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I am = Im = ja sam
You are = Youre =ti si
He is = Hes = on je
She is = Shes = ona je
It is= Its

I am not = Im not
You are not= You arent
He is not= He isnt
She is not= She isnt
It is not= It isnt

Am I ?
Are you ?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?

We are = Were= mi smo

You are= Youre = vi ste
They are= theyre = oni,one
Ona su
I am happy= Ja sam srecna
She is sad= Ona je tuzna

We are not= We arent

You are not= You arent
They are not= They arent

Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

I am not sad= ja nisam tuzna

He isnt good= on nije dobar

Are you happy?= Da li si ti/vi

srecan/ srecni?


I ______ at school.


You _______ my friend.


He _______ my brother.


She ______ tall.


Phil ______ at home.


Sally _______ hungry.


We ________ sleepy.


They ______ my classmates.


Phil and Sally _______ cousins.


Tom and I _______ friends.


My parents _______ at home.


The book _______ on the desk.


The pencils ______ in the bag.


Tigers ______ in the jungle.


My cat ______ always hungry.


My teacher _______ boring! : )


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