TVA
Sales tax impozit pe vnzri
Capital gains tax impozit pe plusul de capital
Capital transfer tax impozit pe transferul de capital
Fiscal policy politic fiscal
Tax avoidance evitare fiscal
Tax evasion evaziune fiscal
Tax tax, impozit
Taxation impozit, impozitare
Tax shelter protecie fiscal
Tax haven paradis fiscal
Tax-deductible deductibil fiscal
Excise duties accize, impozit de fabricare


Read the following text and decide which paragraphs could be

given the following headings.

Advantages and disadvantages of different tax systems

Avoiding tax on profits
Avoiding tax on salaries
Tax evasion
The functions of taxation

Taxation (and how to avoid it!)

The primary function of taxation is, of course, to raise revenue
to finance government expenditure, but taxes can also have other
purposes. Indirect excise duties, for example, can be designed to
dissuade (a preveni, a schimba prerea) people from smoking,
drinking alcohol, and so on. Governments can also encourage capital
investment by permitting various methods of accelerated depreciation
accounting that allow companies to deduct more of the cost of
investments from their profits, and consequently reduce their tax bills.
There is always a lot of debate as to the fairness of tax
systems. Business profits for example, are generally taxed twice:
companies pay tax on their profits (corporation tax in Britain, income
tax in the USA), and shareholders pay income tax on dividends.
Income taxes in most countries are progressive, and are one of the
ways in which governments can redistribute wealth. The problem with
progressive taxes is that the marginal rate the tax people pay on any
additional income is always high, which is generally a disincentive
to both working and investing. On the other hand, most sales taxes are
slightly regressive, because poorer people need to spend a larger
proportion of their income on consumption than the rich.
The higher the tax rates, the more people are tempted to cheat,
but there is a substantial black or underground economy nearly
everywhere. In Italy, for example, self-employed people whose
income is more difficult to control than that of company employees
account for more than half of national income. Lots of people also
have undeclared, part-time evening jobs (some people call this
moonlighting) with small and medium-sized family firms, on which
no one pays any tax or national insurance. At the end of the 1986, the
Director of the Italian National Institute of Statistics calculated the

size of the underground economy, and added 16.7% to Italys gross

national product (GNP) figure, and then claimed that Italy had
overtaken Britain to become the worlds fifth largest economy.
To reduce income tax liability, some employers give highlypaid employees lots of perks (short for perquisites) instead of taxable
money, such as company cars, free health insurance, and subsidized
lunches. Legal ways of avoiding tax, such as these, are known as
loopholes in tax lows. Life insurance policies, pension plans and other
investments by which individuals can postpone the payment of tax,
are known as tax shelters. Donations to charities that can be subtracted
from the income on which tax is calculated are described as taxdeductible.
Companies have a variety of ways of avoiding tax on profits.
They can bring forward capital expenditure (on new factories,
machines, and so on) so that at the end of the year all the profits have
been used up; this is known as making a tax loss. Multinational
companies often set up their head offices in countries such as
Liechtenstein, Monaco, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas, where
taxes are low; such countries are known as tax havens. Criminal
organizations, meanwhile, tend to pass money through a series of
companies in very complicated transactionsin order to disguise its
origin from tax inspectors and the police; this is known as
laundering money.
According to the text, are the following statements True or False?
1. Taxes can be designed both to discourage and to encourage
2. The same amount of money can be taxed more than once.
3. Progressive taxes may discourage people from working extra hours.
4. Sales taxes are unfair because poor people spend more than the rich
5. The Italian government knows that about one seventh of national
income escapes taxation.
6.Loopholes are a common form of tax evasion.
7.If you pay a lot of your income into a pension fund or a life
insurance policy you never have to pay tax on it.

8. A company that makes an unusually large profit during a tax year

might quickly decide to spend it, for example, on a new factory or
Find words in the text that mean the following.
1. reducing the value of a fixed asset, by charging it against profits
2. something which discourages an action
3. an adjective describing a tax that is proportionally higher for people
with less money
4. spending money to buy things, rather than saving it
5. working for yourself, being your own boss
6. a tax on incomes that pays for sickness benefit, unemployment
benefit, and old-age pensions
7. non-financial benefits or advantages of a job
8. a way to delay the payment of tax to a later time
9. an adjective describing expenditure that can be taken away from
taxable income or profits
10. a country offering very low tax rates to foreign businesses

13. Stock Market

35. Stocks and shares
Individuals and groups of people doing business as a
partnership, have unlimited liability for debt, unless they form a
limited company. If the business does badly and cannot pay its debts,
any creditor can have it declared bankrupt. The unsuccessful business
people may have to sell nearly all their possessions in order to pay
their debts. This is why most people doing business form limited
companies. A limited company is a legal entity separate from its

owners, and is only liable for the amount of capital that has been
invested in it. If a limited company goes bankrupt, it is wound up and
its assets are liquidated (i.e. sold) to pay the debts. If the assets dont
cover the liabilities or the debts, they remain unpaid. The creditors
simply do not get all their money back.
Most companies begin as private limited companies. Their
owners have to put up the capital themselves, or borrow from friends
or a bank, perhaps a bank specializing in venture capital. The founders
have to write a Memorandum of Association (GB) or a Certificate of
Incorporation (US), which states the companys name, its purpose, its
registered office or premises, and the amount of authorized share
capital. They also write Articles of Association (GB) or Bylaws (US),
which set out the duties of directors and the rights of shareholders
(GB) or stockholders (US). They send these documents to the registrar
of companies.
A successful, growing company can apply to a stock exchange
to become a public limited company (GB) or a listed company (US).
Newer and smaller companies usually join over-the-counter markets,
such as the Unlisted Securities Market in London or Nasdaq in New
York. Very successful businesses can apply to be quoted or listed (i.e.
to have their shares traded) on major stock exchanges. Publicly quoted
companies have to fulfil a large number of requirements, including
sending their shareholders an independently-audited report every year,
containing the years trading results and a statement of their financial
The act of issuing shares (GB) or stocks (US) for the first time
is known as floating a company (making a flotation). Companies
generally use an investment bank to underwrite the issue i.e. to
guarantee to purchase all the securities at an agreed price on a certain
day, if they cannot be sold to the public.
Companies wishing to raise more money for expansion can
sometimes issue new shares, which are normally offered first to the
existing shareholders at less than their market price. This is known as
a rights issue. Companies sometimes also choose to capitalize part of
their profit, i.e. turn it into capital, by issuing new shares to
shareholders instead of paying dividends. This is known as a bonus
Buying a share gives its holder part of the ownership of a
company. Shares generally entitle their owner to vote at a companys
Annual General Meeting (GB) or Annual Meeting of Stockholders

(US), and to receive a proportion of distributed profits in the form of a

dividend or to receive part of the companys residual value if it goes
into liquidation. Shareholders can sell their shares on the secondary
market at any time, but the market price of a share the price quoted
at any given time on the stock exchange, which reflects (more or less)
how well or badly the company is doing may differ radically from
its nominal value.
Find words in the text which mean the following
1 having a responsibility or an obligation to do something, e.g. to pay
a debt
2 a person or organization to whom money is owed (for goods or
services rendered, or as repayment of a loan)
3 to be insolvent: unable to pay debts
4 everything of value owned by a business that can be used to produce
goods, pay liabilities, and so on
5 to sell all the possessions of a bankrupt business
6 money that a company will have to pay to someone else (bills, taxes,
debts, interest and mortgage payments, etc.)
7 to provide money for a company or other project
8 money invested in a possibly risky new business
9 the people who begin a new company
10 the place in which a company does business: an office, shop,
workshop, factory, warehouse, and so on
11 to guarantee to buy an entire new share issue, if no one else wants
12 a proportion of the annual profits of a limited company, paid to

Alternative terminology

Americans often talk about corporations rather than companies and

about an initial public offering rather than a flotation.
Another name for stocks and shares is equities, because all the stocks
or shares of a company or at least all those of a particular category
have equal value.

Two terms for nominal value are face value and par value.
Other names for a bonus issue are a scrip issue (short for subscription
certificate) and a capitalization issue, and in the US, a stock dividend
or stock split.
Match up the following words and definitions.
Blue chip
Defensive stock
Growth stock
Insider share-dealing Institutional investors Mutual fund
Market-maker Portfolio
1. a company that spreads investors capital over a variety of
2. an investors selection of securities
3. a person who can advise investors and buy and sell shares for
4. a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be
a secure investment
5. a stock in an industry not much affected by cyclical trends that
offers a good return but only a limited chance of rise or decline in
6. a stock which usually has a high purchasing price and a low
current rate of return that is expected to appreciate in capital
7. a wholesaler in stocks and shares who deals with brokers
8. financial organizations such as pension funds and insurance
companies which own most of the shares of all leading companies
(over 60%, and rising)
9. the use of information not known to the public to make a profit
out of buying or selling shares
36. Bonds
Companies finance most of their activities by way of
internally generated cash flows. If they need more money they can
either sell shares or borrow, usually by issuing bonds. More and more

companies now issue their own bonds rather than borrow from banks,
because this is often cheaper: the market may be a better judge of the
firms creditworthiness than a bank, i.e. it may lend money at a lower
interest rate. This is evidently not a good thing for the banks, which
now have to lend large amounts of money to borrowers that are much
less secure than blue chip companies.
Bond-issuing companies are rated by private rating companies
such as Moodys and Standard & Poors, and given an investment
grade according to their financial situation and performance, Aaa
being the best, and C the worst, i.e. nearly bankrupt. Obviously, the
higher the rating, the lower the interest rate at which a company can
Most bonds are bearer certificates, so after being issued (on
the primary market), they can be traded on the secondary bond market
until they mature. Bonds are therefore liquid, although of course their
price on the secondary market fluctuates according to the changes in
interest rates. Consequently, the majority of bonds on the secondary
market are traded either above or below par. A bonds yield at any
particular time is thus its coupon (the amount of interest it pays)
expressed as a percentage of its price on the secondary market.
For companies, the advantage of debt financing over equity
financing is that bond interest is tax deductible. In other words, a
company deducts its interest payments from its profits before paying
tax, whereas dividends are paid out of already-taxed profits. Apart
from this tax shield, it is generally considered to be a sign of good
health and anticipated higher future profits if a company borrows. On
the other hand, increasing debt increases financial risk: bond interest
has to be paid, even in a year without any profits from which to deduct
it, and the principal has to be repaid when the debt matures, whereas
companies are not obliged to pay dividends or repay share capital.
Thus companies have a debt-equity ratio that is determined by
balancing tax savings against the risk of being declared bankrupt by
Governments, of course, unlike companies, do not have the
option of issuing equities. Consequently they issue bonds when public
spending exceeds receipts from income tax, VAT, and so on. Longterm government bonds are known as gilt-edged securities, or simply
gilts, in Britain, and Treasury Bonds in the US. The British and
American central banks also sell and buy short-term (three months)
Treasury Bills as a way of regulating the money supply. To reduce the

money supply, they sell these bills to commercial banks, and withdraw
the cash received from circulation; to increase the money supply they
buy them back, paying with newly created money which is put into
circulation in this way.
Rating company firm de rating
Debt financing finanarea debitului
Equity financing finanarea aciunilor
Investment grade gradul riscului de investiie
Debt-equity ratio raia debit-aciuni
Public spending chletuieli publice
Receipts ncasri, venituri
Treasury bonds certificate de trezorerie pe termen lung
Treasury bills certificate de trezorerie pe termen scurt
Match up the words or phrases on the left with the corresponding
ones on the right.
1 investors
2 issuing bonds
3 principal
4 maturity
5 pension funds
6 buy-and-hold investors
7 non-payment
8 price appreciation
9 price depreciation
10 capital gains

A the amount of a loan

B borrowing money
C date at which the money will be
D fall in interest rates
E keep their bonds till maturity
F default
G profits on the sale assets
H providers of funds
I retirement money
J rise in interest rates

Match up the expressions on the left with the definitions on the
1 equity financing
2 debt financing

A a security whose owner is not

registered with the issuer
B easily sold (turned into cash)

3 bearer certificate
4 liquid
5 par
6 coupon
7 yield

C the rate of interest paid by a fixed

interest security
D the rate of income an investor
receives taking into account a
securitys current price
E issuing bonds
F issuing shares
G nominal or face value (100%)

37. Futures, options and swaps

Match up the following words and definitions.
1 Futures
A contracts giving the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a
security, a currency, or a commodity at a fixed price during a certain
period of time
2 Options
B contracts to buy or sell fixed quantities of commodity, currency, or
financial asset at a future date, at a price fixed at the time of making
the contract
3 Commodities
C a general name for all financial instruments whose price depends on
the movement of another price
4 Derivatives
D buying securities or other assets in the hope of making a capital
gain by selling them at a higher price (or selling them in the hope of
buying them back at a lower price)
5 Hedging
E making contracts to buy or sell a commodity or financial asset at a
pre-arranged price in the future as a protection or insurance against
price changes
6 Speculation
F raw materials or primary products (metals, cereals, coffee, etc.) that
are traded on special markets

Select ten or eleven of the following words that you would expect
to find in an introductory text about futures and options.
beer bush call
Copper currencies
discount store foodstuffs
Spot market
supermarket tea


Now read the text, and see if you find the words you selected.
Every weekday, enormous amounts of commodities,
currencies and financial securities are traded for immediate delivery at
their current price on spot markets. Yet there are also futures markets
on which contracts can be made to buy and sell commodities,
currencies, and various financial assets, at a future date (e.g. three, six
or nine months adead), but with the price fixed at the time of the deal.
Standardized deals for fixed quantities and time periods (e.g. 25 tons
of copper to be delivered next June 30) are called futures; individual,
non-standard, over-thecounter deals between two parties (e.g. 1.7
billion yen to be exchanged for dollars on September 15, at a rate set
today) are called forward contracts.
Hedging and speculating
Futures, options and other derivatives exist in order that
companies and individuals may attempt to diminish the effects of, or
profit from, future changes in commodity and asset prices, exchange
rates, interest rates, and so on. For example, the prices of foodstuffs,
such as wheat, maize, coca, coffee, tea and orange juice are frequently
affected by droughts, floods and other extreme weather conditions.
Consequently many producers and buyers of raw matrials want to
hedge, in order to guarantee next seasons prices. When commodity
prices are expected to rise, future prices are obviously higher than (at

a premium on) spot prices; when they are expected to fall they are at a
discount on spot prices.
In recent years, especially since financial deregulation,
exchange rates and interest rates have also fluctuated widly. Many
businesses, therefore, want to buy or sell currencies at a guaranteed
future price. Speculators, anticipating currency appreciations or
depreciations, or interest rate movements, are also active in currency
futures markets, such as the London International Financial Futures
Exchange (LIFFE, pronounced life).
As well as currencies and commodities, there is now a huge
futures market in stocks and shares. One can buy options giving the
right but not the obligation to buy and sell securities at a fixed
price in the future. A call option gives the right to buy securities (or a
currency, or a commodity) at a certain price during a certain period of
time. A put option gives the right to sell an asset at a certain price
during a certain period of time. These options allow organizations to
hedge their equity investments.
For example, if you think a share worth 100 will rise, you can
buy a call option giving the right to buy at 100, hoping to sell this
option, or to buy and resell the share at a profit. Alternatively, you can
write a put option giving someone else the right to sell the shares at
100: if the market price remains above 100, no one will exercise the
option, so you earn the premium.
On the contrary, if you expect the value of a share that you
own to fall below its current price of 100, you can buy a put option at
100 (or higher): if the price falls, you can still sell your shares at this
price. Alternatively, you could write a call option giving someone else
the right to buy the share at 100: if the market price of the underlying
security remains below the options exercise price or strike price, noone will take up the option, and you earn the premium.
Options are merely one type of derivative instrument, based
on another underlying price. Many companies nowadays also arrange
currency swaps and interest rate swaps with other companies or
financial institutions. For example, a French company that can borrow

francs at a preferential rate, but which also needs yen, can arrange a
swap with a Japanese company in the opposite position. Such
currency swaps, designed to achieve interest rate savings, are of
course open to the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. A company with
a lot of fixed interest debt might choose to exchange some of it for
another companys floating rate loans. Whether they save or lose
money will depend on the movement of interest rates.
Call option opiune de achiziie
Put option opiune de vnzare
Exercise price / strike price pre de exerciiu
Swap schimb
Complete the following sentences
1 The difference between futures and forward contracts is .
2 Producers and buyers often choose to hedge because .
3 Speculators can make money on currency futures if
4 If you believe that a share price will rise, possible option strategies
5 On the contrary, if you think a share price will fall, possible option
strategies include
1. The risk with currency and interest rate swaps is that
Find words in the text that are in an obvious sense the opposite of
the terms below.

call discount
spot market
strike price




Acceptance acceptare (trat)

Acceptor tras, acceptor
Allow credit a acorda un credit
All-time high un record de cretere a cursului
All-time low un record de scdere a cursului
Amount o sum, un total
Amount to a se ridica la, a ajunge la
Arrears datorii, restane, arierate
Articles of Association statutul societii
Assess, to estimate a evalua, a estima
Assessment, an estimate o evaluare, o estimare
Assets activul
Auction o vnzare prin licitaie
Austerity austeritate
Back a susine financiar
Bad cheque, dud check cec fr acoperire
Bad debt o crean nepltit
Balance of account un sold de cont
Balance of Payments balana de pli
Balance of Trade balana comercial
Bank clerks funcionari bancari
Bank (A.E. discount) rate rata scontului Bncii centrale
Bank account cont bancar
Bank tellers casieri (la banc)
Bank wickets ghiee ale bncii
Banking regulation reglementri bancare
Banknotes (A.E. bills) bancnote
Bargain a negocia
Barrier o barier
Barter / counter-trade troc
Base rate / prime rate tax preferenial / rata de baz
Be in the black a fi creditor
Be in the red a fi descoperit/ n deficit
Bear un speculator de burs (care mizeaz pe scderea cursului)
Bear an interest a produce o dobnd
Bearer un purttor
Bearer cheque cec la purttor
Benefit un avantaj
Bill, a check (US) o not de plat
Bills facturi, note de plat, efecte bancare

Bills of Exchange (B.E.), drafts cambii, polie, trate

Bite a avea efect
Blank cheque cec n alb
Blue chips aciuni ale marilor companii
Board of directors consiliul de administraie
Bond o obligaiune
Bonus issue, shares / stock dividends aciuni gratuite, dividente
Boom un avnt (perioad de succes)
Boost a relansa
Borrow a lua cu mprumut
Borrower cel care ia cu mprumut
Branch sucursal
Brand o marc comercial
Break even a echilibra conturile
Bring down a micora, a diminua
Brisk activ, animat
Buck bancnot sau bancnote de un dolar (A.E. familiar)
Building society o banc popular de economii pentru cumprare de
Bull un speculator de burs (care mizeaz pe creterea cursului)
Bullion lingou din metal preios
Buoyant susinut, bine orientat
Buy forward a cumpra la termen
Bylaw prevedere regulamentar
Cap taxes a fixa un plafon pentru impozite
Cash a cheque a ncasa un cec
Cash flow flux de numerar
Cash point un aparat distribuitor de bancnote
Cashier casier n uniti economice
Ceiling plafon, nivel maxim
Central Bank banca central
Change francs into pounds a schimba francii n lire
Charge tax, pre, cheltuieli
Cheque-book carnet de cecuri
Cheque-book (A.E. checkbook) carnet de cecuri
Chief executive officer / managing director director general
Clearance sale o vnzare la solduri
Clearing-house camer de compensare/decontare/oficiu cliring
Close nchidere

Close down a avea un curs sczut la nchidere

Coin money a bate moned
Coins monede, bani metalici
Collapse a se prbui
Collateral garanie, gaj / garant, girant, gir
Collect a ncasa, a percepe (impozite)
Commercial / retail bank banc comerciale / banc de depozit
Commodity o marf (de larg consum)
Compete with sb. a concura cu cineva, a face concuren cuiva
Competitive competitiv
Composite rate rat compus
Contribution cotizaie, contribuie
Convergence criteria criterii de convergen
Cost accounting contabilitate analitic / analiza costurilor
Cost effective- rentabil, care i merit preul
Cost of living costul vieii
Council tax impozite locale
Counter ghieu
Counterfeit a contraface, a falsifica, a face bancnote false
Credit a sum to an account a vira o sum ntr-un cont
Credit an account a credita un cont
Credit rating evaluare a solvabilitii clientelei
Credit squeeze restrngere a creditului
Credit standing situaie financiar, gradul de solvabilitate
Creditor creditor
Crisis o criz
Cross out a bara
Crumble a se prbui
Curb a frna, a stpni
Currencies devize
Current / checking account cont curent
Current account deficit un deficit al balanei de pli curente
Current account; account current cont curent
Custom-made fcut pe/la comand
Customs vam
Dabble on the Stock Exchange a juca la Burs
Deal o tranzacie
Dealer un dealer
Debit a sum from an account a debita o sum dintr-un cont
Debit an account by a sum a debita un cont dintr-o sum

Debt o datorie
Debtor un debitor
Decline a decdea, o scdere
Deeds acte, contracte
Default a nu onora
Default on a payment a nu onora o plat
Defaulter ru platnic
Defer a amna, a ntrzia
Deficit un deficit
Deflation deflaie
Delay a amna, a ntrzia
Demand cerere
Deposit a depune
Deposit / time / notice account cont de depunere
Deposit account cont de depunere la scaden, de depozit
Deposit bank banc de depuneri
Depositor depuntor
Depreciation amortizare, depreciere
Deregulation dereglementare
Devaluate a devaloriza
Devalue a devaloriza
Dip a scdea, a descrete
Direct debit debitare direct
Directive o directiv
Discontinue a nceta (de a mai face ceva), a ntrerupe
Discount a sconta (o poli)
Discount a draft a sconta o trat
Discount bank banc de scont
Dividends dividente
Downturn, a downswing un regres
Draw on an account a scoate dintr-un cont, a retrage dintr-un cont
Draw on sight a trage la vedere
Draw on someone a trage (o trat) asupra cuiva
Drawee tras
Drawer trgtor
Drop, to fall, to come down a scdea, a se micora
Dull inactiv
Duty o tax
Earn an interest a produce o dobnd
Earnings ctiguri, venituri (salariale)

Ease a se relaxa
Encash a ncasa un cec (la banc)
Endorse a andosa
Endorse a cheque a andosa un cec
Endorsement andosare
Enquiry, inquiry cerere de informaii
Equities aciuni ordinare
Erasure tergere, terstur
Exceed a depi
Exchange schimb
Exchange broker agent de schimb
Exchange bureau birou de schimb
Exchange rate rat de schimb
Executive administrator
Expenses cheltuieli, pli
Face value valoarea nominal
Fall back a se replia
Fall due a sosi la scaden
Fall, drop in prices o scdere a preurilor
Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) (A.E.) banca federal de rezerve,
banca central a S.U.A.
Fee un onorariu
Figure o cifr
File for bankruptcy, to file under chapter 11 (US) a-i depune
bilanul, a cere falimentul
Fill in a form a completa un formular
Finance, to fund a finana, a acorda fonduri
Financial backing (support) susinere financiar, sprijin financiar
Firm ferm
Flat rate rat uniform
Float (a currency) a face/ a lsa s oscileze o moned strin
Float a company a lansa o societate
Flourish a prospera
Foot the bill a achita nota de plat
Forecast, an outlook o previziune
Foreign / overseas trade comer exterior
Foreign resident rezident strin
Forge a falsifica, a contraface (bancnote, documente)
Forgery contrafacere, falsificare, falsuri (bancnote, documente)
Free trade liber schimb

