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Lesson information
Lesson: unit 8: English speaking countries lesson 6: skill 2; subject: English
Grade: 8A3; Period: 2; February 15th , 2023

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. Knowledge
- identify and understand grammar of present tenses and present simple for future.
b. Competence
- apply grammar points to writing skill.
c. Qualities
- be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
II. Teaching aids and materials
- Textbook: Tiếng Anh 8 tập 2, powerpoint, computer, projector
III. Teaching procedures
1. Stage 1: Presentation
Activity 1: 5 minutes
Objectives: Check students’ memories about present simple, present continuous, and present
perfect tense.
#1. T asks Ss to do task 1 in the textbook.
#2. Ss perform tasks. T asks students work individually to complete the task.
#3. T invites some Ss to give answers.
#4. T concludes: Review present tenses.
Activity 2: 15 minutes
Objectives: Help Ss understand grammar of present simple present simple, present continuous
or present perfect tense.
#1: T reviews the forms, the uses, the signals of these three present tenses, and asks Ss write
down into their notebooks .
#2: T invites some students read out loud grammar, give their own examples and analyze.
#3: T concludes: the forms, the uses, the signals of these three present tenses
2. Stage 2: Practice
Activity 3: 3 minutes
Objectives: Students identify present simple present simple, present continuous or present
perfect tense.
#1: T instructs Ss to do task 2 in 2 minutes
#2: Ss work in pairs to perform the task.
#3: Student’s report: T invites 1 students to give answer.
#4. T concludes: Students pay attention to the form and time signal of the tense.
Activity 4: 5 minutes
Objectives: Introduce the use of simple present: present simple for future
#1: T asks Ss to underline the verbs of 2 sentences in task 3a, and discuss 2 questions in 3b in
3 minutes (work in pairs). then checks answer as a class.
#2: T checks answers of 3a as a class, then invites 2 groups to answer questions in 3b.
#3: T has Ss read the Remember box.
#4: T concludes: use present simple tense with a future meaning when we talk about
schedules, programs, etc.
Activity 5: 5 minutes
Objective: Help Ss understand present simple tense with a future meaning when we talk about
schedules, programs, etc.
#1: T asks Ss do task 4 individually in 4 minutes, then check answers in pairs.
#2: Ss perform the task, then check answers in pairs.
#3: Student’s report:
+ T invites 2 students to come to the board to write down their answers.
The remaining students exchange their answers with other students.
+ T checks students’ answers.
#4: T concludes: Students pay attention to another use of present simple tense.
3. Stage 3: Product
Activity 6: 10 minutes
#1: T asks Ss to work in group of 4, brainstorm 5 activities of your school have planned for
next week in 5 minutes.
#2: Ss discuss to brainstorm ideas.
#3: After 5 minutes, T asks Ss work individually to write their own 5 sentences about the
activities, using the simple present with future meaning
#4: T concludes: Ss understand and apply grammar point to writing skill.
4. Stage 4: Warp-up & Homework
Activity 7: 2 minutes
T asks Ss about 3 tenses they have learned and another use of the simple sentence.
Homework: Prepare the next lesson: Communication

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