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Name: Betsi Cardenas Secondary Lesson Plan

Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Tajia Moertle

Subject & Grade Level: ELL English 9th

Lesson Topic: Practicing Listening Skills

Date: March 27, 2023,

Estimated Time: 50 minutes





2. Teaching Model: lectures-based and small groups

3. Objectives: Listen to a short audio conversation in English.

Determine the main ideas discussed in the listening.

4. Materials/Resources: PowerPoint (with lesson topic, information, and interactive mini-games

and learning activities), audio listening in English, Student’s worksheet, and classroom projector.

Introduction: (Lesson content and learning activities will be displayed on the classroom projector
through a PowerPoint presentation). The teacher will begin the lesson by introducing the class to
the lesson topic and objectives. Students will Board Paper lesson objectives in their worksheets
while the teacher takes attendance. Students will have 30 seconds to write down lesson
objectives in their worksheets.

Then the teacher will use a pre-listening content processing technique called "picture imaginary."
To prompt students to start thinking about the lesson's big concept (What is to be polite).
Students will look at a series of illustrated pictures referent to the lesson topic. Students will give
their best guesses in responding to the question “What is to be polite?”. After listening to some
students' responses, the teacher will provide the correct definition, complementing her
explanation with several examples students can relate to through a guided lecture. Students'
understanding of taught information will be asses through five minutes fill-in-blank mini-game;
the teacher will use the Show Me Lemov strategy to replace students' self-report of learning. The
teacher will display some statements with missing words that students must fill in. Students will
work in small groups and use a mini whiteboard to write their responses. Students will hold their
answers and show them when the teacher indicates them to do so. The dynamic will be repeated
with multiple statements in the game. Then, more concepts and vocabulary will be introduced
(explanation of concepts and vocabulary definitions will be complemented with an illustrated
diagram and pictures). The teacher will use Call and Response to check on students'
understanding of vocabulary definitions

Activities or Learning Experiences:

Students will work independently in the first learning activity titled "Preview the Listening
Activity A" which will assess student understanding of vocabulary definitions introduced in the
opening stage of the lesson. Students will read some statements where taught vocabulary words
are missing. Students will have two options to choose from to fill in the missing word. Students
must select the vocabulary word that better fits the statement context. Students will have 7
minutes to complete the activity. Then students' responses will be reviewed as a whole class by
Call and Response.

Then, for the second learning activity, students will listen to three parts of radio programs.
The teacher will provide students with the written version of each part of the listening. First, the
teacher will introduce and discuss vocabulary words with students. Students will fill up their
worksheets section titled "Listening 1. Preview the Listening" while the teacher provides and
explain to students vocabulary word definitions. Then students follow the listening using the
written version part of the radio conversation in their worksheet. As students listen to the radio
conversation, they will identify and underline the vocabulary words previously taught.

Disclaimer: The second phase of this lesson will be extended to two lessons days since students
will work on the analysis of each part of the listening separately. Students will be taking notes for
each part of the listening analysis. And will work on a closure activity for each section of the
listening they analyse.

Closure: The teacher will assess students understanding of ideas discussed in each part of the
listening through close-listening analysis. The teacher will prompt students to start thinking and
analyzing the listening. The teacher will display on the whiteboard some questions to spot some
main ideas discuss in each of the three parts of the listening. Then on day 1 through guided
instructions, the whole class will discuss questions displayed on the whiteboard and complete the
section in the student's worksheet titled "Listening 1, part 1. Then using the notes from Listening
1, part 1, students will highlight the "main idea (s) discussed in each part of the listening.
Then on days 2 and 3, the teachers will provide vocabulary definitions and play the part of the
audio listening that corresponds to the lesson day. Then use the same dynamic for day 1 students
will close analyze ideas from the listening in small groups. The teacher will monitor the group's
work and support them with questions or clarifications. Groups' responses will be reviewed as a
whole class through Call Calling as part of the closure activity of the day’s lesson.