Fringe benefit beneficiu suplimentar (n afara salariului)

Futures market piaa tranzaciilor la termen
Gain a ctiga / un ctig, o plus-valoare
Gilt-edged securities valori/titluri fr risc (obligaiuni de stat)
Giro cecuri potale
Giro account cont-cecuri potal
Give notice a da un preaviz
Globalise a se extinde la scar mondial
Go belly up (US) a da faliment
Go into administration a fi supus unei proceduri de lichidare
Go into liquidation a intra n lichidare
Go on a welfare a se nscrie la asisten social
Go public a intra la Burs, a fi acceptat la Burs
Go up, to rise a crete, a urca, a se mri
Goods, wares produse, mrfuri
Grant a acorda, a aloca / o alocaie, un ajutor financiar
Grant a loan a acorda un mprumut
Grant credit a acorda un credit
Greenbacks dolari (americanism familiar)
Gross Domestic Product Produsul Intern Brut
Gross National Product Produsul Naional Brut
Hard cash bani ghea
Hedge a se acoperi (risc)
Hike prices (US) a mri, a crete preuri
Historical cost accounting contabilitatea costurilor de achiziie /
Holder titular (carte de credit)
Holder of an account, account holder deintor al unui cont
Home savings plan plan de economii pt. (construcia de) locuine
Home trade comer intern
Hot money bani fierbini (capital atras din strintate de dobnzi
ridicate sau de un climat politic sigur)
In cash n numerar
In custody n custodie
In real terms n bani constani
In the red, overdrawn epuizat, descoperit (un cont)
Incentive un stimulent
Income statement (A.E.)/operating statement (B.E.) cont de
exploatare, cont de profituri i pierderi

Income tax impozit pe venit

Index a indexa
Index-linked indexat
Inflation inflaie
Inflationary inflaionist
Inheritance tax drepturi de succesiune
Interest dobnd
International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) Fondul Monetar
Internaional (F.M.I.)
Investment (B.E. merchant) bank banc de investiii
Investments investiii
Invoice factur
Issue a emite
Jack up a mri preuri
Jewels bijuterii
Joint account cont comun
Junk bonds obligaiuni fr valoare
Kickstart the economy a impulsiona economia
Leave a deposit a lsa o garanie
Legal tender ofert legal, curs legal
Lend a da cu mprumut
Lending rate rata de mprumut
Level off a se relaxa
Leverage capacitate de influen / raportul dintre creane i capital /
creterea rentabilitii capitalului unei societi ca urmare a
contractrii de datorii
Leveraged buyout rscumprarea unei societi datorit creterii
rentabilitii capitalului ca urmare a contractrii de datorii
Levy a percepe, a impune (o tax, un impozit) / o tax
Liabilities pasivul
Liquidation lichidare
Listed company societate pe aciuni
Loan shark un cmtar
Loans mprumuturi
Look up, to pick up a se redresa
Loss o pierdere
Loss-making, unprofitable nerentabil
Lump sum settlement plat forfetar, plat global
Make o marc (de fabric), fabricaie
Maturity (of a loan) scadena unui mprumut

Mercantile Exchange Bursa de mrfuri

Merchant bank o banc comercial
Merchant bank / Investment bank banc comercial / de investiii
Mint institut britanic de emisiune monetar/ Monetria Statului
Monetary monetar
Monetary supply mas monetar
Money order mandat potal
Mortgage ipotec
Mutual Fund societate de investiii cu capital variabil
Note bancnot divizionar
Offset a contrabalansa, a compensa
Open up a avea un curs ridicat la deschidere
Opt-out clause o clauz excepional
Order o comand
Outlet un debueu, un punct de desfacere
Outstanding neachitat, ntrziat (la plat)
Overdraft descoperire n cont, sold debitor
Overdraw (an account) a descoperi, a epuiza un cont
Overdue expirat, ntrziat, scadent
Overheads, fixed costs cheltuieli fixe
Overheat a supranclzi
Over-the-counter market pia de titluri fr valoare
Pace beneficiar
Paper money bani de hrtie, bancnote
Pawn a gaja, a amaneta
Pawnbroker cmtar
Pay (in) cash a plti n numerar, a plti cu bani ghea
Pay as you earn (PAYE) plata prin prelevare direct de la surs
Pay back, to repay a rambursa
Pay into an account a vrsa ntr-un cont
Payee beneficiar
Pay-in slip foaie de depunere sau de vrsmnt
Payment by installments plat n rate
Payment in cash plat n numerar
Payment-in virament (ntr-un cont)
Pick up the tab a achita nota de plat
Plough back profits a reinvesti profiturile
Plummet a merge foarte prost, a avea greuti mari
Policy o politic, o strategie
Portfolio un portofoliu (de valori)

Postpone a ntrzia, a amna

Premise locaie
Price index un indice de pre
Prime rate (A.E.) rat de baz
Private limited company societate cu rspundere limitat
Privatise a privatiza
Production, output producie
Profit margin o marj de profit
Promissory note bilet de ordin, cambie, titlu de gaj, obligaiune
Pundit un expert
Purchase o achiziie, o cumprare
Qualified majority majoritatea calificat
Quid (B.E.) bancnot sau bancnote de o lir (familiar)
Quota o cot-parte
Quote a cota
Quoted or listed company societate cotat la burs
Rally a se reface, a se ntri
Recover a se restabili, a-i reveni, a se reface
Recurring care se repet, periodic, recurent
Recurring expenses cheltuieli recurente
Reduce, to cut back a reduce
Refund a rambursa
Registrar of companies registrul de comer
Regulation regulament, reglementare
Remittance vrsmnt
Rents chirii
Repay, to pay back a rambursa
Residual value valoare rezidual
Restrict a impune o restricie
Retail price index indicele preurilor cu amnuntul
Revalue a reevalua
Revenue venituri
Rights issue emisiuni rezervate acionarilor
Rise in prices o cretere a preurilor
Running costs cheltuieli variabile
Safe cas de bani
Savings economii, bani economisii
Savings account cont de economii
Savings Bank cas de economii
Security titlu de valoare

Sell at a premium a vinde sub preul pieei

Sell short a vinde la termen, a subevalua
Setback o cdere, o involuie, un regres
Settle a echilibra un cont, a plti
Settlement plat
Share a mpri, a participa mpreun
Share o aciune
Shoot up a crete vertiginos
Short term pe termen scurt
Shortage o penurie
Shortfall o lips, o insuficien
Sight withdrawal retragere la vedere
Single market o pia unic
Slacken, to slow down a ncetini, a frna
Slash a reduce radical
Slide a scdea
Slow payer ru platnic
Slump a scdea masiv
Small amount, small sum sum mic
Solvency solvabilitate
Spending cheltuieli
Spin-off o schimbare radical
Spot market piaa tranzaciilor cu plata pe loc
Spread / Margin marj, margine
Squeeze a presa, a constrnge
Stagflation stagflaie, (stagnare economic + inflaie)
Stagnate a stagna
Stake participare, interest
Standard of living standardul de via
Statement of account extras de cont bancar
Steady stabil
Stimulate a sitmula
Stock Exchange Bursa de Valori
Stock market o pia bursier
Stock, securities valori, titluri
Stockbroker un agent de schimb/burs
Stub, counter-foil cotor, talon, matc (de chitan, cec etc.)
Subscribe a subscrie
Subscription abonament
Subside a subveniona

Sue a face un proces, a chema n instan

Sum o sum
Summit o ntlnire de vrf
Supply / provide sb. With sth. ofert, a furniza ceva cuiva
Survey un studiu, o anchet
Swap swap (operaie de schimb ntre dou devize prevzut pentru
o anumit perioad)
Target o int
Tariff un tarif vamal
Tax a impune taxe, a impozita
Tax allowance scutire de taxe
Tax break o reducere/ scdere de impozit
Tax collector un perceptor
Tax haven un paradis fiscal
Tax relief degrevare de impozit
Taxpayer un contribuabil
Telegraphic money order mandat telegrafic
Thrive, to prosper a prospera
Tighten ones belt a strnge cureaua
Trade a face comer
Trade bank banc comercial
Trade gap un deficit comercial
Transfer a transfera, a vira
Travellers cheques (A.E. travelers checks) cecuri de cltorie
Treasury tezaurul public
Trend o tendin
Trust a avea ncredere, a ncredina
Turnover volumul afacerilor
Underwrite garantarea subscrierii unei emisiuni
Upturn, an upswing o redresare, o ascensiune
Valuables obiecte de valoare
Valuables / deeds acte, valori
Value added tax tax pe valoarea adugat
Venture capital capital de risc
Veto sth. a-i exprima dreptul de veto fa de ceva
Volatile nervos, febril
Wind up a lichida
Withdraw a retrage
Withdrawal prevelare, retragere
Write out (to make out) a cheque a trage, a ntocmi un cec

Yield a aduce, a produce venit

Yield randament
Yield an interest a produce o dobnd
Cheia exerciiilor
Module 1

Reading Summary B is the best. The other two are, according to

the text, wrong.
Practice 1 a model version of the dialogue
Visitor: Hello, my names Henrik van der Linden from Amtel. I have
an appointment with Sandra Bates.
Receptionist: Oh, yes, Mr Van der Linden. Welcome to Datalink. Ms
Bates will be along in a few minutes. Shes just finishing a meeting.
Can I get you something to drink?
Visitor: No thanks, Im fine. Er, but I wonder if I could use the
Receptionist: Yes, of course. And anything else if you need to send
a fax or anything
Visitor: No, its okay, just the phone.
Receptionist: Right, well you can use this one.
Visitor: Thanks. (dials) Hallo, (fade)
(a few minutes later)
Visitor: (fade in) Au revoir. (click) Thank you very much.
Receptionist: Not at all. If theres anything else you need, please ask.
Visitor: Yes, I was wondering how far is it to the station?
Receptionist: Its about two miles ten minutes by taxi. Shall I book
Visitor: Er, yes, thank you. that would be good. Can we say four
Receptionist: Right, Ill do that. Oh, I think Ms Bates is free now.
Shall I take you to her office?
Visitor: With pleasure. Thanks.
Exercise 1 First words
Visitor: a, d, f, g, i, k // the person receiving the visitor: b, c, e, h, j, l,

Exercise 2 Ending the small talk

a) B; b) A; c) B; d) B; e) A
Module 2
Reading find words
1 literal
a. direct and clear
2 understatement
b. less strong way of talking
3 deduce
b. work out
4 vague
a. unclear
5 devious
b. dishonest
6 pleasantries
c. polite remarks
Exercise 1 Making a call
(in order): speak to; through; office; can; hello; bad; speak; speaking;
put; through; hold; office; moment; number; ring; back; on; message;
rang; call
Practice 1 a model answer
Reception: Good morning, Gorliz and Zimmerman.
Lara Camden: Hello, my names Lara Camden from Bulmer Cables
Ltd. Please could I speak to Mr. Conrad Bird?
Reception: Im sorry, but Mr. Bird is not in at the moment.
Lara Camden: I see. Er when do you think I could contact him?
Reception: Well, at the moment hes away. Would you like to leave a
Lara Camden: Yes, perhaps you would ask Mr. Bird to call me? My
names Camden, Lara Camden, on 0181 299 462.
Reception: Right, thats Lara Canden on 0181 299 462. Okay?
Lara Camden: Yes, er Camden. CAMDEN.
Reception: Oh yes, sorry! Ive got that now.
Lara Camden: Thank you. I look forward to hearing from Mr. Bird.
Reception: Its a pleasure. Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
Practice 2 a model example of the conversation
Intership: Intership, good morning.
Computech: Hello, my names Alex Hall from Computech Arcos in
Intership: Sorry, did you say Alex Hall from Computech Arcos?
Computech: Yes, thats right.
Intership: Okay, how can I help you, Mr. Hall?

Computech: Well, Id like an appointment with Mr. Dionis.

Intership: Can you tell me whats about?
Computech: Certainly. Id like to discuss the transporting of goods
from Singapore to Athens.
Intership: I see. When would be a good time for you to come here?
Computech: May I suggest next week?
Intership: Im sorry, next weeks not possible Mr. Dionis is away
next week. How about the beginning of the next month?
Computech: Yes, that would be okay. Could we say Monday 3 rd of
Er, unfortunately Mr. Dionis is busy all day on that
Monday. He could make it Tuesday 4th.
Computech: Thats fine. Shall we say ten a.m.?
Intership: Yes, thats a good time for us. Erm can I ask you to
confirm by fax? And would you like us to book you a hotel?
Computech: Ill fax and thank you but no, the hotel booking isnt
necessary. I think thats everything, for now
Right, many thanks, we look forward to your fax to
confirm the meeting. Goodbye, Mr. Hall.
Computech: Bye for now.
A model of a fax message of confirmation:
Computech Arcos
Lorong One Toa Payoh
Singapore 1253
Telephone: ++65 350 574
Fax: ++65 250 552
Fax to: Mr. Dionis (Intership S.A.)
Fax Number: 30 1 657677

Page 1 of 1
Date: 19 April 19

Re. Meeting with Mr. Dionis

With reference to our phone conversation of this morning I write to
confirm my appointment with Mr. Dionis next month.
Subject: Transport of goods from Singapore to Athens.
Date of Meeting: Tuesday 4th May at 10 a.m.
I also confirm that I will make my own hotel arrangements.

I look forward to meeting Mr. Dionis next month.

Best regards
Exercise 2 Changing arrangements
See language input.
Practice 3
Tao Loon: Hello, Sales Office here.
Luisa: Hello, my names Luisa Dominguez. Im ringing from Spain
from Berraondo Company.
Tao Loon: How can I help you, Ms Dominguez?
Luisa: The problem concerns a printer order. Let me give you the
order number its HF5618. Its its for twenty printers. The
problem is that only seventeen have arrived.
Tao Loon: Really? Im surprised to hear that.
Luisa: Well, Im afraid its the second time we have received and
incomplete delivery and nobody told us there would only be
Tao Loon: Well, no, I think it was probably an administration
Luisa: Yes, Im sure. Now, we need the other three printers urgently.
Delays are causing us problem with our customers. They are rather
Tao Loon: Okay, er, at the moment we have some stock problems.
Luisa: Well, can you give me a delivery date its very urgent.
Tao Loon: Right let me see. We can promise you a despatch next
Luisa: No, Im sorry, thats not good enough. We need despatch
Tao Loon: Im sorry thats not possible. But well despatch on
Monday, I assure you.
Luisa: Well, will you please send a fax to confirm that.
Tao Loon: Of course. And I do apologize for the problem.
Luisa: Right, goodbye for now.
Tao Loon: Goodbye.
a. True; b. True; c. False; d. False; e. True; f. False


Module 3
Practice 1
Tokyo medical congress
a. Probably very formal.
b. High expectations in terms of technical support, a fair amount of
detail and clearly a lot of expertise.
c. High level of specialist knowledge audience are experts.
d. Depends on congress organization probably less then an hour.
e. Depends on congress organization probably questions follow.
f. Use of visual supports with key information, plus later publication
of Congress Proceedings
Purchasing and Product Managers of a Taiwanese company
a. Probably semi-formal.
b. High expectations in terms of technical support, a fair amount of
detail and clearly a lot of expertise.
c. High level of specialist knowledge at least the Product Manager
will be very expert, the Purchasing Manager perhaps less so.
d. Depends on objectives and on complexity of equipment. Could be
a very long presentation, even a whole day or a one hour
presentation might be enough.
e. Probably interruption are encouraged to make everything clear as
the presenter goes along.
f. Use of visual support, photographs, diagrams, or the actual
machine itself. Follow-up documentation will also be available.
Internal meeting / administrative staff
a. Informal.
b. Reasonably high expectations in terms of speakers knowledge.
c. The audience will probably have good background knowledge but
have come to learn about a new system.
d. Probably short thought it might be half a day!
e. Interruptions encouraged.
f. Probably illustrations, possibly handouts.
A staff meeting / charity event
a. Informal.
b. Low expectations.
c. The audience have come to hear ideas.
d. Probably short five or ten minutes?
e. Interruptions encouraged.


Keep to clear simple structure making one or two important

Practice 2
Subject / title of talk.
Introduction to oneself, job title, etc.
Reference to questions and / or discussion.
Reference to the programme for the day.
Reference to how long you are going to speak for.
Reference to the visual aids you plan to use.
The scope of your talk: what is and is not included.
An outline of the structure of your talk.
A summary of the conclusions.
Note: There are no hard rules about what should be included. Most
suggestions here are open to discussion and
variation, depending on circumstances.
Visuals make information more memorable
Help the speaker
Show information which is not easily expressed in words
Highlight information
Cause audience to employ another sense to receive information
Bring variety and therefore increase audiences attention
Save time
Clarify complex information
Presenters sometimes place the major emphasis on visual aids and
relegate themselves to the minor role of narrator or technician
Visuals must support what the speaker says
It is not enough just to read what the visual says
Find out about the audience.
Find out what they need to know.
Plan what youre going to say.
Say it clearly and concisely.
Introduce information using lists.
Give a link between parts of the presentation.


Provide a logical sequencing of information.

Use careful repetition of key information.
Dont give too much information or too many fact.
The main body of the presentation contains the details of what
was introduced in the introduction.
b. See figure included in the text.
Practice 4 a model of presentation
Good morning, everyone. Id like to talk about the advertising mix for
the new Cheri range of beauty products. We are planing two
categories of advertising, above-the-line and below-the-line. Ill talk
first about above-the-line advertising. There are three kinds: these are
television commercials, secondly, newspapers newspaper
advertising. The third kind is magazines. There are two basic types we
aim at: youth magazines and those aimed specifically at the womens
market. Now, below-the-line advertising: there are three methods here
also: the first is in-store advertising, then theres on-pack promotions
and finally targeted mailing. So, in-store advertising: what does it
mean? Basically, displays in the shop, merchandising, and that sort of
thing. The second below-the-line advertising is on-pack promotions
there are many kinds, most obviously things like coupons,
competitions, joint promotions and free samples. The last kind of
below-the-line advertising is targeted mailing, using a mailing list.
That completes the overview of what we can do to launch the product,
a. No response from the audience.
A truly successful and interesting talk will avoid the problem.
The speaker can give an instruction to the audience especially in
sales presentations.
To have question prepared to ask the audience, or identify
someone whom you know will have something to say.
Handling questions
Difficulties may arise because:
1.questions / discussion is relatively unstructured
2. the speaker has less control
3. speaker has to switch into listen and answer mode

4. it may be difficult to hear, to understand, to answer or to distinguish

between an opinion and a question.
Practice 5 model answers
1. So, that concludes what I want to say, so now Id like to ask you
for your comments, opening up discussion, or perhaps you have a
question or two?
2. Er, in fact what I said was this process has been going on for a
very long time. Im sorry if I was not clear on this point.
3. I wonder if anyone can suggest why this has happened or if
anzone has any comments on it?
4. Yes, youre right, but can I suggest one or two other factors? One
is the increasing number of take-overs of smaller companies
5. So are you saying that in the USA or Europe that could not
6. Yes, I agree, but the situation is changing.
7. Sorry, I dont quite follow you. Can you say that again put it
another way ?
Exercise 1 The new product
Introducing yourself
Good morning ladies and gentlemen; we havent all met before so Id
better introduce myself. Im Luis Lopez from the development
department of Citrus Incorporated I should say before we start that I
hope youll excuse my English. Im a little out of practice
Preparing the audience
Anyway, Im going to be talking this morning about a new product
which we are planning to launch in two months time; its called
KOOL-OUT, thats K-O-O-L dash O-U-T, and its a lemon-flavoured
Well, Ill start with the background to the product launch; and then
move on to a description of the product itself, Im going to list some
of the main selling points that we should emphasize in the advertising
and sales campaign. I think if you dont mind, well leave questions to
the end
Delivering the message
Now firstly, as you all know, we had a gap in our soft-drink product
range for the last two years; we have been manufacturing mixed-fruit
drinks and orange drinks for the last ten years, but we stopped
producing lemonade two years ago; I think we all agreed that there
was room on the market for a completely new lemon-flavoured drink
Secondly, the market research indicated that more and more

consumers are using soft drinks as mixers with alcohol, so in other

words, the market itself has expanded.
This brings me to my next point which is that we have rather new
customer-profile in mind; I must emphasize that this product is aimed
at the young-professional, high-income, market and not the traditional
consumer of old-fashioned lemonade. At this point we must consider
the importance of packaging and design, and if you look at the video
in a moment, youll see that we have completely re-vamped the
container itself as well as the label and slogan
Now to digress for just a moment, the more sophisticated packaging
means a high unit cost, and this may be a problem in the selling area,
but well have a chance to discuss that aspect later so to go back
to my earlier point, this is a totally new concept as far as Citrus
Incorporated are concerned; as you see we are using both the new-size
glass bottle and the miniature metal cans.
Finally, lets look at the major attractions of the product. In spite of the
higher price it will compete well with existing brands; the design is
more modern than any of the current rival products, and incidentally
the flavour is more realistic and natural its low calorie, too.
O.K., so just before closing, Id like to summarize my main points
again We have KOOL-OUT, a new design concept, aimed at a
relatively new age and income group; its designed to be consumed on
its own, as a soft drink, or to be used as a mixer in alcohol-based
drinks and cocktails. It comes in both bottle and can and this will
mean a slightly higher price than we are used to; but the improved
flavour and the package design should give us a real advantage in
todays market well, thats all I have today for the moment, thank
you for listening, now if there are any questions, Ill be happy to
answer them
Exercise 2 The product presentation
See the model presentation and use the words in italics.
Exercise 3 Can I interrupt here?
A 2; b 3; c 4; d 5; e 1
Exercise 4 Anticipating questions
(suggestions) a. I can hear you say b. Now you may well ask, what
does he mean by c. An obvious problem is the cost of the
accessories. d. You will have noticed that e. Now you may well

Module 4



Practice 1
Welcome, everybody. Thank you for coming.
We are here today to talk about (and to decide ; to look at)
We have an agenda with three points. (Youve all seen the agenda.
Id like to ask if anyone has any comments on it.)
I think Mr. Kano is ready to tell us something about (Can I ask
to open with his remarks.)
If you dont mind, can we let Mr. Kano finish? (Sorry, , I cant
allow us to consider that question just yet)
Thank you for that
Now, can I ask Ms Perez de Sanchez to tell us her views
Er, can we try to keep to the topic I think we have gone away
from it a little.
Id like to sum up the main points. (So let me summarize that. You
say that )
Would anyone like to say anything else on this? (Does anyone
have anything to add to that?)
I think we ought to move on to the next topic on the agenda.
So, before the next meeting, Ill send out a report on this one, Mr
Kano will prepare () and will then fix a new date, some time
next month.
Thank you. thats everything. Thats it for today.
Practice 2
A model of Agenda
Axis Finance Limited
Marketing Group: Year-end meeting



1. Apologizes for absence
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Chairs opening address


Personnel changes
Review of marketing performance in the current year
New products
Marketing plans for next year
Any other business
Date of next meeting

2. The chairs opening statement: a model

Okay I think we should begin. Thanks for coming and as you know
this is we are here for our annual meeting. As you know from the
agenda there are four main issues to discuss. The first to review is the
personnel changes. Secondly, well look at the marketing
performances in the current year. Then well discuss about new
products. And finally, well examine the marketing plans for the next
year. So any comments, any suggestions, or is everyone happy with
the agenda? Okay, then lets start with item one on the agenda. I think
Mr. Smith has prepared a statement on the personnel changes so Ill
hand over to him.
Practice 3 a model conversation
A: The fall in sales is mainly due to the recession affecting world
B: Er, can you tell us exactly how much sales have gone down?
A: Well, its a general fall of around 5 % in sales for most product
areas. Also, specifically in the oil processing sector, we have much
lower sales, mainly because we sold our UK subsidiary, Anglo Oils.
B: Can we talk about the decision to sell Anglo Oils
A: Well, no, Id rather not go into that. We discussed that in previous
meetings. Id prefer to talk about future prospects. The outlook is very
good just now
B: What? Id say things look quite bad.
A: Im very surprised you say that. In fact, sales forecasts are much
better now. Anyway, let me tell you
B: Sorry, I think Id like to hear more about new markets.
A: New markets? Yes, but can we talk about new markets later? I
have some important information on that. But first
B: Wait, dont you think we should take a short break have a
A: Take a break? Weve only just started!

a. Decision making meetings.

b. The structure of decision making: see the bulleted points in the
second paragraph.
c. Communication has to be a two-way process to be successful.
a. Not all meetings are to make decision as implied in the first
sentence of the text. Decisions may already have been made, so a
meting is called to tell people about the decision (an information
giving meeting).
b. An alternative description of the structure of decision making is
the DESC model, which is included in the Skills Checklist.
c. In many instances of communication, a message is given and it is
sufficient that it is comprehended, without even an
acknowledgement (a recorded message, for example). However,
this may be slitting hairs: the point is that in meetings at least an
acknowledgement or agreement is expected. It seems fair to say
that in most cases, communication is a two-way process.
d. It is true that often an agreement, or a consensus, can be arrived at
without a formal vote: it is the leaders responsibility to make
clear what the consensus is and ask if everyone accepts it.
a. consensus
b. time- and cost-effective manner
c. goal
d. set an objective
e. imperatives
f. desirables
g. evaluate alternatives
h. perception
i. awareness / empathy
j. evolve
k. verbalize
a. a restatement of objectives
- a summary of what has been accomplished
- a summary of what action must be taken after meeting
b. Meetings should be part of a learning experience, so future
meetings can be improved by asking participants to evaluate
Practice 4 a model conversation

A: Can we reach a decision on this?

