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Nayelli Zamora

Essay Mid2
Concepts of Perception
Perception is the process that the brain interprets sensation and which
turns it to mean something of the world. Perception is an active process to
helps make an conscious experiment. It doesnt necessarily reflect on
external reality. The concept of perception has roles that process
perception, there are five roles: gestalt, perceptual set, motion perception,
depth perception, and context.
Gestalt is where the mind forms a shape or something with selforganized tendencies. The mind is trying to maintain a meaningful
perception to understand the chaotic world. The gestalt has laws of
grouping is where the brain recognizes the pattern or just fill in the gaps. The
Gestalt laws of grouping has five groups called proximity, similarity,
continuity, closure, and connectedness for example with similarity it groups
the things that look alike or like closure is like you see a form in it but there is
a missing part like a gap. Gestalt is basically suggesting the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts.

Perceptual set is basically the tendency to view things in a certain way.

It is influenced by expectations and context to create an image to perceive a
message. With perceptual set you may overlook or misinterpret some other
things. For example of perceptual set is like showing you an old/young
woman picture that has double meaning to it and I just keep showing you an
old woman picture then I show you a young woman picture you will notice a
the old woman first since I have showed you more pictures of that instead of
a young woman. Context is when the context that surrounds an events and
effects it on how it perceived and remembered. Context is supported by a
theoretical approach that is known as constructive perception. An example of
context would be like have the letters in different order, it deosnt mttaer
waht oredr the ltteers are as lnog as the frist ltteers and lsat are in the rghit
Motion perception is the process of inferring the speed and direction of
the element. Some cues for motion perception is a path of image as it cross
the retina or the change size of the object. An example of motion perception
would be after seeing a continuous motion in the same direction for a long
time and then looks away to an object it appears to move in the opposite
direction to the one you were viewing. Depth perception is the visually
perceiving the world in 3D and the distance of an object. Binocular clues for
depth that it involves both eyes, retinal disparity, convergence and for
monocular cues for depth is the size, texture, linear perspective, and
shadowing. Depth perception would be like Muller-Lyer with the same length

of two lines but what way the arrow head points make the illusion they are
not the same length.

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