B: Well, I I think er, I think we need more information.
A: Hmm. Can you explain say exactly what sort of detail you think
we need?
B: Well, I feel first of all, we need to know more about the effects of
a price increase.
A: Perhaps we should, er, commission some market research?
B: Yes, I agree. Thats right. We could ask Hamid to recommend
A: Well, I think before that we could look at our own experience of
price rises. Then later we can perhaps ask a marketing consultancy.
Does everyone agree with that proposal?
All: (murmur of agreement)
A: Okay, lets move to the next item on the agenda.
Practice 5 a model example
So, weve almost finished. Does anyone have anything else to say?
Well, we had to decide on action regarding training courses. To
summarize, to confirm our decision, weve agreed a $10,000 budget.
And also that Peter is going to identify three possible training
organizations. Is everyone happy? Is that okay? Now, Peter will
organize a presentation for next week, on the 14 th at 2 p.m. until then,
thanks everyone for coming. Thats it for today.
Exercise 1 Chairing a meeting
Chairman Id like us to reach a decision today about item 1. The
issue is falling sales in the Italian market. Henry will explain the
background to this, and the present situation.
Henry Thanks. Well, as you know, in Italy weve always so thats
how things are at the moment.
Chairman Thank you, Henry. Now, lets look at possible courses of
Could I just say something ? The Italian market isnt as
important to us as the Russian orders. I was in Moscow last week, and
learnt some pretty interesting things about the way things are moving
out there.
Chairman Lets keep to the immediate subject, which is the Italian
Sorry to interrupt, but if we launch a new advertising
campaign in Italy it would cost a fortune! You said yourself that we
havent enough money to advertise on every television in Europe!
Chairman Lets not jump too far ahead at this stage.

My own feeling is this : in years of experience, in many
different markets throughout the world, Ive often found that, when
and you know, if I could pass on my experience to the younger people
here, Id say that the only way to sell in Italy is to go there and see the
market for yourself, instead of asking your agents to do it.
Chairman Sorry to interrupt you, Bob, but Id like to know if the
others agree. What do you think about this, Walter?
Walter Im not too sure about this . My own feeling is that if
Bob I dont know why you dont ask me. Ive been to Italy so many
times recently.
Chairman Could you let Walter finish? Id like to have his view on
this .
Walter Well, Id like to say that for the last two years we havent had
a stand at the Milan Trade Fair. I understand that the Fair has produced
lots of contracts in the past.
Chairman Thats an interesting point, Walter . Lets summarize what
weve said so far. Bob thinks we depend on the agents too much, and
Walter suggests that the Trade Fair is important.
Exercise 2 Formal meetings
a. address; approve; move; second; carried; casting; on
b. true: 1, 2, 6, 7
false: 3, 4, to second means to give formal support to the motion
for presentation to the board, 5 to abstain means to decide no to
Exercise 3 Could I ask you a question?
You: Im afraid I cant comment at the moment.
You: A statement will be issued shortly.
You: Im sorry, but I cant comment at this stage.
You: Yes, Im pleased to be in your country.
You: I cant tell you anything before the statement is issued.
You: I would rather not answer that question at present.
You: I did not say that at all.
Module 5
Practice 1 a model
a. Well, welcome to Its very good that you could come to see us

b. I hope you had a good trip? Not too long ? Did you get a taxi
when you arrives here?
c. At lunchtime well be able to show you a little bit of the city
have something to eat in a local restaurant.
d. Well, shall we make a start?
e. Okay, well, can I ask Luke Fox, from our Marketing Department,
to begin our discussion with some opening remarks. I think
youve met James already this morning, and a little while ago too?
f. Firstly, we see this meeting as an exploratory session, I think its
best for both of us that we look at some general questions.
g. Wed like to establish the beginnings of a partnership It would
be particularly interesting for us to learn about your supply
systems about price variations and about supply costs.
Practice 2
Identify your minimum requirements.
Prepare your opening statement.
Decide what concessions you could make.
Know your own strengths and weaknesses.
Know your role as part of a team.
Prepare your negotiation position know your aims and objectives.1
Prepare any figures, any calculations and any support materials you
may need.
a. Knowing your aims and objectives
ii. helps clear thinking and purpose.
b. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses
iv. helps you to know the market, the context in which you want to
c. Preparing any figures, calculations and other materials
5 means you can support your argument.
d. Preparing an opening statement
iii. creates reasonable expectations.
a. T
b. F Better not to guess (though privately you might to some extend).
c. T
d. F Issues are best dealt together with other issues, in a package.
e. T One should usually be prepared to make concessions.

f. T
g. F No, one can keep on talking and find a way round the problem.
a. Check what they say without commenting, at least not
b. Vary the quantity or the quality, or bring in third parties.
c. Be prepared, think about the whole package, be constructive.


Practice 3
We can give you free delivery with a larger order.
We provide free on-site training for only a small price increase.
We can give 5 % discount if you agree to payment on delivery.
We can offer you an extra 50,000 compensation in exchange for
your agreement not to go to law.
f. We promise to improve safety for staff provided that we reach
agreement on new contracts.
g. The company will introduce better working conditions if the staff
accept shorter breaks.
Practice 4
Ojanpera: Well, were happy to buy a machine if you can give us a
good price.
Beck: Im sure we can. As you know our prices are very competitive.
Ojanpera: Even so, Im sure you can allow us a discount?
Beck: Okay, well a discount could be possible if you agree to pay for
the shipping costs.
Ojanpera: That sounds okay, if the discount is a good one.
Beck: How about 4 %?
Ojanpera: 6 % would be better.
Im sorry, we cant manage that unless you pay for the
Ojanpera: Okay, our engineers will take care of that.
Beck: Okay then, so to confirm: a 6 % discount but you pay all the
shipping and installation costs.
Ojanpera: That sounds all right.
Practice 5


Units 9-12 East Side Monks Cross Industrial Estate BRISTOL BSI4
Telephone 01272 547777 Fax 01272 547701

Neil Finch
Ministry of Urban Development
140- 144 Whitehall
London WCI 4RF
May 2 200
Dear Neil,
Re: Meeting in Bristol, April 30 --- Railway Land Sale
I am writing to (a) confirm points (b)agreed in the above meeting,
held to discuss the sale of government owned railway land to Gibson
Trust Limited.
We would like to confirm through this letter and the (c) enclosed
drawings that the property (d) included in the above sale consists of
the land presently occupied by the station buildings and also the
former car parks to the east of the station, the offices to the west and
the warehouse alongside the tracks. The government-owned housing
on the north side of the railway lines is (e) excluded .
We also agree that the station will be renovated by the Transport
Department and that the government will be responsible for running
an eventual museum and paying a rent of 100,000 per year to
Gibson Trust. The remaining land will be (f) developed by Gibson
Trust and later sold off separately. The development is intended to be
for commercial and residential use. The eventual use of the land
should be (g) specified in the contract.
Our next meeting will be on May 15 at 10 a.m., at which development
plans will be (h) examined. Soon after this, contracts will be (i) drawn

up. Then we will need time to consider the contracts but hopefully
they will be (j) signed by the end of September.
Do contact us if you have any comments or alterations you would like
to make to this summary. Thank you once again for a very
constructive meeting and we look forward to seeing you again on May
Your sincerely,
Jill Kearne
Chief Negotiator
Encs. (I)
a. emphasize the benefits available to both sides
b. invent new options for mutual gain
c. change the package
d. adjourn to think and reflect
e. change location
f. change negotiator (personal chemistry?)
g. bring in a third party (mediator?)
h. fix an off-the-record meeting
Practice 6
Situation 1
The problem is that we have never offered the kind of warranty you
are looking for.
Since we have a difficulty here, may I suggest we leave the problem of
the warranty and come back to it later? Perhaps we could talk about
training for our technical staff?
Situation 2
Theres a number of issues on the table. We seem to be a long way
from an agreement.
Can I suggest a lower price, but link this with us paying the shipment
costs or agreeing to different payment terms?
Situation 3
The price you are asking is rather high, quite a lot higher than we were
Well, if it would help, we could agree to longer payment terms

Situation 4
There are several problems. We think there is quite a lot of negotiation
ahead before we can agree on a common strategy.
The benefits of reaching agreement are considerable. We will have
more global influence and better prospects for the future.
Strategies in dealing with conflict
Strategy 1
I think were not really making much progress. Perhaps it would be
better to leave this point for a while and come back to it later. Could
we talk about a different aspect to the deal, perhaps the question of
Strategy 2
I think it is important to think about what could happen if we do not
reach agreement. The most obvious consequence will be that we will
both lose market share. The only winners will be our competitors. It
could be serious for both of us.
Strategy 3
There seem to be a number of problems, but Id like to summarize the
positive elements issues where we have made progress. First, we
agree that we have to settle the dispute between us, we understand
how important this is. Second, we agree that the terms of our original
agreement need to be changed. Third, we also agree that the change
will depend on the different market conditions which affect our
products These are important points of progress.
Strategy 4
Can I suggest we take a short break? I think it will help if we look at
some of the issues that are dividing us. Perhaps we will see areas
where we can make a fresh offer.
Strategy 5
The point at issue, Mr. Cinis, is quite simple. We can offer you an
extra 5 % discount, but only if the order is increased by 20 % over the
next three years.
Practice 7
Situation 1
Let me make a suggestion. If you agree to buy 100 units every month
for the next twelve months, well agree a 10 % discount.
Unfortunately, I cant say how many well need in six months and
certainly not in twelve. I cant take the risk on such a large order at
this stage.

Situation 2
The price we are offering excludes installation costs but does include a
twelve months guarantee.
Im afraid thats not really acceptable. You know that other suppliers
offer free installation and two year parts and labour warranty?
Situation 3
I think the absolute minimum investment in advertising must be
$40,000, otherwise we cannot reach enough of our market. Its not
much to ask for.
Its a pity but its still more than our budget. I cant go that high.
Situation 4
Now, some excellent news: wed like to increase our order. Right now
you are sending us 350 boxes a month. We need at least 500, demand
is very high
Well, Im glad youre having a lot of success with our products, but
the bad news is that our order books are full, and the plant is working
at full capacity. Were a bit stuck Im afraid
Practice 8
Situation 1
Its been a long meeting, but finally Im very glad were able to reach
agreement. I think it would be good if we could go on to a restaurant
now, wed be pleased if you can join us.
Situation 2
Im sorry our efforts to reach agreement have not been successful. I
suggest we stop here, but I hope that in the future we might work
together on something.
Situation 3
Unfortunately I feel it would be better if I dont join you on this
project, but no doubt therell be plenty of other things well work on.
Situation 4
Id like to repeat our order, but not on those terms. Im sorry, we cant
agree to this. I think well go elsewhere, but thanks anyway.
Situation 5
Im sorry, but it really is physically impossible. We cannot supply
goods in so short time. Its just impossible. Sorry we cant help you.
Exercise 1 Your turn to negotiate
Suggested replies: Lets see how we get on. Why such a long delivery
period? This is our position. We need delivery of six weeks maximum,
with four weeks for installation. Im sorry, but I cant accept eight
weeks. Youll have to do better than that, Im afraid. Im afraid I cant

increase the delivery period any further. I have my instructions. May I

make a suggestion? If you can promise delivery in six weeks, then we
may be able to talk about further order. Lets go through the terms: six
weeks for delivery and four weeks for installation; and the decision
about the next order to be taken by the 26th. Agreed?
Exercise 2 Ten rules for negotiating
a 4; b 6; c 1; d 8; e 2; f 5; g 7; h 3.
Exercise 3 When things get difficult
A. Would you like me to go through that again? B. Ill have to come
back to you on this. C. Could you give me a moment to do some
calculations? D. What is the basis of calculation for transport? E. Im
just looking. Could you bear with me a moment? F. The figure for
installation costs? What is the basis for calculation? G. Im sorry,
could you go through it again?
Exercise 4 Vocabulary for contracts
a. agreement; parties; sections; clauses; conditions. b. provides for,
binding; abide by/comply with; breach c. arbitration; litigation;
compromise; court; out of court d. term; terminate.
Exercise 5 Licensing terms
(in order): have the legal rights over; let you have; permission;
country; an immediate payment; 5 % to pay; yearly bottom limit;
period; further years; when it ended; illegal copying; official
manufacturer; ask for a ban; copiers.

Module 6
A personal choice of qualities: D, F, H, and J.
a. 1 resources 2 manageable 3 setting, communicate
4 supervise, performance
5 achieved
6 board of directors
7 innovations
b.Common collocations include: allocate resources (or people);
communicate information or decisions; develop strategies (or people
or subordinates); make decisions; measure performance; motivate
people; perform jobs; set objectives; and supervise subordinates.

Module 7
1 C; 2 E; 3 B; 4 A; 5 F; 6 G; 7 D
A functional structure
B matrix structure
C line structure
D staff position
Describing company structure
Here is a short description of the organization chart illustrated.
The chief Executive Officer reports to the President and the Board of
Directors. The company is divided into five major departments:
Production, Marketing, Finance, Research & Development, and
Human Resources. The Marketing Department is subdivided into
Market Research, Sales and Advertising & Promotions. The Finance
Department contains both Financial Management and Accounting.
Sales consists of two sections, the Northern and Southern Regions,
whose heads report to the Sales Manager, who is accountable to the
Marketing Manager.
Module 8
a. 1 subcontractor
2 component
3 outsourcing or contracting out
4 capacity
5 plant
6 location
7 inventory
8 lead time
b. 1 A and E
4 A and E
5 A and E
10 E 11 B 12 E 13 B 14 C and E
15 B and F
1 component 2 subcontractor 3 inventory
4 outsourcing
5 location
6 plants
7 capacity
8 lead times
1. What is a product? / The definition of a product.
2. Brand names.
3. Product lines and product mixes.
4. Line-stretching and line-filling.

1 credit facilities
4 brand-switchers
7 opportunities
Module 9
10 G

2 warranty or guarantee
3 shelf
5 (product) life cycle 6 profitability
8 market share 9 image
10 niche







Paragraph 1 the selling and marketing concepts
Paragraph 2 identifying market opportunities
Paragraph 3 the importance of market research
Paragraph 4 the marketing mix
Paragraph 5 company-to-company marketing
1. Customer needs; 2. Market; 3. Coordinated marketing; 4. Profits
through customer satisfaction
1 word-of-mouth advertising
2 institutional or prestige advertising
3 advertising agencies 4 an account
5 an advertising budget
6 a brief
7 advertising campaign
8 target customers or target market
9 media planners
10 the threshold effect 11 the comparative-parity method
12 counter-cyclical advertising
The numbers of respodents who agreed with the statements were as
1. 90% 2. 72% 3. 85% 4. 51% 5. 41% 6. 49% 7. 60% 8. 57%
1 target
2 awareness
3 medium
4 tactics
5 trial 6 maturity
7 aimed
8 loyalty
9 advertising
10 channel
1 When a new product is launched, the producer has to inform
customers about its existence and develop brand awareness.
2 Promotion is one of the four elements of the marketing mix; sales
promotions are one of the four different promotional tools.

3 The advantages of publicity include the fact that it is much cheaper

than advertising, and can have a better impact, because it seems that
people are more likely to read and believe publicity than advertising.
4 The four stages of the standard product life cycle (excluding the prelaunched development stage) are introduction, growth, maturity and
5 Reasons to offer temporary price reductions include attracting priceconscious brand-switchers, offsetting a promotion by a competitor,
and, for stores, attracting customers by way of loss leaders.
6. Sales promotions need not only be aimed at customers; they can
also be used with distributors, dealers and retailers, and with a
companys sales force.
7. Apart from selling a companys products, sales representatives
bring information back to a company from its customers, including
ideas for new products.
1. competitors 2 word-of-mouth advertising
3 brand-switchers
4 points of sale 5 brand name 6 line-stretching
7 packaging
8 product improvement
9 media plan 10 packaging
Module 10
1 Market leaders
2 Expanding markets
3 Market challengers
4 Market followers
5 Establishing a niche / Dangers faced by market followers
1 market share
2 promotions 3 monopoly
4 competitors 5 slogan
6 market segmentation 7 niche
8 differential advantage
9 turnover
10 recession
1 to innovate (innovation)
2 to diversify (diversification)
3 to merge (a merger) 4 a raid
5 a takeover bid
6 horizontal integration
7 vertical integration 8 backward
9 forward integration 10 synergy

1 The fact that many large conglomerates assets were worth more
than their stock market valuation demonstrated that they were clearly
not maximizing stockholder value, i.e. giving their stockholders the
maximum possible return on their investment.
2 Raiders bought conglomerates in order to strip them of their assets,
i.e. to restructure them, split them up, and resell the pieces at a profit.
3 Raiders showed that the stock market did not necessarily value
companies assets correctly, especially land, buildings and pension
4 Raiders were particularly interested in companies with large cash
reserves, companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold,
and companies in fields that are not sensitive to a recession.
5 Investors were prepared to lend money to finance LBOs because
they received a high rate of interest which more than compensated for
the risk that the bonds would not be repaid.
2. Raiders argue that the possibility of a buyout forces company
managers and directors to do their jobs well, and to use their
capital productively.
1 charities
2 legitimacy
3 perfect competition 4 welfare
5 threatening 6 vitality
7 free enterprise
8 conforming
9 embodied
10 proponents
Module 11
1 shareholders or stockholders 2 earnings or income 3 liabilities
4 turnover
5 assets
6 depreciation or amortization
7 debtors or accounts receivable
8 creditors or accounts
9 stock or inventory
10 overheads or overhead
1 assets
2 stock or inventory
amortization 4 shareholders or stockholders 5 earnings or income
6 turnover
7 overheads or overhead
8 liabilities
9 debtors or accounts receivable
10 creditors or accounts
Vocabulary Financial statements
1. turnover 2. overheads 3. depreciation 4. freehold properties

5. historical cost 6. debtors 7. cash in hand at bank 8. corporation

tax. 9. net assets 10. called up share capital.
A The period of gold convertibility.
B Floating exchanges rates.
C The abolition of exchange controls.
D Intervention and managed floating exchange rates.
E The power of speculators and the collapse of the EMS.
F Why many business people would prefer a single currency.
G The introduction of the single European currency.
1 False
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 True
6 True
7 True
8 False
1 adjust
2 convert
3 abolish
4 suspend
5 fluctuate
6 diverge
Module 12
1 overdraft
2 credit card
3 cash dispenser or ATM
4 loan 5 standing order or direct debit 6 mortgage
7 cash card
8 home banking
9 current or checking account 10 deposit or
time or notice account
1 Commercial banking
2 Investment banking
3 Universal banking
4 Interest rates
5 Eurocurrencies
1 deposit
2 foreign currencies
3 yield 4 liquidity
5 maturity
6 underwrite 7 takeover
8 merger
9 stockbroking 10 portfolio management
11 deregulation
12 conglomerate
13 blue chip
14 solvency
15 collateral
2.Common collocation include: charge interest; do business; exchange
currencies; issue bonds; make loans; make profits; offer advice; offer

loans; pay interest; raise funds; receive deposits; underwrite security

10 B
A The functions of taxation.
B Advantages and disadvantages of different tax systems.
C Tax evasion.
D Avoiding tax on salaries.
E Avoiding tax on profits.
6 False
1 depreciation 2 disincentive 3 regressive
4 consumption
5 self-employed
6 national insurance
7 perks
8 tax shelters 9 tax-deductible
10 tax havens
Module 13
1 liability
2 creditor
3 bankrupt
4 assets
5 to liquidate 6 liabilities
7 to put up capital
8 venture capital
9 founders
10 premises
11 underwrite 12 dividend
1 mutual fund 2 portfolio
3 stockbroker 4 blue chip
5 defensive stock
6 growth stock
7 market-maker
8 institutional investors
9 inside share-dealing
10 G

1 The difference between futures and forward contracts is that futures
are standardized deals and forwards are individual over-the-counter
agreements between two parties.
2 Producers and buyers often choose to hedge because this allows
them to guarantee prices for several months.
3 Speculators can make money on currency futures if they correctly
anticipate exchange rate appreciations or depreciations or interest rate
4 If you believe that a share price will rise, possible option strategies
include buying a call, which you will be able to sell at a profit, and
writing (selling) a put, which will never be exercised, so you earn the
5 On the contrary, if you think a share price will fall, possible option
strategies include buying a put, so you will be able to sell your shares
at above the market price, and writing a call, which will never be
exercised, so you earn the premium.
6 The risk with currency and interest rate swaps is that the exchange
and interest rates may change unfavourably.
Appreciate depreciate
Call put
Discount premium
Drought flood
Floating fixed
Hedging speculation
Spot market futures market
Strike price market price
The word premium is used twice with two different meanings in the
text. At a premium means above the nominal or market price;
premium also means the price of an option contract.




(Permisiune, probabilitate, abilitate)
May i can sunt verbe modale sau ajuttoare: ele sunt verbe defective,
- au numai 3 timpuri: indicativ prezent, indicativ trecut i
condiional prezent
- nu primesc s la persoana a III-a singular
- nu primesc do, does, did la interogativ sau negativ
- sunt urmate de infinitivul fr TO
Timpurile care lipsesc sunt nlocuite cu:
- to be able to (abilitatea)
- to be allowed to
- to be permitted to (permisiunea)
- to be likely to (probabilitatea)
May / Might
May se foloseste la prezent. Might la condiional prezent. Ambele
sunt invariabile i sunt urmate de un infinitiv fr To.
Forme contrase: maynt / mightnt
1. May se folosete cu referire la evenimente sau aciuni posibile
sau probabile n prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. Might poate
fi folosit pentru a sublinia o foarte redus posibilitate.
Theres a black cloud above us. It may rain.
Alice may get angry if you tell her.
If you try hard enough, you might convince him to come.
Formele alternative sunt:
Maybe it will rain.
It is likely to rain.

2. pentru a cere, a oferi sau a refuza permisiunea politicos

May I open the window? Its very hot in this office.
You may not smoke in my car.
Might indic adesea teama vorbitorului de a nu primi un
rspuns negativ, sau faptul c el cere prea mult:
Might I borrow your Rolls Royce for the weekend?
Forme alternative:
Am I allowed to open the window?
You are not permitted to smoke in my car.
3. cu well pentru a indica o foarte mare probabilitate
I think it may well rain today, look at those black clouds.
Put some money in the box, it might well be for a good cause.
Forme alternative:
I think it is very likely to rain today.
May / might as well are alt sens:
There is nothing interesting on TV this evening, I may / might as well
have an early night.
4. cu o construcie perfect pentru a face referire la o
presupunere n trecut
Bill isnt in his office, he may have gone home early. (Its possible
that he went home.)


5. cu o construcie perfect pentru a face referire la ceva care sar fi putut petrece n trecut dar nu s-a petrecut, se poate folosi
numai might
You might have burnt your hand while taking that hot tray out of
the oven (but you didnt).
Can / Could
Can se folosete la prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. Could se
folosete la trecut i condiional prezent. Ambele sunt invariabile i
sunt urmate de infinitiv fr To.
Forme contrase: cant / couldnt
1. Can se folosete pentru a cere, a acorda sau a refuza
permisiunea, similar cu may, dar mai puin formal
You can drive at seventeen in the UK.
Can I borrow your pen, please? Ive left mine at home.
You cannot go hunting out of season.
Forme alternative:
You are permitted to drive at seventeen in UK.
You are allowed to drive at seventeen in UK.
You may drive at seventeen in UK.
La negativ, could i might au sensuri diferite.
Ken could not be building the house by himself. (Its impossible. It is
too much work.)
Ken might not be building the house by himself. (He isnt building the
house himself. He probably has help.)
2. pentru a face referire la probabilitate, posibilitate sau
imposibilitate n prezent, n trecut sau la condiional

Look, theres plenty of snow, we can go skiing today.

Lets try his office; he could be there.
3. pentru a face referire la abilitate sau ndemnare n prezent,
n trecut sau la condiional
Can you lay bricks?
My old car cannot go over 80 km an hour.
The girl can sing but she cant dance for the life of her.
Could you drink as much?

Pentru alte timpuri se folosete to be able to
She will be able to type 100 words a minute soon.
4. folosii could + infinitiv perfect pentru a v referi la o aciune
care nu a avut loc
I could have driven you to the airport, but I didnt have my car.
Sau cnd nu tim dac aciunea s-a petrecut sau nu
Have you seen my umbrella? Dan could have taken it; it was
raining when he left.
Forme alternative:
You might have hurt your back lifting that heavy table.
You would probably have hurt your back lifting that heavy table.
May / might i can / could se repet n ntrebri disjunctive i
rspunsuri scurte.
He cant go, can he?
May Sally come in? Yes, she may.

To be able to exprim abilitatea. Este o alternativ formal pentru can
/ could n prezent, n trecut sau la condiional. Pentru toate celelalte
timpuri putem folosi numai to be able to.
Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele propoziii
1. Aceasta este o mas veche, pe care n-o poate ridica nimeni. 2. Nu
tia s noate, aa c atunci cnd s-a scufundat vasul, s-a inecat. 3. Nu
ai dreptul s naintezi, acest teren e proprietate privat. 4. Nu ai
dreptul s vinzi ce nu-ti aparine. 5. Nu se poate s te fi hotrt s-i
refuzi orice ajutor tocmai cnd are mai mare nevoie de el. 6. Idila lui
cu ea nu poate s fi durat mai mult de o lun. 7. E cu putin s se
joace cnd i-am spus s-i fac mai nti temele? 8. Ai s-i poi face pe
plac, tiind c e aa de sensibil? 9. Niciodat n-am fost n stare s in
minte propoziii ntregi. 10. Savantul a spus c tie de mult s numere.
11. Zise c-mi poate da sifon dac mi-e sete. 12. Speram s pot merge
pe jos pn la gar, dar m-am oprit la o staie de autobuz. 13. L-ai
putea atepta n birou dac ai vrea. 14. Ar fi putut s se aeze pe un
scaun gol, dar a preferat s stea n picioare. 15. Puteai s te uii pe
gaura cheii, dac erai aa de curios.
1. Pot s te ajut cu ceva? 2. mi permii s te ajut? 3. Poate c se
plimb prin grdin, habar n-am unde e. 4. Poate c spune adevrul,
mai bine ai asculta ce are de spus. 5. Poate c-mi voi fi terminat
lucrarea pn vii tu s m ajui. 6. Poate c btrna sufla greu dup ce
a urcat scrile acelea, fiindc liftul era defect. 7. Poate c voi fi ajuns
la gar pn va pleca trenul. 8. M-am gndit c s-ar putea s plou, aa
c mi-am luat umbrela. 9. I-am spus c n-are nimeni voie s intre-n
camera mea cnd dorm. 10. S-ar putea s tueasc dac a rcit. 11. Lai putea ajuta s-i duc geanta, dac-l vezi gfind. 12. Puteai s-i
mprumui nite bani, dac tiai c are greuti.
Cheia exerciiilor:

1. This is an old table which no one can lift. 2. He could not swim, so
when the ship sank he drowned. 3. You cant proceed, this land is
private property. 4. You cant sell what does not belong to you. 5. You
cant have resolved to deny him all help when he most needs it. 6. His
romance with her cant have lasted more than a month. 7. Can he be
playing when I told him to do his homework first? 8. Will you be able
to please him, knowing he is so sensitive? 9. I have never been able to
remember long sentences. 10. The scholar said he had been able to
count for a very long time. 11. He said he could give me soda if I was
thirsty. 12. I hoped I could walk to the station but I stopped at a bus
stop. 13. You could wait for him in the study if you would. 14. He
could have taken a vacant seat, but he preferred standing. 15. You
could have peeped through the keyhole if you were so curious.
1.Can I help you? 2. May I help you? 3. She may be walking in the
garden, I have no idea where she is. 4. She may be telling the truth,
you had better listen to what she has to say. 5. I may have finished my
paper by the time you come to help me. 6. The old lady may have
been breathing hard after she had climed all those stairs, because the
elevator was out of order. 7. I may reached the station before the train
leaves. 8. I thought it might rain, so I have taken my umbrella. 9. I told
him no one might enter my room when I was asleep. 10. He might
cough if he has caught cold. 11. You might help him carry his bag if
you see him gasping for breath. 12. You might have lent him some
money if you knew he was in need.




(Obligaie i necesitate)
Must, need, should i ought to sunt verbe modale; ele sunt defective,
- timpuri lips
- persoana a III-a singular fr s

interogativul i negativul prezentului fr do sau does

sunt urmate de infinitiv fr To

Toate timpurile care lipsesc sunt nlocuite cu verbe normale:
To have to sau to need to
To have to exprim att obligaia ct i necesitatea la timpurile la care
el reprezint singura posibilitate (infinitiv, trecut simplu, perfect
prezent, viitor, forma n ing etc.).
Dar la prezent, formele alternative nu sunt ntotdeauna nlocuibile
reciproc. O form poate exprima obligaia, iar cealalt necesitatea.
John must not shout. (= John are obligaia de a nu striga.)
John doesnt have to shout. (= Nu e necesar ca John s strige.)
To need to exprim ntotdeauna necesitatea.
Harry didnt need to go on a diet. (= Nu era necesar ca Harry s in
Must / Have to / Need to
Must este invariabil pentru toate persoanele, n timp ce have to i
need to urmeaz regulile verbelor normale.
Forme contrase: mustnt
1. Have to se folosete ntotdeauna pentru a face referire la
obligaie sau necesitate la prezent afirmativ i interogativ,
adesea cu sens de viitor. Must se refer la obligaie.
I must phone my husband before he leaves the office.
The builders have to finish the work before winter sets in.


Must se folosete de obicei cnd obligaia vine din partea vorbitorului

care-i exprim propriile sentimente.
Have to se folosete cnd obligaia vine din partea unei a treia
You must tidy up your room before you go out. (= i ordon)
You have to drive on the left in Great Britain. (= Aa spune legea)
2. La forma negativ must i have to au sensuri complet diferite:
Must not nseamn c eti obligat s nu faci ceva.
Dont have to sau havent got to nseamn c nu este necesar:
You mustnt exceed the speed limit on the motorway. (= Eti
obligat de lege.)
You havent got to go to that meeting if you are too busy. (= Nu e
necesar s te duci.)
n general have to i have got to se folosesc la fel numai la prezent.
Have got to este considerat mai formal.
Have to se folosete pentru aciuni repetate, de obicei ntrit cu un
adverb de frecven.
Chris has to visit her ill mother every day.
Chirs has got to do some shopping for her ill mother today.
3. Have to poate fi folosit la toate celelalte timpuri.
I have never had to work so much before.
The police would have had to open fire if the criminals hadnt
Deducia negativ se poate exprima cu cant sau cant have:
Its only eleven oclock, Tim cant be hungry!
The Smiths are in China. They cant have sent that post-card from
4. Must se folosete pentru deducii pozitive n prezent.
Must + construcie perfect se refer la deducii pozitive n

The baby is crying. She must be hungry.

There was no reply; he must have been working in the garden.
Utilizare: Need este considerat att verb propriu-zis ct i auxiliar.
1. Need to, ca verb propriu-zis, urmeaz formele verbelor
regulate normale i este folosit pentru a se face referire la
You will need flour and water to make bread.
I dont need to see the doctor. I feel fine.
Have to exprim necesitatea, poate fi folosit i la negativ i
We didnt have to book the restaurant. There was plenty of room.
Do we have to rush?
2. Need ca auxiliar este un verb modal i are aceeai form
pentru toate persoanele. Poate fi folosit numai la prezent
(adesea cu sens de viitor) mai ales n construcii negative sau
Construcie negativ: Need not este similar cu dont have to.
Ambele exprim absena unei obligaii sau necesiti.
We need not rush. Theres plenty of time.
Construcie interogativ:
Need we rush? Theres plenty of time.
3. Need not + infinitiv perfect se refer la o aciune trecut care sa petrecut fr a fi fost necesar.
You neednt have told her about the accident. She will only worry.
Need not + infinitiv perfect difer de did not need to.
Jack need not have gone to the dentist. (= Jack s-a dus, dar nu era
Jack did not need to go to the dentist. (= Nu era necesar ca Jack s se
duc, dar nu tim dac s-a dus sau nu.)

Ought to / Should
Ought to i Should au sens identic i pot fi folosite la fel. Ele sunt
invariabile pentu toate persoanele i pot fi urmate de infinitiv fr To.
Forme contrase: oughtnt / shouldnt

1. Cu referire la o obligaie sau ndatorire.
I ought to mow the lawn this weekend; its overgrown.
Little girls shouldnt tell lies.
Poate urma i forma n ing.
Tim oughtnt to be watching TV. He ought to be doing his
We should be standing in that queue, not this one.
2. Pentru a cere i a da sfaturi.
Do you think I should have my hair cut short?
Mike ought to see a doctor if it hurts so much.
3. Cu referire la ceea ce consider c este corect sau incorect din
punct de vedere moral.
We should all help the poor.
People oughtnt to treat animals badly. They belong here, too.
4. Cu referire la o ntmplare probabil.
Ill prepare dinner tonight. I should be home quite early.
I told him several times, so he ought to remember.
5. Cu o construcie perfect pentru a face referire la ceva ce
urma s se petreac n trecut, dar nu s-a petrecut. Sau cu
referire la ceva ce a constituit o greeal.

The plane should have arrived at seven oclock, but it was

delayed because of fog.
Michael Jackson ought to have started his tour last night, but he
was taken ill.
1. A replicat c trebuie s aib grij de silueta ei. 2. Nu tiam c
trebuie s pltesc amend dac-mi parchez maina aici. 3. Nu se poate
s nu stai la mas! 4. Neaprat s-mi ari rochia ta cea nou! 5. E
precis la birou, completnd formulare, cum face zilnic. 6. Nu-l vd pe
aici, trebuie c joac baschet pe undeva. 7. Nu e acas, precis colind
strzile i trguiete cu hrnicie. 8. Se vede c cicatricea a fost o ran
grav mai de mult. 9. Se vede c studia la bibliotec atunci cnd l
cutai. 10. Copiii nu trebuie s vorbeasc cu primarul cnd e ocupat.
11. A trebuit s ascult de dou ore vorbele lui suprtoare, dar n-am de
gnd s mai tolerez acest lucru. 12. Funcionarul declar c a trebuit s
vorbeasc cu nevasta lui despre schimbarea slujbei, fiindc ntrziase
de prea multe ori. 13. E nevoie s vin azi la bibliotec, ori poate
atepta pn mine? 14. Nu era nevoie s vin aa de curnd, puteam
atepta. 15. Nu era nevoie s cumpere ea plria, avea el de gnd s io cumpere.
1. Lectorul medit unde s-i in urmtoarea prelegere. 2. Pianistului
i-ar fi plcut s i se spun ce s cnte. 3. Cntreaa de oper nu tia a
cui ofert s-o accepte. 4. Fotograful vru s tie dac s fac una sau
dou fotografii. 5. De ce l-ai ajuta, dac nu te roag? 6. Dac s-ar
ntmpla s se ntlneasc ntr-o cafenea, i-ar vedea toi mpreun i
oamenii ar ncepe s brfeasc. 7. Ar trebui s i spun c era exact ce
merita. 8. Ar fi trebuit s se logodeasc de mult, dar prinii ei s-au
opus cstoriei. 9. Ar fi trebuit s-i mrturiseti n cele din urm c i-ai
furat ceasul, fiindc nu vroiai s plece att de iute. 10. Studenii ar fi
trebuit s asculte expunerea asear.
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. She retorted she must take care of her figure. 2. I did not know I
must pay a fine if I parked my car her. 3. But you must stay for dinner!

4. You must show me your new dress! 5. He must be at his office,

fiiling in forms, as he does daily. 6. I do not see him around, he must
be playing basketball somewhere. 7. He is not at home, he must be
roaming the streets and shopping with industry. 8. That scar must have
been a bad injury a while ago. 9. He must have been studying at the
library when you were looking for him. 10. Children must not talk to
the mayor when he is busy. 11. I have had to listen to his offensive
words for two hours, but I am not going to put up with it any longer.
12. The officer stated that he had had to talk to his wife about
changing his job because he had been late too many times. 13. Need
he come to the library today or can he wait untill tomorrow? 14. They
neednt have come so soon, I could have wited. 15. She neednt have
bought that hat, he was going to buy it for her.
1. The lecturer meditated where he should deliver his next lecture. 2.
The pianist would have liked to be told what he should play. 3. The
opera singer did not know whose offer she should accept. 4. The
cameraman wanted to know if he should take one or two photographs.
5. Why should you assist him if he does not ask you? 6. If they should
meet in a caf, everyone would see them together and people would
start gossiping. 7. I ought to tell him it was exactly what he deserved.
8. They ought to have been engaged long ago, but her parents objected
to their marriage. 9. You ought to have confessed to him eventually
that you had stollen his watch because you did not want him to leave
so soon. 10. The students ought to have been listening to the
exposition last night.



Formele principale de infinitiv sunt:
Infinitiv prezent
to work
Infinitiv prezent continuu
to be working
Infinitiv perfect
to have worked

Infinitiv perfect continuu

Infinitiv pasiv

to have been working

to be worked

Utilizare: Infinitivul cu TO

Infinitivul cu to se poate folosi ca:

1. Subiect
To leave the front door unlocked is risky.
Dar este mai folosit propoziia care ncepe cu it:
It is risky to leave the front door unlocked.
2. complement
principalele verbe urmate de infinitiv cu to:
agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, be about, care choose, consent,
decide, do ones best, decline, demand, expect, fail, forget, happen,
hate, hope, hurry, learn, like, love, manage, mean/intend, neglect,
offer, plan, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, prove, refuse, remember,
seem, tend, try, turn out, volunteer, want, be able to afford, make up
ones mind
The couple appears to be happy.
I cant afford to study abroad.
She refused to go with him.
Unele verbe like, love, hate, prefer, care, mean, intend pot fi
urmate de infinitivul cu to i de forma n ing.
She likes to skate.
She likes skating.
Ori condiionalul
Id love to see Eve.
Would you prefer to do it now?
That should (be) este o construcie care poate urma i dup
agree, arrange, ask, decide, demand.
The girls agreed to organize a party.
The girls agreed that they should organize a party.
The girls agreed that a party should be organized.
Infinitivul continuu urmeaz adesea dup appear, happen,
pretend, seem.
It seems to be raining.

The children pretended to be hiding.

3. pentru a exprima scopul:
The dog buried the bone to hide it.
In order i so as pot fi folosite pentru a sublinia scopul:
Matt is memorizing the rules in order to pass the test.
We cut the hedge so as to improve the view.
Pentru a exprima scopul sau funcia unui obiect, folosii
infinitivul cu TO sau for + -ing
He used the scissors to cut the rope.
He used the scissors for cutting the rope.

Cnd dou subiecte diferite fac necesar folosirea unei subordonate,
folosii so that pentru a introduce subordonata i a exprima scopul.
I deposited the money in the bank so that my son can use it in later
Pentru a exprima negaia punei not naintea infinitivului cu TO.
He ran in order not to be late.
Folosii and (n loc de TO) pentru a exprima scopul dup go sau
We should go and buy some milk.
Come and visit us!
4. dup un verb urmat de how, what, when, where, why.
Principalele verbe sunt: ask, decide, discover, find out, forget,
know, see, learn, remember, understand, think, wonder
We wondered how to do it.
I couldnt decide what to wear.
Whether + infinitiv cu to poate fi folosit:
Dup wonder i know.

Alex wondered whether to knock or wait outside.

Dup formele interogative i negative ale verbelor decide, know,
Did you finally decide whether to go camping or not?
5. dup un verb urmat de complement
verbele principale sunt: advise, allow, command, enable,
encourage, forbid, expect, force, invite, oblige, order, permit,
persuade, remind, request, teach, tell, like, help, want
Tony advised me to finish the job quickly.
We invited our friends to ski with us.
Infinitivul cu to poate nlocui o propoziie relativ:
Dup the only, the last, the first, the second etc.
Joe was the first to board the submarine. (= Joe a fost primul care s-a
mbarcat pe submarin.)
Dup substantive / pronume, pentru a arta care le este utilizarea.
I need a pot to make a tea. (= Am nevoie de un ibric n care s pot face
Remind, teach i tell pot fi i ele urmate de that:
He reminded Sue to come on time.
He reminded Sue that she had to /should come on time.
Dar tell i schimb sensul n funcie de construcie:
Tod told her to stop. = Tod ordered her to stop.
Tod told her that the water was boiling. = Tod informed her that the
water was boiling.
6. dup pasivul verbelor assume, believe, consider, feel, know,
understand, suppose
They are assumed to be fair players.
Aceste verbe pot fi urmate de complement + infinitiv cu TO i
de that:
He assumes them to be fair players.
He assumes that they are fair players.

Suppose ii poate schimba sensul la pasiv:
You are supposed to nseamn Este datoria ta s
7. dup anumite substantive
principalele verbe sunt: ability/inability, ambition, decision,
demand, desire, determination, effort, failure, offer, plan, promise,
refusal, wish
We made our wish to help them quite obvious.
Hillarys failure to pass the exam disappointed them.

8. dup anumite adjective

principalele adjective sunt: cruel, good, rude, anxious, glad, kind,
nice, pleased, surprised, easy, difficult, likely, prepared, ready,
late, early
She was pleased to hear from us.
You are likely to meet them.
n construciile cu it, of + pronume/substantiv, urmeaz adesea dup
It was nice of you to come.
It was rude of the man to slam the door.
9. dup too + adjectiv/adverb i dup adjectiv/adverb + enough i
dup have + enough + substantiv
The soup was too hot to eat.
The water wasnt warm enough to swim in.
We didnt have enough time to finish the test.
For + substantiv/pronume pot fi introduse n faa infinitivului:
He ran too fast for us to follow.


Infinitivul fr TO
Infinitivul fr TO poate fi folosit dup:
1. verbe modale
may, can, must, shall, should, will, would
We may come tomorrow.
2. feel, see, hear, watch, let la forma activ
Claire heard him cough.
Forma n ing se folosete adesea dup feel, see, hear, watch (att
forme active ct i pasive)
Claire heard him coughing. / He was heard coughing.
3. had better i would rather
Dan had better study harder.
4. make
The teacher made Ellen correct her errors.
La forma pasiv make este urmat de infinitiv cu TO:
Ellen was made to correct her errors (by the teacher).
5. but sau except
Jack and Karen do nothing but argue.
Ive done it all except do the calculations.
6. why sau why not
Why waste your energy on such a hopeless cause?
Why not go and ask him now?
7. folosii infinitivul perfect fr to:
Cu must pentru a exprima deducii pozitive n trecut:
Theres Als cap. He must have come home.
Cu cant/couldnt pentru a exprima deducii negative n trecut:
I can hear noise. They cant have gone to bed yet.

1. A fost vzut cum fur batista unei btrne. 2. Se tie c a mblnzit
o cprioar. 3. Se pare c i s-a terminat zahrul. 4. S-a dovedit c houl
a spus adevrul. 5. N-a vrea s fi plecat singur de acas. 6. i ordon
s pleci chiar acum. 7. Cred c s-a mritat de mult. 8. Atept s pleci.
9. Se zice c s-a ntors din strintate. 10. I s-a ordonat s uite tot ce a
vzut. 11. Din ntmplare nc n-a sosit. 12. Cu cine se zice c
seamn? 13. De ce se zice c e ho?
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. He was seen to steal an old ladys handkerchief. 2. She is known to
have tamed a deer. 3. He seems to have run out of sugar. 4. The thief
turned out to have told the truth. 5. I should not like him to have left
alone. 6. I order you to leave right now. 7. I think her to have got
married long ago. 8. I am waiting for you to leave. 9. He is said to
have returned from abroad. 10. He was ordered to forget everything he
had seen. 11. He happens not to have arrived yet. 12. Whom is she
said to look like? 13. Why is he said to be a thief?


FORMELE N ING (Participiul i Gerund-ul)

Din punct de vedere gramatical, forma n ing poate fi sau un gerund

sau un participiu. n ambele cazuri, forma este aceeai.
Form: forma n ing regulat se obine adugnd ing infinitivului
fr TO. (go going)
Gerund-ul poate fi folosit ca:
1. subiect
Smoking is dangerous for your health.
2. complement

Emily loves teaching.

3. interdicii scurte
No fishing.
4. dup prepoziii
Verbele care urmeaz dup prepoziii trebuie s fie la forma n
Francis is interested in learning Polish.
I am sorry for hurting your feelings.
Verbele care urmeaz dup verbele complexe cu prepoziie sunt
de obicei la forma n -ing
My father has just given up smoking.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
unele verbe complexe cu prepoziie pot fi urmate de infinitiv
The researcher set out to prove his theory.
Cuvntul TO este o surs de confuzii. Uneori to este o prepoziie
urmat de ing. Alteori to intoduce un infinitiv complet.
Kevin looked forward to seeing her.
Kevin wanted to see her.
I am used to studying until late. = I am accustomed to studying late.
I used to study until late. = I always studied until late.
5. dup anumite verbe i expresii
Principalele verbe i expresii sunt: admit, avoid, delay, detest, enjoy,
finish, imagine, mind, miss, postpone, practise, remember, resist, stop,
cant stand, cant help, be worth, be busy, be no good, be no use, deny,
keep, risk
Did you mind selling your house?
I missed listening to her play the piano.
We stopped studying in the summer.
Notai diferena dintre:
He remembered writing to us. = i amintea c ne-a scris.
They remembered to write to us. = Nu au uitat s ne scrie.
He stopped eating. = El a terminat de mncat.
He stopped to eat. = S-a oprit din alte treburi ca s mnnce.

Admit, deny, remember primesc i pe that:
They remembered that they had sent us the bill.
Hate, like, love, prefer pot primi infinitiv + to.
I love dancing. = I love to dance.
Dar la condiional ele primesc de obicei infinitiv cu to:
Id love to dance.
6. dup anumite verbe + adjectiv posesiv/ complement
Principalele verbe sunt: dislike, dread, mind, remember, resent, stop,
understand, object to, appreciate, excuse, forgive, prevent,
(dis)approve of
I dont mind his/him staying with us.
I truly appreciate their/them being so hospitable.
Utilizarea adjectivului posesiv este mai formal:
The committee resented his being so frank.
Utilizarea complementului pronominal este mai rspndit n engleza
I certainly understand him getting upset.
Iat cteva modificri ortografice:
1. Dispare e final.
Dar nu pentru:
2. Finala n ie se schimb n y.

3. Se dubleaz consoana final.

Dar nu i pentru:

Participiul poate fi folosit:
1. la timpurile continue.
He is working.
You were singing.
2. ca adjective.
annoying, frightening, depressing, embarrassing, relaxing,
exciting, shocking, charming, interesting, boring
3. n substantive compuse.
a washing machine, a diving board, a sewing kit, a walking stick,
a fishing rod, a gardening tool
4. dup spend i waste (timp, bani, effort, energie).
They spent a fortune building that house.
He wasted all his energy getting that contract.
5. dup go i come (activitate fizic).
Im coming shopping with you.
Eileen and Paul are going swimming.
6. dup see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch + complement.
The entire family watched Tim skating.
Aceleai verbe pot fi urmate i de complement + infinitiv fr TO.
He heard the baby cry.
7. dup catch, find, leave + complement.
The baker caught the boy stealing rolls.

8. n locul subordonatelor:
A. n locul unei subordonate relative
We watched the boy working. (= We watched the boy who was
B. n locul subordonatelor.
cnd dou aciuni se petrec la acelai moment n timp.
Smiling warmly, she shook Hectors hand. (= She smiled warmly as
she shook Hectors hand.)
Learning to ski, Sam broke his leg. (= While Sam was learning to ski,
he broke his leg.)
pentru a nlocui o propoziie care ncepe cu since sau because.
Thinking Joan was honest, he lent her the money. (= Because he
thought Joan was honest, he lent her the money.)
Being curious, he looked through the keyhole. (= Since he was
curious, he looked through the keyhole.)
cnd aciunea unei subordonate se petrece n mod clar nainte de
aciunea celeilalte subordonate se folosete participiul perfect.
Having got divorced once, Al decided not to marry again. (= After he
had got divorced once, Al decided not to marry again.)




Form: Verbele care urmeaz altor verbe au una din formele: infinitiv
+ to sau forma n ing.
Verbele se mpart n patru categorii principale:
1. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de infinitiv + TO.
We agreed to meet at noon.
2. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de forma n ing.
You risk being late.
3. Verbe care pot fi urmate fie de un infinitiv + TO fie de forma
n ing fr a nregistra o modificare de sens.
I see Harry has started to play golf again. (= n general)

I see Harry has started playing golf again. (= n general sau numai
n momentul de fa)
4. verbe care pot fi urmate de infinitiv + to fie de forma n ing
dar cu o schimbare major de sens.
I forgot to go to the bank yesterday. (= Nu m-am dus)
I have forgotten going to the bank yesterday. (= Nu-mi amintesc
s fi fost)
1. Infinitivul + to se folosete de obicei dup: afford, agree, appear,
arrange, ask, attempt, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn,
manage, mean, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse,
seem, tend, threaten, want, wish
I cant afford to buy a new car now.
I fail to see the point you are making.
Forma negativ este not to + infinitiv.
Clive Waston decided not to accept the new job offer.
Dup help, TO este opional.
Emmas mother always helps her (to) do her homework.
Dar cant help nseamn a nu putea evita i aici se folosete forma
n ing.
I cant help thinking about what she said last night.
Seem, appear i pretend pot primi i un infinitiv continuu (to be
doing) sau un infinitiv perfect (to have done).
Bill seems to be sleeping a lot lately.
The criminal pretended to have lost his memory.
Dup ask, decide, explain, know, remember, forget, understand urmate
de cuvinte interogative: how, what, when, which, where, whether
I dont know how to get to the cathedral from here.
The teacher will explain what to do tomorrow.

Dup ask, enable, force, get, invite, order, persuade, remind, teach,
tell, warn + complement.
Can you ask them to leave, please?
I persuaded Jane to come hiking with me tomorrow.
Dup make n propoziii pasive.
When I was at school, I was made to wear a uniform.
2. Forma n ing este de obicei folosit dup: admit, avoid,
consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, give
up, imagine, involve, keep on, mind, miss, postpone, practise, risk,
stand (=bear), suggest, mention, recall, regret
He admitted stealing the jewels.
Have you considered moving abroad?
Forma negativ este: not + -ing
I enjoy not having to work.
Forma pasiv este posibil i cu being + participiu trecut.
Helen enjoys being involved in the local comunity.
Verbe ca: admit, deny, mention, recall, regret pot primi: having +
participiu trecut cu referire la aciuni finalizate n trecut.
Tom now regrets having moved to Paris.
Dup: admit, deny, regret, suggest se poate folosi i that.
Sam denied that he had shot his wife.
Sam denied shooting his wife.
Dup verbe complexe: carry on, end up, give up, go round, keep on,
put off, set about
You carry on thinking while I eat my lunch.
Frank is always trying hard to give up smoking.


3. Se pot folosi att infinitivul + TO ct i forma n ing fr

diferene de sens dup verbele: begin, continue, hate, like, love,
prefer, start
I began to play squash three years ago.
I began playing squash three years ago.
Morris loves to drive fast cars.
Morris loves driving fast cars.
4. Infinitivul + to sau forma n ing au sensuri foarte diferite dup:
remember, forget, try, stop, go on, regret
Have you forgotten posting that letter? (= Ai trimis-o dar nu-i
Have you forgotten to post that letter? (= Nu ai trimis-o?)
I stopped smoking cigarettes because they were bad for me. (= Nu
mai fumez)
I stopped to smoke a cigarette. (= M-am oprit i am fumat o igar)
Punei verbele din parantez fie la infinitiv fie la gerund:
1. He used (dance) a lot but he hasnt had any opportunity of (do) is
since he began (prepare) for the entrance examination. 2. They were
used to (live) alone, so they didnt really mind the lonely life they led
on the moon. 3. I like (skate) and (ski), but it is very difficult for me
(say) which I like better. 4. We got tired of (wait) for him (come) and
eventually decided (go) out without (leave) any notice to him. 5. I
remember (hear) her (say) the flowers needed (water). 6. We highly
appreciate (you, want) (help) our son, but its time he began (do) his
homwork by himself. 7. We dont remember (you, say) before that
John wanted (buy) our car. 8. I wonder why he hated (I, smoke) at the
office since he often enjoys (smoke) a cigarette himself. 9. It is no use
(you, ask) me (insist) on (Mike, come) in time as he cant get rid of his
bad habit; he often tried (be) punctual but he always failed. 10.
Wherever I set to work, I recollect (my father, say) that if a job is
worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well.

Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele propoziii folosind

1. Vara florile au nevoie de ap (de a fi udate) n fiecare zi. 2. mi face
mult plcere s-i accept invitaia deoarece ea ntotdeauna reuete s
gteasc mncruri foarte gustoase. 3. Iertai-m c v deranjez, avei
cumva un chibrit? 4. mi place s mnnc ngheat chiar cnd e frig.
5. V deranjeaz dac deschid fereastra pentru cteva minute? E un
aer foarte inchis aici. 6. N-are nici un rost s pleci miercuri, se
ateapt ca tu s fii acolo smbt. 7. Au insistat s le scriu n fiecare
zi, dar asta m exaspereaz deoarece mie nu-mi place s scriu scrisori.
8. Ei au refuzat s ne permit s intrm fr a cumpra bilete, dei
fusesem invitai la premier. 9. A trebuit s ne amnm plecarea
pentru c Jane era bolnav. 10. Nu-mi place ca cineva s se uite la
mine cnd ncerc s nv a merge pe biciclet.
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. To dance, doing, to prepare 2. Living 3. Skating, skiing, to say 4.
Waiting, to come, to go, leaving 5. Hearing, say (saying), watering 6.
Your / you wanting, to help, doing 7. Your / you having said, to buy 8.
My / me smoking, smoking 9. Your / you asking, to insist, Mikes /
Mike coming, to be 10. My father saying, doing, doing
1. In summer flowers need watering every day. 2. I am very pleased to
accept her invitation as he always succeeds in cooking very tasty
dishes. 3. Forgive my bothering you, do you happen to have a match?
4. I enjoy eating ice-cream even when it is cold. 5. Do you mind my
opening the window for a few minutes? Its very stuffy in here. 6.
There is no need for your leaving on Wednesday, you are expected
there (on) Saturday. 7. They insisted on my writing to them every day,
but it puts me beside myself because I hate writing letters. 8. They
refused to let us in without buying tickets although we had been
invited to the first night. 9. We had to delay our departure because of
Janes being ill. 10. I dislike being looked at while attempting to learn
how to ride a bicycle.



Un verb complex este o combinaie ntre un verb + prepoziie /

particul adverbial.
Sensul unui verb complex fie nu are legtur cu elementele
componente luate separat, fie este rezultatul elementelor componente
(verb + prepoziie/adverb) luate ca ntreg.
Verbele complexe pot fi mpite n:
1. Verb + prepoziie
Verb + prepoziie + complement prepoziional
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay.
Verb + prepoziie + V ing
They succeeded in boosting pre-tax profits.
Cnd verbele complexe sunt urmate de un verb, acest verb este de
obicei la forma n ing.
Nu folosim prepoziii dup urmtoarele verbe:
answer, ask, call, phone, ring, discuss, enter, meet, reach, suit, tell
Exemple de verbe + prepoziie:
agree to something; agree with somebody/something; allow for
something; amount for something; apologise for something; apply
for something; approve of somebody/something; attend to
somebody/something; conform to something; consent to something;
consist of something; depend on something; hear about something;
hear from somebody; hope for something; insist on something; look
at somebody/something; look for somebody/something; look forward
to something; pay (somebody) for something; refer to something; rely

on somebody/something; succeed in something; think about

something (= concentrate on); think of something (= consider); wait
for somebody/something
2. Verb + complement + prepoziie
Verb + complement + prepoziie + complement prepoziional
unfair competition
Verb + complement + prepoziie + V ing
entering the Japanese market.
Prepoziia from se folosete dup verbe care exprim refuzul:
prohibit, restrain, forbid, prevent, ban, veto, stop
They prevented us from exporting the goods.
Dup verbe care exprim acceptul se folosete complement +
infinitiv: allow, authorise, help, permit, enable, encourage
They helped us to export the goods.
Exemple de verbe + complement + prepoziie:
accuse somebody of something; advise somebody of/about
something; compare somebody/something with somebody/something;
congratulate somebody on something; convince somebody of
something; describe something to somebody; divide/cut/split
something into something; do something about somebody/something;
explain something to somebody; interest somebody in something;
prefer somebody/something to somebody/something; prevent
somebody/something from somebody/something; provide somebody
with something; remind somebody of something; spend money on
something; tell somebody about something
3. Verb + adverb (phrasal verb)
Verb + adverb + complement + restul propoziiei



this form

in duplicate
early at the stand

Cele mai frecvente adverbe folosite sunt: about, along, away, back,
down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, up
Unele dintre phrasal verbs i pstreaz sensul individual al verbului +
cel al adverbului:
Ive brought back the plans. Would you like to see them?
Alte phrasal verbs au un sens diferit de cel al elementelor
He made up a wonderful story about his adventures in Rotaronga.
(make up = invent)

Exemple de Phrasal verbs:
Break down (stop working); bring about (cause); call off (cancel);
call round (visit); close down (stop the operations of); come along
(come); fill in (complete by writing in relevant information); find out
(discover); look over (examine quickly); make up (invent); move in
(take possesssion of new premises); put on (turn on); send back
(return); speak up (speak louder); speed up (make faster); throw
away; turn down (reject); turn up (arrive); walk through; write

Traducei n limba englez folosind get ca phrasal verb:
1. Tom promise c se va apuca serios de treab dar numai ncepnd de
lunea viitoare. 2. terge-o. Degeaba ncerci s m cucereti. 3. De
cnd i s-a publicat lucrarea nu i mai ncape n piele de mndrie. 4.

i-a dat seama c nu poi rmne nedescoperit cnd faci o crim. 5. Ai

scpat ieftin! 6. tie cum s-o ia pe mtua ei i s-o fac s-i cumpere
tot ce-i dorete.
Traducei n limba englez folosind give i carry ca phrasal verb:
1. Talentatul scriitor a luat premiul pentru literatur. 2. tie s
vorbeasc fr s se trdeze cu nimic. 3. A fost scos din fire de
obrznicia cu care i replica putiul. 4. Fusese prea sigur c norocul
nu-l va prsi. 5. Aceast fereastr d spre malul mrii.
Traducei n limba englez folosind look ca phrasal verb:
1. Va trebui s te descurci fr s te ngrijeasc Mary. 2. Atept cu
nerbdare s-mi spui c ai examinat chestiunea cu grij. 3. Acum
treburile lui promit s mearg mai bine. 4. Treci s m vezi mine
dup ora cinci.
Traducei n limba englez folosind make i be ca phrasal verb:
1. Cei doi veri nu se mpac deloc bine. 2. tiu c nu e perfect, dar
calitile lui i compenseaz lipsurile. 3. Nu i pot descrifa scrisul, e
prea necite. 4. Lucrm numai cu materialul clientului. 5. Filmul
acesta ruleaz de o lun, trebuie s fie bun. 6. Hai s ne mpcam!
Cheia exerciiilor:
* 1. Tom promised to get down to work but only beginning with next
Monday. 2. Get along with you! You are trying in vain to get round
me. 3. Since he had his work published he has simply got above
himself. 4. He realized one cant get away with crime. 5. You got off
cheaply! 6. She knows how to get round her aunt and make her buy
her whatever she wishes.
* 1. The gifted writer carried off the Prize for Literature. 2. He knows
how to talk without giving himself away at all. 3. He was carried away
by the impudence of the urchins retorts. 4. He had been too sure his
luck would not give out. 5. This window gives on (to) the seashore.
* 1. Youll have to manage without Mary looking after you. 2. Im
looking forward to your telling me youve looked into the matter
carefully. 3. His affairs seem to be looking up. 4. Look me up
tomorrow after five oclock.

* 1. The two cousins dont get on well at all. 2. I know he is not

perfect but his qualities make up for his defects. 3. I cannot make out
your hand writing, it is really illegible. 4. Only customers materials
made up here. 5. This film has been on for a month; it must be a good
one. 6. Lets make it up!



Vorbirea indirect se folosete pentru a relata cuvintele unei alte

persoane. Principalele categorii ale vorbirii indirecte sunt: afirmaii,
interogaii, comenzi.
Vorbirea indirect poate avea dou forme:
1. O propoziie principal cu un verb al relatrii + o propoziie
They say that we will receive the confirmation next week.
2. o propoziie principal cu un verb al relatrii + un infinitiv cu
They asked us to send confirmation as soon as possible.
Regula de baz pentru a determina timpul verbal din subordonat este
dup cum urmeaz:
Dac verbul relatrii este la:
Prezent perfect
Dac verbul relatrii este la:
Trecut perfect

n vorbirea indirect:
nici o schimbare
n Vorbirea indirect:
present . past
past ... past / past perfect
present perfect.past perfect
will .. would


Condiionalele de tipul II i III nu se modific n vorbirea indirect.
Condiionala de tipul I se modific ntr-una de tipul II.
Jo said: If I listen, I will learn.
Jo said that if he listened, he would learn.
Verbele modale se modific astfel:
Can could; may might; will would; shall should; must
must/had to; could could; might might; should should; ought to
ought to; would would; used to used to
Pronumele i adjectivele se modific astfel:
Vorbirea direct
I / you
We / you
Me / you
Us / you
My / mine
Our / ours
This / these

Vorbirea indirect
he / she
him / her
his her / his hers
my his her our their
mine his hers ours theirs
their / theirs
that / those

Cnd vorbitorul i relateaz propriul discurs, pronumele i adjectivele
rmn neschimbate.
I said: I am angry.
I said that I was angry.
Adverbele i expresiile adverbiale se modific astfel:
Vorbirea direct
The day before yesterday
The day after tomorrow

Vorbirea indirect
there, in that place
then, at that time
that day
the day before
two days before
the day after
in two days

An hour/week/month ago
Next week/year
Last week/month

an hour/week/month before
the following week/year
a week/month before

Principalele verbe ale vorbirii indirecte sunt say i tell.
Tell cere persoana cu care se vorbete
Say poate funciona singur sau poate primi to + persoana cu care se
Tom told us that he was leaving.
Tom said that he was leaving.
Tom said to us that he was leaving.
Alte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fi:
accept, add, admit, affirm, agree, allege, announce, answer,
apologieze, argue, assert, claim, comment, communicate, convey,
declare, demonstrate, disclose, divulge, emphasise, explain, highlight,
imply, indicate, inform, maintain, notify, object, offer, promise, protest,
prove, recount, refuse, remark, reply, report, restate, reveal, show,
state, stress, suggest, transmit
Topica verbelor interogative n interogaia direct se modific n
interogaia indirect devenind topica verbelor afirmative
I asked: Who did she go with?
I asked who she had gone with.
Exist dou tipuri de ntrebri directe: Wh-questions i yes/no
n vorbirea indirect se menin cuvintele interogative cu WhWhen exactly will you be in Poland?
He asked when exactly I would be in Poland.
Pentru ntrebrile cu yes/no, folosim if i whether:
Does your company provide investment advice?
She asked if/whether our company provided investment advice.


Verbe ale relatrii utilizate pentru ntrebri: ask, demand, examine,

inquire, investigate, query, question
Comenzi, cerine, sfaturi
n vorbirea indirect verbul de la imperativ se tranform n verb urmat
de complement + infinitivul cu TO
He said: Claire, stand up!
He told Claire to stand up.
Pentru o comand negativ, forma indirect primete pe NOT naintea
Barbara said: Dont touch!
Barbara asked me/us not to touch.
Chiar dac n comanda direct nu este menionat complementul, la
forma indirect este necesar un complement pronominal!
He said: Stand up!
He told her/him/us to stand up.

Verbele relatrii folosite pentru comenzi, cerine, sfaturi sunt: ask,
beg, brief, call for, command, direct, implore, instruct, invite, press,
request, require, tell, urge
Alte verbe folosite n vorbirea indirect. Unele dintre aceste verbe cer
o propoziie subordonat (1), altele un infinitiv cu To (2), iar altele cer
ambele variante(1,2):
convince (1,2), encourage (1,2), entreat (2), indoctrinate (2), invite
(2), motivate (2), persuade (1,2), threaten (2), urge (1,2), warn (1,2)


Urmtoarele propoziii sunt n vorbirea direct:

Dont wait for me if Im late.
Will you marry me?
Hurry up!
Can you open your bag, please?
Please slow down!
Dont worry, Sue.
Mind your own business.
Could you repeat what you said, please?
Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?
Alegei una dintre aceste propoziii pentu a completa propoziiile
de mai jos. Folosii vorbirea indirect:
1. Bill was talking a long time to get ready, so .
2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked .
3. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told
4. I couldnt move the piano alone, so I
5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and
6. I had difficulty understanding him, so I
7. I didnt want to delay Ann, so I
8. John was very much in love with Mary, so he
9. He started asking me personal questions, so
Cheia exerciiilor:
So I told him to hurry up.
So I asked her to slow down.
I told her not to worry.
So I asked Tom to give me a hand.
And asked me to open my bag.
So I asked him to repeat what he had said.
So I told her not to wait for me if I was late.
So he asked her to marry him.
So I told him to mind his own business.



Prepoziiile sunt n mod normal aezate n faa substantivelor sau

pronumelor i dup verbe. Ele pot de asemenea preceda verbele n
Exist puine reguli referitoare la prepoziiile limbii engleze. Foarte
adesea utilizarea lor trebuie nvat pe dinafar. Prepoziiile creeaz
probleme considerabile celor care nva engleza deoarece o anume
propoziie care n propria sa limb va cere o anumit prepoziie va
avea n englez o alt prepoziie.
Prepoziii de micare
1. Micare n sus/n jos
Down (to) up (to) on (to) off
Down: o micare n jos sau scdere a respectului statutului.
Sam broke his arm when he fell down the slope.
The Conservative Government went down at the last elections
Down to: o micare ctre sud.
I was staying in Paris but I went down to Nice to visit an old
friend of mine.
Up: o micare n sus sau a dobndi respect social.
Next doors cat always climbs up a tree to hide whenever it
hears our dog bark.
Dr. Barnard went up in peoples estimation when he
performed the first heart operation.
Up to: o micare ctre nord sau o micare n sus a statutului social.
John works in Rome now but he is being moved up to Milan
next week.
Joe has done well in his career; hes been promoted up to
managing director in just four years.
On(to): o micare spre o suprafa mai nalt.
I had to move the books on(to) the top shelf so my child
couldnt reach them.
Off: o micare spre o suprafa mai joas.

When the cat saw a mouse running across the floor it jumped
off the sofa to chase it.
Utilizare special. Este destul de comun folosirea structurilor-tip,
Up/down the street
Up to/down to the supermarket
On/off a bus, bicycle, plane, ship, sau orice alt mijloc de transport.
(dar: into/out of a car)
2. Deplasare printr-un spaiu
Across along by past through over
Across: o micare dintr-o parte spre cealalt, pe sau aproape de
It takes a long time to sail across the Atlantic.
Along: a parcurge lungimea a ceva
If you walk along the Champs Elysees you will eventually
reach the Eiffel Tower.
By: a se mica de-a lungul sau n apropierea a ceva.
If you pass by the shops today, will you get me a litre of milk?
Past: a se mica de pe o parte a ceva pe cealalt.
I am sure I saw a thief move past the window.
Through: a se mica printre lucruri.
The gateway was so narrow that the truck driver had problems
getting through it.
Over: a se mica pe deasupra unei suprafee dintr-o parte n alta a
Its quicker to fly over the Atlantic than to sail across it.

3. Direcii
Around at away from for into onto out of to towards

Around: micri pe o traiectorie circular.

I went all around the house to find an open window, but I
At: ctre ceva sau cineva.
He looked at me as if I were a criminal.
Away from: a prsi, a pleca de la cineva sau ceva.
When I was a boy I ran away from school because I didnt like
Away from poate fi folosit i n sens abstract: = free from everything.
I cant wait to get away from it all.
For: a se mica cu o destinaie precis.
Sherlock Holmes left for Glasgow as soon as he received the
news of the murder.
Into: a se deplasa ctre interiorul a ceva.
The last they saw of the explorer was when he went into the
jungle to hunt for tigers.

Onto: a aeza ceva peste altceva.

The professor put his papers onto the lectern and began his
Out of: a iei din ceva.
The prisoner was let out of prison after a ten year sentence.
To: a se delpasa n direcia unei anumite persoane sau a unui lucru.
Can you give me a lift to work tomorrow morning, please?
Towards: a se delpasa ctre ceva sau cineva
I think we should head towards the mountain; its much coller
there at this time of the year.
You shout at somebody (cnd eti nervos)

But you shout to somebody (cnd vrei s atragi atenia)

You throw something to somebody (cnd vrei s prind ce arunci)
But you throw something at somebody or something (cnd vrei s
loveti pe cineva sau ceva)
4. Micri comparative
After ahead of / in front of


After: a urma sau urmri

The shop-keeper ran after the boy who smashed his window.
Ahead of / in front of: a preceda pe cineva sau ceva
Ill go on ahead of / in front of you and find a place to camp
for the night.
Behind: a urmri pe cineva sau ceva, a urma cuiva
The old lady drove so close behind me that, when I braked,
she crashed into me.

Prepoziii de poziie
1. Poziii pe vertical
Above after below down in on over to under(neath) up
Above: mult mai sus dect altceva, chiar i figurativ
I am above his insults.
After: ceva puin inferior unui alt lucru
Carl Lewis came in second in the 100 meters after Linford
Below: ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru, sau mai puin important
In a company structure a sales representative comes below a
sales manager.

Down: a fi partea inferioar a ceva, i a avea mai puin respect pentru

She went down in my estimation when she said those things.
On: similar cu above, dar n contact cu ceva
Theres a telephone on the wall over there.
Over: similar cu above, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva
The horse jumped over the obstacles beautifully.
To: estimri relative
The Marketing Manager of I.B.U. reports to the General
Under: similar cu below, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva
That bridge is too low for that truck to go under.
Underneath: la fel ca under dar mai formal
The tunnel underneath the English Channel was opened in the
summer of 1994.
Up: contrarul lui down
Is this the shop? No, its further up the street.
In: un spaiu nchis
My little boy closed himself in the bathroom and couldnt get

2. Poziii relative
Against along alongside around at beside
right / on the left of near next to towards


Against: n contact cu altceva sau altcineva

Dont lean against that post. Its just been painted.
Along: de-a lungul a ceva
An Avenue usually has trees along it.

on the

Alongside: aezat alturi de ceva sau cineva

The newly weds walked alongside each other down the aisle.
Around: vecintate
He must be around here somewhere; I can see his footprints.
At: o poziie precis
If you dont wait at the bus stop, the bus wont stop.
Beside: similar cu alongside
The anxious mother sat beside her ill baby all night.
By: n vecintatea
Bills very lucky; he has a summer house by the sea.
On the right of / on the left of: aezat la dreapta / stnga a ceva sau a
Theres a suspicious looking man standing on the left of the
Near: aproape de ceva sau cineva
I live near my office, so I can walk to work.
Next to: n direcia a ceva sau a cuiva
Nights get darker as we get towards Christmas.
3. Poziii opuse
Across after before behind facing in front of opposite over
Across: trecut de o anumit limit
If you look across the field youll see the church.
After: o poziie consecutiv
My best friend had five children, one after the other.
Before: a se desfura nainte de altceva
You must learn to walk before you run.
A se desfura n prezena cuiva
Stand before the Judge and swear to tell the truth.

Behind: aezat n spatele a ceva sau al cuiva

Dont turn round, Jack. Theres a snake behind you.
Facing: privind n direcia a ceva sau a cuiva
Turn your seat facing me so I can see you properly.
In front of: aezat naintea a ceva sau cuiva
Theres a long queue in front of me. I cant possibly wait.
Opposite: similar cu facing
They built a warehouse opposite my house and blocked out
my view of Monte Vecchia.
Over: ceva aflat de cealalt parte a altceva
Dover is over the Channel from Calais.
Prepoziii de timp
1. Timpul pe ceas
About around at in on
About: un timp aproximativ
My appointment at the dentists is at 10.00 oclock, but hes
always about half an hour late.
Around: la fel ca about
My dentis is never punctual; hes always around half an hour
At: timpul exact
The film starts at 8 oclock.
At se folosete i pentru a face referiri la perioada din preajma
I always go skiing for a week at Christmas.

In: o parte a zilei, luni, anotimpuri i ani

I like to have a big breakfast in the morning.
It doesnt rain much in Greece in summer.
On: cu zile ale sptmnii / date / zile anumte
The road works will start on Monday and finish on
I last saw him on July 4th.
Se spune:
In the morning/ afternoon / evening
At night

2. timpul de dinainte i de dup

after before by past to
After: mai trziu dect un timp sau eveniment dat
As my first appointment is after nine, I can catch a later train.
Before: naintea unui timp sau eveniment dat
Before we start, Id just like to introduce myself.
By: ceva care se petrece nainte sau nu mai trziu de un moment dat
Applications must be sumitted by June 5th.
Past: similar cu after dar mai colocvial, folosit i pentru a exprima
Im tired. Its past my bed time.
To: folosit de asemenea pentru a exprima ora
Its a quarter to midnight: only 15 minutes to go before the
New Year.


3. Durata n timp
About between during for in since until
About: durata estimat
The play will probably last about two and a half hours.
Between: de la un punct dat n timp la un altul
The period between leaving school and going to university
was a stressful one.
During: o perioad stabilit n timp
I managed not to do any work during my holiday, though I
should have.
For: durata unei perioada date de timp
World War II went on for six years.
In: o anumit durat
Im going to the shops. Ill be back in an hour.
Since: de la punctul de nceput din trecut pn n prezent
Italy has been a republic since 1945.
Until: durata pn la un punct dat n timp
Hong Kong will belong to England until 1997, when it goes
back to China.
Because of: cauza
The UK is suffering because of the economic crisis.
For: similar cu because of dar legat n general de credine
Nadir Tylon lived and died for his country.
A knife is used for cutting things.
In: parte a unui proces

Nowadays a lot of aluminium is used in the car industry.

Of: cauza unei aciuni
Lots of people in India are dying of hunger.
With: un sentiment care determin o aciune
Susana cried with joy when she read her exam results.
folosirea unui instrument
Dont put that screw in with a hammer. Do it with a
By: prin aciunea sau creaia cuiva / a ceva
John Lennon was killed by an assassins bullet.
Like: un anumit comportament
My husband acts like a child when he cant get his own way.
pentru a compara fiine/lucruri similare
Even though they are twins they dont look like each other.
As: profesia cuiva
She works as a nurse in Guys Hospital London.
But: cu excepia a ceva sau cineva
He took everything but the kitchen sink. (Expresie)
At: abiliti ntr-o anume activitate
My daughter, Emma, has always been good at drawing.
In: similar cu at, dar nu se poate folosi cu good sau bad
My daughter, Emma, has always been interested in drawing.
From: originea
My family come from Warrington in Cheshire.
With: legtur, ataament
The little girl always goes to sleep with her cuddly teddy.
Without: opusul lui with
I always drink coffee without sugar.

For: ceva sau cineva potrivit sau destinat

This grammar book is for foreign students of English.

Conjunciile sau cuvintele de legtur se folosesc pentru a lega

Acest capitol se ocup cu perechi de cuvinte de legtur care ar putea
provoca anumite confuzii pentru cei ce studiaz engleza.
Conjuncii de timp
1. as, when, while se folosesc cu referire la o aciune care se petrece
n acelai timp cu alta.
When my alarm clock rings at 7 oclock I get up.
As I was looking out of the window, I saw him arriving.
While you were out shopping, John rang.
2. after, as soon as, before, when se folosesc cu referire la o aciune
care se petrece imediat dup o alta.
After I left university, I went to work abroad.
As soon as I heard him speak on TV, I changed the channel.
When I finished typing those letters, I posted them.
The client put the phone down before I could give an explanation.
3. until / till se refer la durata n timp a unei situaii.
I cant go out until my mother comes back.
I cant change my car till I have finished paying for it.
Just poate fi folosit n faa acestor conjuncii pentru a sublinia
apropierea n timp a acelor dou aciuni
Just as he noticed he was being watched, he ran off.
Conjuncii contrastive


1. although, even though, though se folosesc cu referire la afirmaii

opuse sau contraste, naintea subiectului sau verbului.
Although he is a good writer, he has never published a book.
Even though theres a speed limit he always exceds it.
Though este o alternativ mai puin formal pentru although i even
though. n engleza vorbit apare de obicei la sfritul propoziiei.
George studied hard. He didnt manage to pass his exam though.
2. in spite of sau despite se folosesc cu referire la afirmaii opuse
sau contrastante, n faa unui substantiv, pronume sau gerunziu.
In spite of the traffic, he still managed to get here in time.
Despite the weather, we decided to go anyway.
In spite of i despite pot fi folosite i cu the fact that.
In spite of the fact that he was very busy, he took time off work.
3. while, whereas se folosesc cu referire la contrastul dintre dou
Brian eats a lot, while Henry hardly eats at all.
My old car was very slow, whereas my new one is much faster.
4. however se folosete cu referire la contradicia dintre dou
The secret agent was told to be at the meeting point at 6 oclock
sharp. However, when he arrived, his contact wasnt there.
Conjuncii de cauz i efect
1. because, because of, as, since se folosesc cu referire la motivele
de a face o aciune.
The baby cried because it was hungry.
Dad is not going to work today because of the strike.
As its raining, you had better take an umbrella.

Since the president is abroad, the vice-president will take his place
today at the presentation.
Because, because of, as i since au acelai sens dar folosesc
construcii diferite.
Because se folosete nainte de subiect i verb.
Because of se folosete nainte de substantiv.
As i since se folosesc amndou la nceputul propoziiei.
2. so, therefore se refer la rezultatul unei aciuni.
Joe has exams all next week, so he cant go out in the evenings.
The Mayor has attend an urgent meeting. Therefore hell have to
cancel the lunch engagement.
So i therefore au acelai sens. So este mai frecvent n engleza



Substantivele au diferite funcii ntr-o propoziie.

Ele pot fi:
Subiectul sau complementul direct sau indirect al unui verb
Numele predicativ al verbelor be, become i seem
Complement prepoziional
n cazul genitiv (Genitivul saxon sau sintetic)
n englez substantivele au n toate aceste cazuri aceeai form cu
excepia genitivului sintetic.


n englez toate propoziiile trebuie s aib subiect. Subiectul poate fi
un substantiv sau un pronume.
Substantivele n limba englez se pot mpri n patru tipuri:
Substantive proprii: Ann, China, Paris, Dr Moody
Substantive comune: doll, apple, plate, tree
Substantive abstracte: happiness, love, honesty, fear
Substantive colective: family, group, herd, staff
Substantivele proprii se scriu ntotdeauna cu iniial majuscul.
Substantivele limbii engleze pot varia dup gen i numr.
1. Cele mai multe substantive au aceeai form pentru toate genurile.
friend child doctor cousin baby teenager artist cook
dancer driver teacher
genul poate fi indicat de un pronume nsoitor.
My friend sent her son a present.
The doctor opened his bag.
Child i baby pot fi considerate neutre.
The baby closed its eyes and fell asleep.
Numele de ri sunt i ele considerate neutre.
Lately, Kenya has greatly improved its economy.
2. Multe substantive care denumesc oameni
feminin i una masculin
Son, daughter
nephew, niece
Actor, actress
waiter, waitress
Father, mother
husband, wife
Bachelor, spinster heir, heirwss
Male, female
bull, cow

i animale au o form
uncle, aunt
gentleman, lady
man, woman
hero, heroine
rooster, hen

Genul poate fi indicat combinnd substantive fr gen cu: boy,

girl, male, female, man, woman
Boyfriend, girlfriend
male pilot, female pilot
Man dentist, woman dentist
policeman, policewoman

Recent, n ncercarea de a elimina discriminarea de gen, exist o
tendin de a nlocui terminaiile man i woman cu person sau
de a le elimina complet. n alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii
sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen.
Vechea folosire

Noua folosire

Salesman, saleswoman
Chairman, chairwoman
Steward, stewardess

chairperson, chair
flight attendant

n enlgez substantivele se mpart n dou categorii: numrabile i
Substantivele numrabile se pot numra, adic au numr. Pot avea
att forme de singular ct i de plural. La singular pot fi precedate de
a(n) sau one.
Forme regulate:
1. La majoritatea substantivelor se adaug s formei de singular.
Book, books
day, days
house, houses
Donkey, donkeys safe, safes
girl, girls
2. Substantivele terminate n o, ch, sh, s sau x primesc es.
Potato, potatoes
church, churches
brush, brushes
Bus, buses
box, boxes
kiss, kisses

3. Substantivele terminate n consoan + y pierd pe y i primesc

Baby, babies
factory, factories
fly, flies
Exist excepii: kilo, kilos photo, photos
radios soprano, sopranos

piano, pianos


Forme neregulate
1. Unele substantive elimin f / fe de la final i primesc ves.
Calf, calves
wife, wives
wolf, wolves
Loaf, loaves
leaf, leaves
life, lives
Shelf, shelves
thief, thieves
knife, knives
self, selves
2. Unele substantive i modific vocalele.
Foot, feet tooth, teeth
goose, geese man, men
Woman, women
mouse, mice
louse, lice
Atenie! Child, children

person, people

3. Unele substantive au aceeai form la singular i la plural:

Sheep,deer, aircraft, trout, series, species, salmon, means, fish,
4. Unele substantive exist numai la forma de plural.
Clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, glasses, scales, stairs, savings,
outskirts, grounds, goods, earnings, valuables, surroundings,
arms (weapons), archives, belongings, proceeds, wages, premises,
the Middle Ages, braces, customs, trousers
Police este considerat a fi la plural.
The police are inspecting their house.


Aceste substantive nu sunt Niciodat precedate de numere (one, two,
three etc.). pentru a indica numrul, folosii some, a little, etc. sau
pair/set, group etc. + of.
Ten pairs of pants, three sets of archives, a roomful of belongings etc.
5. Unele substantive
sau latin.
Crisis, crises
Datum, data
Nucleus, nuclei
Basis, bases
Axis, axes

mprumutate pstreaz pluralul greces, italian

cactus, cacti
phenomenon, phenomena
libretto, libretti
fungus, fungi
stimulus, stimuli
criterion, criteria
thesis, theses
oasis, oases
medium, media
bacterium, bacteria

Engleza modern folosete adesea data, media i bacteria cu sens
plural dar cu un verb la singular
The latest data is highly encouraging.
6. Numele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica ntreaga
familie. Numelui i se adaug un s. Nu au loc schimbri de
The Kennedys are world-famous.
7. Substantivele colective se refer la un grup de oameni sau lucruri.
Sunt n mod normal folosite la singular. n engleza britanic se pot
folosi att verbe la singular ct i la plural. n engleza american
au ntotdeauna un verb la singular.
enemy company
gouvernment group proletariat
Opposition gang jury
army public
Audience crew navy staff
team committee
The jury are about to give their verdict. (engleza britanic)
The public is opposed to the new tax.


Spre deosebire de substantivele numrabile normale, substantivele

colective nu pot fi direct precedate de numere sau some.
Five OF THE group stayed past midnight.
Some OF THE opposition switched sides.
Ocazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural i sunt
Romeo and Juliet came from two feuding families.
Only two teams can get to the finals.

Substantivele nenumrabile nu pot fi numrate, adic nu au numr.

De obicei au numai form de singular. Nu pot fi precedate de a(n) sau
de numere.
Substantivele nenumrabile se mpart n urmtoarele grupuri:
1. substantive concrete
wood metal
gold sand
butter wine

paper grass
snow rain

glass oil
bread milk

2. substantive abstracte
beauty hope relief experience
Work este nenumrabil dar job este numrabil:
Harriet is looking for work. John has found two jobs.
Works nseamn: fabric, parte mecanic, producie literar, fapte sau
Mother Theresa of Calcutta is known for her good works.


Iat cteva substantive nenumrabile care n alte limbi se pot deseori

money weather
news equipment
3. Substantive verbale (gerunzii sau verbe n ing).
Camping dancing shopping
Smoking is bad for your health.
4. Nume de limbi



Italian Spanish

5. Unele nume de boli, tiine i jocuri au form de plural dar n mod

normal primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate
Statistics mathematics news
Mathematics is an important subiect.
Unele substantive sunt att numrabile ct i nenumrabile. Dar sensul
lor e diferit n fiecare caz.
a paper
a light
a wood
a glass
an iron
a hair
He buys a paper everyday. The student had written an interesting
paper on Keats. Paper is made of wood pulp.
Substantivele nenumrabile nu sunt niciodat precedate de numere (a,
an, one, two, three etc). Iat cteva expresii folosite pentru a indica

A piece of information/furniture/advice/equipment/glass/paper/news
A type of atmosphere/behaviour/violence
An item of luggage/news/baggage
A case of mumps/measles/flu
A ray of hope/sunshine
A lot of strenght/security
Adjective folosite ca substantive
Folosii the + adjectiv pentru:
1. grupuri de persoane cu aceleai caracteristici. Urmeaz un verb la
The rich are not always as happy as we imagine.
2. calitate impersonal. Urmeaz un verb la singular.
The impossible has strong attraction for some people.
3. naionalitate (dac exist un cuvnt separat).
The French
the Chinese
the English
the Japanese
The Poles
the Germans the Scots
the Finns
Substantive compuse
Substantivele compuse sunt formate din dou sau mai multe cuvinte
care, mpreun, creeaz un nou substantiv cu un nou sens
swimming pool
Substantivele compuse pot fi:
1. scrise ca un singur cuvnt, cuvinte separate sau cu cratim. Dac
avei ndoieli cel mai bine e s consultai ntotdeauna dicionarul.
Armchair can opener
one-way street
2. numrabile
alarm clock
fast food
compact disc
human race
drinking water
waiting room
welfare state
yellow pages
pocket money
3. compuse din dou substantive. Primul substantiv este folosit ca
adjectiv i este la singular.

Chain factory (a factory for chains)

Cotton skirt (a skirt made of coton)
A ten-year-old girl (a girl who is ten years old)
Car accident (accident involving cars)
A two-week cruise (a cruise lasting two weeks)
4. substantivele compuse numrabile formeaz pluralul aplicnd
regulile normale de plural ultimului substantiv.
Mail boxes
dish washers sleeping bags T-shirts
Uneori (dar rar) substantivele la plural pot fi folosite ca adjective:
Sports car
customs department
clothes store
Sales divison
savings bank
news item
5. substantivele compuse formate din verbe complexe
substantive legate cu of i in au plurale neregulate.
Lilies of the valley


Posesia: of i genitivul sintetic

Posesia se poate exprima folosind:
1. OF
n multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprima posesia.
Substantivele, folosite ca adjective, pot i ele uneori indica
Door of the car
car door
Frame of the picture
picture frame
Headquarters of the company
company headquarters
The color of the wall
the wall color
Needles of the pine tree
pine tree needles
Engine of the car
car engine
Adjectivele nu au numr. Substantivele care devin adjective sunt la
The tops of the boxes.
The box tops

2. Genitivul sintetic
n cazul persoanelor i animalelor folosim genitivul sintetic pentru
a exprima posesia.
Form: formai genitivul saxon adugnd s sau substantivelor
toate substantivele singulare
substantivele plurale care
NU se termin n s
His mothers
My childrens

substantivele plurale terminate

n s
the teachers
the Gallaghers
the Waleses
his sisters'

Utilizare: folosii genitivul sintetic:

1. pentru a exprima posesia cu referire la persoane i animale
Helens mother is ill.
The old horses mane is still very beautiful.
2. n expresii temporale
one weeks pay
todays news
a years leave
two hours wait
a months holiday
yesterdays partythe
The plane had an hours delay.
In two weeks time Ill be lying on the beach in Bali.
3. cu pronume nehotrte ca: everybody, someone, anybody, anyone,
nobody, no one mai ales dac sunt nsoite de else.
Its nobodys fault.
That must be somebody elses bag.
4. cu anumite instituii, grupuri, expresii geografice
The governments decision will be made public tomorrow.
The worlds lakes and rivers are in a disastruous condition.


5. singur, cnd al doilea substantiv nseamn: store, shop, studio,

office, restaurant, church sau cathedral.
Go and buy a loaf of bread at the bakers (shop).
Their weeding was at St.Patricks (cathedral).
6. cu OF (posesiv dublu).
Mandy is a friend of Anns. = Mandy is one of Anns friends.
Obiectul posedat pierde articolele i pronumele care l preced cnd
este folosit cu un genitiv sintetic.
His child owns THAT bicycle. It is broken. His childs bicycle is
NU folosim genitivul sintetic:
Cu adjective folosite ca substantive:
He intends to improve the condition of the poor.
Cnd posesorul este determinat de propoziii subordonate sau expresii
Id like you to meet the mother of the boy who won first prize.

Alegei forma potrivit a verbelor. Observai diferena de sens a
substantivelor care primesc att verbe la singular ct i la plural.
1. His phonetics is/are much better than hers. 2. My trousers is/are
flared. 3. The scissors is/are lost for ever, I guess. 4. Statistics is/are
his favourite study. 5. Cod eats/eat a variety of food. 6. Acoustics
is/are a branch of physics. 7. The new statistics shows/show a great
increase in manufactured goods. 8. Youth today is/are turning away
from the church. 9. What is/are the most efficient means of dealing
with this problem? 10. The pliers is/are on the table. 11. The acoustics
of the National Theatre Hall is/are excellent. 12. Politics is/are the art

of the possible. 13. Poultry was/were expensive that winter. 14. What
is/are your politics? 15. The people of the country lives/live beyond
their means. 16. He had no time for visitors while the poultry
was/were being fed. 17. Everybodys means is/are being tested. 18.
Mathematics is/are given top priority nowadays. 19. What is/are cattle
good for? 20. The police has/have made no arrest yet. 21. Fresh-water
fish includes/include salmon, trout, carp and eels. 22. Gymnastics
is/are not given enough attention in our school. 23. The Italian clergy
was/were opposed to divorce. 24. Advice is/are readily given on all
the technical aspects.
Combinai expresiile partitive din coloana A cu substantivele
nenumrabile din coloana B. Traducei-le n limba romn.
An article of
A bar of
A cake of
A grain of
A heap of
An item of
A loaf of
A lump of
A pice of
A pile of
A sheet of
A slice of
A strip of
A word of
Cheia exerciiilor:

1. Are 2. Are 3. Are 4. Is 5. Eat 6. Is 7. Show 8. Are 9. Is 10. Are

11. Are 12. Is 13. Was 14. Are 15. Live 16. Were 17. Are 18. Is 19.
Are 20. Have 21. Include 22. Are 23. Were 24. Is

a lump / a piece of sugar (o bucat de zahr)

a piece of meat (o bucat de carne)
a slice / loaf of bread (o felie de pine / o franzel, o pine)
a sheet / piece of paper (o foaie / bucat de hrtie)
a cake / bar of soap (un spun)

a bar / piece of chocolate (un baton de ciocolat)

a piece / strip of land (o bucat, o fie de pmnt)
a grain of rice (un bob de orez)
a pile / heap of rubbish (o grmad de gunoi)
a piece of evidence (o prob)
a piece / an item of information (o informaie)
a piece / word of advice (un sfat)
a piece of luggage (un bagaj)
a piece / an article of furniture (o pies de mobilier)
a piece / an item of news (o tire)



Form: n englez articolele au dou forme: nehotrt A sau AN i

hotrt THE. Articolele sunt invariabile i nu au gen.
1. A se folosete n faa cuvintelor care ncep cu un sunet
consonantic chiar dac prima liter e o vocal. An se folosete n
faa cuvintelor care ncep cu vocal sau h mut. Ambele se pot
folosi numai cu substantive numrabile la singular.
A dog
A desk
A man
An orange
An umbrella
An idea
A building

a computer
a university (sunet consonantic)
a house
a son
an hour (h mut)
an honour (h mut)
an example

The se pronun () cnd st n faa unui substantiv care ncepe cu
un sunet consonantic i (i:) naintea unui substantiv care ncepe cu un
sunet vocalic.


2. The se folosete n faa oricrui substantiv numrabil sau

nenumrabil, att la singular ct i la plural.
The dog
The atmosphere
The house
The eggs
The rice

the dogs
the wine
the time
the information
the apple

Cnd ne referim la acelai lucru sau aceeai persoan pentru a doua
oar, folosim de obicei pe the.
There is an apple and an orange for the dessert. Ill eat the apple.
Utilizare: A sau AN se folosesc:
1. naintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva
pentru prima dat.
Ive received a postcard from a friend of mine in the US.
2. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slujbe sau
My next-door neighbour is a dentist and his wife an architect.
Jenny doesnt eat meat; shes a vegetarian.
That was a kind thing to say.
3. dup verbul be sau verbe copulative urmate de un adjectiv sau
substantiv sau cnd este urmat de locuiuni prepoziionale sau
propoziii relative care ofer mai mult informaie despre cineva
sau ceva:
Jacks son is a talented artist.
I bought a painting that reminded me of my childhood home.
4. cu unele expresii numerice nsemnnd unu sau cu expresii ale
preului, vitezei, raportului i cantitii.
A hundred guests were invited.
Petrol costs 1.50 a litre in England.
Hes crazy driving at 190 kilometres an hour.


A / An i one sunt uneori interschimbabile dar nu n toate cazurile.
A hundred pounds sau one hundred pounds
a lot of / a great deal of
5. cu substantive numrabile la singular pentru a da definiii, a face
afirmaii generale, exclamaii sau cnd exprimm dorine.
A dog is more company than a cat.
Id like a nice cool glass of beer.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Utilizare: THE se folosete:
1. naintea unui substantiv singular numrabil sau nenumrabil sau a
unui substantiv plural numrabil pentru a face o nou referire la
ceva ce a fost deja menionat sau la care s-a fcut deja aluzie.
He wanted to go to a bank to change some money, but all the
banks were on strike.
Do you remember the fun we had when we were at school
2. pentru a face referire la cineva sau ceva anume.
I like the painting above the fire place.
The American economy is suffering at the moment.
3. n faa unui substantiv reprezentnd o anume persoan sau un
lucru sau un grup de persoane sau lucruri.
Shall I drive the car? (aceast main)
Will you make the tea, please? (ceaiul pe care ne pregtim s-l
4. cu referire la ceva unic n mod absolut.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The President of the United States visited the Pope last May.
5. n faa adjectivelor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau
clas de oameni. n acest caz nu este nevoie de substantiv.

Only the strong survive.

Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor.
6. n faa unui substantiv la singular pentru a se referi la un anume
grup de oameni, animale sau obiecte.
The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant.
The customer is always right.
Exist excepii.
Omaha is in North America.
The branch manager was sent to South-East Asia on a reconnaissance
7. naintea unor substantive proprii pentru a denumi zone geografice,
nume de mri i ruri, lanuri muntoase, grupuri de insule, nume
la plural de ri i deerturi.
The Atlantic, the Bay of Biscay, the Middle East, the north of
England, the West of Ireland, the Ivory Coast, the Black Country
The Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the River thames,
the Rhein, the Straits of Gibraltar
The Himalayas, the Pennines
The Channel Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, the Falklands
The United States of America, the Netherlands
The Arizona Desert, the Gibbon Desert
The nu se folosete cu nume de muni izolai:
Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland.
Nu se folosete the cu nume de lacuri.
Lake Windermere, Lake Superior, Lake Victoria
8. n faa numelor de instrumente muzicale.
The guitar has always been my favourite instrument.
Do you think your father will let us play the drums in his garage?

9. n faa unor adjective naionaliti cu referire la oameni dintr-o

anumit ar- aici se folosete un verb la plural.
The French and the British have worked together to build the
The Dutch are said to be hard workers.
n anumite cazuri se pot folosi numai substantive la plural.
The Germans were upset about losing the semi-finals.
The Americans hosted the 1994 World Football Championship.
10. naintea adjectivelor superlative i a numeralelor ordinale.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
That is the silliest thing I have ever heard.
Uneori numeralele ordinale pot fi folosite fr the atunci cnd se face
referire la ordinea n care se petrec evenimentele.
Brendan came first and Collin second in the 100 meters.
We went to Manhattan first, then on to Brooklyn.
Utilizare: Nu se folosete articolul:
1. n faa substantivelor nenumrabile sau numrabile la plural cnd
se face o afirmaie general.
Pollution in big cities is very worrying.
Dogs make good companions.
Aceste cuvinte sunt adesea precedate de determinani ca: some,
any, a piece of, a lot of
Is there any bread in the kitchen?
Are there any apples in the bowl?
Iat o list de substantive care sunt de obicei la singular i
nenumrabile n englez, dar uneori nu i n alte limbi:


Luggage, baggage, furniture, news, information, advice, behaviour,

damage, permission, traffic, weather, work, accommodation, bread,
luck, progresss, hair
2. n faa substantivelor abstracte cnd sunt folosite n mod generic:
beauty, happiness, fear, hope, knowledge, intelligence; cu excepia
cazurilor cnd sunt folosite cu sens mai bine specificat.
Knowledge comes to us through our senses.
She got the job because she has a knowledge of English.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What a beauty!
3. n faa substantivelor proprii, nume de persoane i numele unei
companii, cu excepia situaiilor cnd se vorbete de familie ca de
un tot.
He works for Unimotor Ltd.
Helene and Geoff Parker are coming to dinner tonight.
Dar The Parkers are coming to dinner tonight.
4. pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, n faa numelor de echipe
He loves football but she isnt keen of golf.
She supports Manchester United.
5. naintea numelor meselor zilei: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper.
Where did you have breakfast?
6. naintea cuvintelor home, church, university, prison, hospital,
market, atunci cnd ele reprezint o instituie sau o idee general.
The se folosete totui atunci cnd se face o referire special la
locul respectiv.
John Bragg was arrested and put into prison for corruption.
His wife can go to the prison once a week to visit him.
Emma and Sam are at school.
Their mother often goes to the school to talk to their teacher.


Alegei articolele: a, an, the,

1. Nearly all furniture had been taken out of dining-room. 2.
big piano was put in corner and then there came row of flower
pots and then there came goldy chairs. 3. That was for concert.
4. When Sun looked in white-faced man sat at piano not
playing, but banging at it. 5. He had bag of tools on piano
and he had stuck his hat on statue against wall. 6. So they went
into the dining-room; red ribbons and bunches of roses tied
up table at corners. 7. In middle was lake with rosepetals floating on it. 8. Thats where ice-pudding is to be said
Cook. 9. Two silver lions with wings had fruit on their backs.
10. And all winking glasses and shining plates, and all food! 11.
Are people going to eat food? asked Sun. 12. While they were
being unbuttoned Mother looked in with white thing over her
shoulders; she was rubbing stuff on her face. 13. Ill ring for them
when I want them, Nurse.
Alegei articolele: a, an, the,
1. Out of ignorance he made mistake after mistake. 2. They
sailed through Straits of Magellan. 3. school and home were
far away. 4. Ill start as deck boy at pound month. 5.
children of lane used to play together in field: Browns,
Pages, little Tom cripple. 6. They walked along North Strand
Road till they came to Finlandia House and then turned to right
along Wharf Road. 7. I went from room to room singing. 8.
At Victoria Station crowd of people pressed to carriage
doors. 9. Thats an order, said Major Dunn. 10. police officer
Dan Taylor stood guard over her outside St. Francis Hotel. 11.
judge James Taylor was not lenient. 12. Chinese language is totally
unlike Japanese. 13. Japanese have transcribed their language
into Roman alphabet as well. 14. I thought about it day and
night. 15. They transmitted television pictures back to earth. 16.
earth shone brilliant blue green, curved at horizon, against
blackness of space, below the two ships as Soyuz trailed
Apollo. 17. She settled down to sip tea from paper cup. 18.
crocodiles can be bred commercially just like cows or pigs. 19.
lava and ash from Merapi Volcano, Central Jawa have
forced 170 families to flee their homes. 20. female crocodile lays
about 40 eggs year. 21. farm life doesnt agree with them. 22.

She was training for Swan Lake. 23. lack of parking space
forces motorists to double-park reducing wide streets to
narrow lanes. 24. They discovered fossils of bony fishes on
field trip to Ellesmore Island in Artic. 25. The fire broke out
near Lake Hemet, south of mountain resort of Idyllwild, and
burned to southeast.
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. The, the 2. The, a, a, the 3. The 4. a, the 5. A, , the, a, the 6. , ,
, the, the 7. The, a, 8. The, 9. , 10. The, the 11. , the 12. ,
a, 13.
1. , , 2. The 3. , 4.a, a, a 5. The, the, the, the, the, the 6. The,
, the, the 7. , 8. , a, , the 9. 10. The, 11. 12. The, 13.
The, the 14. , 15. 16. The, a, the, the, , the, the 17. , a 18. ,
, 19. , , , 20. A, a 21. 22. 23. The, , , , 24. ,
, a, , the 25. , the, , the



Form: adjectivele limbii engleze sunt invariabile. Ele nu au gen sau

Adjectivele demonstrative sunt SINGURA excepie. Aceste adjective
sunt variabile. This, that se folosesc su substantive la singular. These,
those se folosesc cu substantive la plural.
This shirt has been ironed. That blouse looks dirty.
These flowers are beautiful. Those bushes need cutting.
Poziie: adjectivele sunt aezate:
1. n faa substantivelor.
Im reading an interesting book.
2. dup verbele: be, become, seem, appear, feel, sound, taste, make,
keep, look (= appear), get/turn/grow (= become)
I feel sad.
The weather grew cool.

He makes Janice happy.

3. dup un complement direct
Jane found the programme boring.
She painted her nails bright red.
Unele dintre aceste verbe pot avea alte sensuri atunci cnd sunt
determinate de adverbe:
Gladys looked (= appeared) attractive.
Gladys looked (= examined) carefully the price tag.
Tipuri: adjectivele se mpart n ase tipuri: calificative, posesive,
interogative, cantitative, demonstrative i distributive.
1. Adjectivele calificative
Form: exemple de astfel de adjective sunt: young, empty, small,
spacious, black, elegant, ugly, strong, lonely, intelligent, round, happy
The old man was sitting in the sun.
Adjectivele pot fi folosite ca substantive. Ele cer un verb la plural.
The young are often impacient.
Facei diferena ntre little (= mic), little (= nu mult) i a little (= o
cantitate mic).
She babysits for a little girl.
Fish eat little food.
He lent me a little money.
Participiile prezente (formele n ing) i participiile trecute (formele
de tipul ed) sunt folosite ca adjective calificative. Participiile
prezente au sens activ, iar participiile trecute au sens pasiv.


Participiu prezent

Participiu trecut

The student grew bored during the lecture.

Spielbergs new film is frightening.
Pretty este att adejectiv ct i adverb.
Ellie is a pretty girl. (= attractive)
Arnold is pretty rich. (= rather)
Adjectivele sunt determinate de adverbe.
Those boots are very tight.
I feel totally exhausted.
Utilizare: adjectivele i prepoziiile
Adjectivele sunt adesea urmate de prepoziii.







Unele adjective i schimb sensul cnd primesc o alt prepoziie.
Todd is good at algebra. /Todd is good to his sister.
They are always kind to us. / Its kind of Helen to help.
Cnd dou sau mai multe adjective sunt folosite mpreun:
1. adjectivele subiective sau de opinie (boring, lovely, lazy) sunt
aezate n faa adjectivelor obiective sau concrete (old, red,
Ann is an active young lady.
2. adjectivele obiective sau concrete stau n umrtoarea ordine:
dimensiune vrst form culoare origine material scop
a small oval plate / an antique French table / a black metal walking
stick / an enormous black steel lifting device
3. dup un verb ultimele dou adjective sunt legate cu AND.
Sam grew bitter and aggressive.
The bread smelled fresh, fragrant, and appetizing.
Comparaia adjectivelor
A. Comparativul i superlativul adjectivelor se formeaz:
1. adugnd er i est la sfritul:
adjectivelor monosilabice
adjectivelor terminate n y, -er, -ly
Adjectivele de o silab terminate ntr-o consoan, dubleaz consoana:
fat, fatter, fattest
Adjectivele terminate n consoan + y: transfomr pe y n i: pretty,
prettier, prettiest

2. adugnd more i most naintea adjectivelor de dou sau mai

multe silabe
Comparaia regulat

more boring
more excited

Comparaia neregulat
Good, well
Much, many


the warmest
the happiest
the cleverest
the most boring
the most excited
the best
the worst
the least
the most
the farthest
the furthest
the oldest
the eldest
the latest
the last
the nearest
the next

Good i well au sensuri diferite:
Beth is good. (= behaves well)
Beth is well. (= she is in good health)
Farther i further se refer ambele la distan, dar further mai poate
nsemna i n plus / extra
Boston is farther / further than Plymouth.
Further testing will be necessary.
Older i elder se refer ambele la vrst, dar elder se folosete pentru
relaii de familie
The cathedral is the oldest building in town.
Jason is the eldest brother.

The latest nseamn cel mai recent, the last nseamn cel final,
The latest news was broadcast five minutes ago.
The last news report is at midnight.
The nearest se refer la distan, the next la timp / cronologie
The nearest hotel is ten miles away.
The next train is leaving in half an hour.
B. pentru a face comparaii, folosii:
1. as + adjectiv + as n propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima
as/so + adjectiv + as n propoziii negative
Your eyesight is as good as mine.
Peter isnt as/so short as his brother.
2. adjectivul la comparativ + than pentru a exprima diferena
That watch is more expensive than this Timex.
Pentru a forma comparaii cu substantive, pronume i verbe n ing,
folosii prepoziia like
He works like a dog.
Try to behave like him.
Its like talking to a brick wall.
Comparaiile pot fi fcute cu more ct i cu less
Paris is more interesting than Houston.
Houston is less interesting than Paris.
Exist o diferen ntre engleza formal i cea familiar.
Formal: than/as + i/he/she/we/they + verb
Familiar: than/as + me/him/her/us/them


You are as tall as I am.

Bill is older than she is.

You are as tall as me.

Bill is older than her.

Cnd acelai verb se repet n aceeai propoziie, folosii un auxiliar
pentru al doilea verb.
This CD sounds better than that CD sounds. = This CD sounds better
than that CD does.
3. comparativ + and + comparativ
pentru a exprima creterea sau descreterea gradat a calitii
The baby is growing bigger and bigger.
Im feeling more and more irritated with Eric.
4. the + adjectiv la superlativ + of/in
pentru a exprima superioritatea sau inferioritatea
OF se folosete pentru a indica un grup de oameni sau obiecte.
IN se folosete pentru a indica un loc.
This is the oldest book in the library.
This book is the best of/in the series.
3. Adjectivele posesive
Form: adjectivele posesive sunt:
your his/her/its



Its este adjectiv posesiv.
Its este forma contras a lui it + is.
Utilizare: adjectivele se folosesc:
1. pentru a face referire la posesor.
I took off my coat.
We drove our car.
2. cu pri ale corpului i haine.
The children washed their hands before dinner.
Jim puts on his new hiking boots.
3. cu own, pentru a ntri ideea de posesie.

She cleaned her own room.

Adjectivele posesive sunt invariabile. Ele au aceeai form pentru
substantive la singular i la plural.
My book, my books
his pen, his pens
3. Adjectivele interogative
Form: Exist trei adjective interogative: what, which i whose
Utilizare: Adjectivele interogative se folosesc astfel:
1. what se folosete pentru lucuri:
What book are you reading?
which se folosete pentru persoane sau lucuri n cazul unei alegeri
Which book do you prefer?
whose se folosete pentru persoane i exprim posesia:
Whose car have they borrowed?
Adjectivele interogative sunt invariabile. Ele au aceeali form pentru
substantive la singular i la plural.
What photo,what photos / which pen,which pens / whose coat,whose
2. whose preced substantivul pe care l determin.
Whose cat is this?
Whose bags are over there?
3. cnd what/which/whose + substantiv joac rolul de subiect al
unei propoziii, verbul este la forma afirmativ.
cnd what/which/whose + substantiv joac rolul de complement
al unei propoziii, verbul este la forma interogativ.
What team won?
Which train arrived late?

What team did you applaud?
Which train did Mary take?

Whose coat lost a button?

Whose coat did Ben borrow?

4. Adjective cantitative
Form: adjectivele cantitative sunt: much, many, little, few, some,
any, no i toate numerele.
Utilizare: A. much, many, little, few
1. many i few se folosesc cu substantive numrabile.
much i little se folosec cu substantive nenumrabile.
Many magazines, few inhabitants
Much money, little happines
2. much i many se folosesc de obicei n propoziii negative i
interogative. n propoziii afirmative folosii a lot of, plenty of, a
great deal of, a large number of.
Neagativ i interogativ
There isnt much ice in the freezer.
Do you have many friends?
The plum tree has pleanty of plums this year.
3. much i many se pot combina cu how.
How much money do you need?
How many birds live in that nest?
Much i many se folosesc uneori n propoziii afirmative.
Many guests complained.
Much time has been wasted.
How much / many + substantiv poate fi subiect sau complement.
Verbul din propoziie se modific n mod corespunztor.
How much money did he take?
How much is missing?
B. some, any, no sunt adesea denumite partitive.
1. some i any indic o anumit cantitate

no nseamn nici unele, nici unii, deloc

Se folosesc cu: substantive la plural.
substantive nenumrabile la singular.
There is some bread but no milk in the kitchen.
Have you bought any biscuits?
2. some se folosete n:
propoziii afirmative
We earned some money picking strawberries.
ntrebri, cnd se ateapt un rspuns afirmativ
Havent you lost some buttons on that jacket?
Oferte i cereri
Would you like some coffee?
3. any se folosete n:
propoziii negative
I cant lend you any flour.
Propoziii interogative
Does Sarah have any talent?
Propoziii subordonate cu if/whether
We dont know if there are any survivors.
Dup without
He left for London without any baggage.
Propoziii afirmative cu un substantiv la singular, cu sensul de tot,
oricare, indiferent care
Any advice is welcome.
Buy any brand of toothpaste.
4. no se folosete n:
propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima negaia
My husband speaks no Spanish.
No drinks were offered during the flight.
Dup with

He left for London with no baggage.

Some, any, no se combin cu one, -body, - thing formnd cuvintele
compuse: someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything,
no one, nobody, nothing
Aceste pronume urmeaz aceleai reguli.
Does anyone want to accompany me?
They saw something strange that night.
No one answered the phone.
The test flight took place without anybody on board.

5. Adjectivele demonstrative: this, that, these, those

1. Demonstrativele sunt singurele adjective variabile din limba
englez. Se acord n numr cu substantivul determinat.
This rug
these rugs
That tree
those trees
2. This, these se refer la persoane i lucruri din apropierea
That, those se refer la persoane i lucruri aflate mai departe de
These pastries are delicious.
This chair is rather uncomfortable.
That airplane is flying too low.
Those clouds look fluffy.
6. Adjective distributive: each, every, all, both, either, neither
Utilizare: A: each, all, every
1. each nseamn considerat separat sau individual. E urmat de
substantiv la singular.

Each child received a prize.

2. all nseamn considerai mpreun, ca grup. Substantivele
numrabile care urmeaz sunt la plural.
All men are created equal.
3. every poate nsemna considerai mpreun sau considerai
separat. Urmeaz un substantiv la singular.
Every girl had a red hair ribbon.
C. both
both nseamn amndoi, amndou
Ive read both books.
D. either, neither
either nseamn oricare din cei/cele doi/dou. Urmeaz un
substantiv la singular.
Either dress is suitable for the party.
neither nseamn nici unul/una din cei/cele doi/dou. Urmeaz
un substantiv la singular. Verbul trebuie s fie afirmativ.
Neither dress is suitable for the party.
Either or implic o alegere:
You can have either eggs or bacon for breakfast.
Neither nor subliniaz cele dou negaii:
Neither women nor children were admitted.
n acest timp de expresie substantivele numrabile sunt la plural.
Adjectivele sunt adesea urmate de construcii infinitivale.
Thats nice to know!
It was foolish to do that!
We found it easy to memorize.
It is dangerous to ski there.


Alegei forma corect a adjectivului din parantez:
1. This is the book I have read for a long time (good). 2. He has
one of the cars on the road (fast). 3. The work you are doing today
is than the work you did yesterday (easy). 4. Ann often wears
dresses then her mother (expensive). 5. Which is the play you have
lately read? (interesting). 6. The actress on the stage was the girl I
have ever seen (striking). 7. Tom is than his friend (tall). 8. They
have a garden than ours (lovely). 9. He said this was the day in
his life (important). 10. He was than his wife when the child broke
the window (angry). 11. He was the man in the world to do that
(late). 12. A: Which was your subject at school and which was
your (good, bad)? B: Physics was my and history my
(good, bad). 13. Is Bucharest or Prague the from London (far)? 14.
Tom is 17 years old, his brother Jack is 19 and his sister Jane is 15.
Therefore Jane is the and Jack is the (young, old).
Alegei forma corect a adjectivelor din parantez:
1. What is the (late) information youve got? 2. Her (old) brother is
called Jim. 3. We were in a hurry to catch the (late) bus. 4. Which is
(old) of the two? 5. Who is the (old) member of the students club? 6.
They got down to business without (far) delay. 7. Ive got a still (old)
edition of the dictionary. 8. The (old) sister was twenty years (old)
then the youngest. 9. The (late) half of May was quite rainy. 10. I was
told to wait until (far) notice. 11. I wish I had bought it at the (near)
shop. 12. He provided them with (far) information as agreed. 13. The
(near) station is Calea Victoriei. 14. Johns (late) novel was a (good)
seller and for sure it wont be his (late) one. 15. He is the (little) writer
of the two. 16. I saw him meet her at the (far) end of the street. 17. I
shall need (far) help with this.
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. Best 2. Fastest 3. Easier 4. More expensive 5. Most interesting 6.
Most striking 7. Taller 8. More lovely 9. Most important 10. Angrier
11. Last 12. Best, worst, best, worst 13. Farther 14. Youngest, oldest

1. Latest 2. Elder 3. Last 4. Older 5. Oldest 6. Further 7. Older 8.

Eldest, older 9. Latter 10. Further 11. Nearest 12. Further 13. Next 14.
Latest, best, last 15. Lesser 16. Farthest 17. Further



Pronumele nlocuiesc substantive. Cele ase tipuri de adjective

(calitativ, posesiv, interogativ, cantitativ, demonstrativ, distributiv) au
forme pronominale. Ele urmeaz n general reguli identice. Exist de
asemenea i pronume personale i reflexive.
1. Adjective Calificative + one/ones = Pronume
1. adjectiv calificativ + one/ones nlocuiete un substantiv care a
fost menionat mai devreme.
I wont lend you my new pen. You can borrow my old one.
2. superlativele i culorile pot fi folosite singure.
Sandra is the best (dancer).
Dont wear your blue shoes. The black (ones) look better.
2. Pronume Posesive
Form: pronumele posesive sunt:
Utilizare: pronumele posesive nlocuiesc adjectivele posesive.
Substantivul care lipsete a fost menionat nainte.
This is my book. This book is mine.
Come to my house, not his.
Of yours nseamn one of your + substantiv
Of mine nseamn one of my + substantiv
John is a friend of ours. = John is one of our friends.

3. Pronume Interogative
Pronumele interogative sunt: who, whom, whose, what, which
Utilizare: pronumele interogative se folosesc astfel:
whom, who
Pronumele interogative sunt invariabile. Ele au o singur form.
Who is that girl?
Who are those men?
Which se folosete ntr-un context cu alegere limitat. n rest se
folosete what.
What do you see? (poi vedea orice)
Which (one) is singing? (care persoan, din grupul respectiv, este cea
care cnt?)
1. pronumele interogative ca SUBIECT
cnd who, what, whose i which sunt subiectul unei propoziii,
verbul este afirmativ.
Who is calling me?
What happened?
2. pronumele interogative ca i COMPLEMENT
cnd who, whom, what, whose, which sunt complementul unei
propoziii, verbul este la interogativ.
Whom did you call?
What has he done?


n engleza formal whom este folosit ca i complement obiect direct.
Engleza vorbit l folosete pe who.
Formal: Whom did you see?
Vorbit: Who did you see?
3. pronume
Whom, what, which ca i complemente prepoziionale.
With whom did Meg speak?
In what are you interested?
To which of the two addresses did they send it?
Engleza modern prefer s transfere prepoziiile la SFRITUL
propoziiei. n acest caz whom devine who.
Who did Meg speak with?
What are you interested in?
Which of the two addresses did they send it to?
What + be? i what + be like? Sunt ntrebri diferite.
What is Mr. Parker? He is a lawyer.
What is Mr. Parker like? He is short and arrogant.
4. Pronume Cantitative
Pronumele cantitative sunt: much, many, little, few, some, any, none.
Utilizare: much, many, little, few
1. many i few nlocuiesc substantive numrabile
much i little nlocuiesc substantive nenumrabile
Many are called but few are chosen.
He didnt spend much money. n fact he spent very little.
2. much i many se folosesc n mod normal n propoziii negative i
interogative. n propoziii afirmative folosii a lot/lots sau a great
The baby isnt eating much. It usually eats a great deal.

Did you buy many books? Yes, I bought lots.

Much i many se pot combina cu how.
How much did it cost?
How many came?
Some, any, none
1. some, any i none nlocuiesc substantive la plural sau
nenumrabile la singular.
2. some se folosete n:
a. propoziii afirmative
b. ntrebri cnd se ateapt ca rspunsul s fie afirmativ
c. oferte i cereri
There are deer in the park. We saw some today.
You need some medicine. Did the doctor prescribe you some?
Ive just lost all my money. Could you lend me some?
3. any se folosete n:
a. propoziii negative
b. propoziii interogative
c. subordonate cu if/whether
d. dup without
I meant to buy a dozen eggs but they hadnt got any.
Arent there any in the fridge?
If you see any, let me know.
What about money? He left without any.
4. none se folosete n:
a. propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima negaia
b. dup with
If all friends were like Harry, Id rather have none.
Sam hates carrying suitcases. He travels with none.
Pronumele somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone,
anything, no one, nobody, nothing urmeaz aceleai reguli.

5. Pronumele Demonstrative
Pronumele demonstrative sunt: this, that, these i those
1. Pronumele demonstrative se acord n numr cu substantivul pe
care l nlocuiesc.
This (umbrella) is mine. That is his.
2. this, these se refer la obiecte din preajma vorbitorului.
that, those se refer la obiecte aflate mai departe de vorbitor.
This (one) is here, that (one) is there.
3. this se folosete pentru a face prezentrile sau la telefon.
Mrs Jones, this is my friend, Alison Hughes.

6. Pronumele Distributive:
Each, all, everyone/everybody, everything, both, either, neither
Utilizare: each, all
1. each nseamn considerai individual. Urmeaz un verb la
Each chose the colour he preferred.
2. all nseamn considerai mpreun. Urmeaz un verb la plural.
All are welcome.
3. each i all pot fi urmate de OF + substantiv / pronume.
Each of the boys felt ashamed.
All of the trees are dying.
Everyone, everybody, everything

1. everyone i everybody nseamn toat lumea

Everybody in the room applauded.
2. everything nseamn toate lucrurile
Everything ended well.
1. both nseamn cei doi/cele dou
Both refused the invitation.
2. both poate fi urmat de OF + substantiv / pronume
Both of his grandparents are still living.
All i both se pot folosi pentru a ntri subiectul pronominal. n acest
caz ele sunt plasate n faa verbului principal.
You have all been very kind to me.
We both came.
Either, neither
1. either nseamn unul dintre cei doi.
neither nseamn nici unul dintre cei doi.
2. either, neither pot fi urmate de OF + substantiv / pronume
Either of you can go.
Neither of the men wanted to do it.
7. Pronume Personale



1. toate verbele limbii engleze (cu excepia imperativelor) trebuie s
aib un subiect pronominal.
They dislike inefficiency.
Come here!
2. complementele pronominale (directe sau indirecte) urmeaz o
prepoziie sau verbul (cu funcie de complemente directe sau
I spoke to her yesterday.
We saw them on the beach.
De obicei complementul indirect preced complementul direct.
She sent me a long letter.
Dup verbe ca: explain, introduce, translate, describe, say, suggest,
Dac ambele complemente sunt pronume:
Complementul direct este primul iar complementul indirect e introdus
printr-o prepoziie.
She sent it to me.
I explained it to them.
3. you i one sunt folosite impersonal cu sensul de everyone, no one
sau anyone. One are aspect formal. You este frecvent folosit n
engleza vorbit.
You/one should always tell the truth.
4. they este folosit impersonal cu sensul de lumea spune, se zice
They say hes dishonest. (= People say hes dishonest.)
5. it + be se folosete:

pentru lucruri sau fiine cu genul necunoscut.

Wheres my book? It is on the shelf.
Cu un substantiv / complement pronominal pentru a se referi la
Whos at the door? Its Olivia.
n expresii despre vreme, temperatur, timp, date, distane
Its cold outside.
What time is it? Its nine oclock.
Its the fourth of July.
How far is it to Chicago? Its ten miles.
Cu un adjectiv pentru a introduce o subordonat infinitival
It is difficult to understand her.

8. Pronume Reflexive



Exist o diferen ntre yourself i yourselves.
Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
Did John and you enjoy yourselves at the party?

Utilizare: Pronumele reflexive se folosesc:

1. cu verbe reflexive.

Cele mai frecvente verbe reflexive sunt:

To enjoy oneself, to amuse oneself, to help oneself, to hurt oneself,
to trouble oneself, to cut oneself, to wash oneself
The little boy hurt himself during the game.
Multe verbe care sunt n mod normal reflexive n alte limbi NU
sunt reflexive n englez. Astfel de verbe sunt: to wash, dress,
comb, shave, meet, etc.
Sue and Brian met last year.
2. cu funcie de complemente prepoziionale
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Why are you so angry with yourself?
3. pentru ntrire
The president himself attended the meeting.
By + pronume reflexiv nseamn singur
Un pronume reflexiv folosit cu un verb nereflexiv nseamn fr
ajutorul nimnui.
I live by myself. = I live alone.
I fixed it myself. = I fixed it without any help.
Each other nseamn reciprocitate ntre dou persoane.
Folosii it sau there, acolo unde e necesar:
1. is time to go to bed. 2. is three miles to the Zoo. 3. is a
long time since I gave up smoking. 4. is so much work to do that I
havent time to think about my own problems. 5. is time to finish
the cleaning before we go. 6. is very strange that they should have
arrived at the same time. 7. is no place like home. 8. is two
years since they married. 9. is only a short way now. 10. Dont eat
that is a poisonous mushroom. are many of them in these parts.
11. is a shame that even today are so many unkempt gardens

around. 12. is no time to stop and talk. is a bus to catch, is a

fair distance to the stop.
Completai spaiile cu much, many, (a) little, (a) few:
1. The people involved are only as as half a dozen. 2. Ask to
have . 3. have no record at all. 4. The workers were quite upset;
threatened to down tools; chose to go on working. 5. They dont
give you for this kind of work, do they? 6. is being done to lay
their suspicions. 7. What about buses? are broken down, are in
good repair. 8. Some go for crisps but quite go for popcorn in a big
way. 9. A: Anything to drink? The pineapple squash is very nice
indeed. B: Yes, please, Ill have . 10. It was quite a shock for all
of them, but were seriously injured.
Folosii either, neither sau none:
1. a. I like of the two. b. I dont like of the two, they are both too
fanciful for my taste. 2. was worth mentioning. 3. A: Which of the
two paintings did you buy? B:. 4. It doesnt matter which you
choose. a. I dont like b. I like 5. A: Which of her friends do
you like best? B: I like of them. 6. A: Have you seen my
husband or my son? B: Ive seen of them. 8. A: Have you read
the English of the Romanian version? B: I havent read of them.
Completai spaiile goale cu who, whose, whom, which, that:
1. The girl umbrella you took is raging against you. 2. The apples
he saw on the table were not big at all. 3. The play we saw last
week was rather dull. 4. The girl with you saw me yesterday
studies Spanish. 5. The student to you were talking looked very
clever. 6. The boys are playing football under your windows are
brothers. 7. The raft on he was standing was caught in a whirl. 8.
They have cut down the tree used to stand here. 9. The only
opponent can defeat him is Joe Bugner. 10. The only opponent
he is afraid of is Joe Bugner. 11. The most unusual book has
appeared this winter is a book on caterpillars. 12. Frank is no the man
he was. 13. Heres the man car was stolen. 14. Is this the box
you took it out of? 15. Its library object is to serve the
neighbouring villages. 16. Everybody one asks says he is innocent.
17. This is the funniest story he has written. 18. She is the sort of
girl will do her best to persuade him. 19. All they can do is

pacify him. 20. Youre the only man Ive ever met can really
play bridge.
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. It 2. It 3. It 4. There 5. There 6. It 7. There 8. It 9. It 10. It, there 11.
It, there 12. There, there, it
1. Few 2. Much, a little 3. Many 4. Many, few 5. Much 6. Little 7.
Few, many 8. Few 9. A little 10. Few
1. Neither, either 2. None 3. Neither 4. Either, neither 5. None 6.
Neither 7. None 8. Either
1. Whose 2. That/which 3. Which/that 4. Whom 5. Whom 6. Who 7.
Which 8. That 9. Who 10. Whom/that 11. That 12. That 13. Whose 14.
Which/that 15. Whose 16. (That) 17. (That) 18. That 19. (That) 20.
(That), who



Form: Adverbele se formeaz n diferite feluri:

1. unele adverbe sunt cuvinte independente:
often, when?, now, very, soon, always
2. unele adverbe au aceeai form ca adjectivele: daily, early, fast,
low, straight, well, back, enough, far, ill, little, long, pretty, near,
wrong, still, short, late, high, left, right, hard

Dintre aceste adverbe, unele au i o form n LY dar sensul este altul:

HardLY = very little

LateLY = recently
NearLY = almost
ShortLY = soon, briefly
PrettiLY = attractively

They were highly impatient.

It hasnt rained lately.
Dinner is nearly ready.
Mr. Smith will be here shortly.
The baby was prettily dressed.

Dup be, become, feel, get, look, seem, folosii un adjectiv (nu un
She felt happy.
Mrs. Poole looks tired.
3. unel adverbe (n special cele de mod i grad) se formeaz
adugnd adjectivelor terminaia LY:
kind, kindly
automatic, automatically
slow, slowly
simple, simply
happy, happily
careful, carefully
Adverbul corespunztor lui Good este Well.
Unel cuvinte terminate n LY sunt adjective (nu adverbe)!
Lonely, lovely, likely, friendly, ugly, silly
y final se schimb n i:
-e final se pstreaz:
dac se termin n consoan
+ -le, e dispare i se adaug -y:
cuvintelor terminate n ic
li se adaug ally:

merry, merrily (dar shy, shyly)

wise, wisely (dar true, truly)
gentle, gently
scientific, scientifically
(dar public, publicly)

Topica adverbelor variaz. Ea depinde n primul rnd de tipul de
adverbe folosit. ntrirea poate i ea afecta topica.

Exist trei poziii de baz pentru adverbe:

1. la nceput:
Adverbul e plasat nainte de subiect.
Unfortunately, I couldnt identify the thief.
2. la sfrit:
Adverbul este plasat dup complement sau, dac nu exist
complement, imediat dup verb.
That young man likes Melanie very much.
Nu plasai niciodat un adverb ntre verb i complement!
I drink coffee slowly. (Nu I drink slowly coffee.)
3. la mijloc:
Adverbul este plasat:
nainte de verbul principal.
He usually comes for tea.
dup verbul be.
She is always smiling.
dup primul verb auxiliar sau modal.
They have rarely come to visit.
nainte de used to, have to, ought to.
We certainly ought to be more careful.
Tipuri de adverbe
Adverbele se mpart n apte tipuri diferite: de mod, loc, timp,
frecven, opinie, grad i interogative.
1. Adverbe de mod

Kindly, easily, well, happily, fast, carefully,

beautifully, reluctantly, foolishly, badly etc.
Adverbele de mod arat CUM se petrece o aciune.
Poziia lor este:
de obicei la sfrit, adic dup verb i complement.
Pavarotti sang beautifully.


n propoziii cu pasivul, WELL i BADLY sunt plasate nainte de
participiul trecut:
The book was well written.
nainte de verb, DAC exist un complement lung.
The teacher carefully picked up all the exam papers scattered
over the floor.
Adverbele referitoare la caracter sau inteligen (foolish,
generously, sweetly, kindly, stupidly etc.) i schimb sensul n
funcie de poziie.
I stupidly replied. (= It was stupid of me to reply.)
I replied stupidly. (= I gave a stupid reply.)
2. Adverbe de loc
Here, up, abroad, out, outside, in, away, everywhere,
somewhere, nowhere, there etc.
Adverbele de loc arat UNDE se petrece aciunea.
Poziia lor este:
de obicei la sfrit, adic dup verb i complement.
They went everywhere.
Adverbele de loc funcioneaz adesea i ca prepoziii.
Joe ran down the stairs.


HERE / THERE + be / come / go + subiect substantiv:
Theres Henry! Here comes the train!
HERE / THERE + subiect pronume + be / come / go:
There he is! Here it comes!
3. Adverbe de timp
Yesterday, now, afterwards, still, soon, eventually, then, today,
at once, till, tomorrow, since then etc.
Adverbele de timp arat CND se petrece aciunea.
Poziia lor este:
de obicei la nceput (naintea subiectului) sau la sfrit (dup
verb i complement).
Tomorrow will begin the next lesson.
cu imperative: la sfrit
Do it now!
Cu YET: la sfrit
YET se folosete mai ales la negativ i interogativ. nseamn
pn acum.
Mr Jones hasnt finished yet.
Have you asked him yet?
Cu STILL: dup BE i naintea tuturor celorlalte verbe.
STILL se folosete la afirmativ, negativ, i interogativ. El
subliniaz continuarea unei situaii / stri de fapt.
Stephanie is still unwell.
Cu ALREADY: dup BE sau primul auxiliar i nainte de verbul
ALREADY se folosete mai ales la afirmativ. nseamn deja.
He is already fifteen years old.


Since then se folosete cu timpurile perfecte.

We havent seen the Nelsons since then.
De obicei adverbele au urmtoarea ordine:
The baby slept well yesterday.
Mark worked hard at school last year.
4. Adverbe de frecven
Always, usually, never, ever, hardly ever, often, twice, once,
continually, seldom, rarely, periodically etc.
Adverbele de frecven arat CT DE DES se petrece o aciune.
Poziia lor este:
de obicei la mijloc, adic:
nainte de verbul principal i have to, used to, ought to
dup verbul BE i primul auxiliar.
You can sometimes park over there.
The little girls are always playing dolls.
Continually, frequently, occasionally, once, twice, often,
sometimes, normally i repeatedly pot fi plasate i la sfrit (dup
verb i complement) sau la nceput (nainte de subiect):
He comes to see us often.
Repeatedly, the pupils made the same mistake.
Expresiile adverbiale de frecven (every day, once a month) sunt
plasate la sfrit sau nceput:
Our children walk to school every morning.

NEVER se folosete cu verbe afirmative. nseamn niciodat.
I have never been to Japan.


EVER se folosete n special n propoziii interogative sau

superlative. nseamn oricnd / vreodat.
Has Ted ever studied statistics?
Jack Gallagher is the best player we have ever had.
I havent ever read Pinter. = I have never read Pinter.
5. Adverbele de opinie
Personally, obviously, frankly, certainly, luckily, actually,
probably, definitely, surely etc.
Adverbele de opinie exprim opinia vorbitorului.
Aceste adverbe se pot mpri n dou grupuri:
a. actually, certainly, apparently, clearly, obviously, probably,
definitely, undoubtedly.
Poziia adverbelor din grupul A este la mijloc:
The child is actually very bright.
b. perhaps, maybe, possibly, frankly, naturally, luckily, unluckily,
honestly, fortunately, unfortunately.
Poziia adverbelor din grupul B este de obicei la nceput:
Perhaps we can go out tonight.
6. Adverbe de grad
Fairly, quite, hardly, too, almost, pretty, rather, barely,
completely, enough, nearly, really, just, so, even, very etc.
Adverbele de grad determin n general adjective sau adverbe care
indic extinderea sau intensitatea (gradul).
Poziia lor este:
n mod normal chiar naintea adjectivului sau adverbului.
He is entirely right.
The shoes are too wide.

ENOUGH urmeaz dup adjectiv sau adverb.

My steak isnt big enough.

ENOUGH st naintea unui substantiv:
We dont have enough money.
Adverbele de grad determin uneori verbe. O list parial
include: almost, barely, enough, hardly, just, only, much, a lot,
nearly, quite, rather, really, scarcely.
Poziia lor este nainte de verbul principal.
MUCH i ENOUGH sunt excepii i urmeaz dup verb.
JUST i ONLY se afl exact naintea verbului determinat.
They could barely hear the speaker.
The pianist hasnt practiced enough.
I liked him a lot.
I have just deposited the money. (= I deposited it a little while
I deposited just the money. (= I deposited the money and nothing
VERY se folosete cu adjective i adverbe.
VERY MUCH se folosete cu verbe.
We are very happy to be here.
Thank you very much.
QUITE poate nsemna i complet.
Youre quite right! (= Youre completely right.)
Comparai sensurile a cinci adverbe de grad folosite cu
adjective i adverbe.






The boxer is fairly strong. (= he is moderately strong.)

Your cake is pretty good. (= it is certainly not bad.)
That music is quite loud. (= it is considerably loud.)
Your result is very good. (= it is close to excellent.)
7. Adverbe interogative
When?, where?, why?, how?
Adverbele interogative se folosesc n ntrebri.
Poziia lor este la nceput, naintea auxiliarului, subiectului i
verbului principal.
Why is Cindy crying?
Where does she teach?
When did they send the letter?
How do you spell your name?

HOW poate fi folosit cu:
How tall is he?
Much / many:
How much milk does she drink?
How often does Chris go dancing?
Comparaia adverbelor
Form: comparativul i superlativul adverbelor se formeaz:
1. adugnd er i est adverbelor de o silab
2. punnd, more i most n faa adverbelor de dou sau mai
multe silabe


more slowly

Early earlier the earliest
Comparative neregulate

the fastest
the most slowly

the best
the worst
the least
the most
the farthest/furthest

Farther / farthest se refer numai la distan
He ran farther than planned.
Further / furthest se folosete mai mult n general.
He inquired further into the matter.
Utilizare: pentru a construi comparaii adverbiale, folosii:
1. AS + adverb + AS n propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima
AS/SO + adverb + AS n propoziii negative.
Pam Hardy ran as fast as she could.
The puppy doesnt eat as/so well as I hopped.
2. adverbul COMPARATIV + THAN pentru a exprima diferena.
Eric writes better than Brian.
3. THE + adverb SUPERLATIV pentru a exprima superioritatea
(sau inferioritatea). THE este adesea omis. Superlativul poate
fi urmat de OF + substantiv / pronume.
He plays tennis (the) best of all.
Dan skied (the) fastest (of all the racers).

Cnd acelai verb apare n ambele pri ale propoziiei, folosii un
auxiliar pentru cel de-al doilea verb. Astfel evitai repetiia.

I dont think as much as you do.

Anumite adverbe sau expresii adverbiale pot fi plasate la nceput
pentru ntrire. Subiectul i verbul care umeaz se inverseaz.
Iat o list parial a adverbelor i expresiilor adverbiale care se pot
folosi astfel: in/under no circumstances, neither/nor, never, no sooner
then, not only, only by, only in this way, only lately, only then, little,
so, seldom, on no account.
Only in this way can you master the language.
On no account is Jody to turn on the gas.
Seldom have I met such a fascinating woman.
Alegei cuvntul potrivit:
1. You are an excellent cook. The food tastes (good, well). 2. It was a
lovely day with birds singing and the sun shining (bright, brightly) and
girls wearing (bright, brightly)- coloured dresses. 3. I hate taking
medicine. It tastes (bitter, bitterly). 4. I dont think he is ill. His voice
sounds (merry, merrily). 5. It rains (heavy, heavily). 6. It is (near,
nearly) five oclock. 7. You must work (hard, hardly) for your exams.
8. He spoke so (quick, quickly) that we could (hard, hardly) follow
him. 9. When did you (last, lastly) see him? 10. I am (direct, directly)
interested in what you think. 11. He couldnt move as he was (dead,
deadly) tired. 12. His eyes hurt him (bad, badly). 13. Mr Jones held it
(tight, tightly). 14. It was six oclock as (near, nearly) as he could
guess. 15. (last, lastly) I must account for my sisters behaviour.
Punei adverbele n ordinea corect:
1. Tim and Becky had been wandering (for many hours, about the
cave). 2. Jim was to recite his poem (that very morning, in the centre
of the examination hall). 3. Though I was very busy I snatched a
minute to answer his letter (yesterday, at the office). 4. Tom, Huck and
Joe decided to run away (at daybreak, from home). 5. I wish I were

(now, over there). 6. They returned (in the evening, to the camp, late).
7. I had the pleasure of meeting a fine woman of about fifty (the other
day, in New York, here). 8. My brothers and my husband will be
(soon, home) from the shooting. 9. Bathing is very good, when the sea
is mostly calm (here, in summer). 10. The great fire broke out, and
aided by the east wind, burnt down the wooden houses of which a
large proportion of the town was built (in 1666, in London, in a
bakers shop, in September).
Cheia exerciiilor:
1. Good. 2. Bright, brightly-coloured 3. Bitter 4. Merry 5. Heavily 6.
Nearly 7. Hard 8. Quickly, hardly 9. Last 10. Directly 11. Dead 12.
Badly 13. Tight / tightly 14. Near 15. Lastly
1. Tim and Becky had been wandering about the cave for many hours
2. Jim was to recite a poem in the centre of the examination hall that
very morning 3. Though I was very busy at the office yesterday, I
snatched a minute to answer his letter 4. Tom, Huck and Joe decided
to run away from home at daybreak 5. I wish I were over there now 6.
They returned to the camp late in the evening 7. The other day, here
in New York, I had the pleasure of meeting a fine woman of about
fifty. 8. My brothers and my husband will be home soon from the
shooting. 9. Bathing is very good here, in summer, when the sea is
mostly calm. 10. The great fire broke out in a bakers shop in London
in September 1666 and aided by the east wind, burnt down the
wooden houses of which a large proportion of the town was built.


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