The teacher will begin lesson days 2 and 3 by reviewing vocabulary and the main ideas discussed
the previous day. After, reviewing ideas discussed with the previous day. New vocabulary
definitions will be introduced, and students will listen to the corresponding part of the listening
for the lesson day and underline vocabulary words taught in the section titled “Listening 1, Part 2
and 3 Vocabulary.” Students will have 5 minutes to work with their group tables and look for
vocabulary words and underline them. Then students will have 7 minutes to complete the notes
section of their worksheet titled “Listening 1, Part (2 or 3) and highlight the main idea or (s) for
the part of the listening they are analyzing. After activity time is over, the teacher will review
students' responses by Call and response and with the support of the classroom projector.

On the fourth and last day of the assignment, students will work in small groups to make a poster
where students explain the main ideas discussed in the listening. Along with visual hits that
support the information in the posters. Students will have 30 minutes to work on their poster.
After the time is up students will paste their poster in the classroom and give a brief explanation
of the information and elements in their poster.

Extension/ Contingency Plan:

If students finish early with the assigned work for each lesson day. They will work on an Exit
Ticket mini reflection of at least two new concepts of vocabulary words they learned for the day.
And what concepts or ideas from the listening were not clear.

If the teacher considers students' need for redirection on their discussion ideas, then the teacher
will stop students' small groups work and circulate the activity with the whole class.

6. Accommodations/Modifications
1. There is a student in the class with a suspected dyslexia disability; therefore, during
individual work, the teacher will check on the student's understanding of assignment
instructions and provide immediate oral feedback on the student's progress.
2. Given the diversity of English literacy and comprehension skills among all three ELL
classes, sitting is heterogeneous between newcomers and students with standard, good
literacy, and high comprehension and speaking language skills. The classroom setting
method encourages supportive-collaborative work among students.
3. Students will be allowed to use their cell phones to translate the written portion of each
listening section or the activity instructions.
4. The lesson was designed in a digital format where vocabulary definitions are illustrated.
And learning activities are displayed on the whiteboard to support student understanding
of lectured content, spoken instructions, and vocabulary definitions.
5. The lesson was modified allowing students a class day to work on learning activities that
will support them well understanding and processing of audio information. And develop
critical thinking skills as they work through each part of the lesson.

7. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning
At the introductory stage of the lesson, there are two short formative assessments where taught
concepts and understanding of vocabulary definitions are assessed before moving to the learning
activities. Also, in the learning activities, there is a note section where students' comprehension
of the narrative portion they are analyzing is assessed through a series of questions that will help
them to spot the main ideas. Lastly, students are to complete a mini expository art product using
the information they gather from the learning activities.

8. Homework Assignment
Students will not be assigned homework since the learning activities planned for this lesson
require close supervision and direct lecture from the teacher to guide students' thinking. Also,
this lesson is about three listening parts that students will work on in three lesson days.

9. Post-Lesson Reflection ( The information and comments of this section of the lesson plan
reflect the comments of my MT and lesson outcomes of the first lesson day).

Strengths: The lesson was taught in a PowerPoint format that supports students visually
following lesson instructions. Also, vocabulary was illustrated and displayed on the classroom
whiteboard to help students relate spoken English with vocabulary definitions. The lesson
includes mini fill-in-the-blanks games,
Weaknesses: Classroom management (redirecting students' behavior while teaching) Be more
direct in pointing-out activities instructions and where they are on students' worksheets ( some
students in this class need the teacher to point out the assignment instructions as the teacher
delivers instructions). During close-reviewing the main ideas of the listening, I could have text
and questions on the same slide to avoid going back and forth between the written version of the
listening and analytical questions.

Practice for next time: For the next time, I will make sure to point out instructions and activities
for students besides stating them to the class. I would make some pauses between one activity to
another to signal to students when we move to the next activity. I will go in front of the
classroom to model activity instructions for students so they can better understand and process
instructions. Also, I would use some type of hand sign to communicate with students ( for
instance, they are some students with listening and comprehension skills that are on the standard
for the grade level, but their speaking is much lower) therefore to create an environment of
safeties and encourage participating I could use Show Me type of instructions where students
write down their answers in a whiteboard, and then they share them with me.

Before teaching the lesson, my mentor teacher suggests reviewing the opening section of the
lesson plan for more engaging activities. (I decided to implement some mini vocabulary games
to activate students' working memory) Also, I use a pre-reading comprehension strategy where
students look at a series of illustrated pictures and attempt to construct their own context of the
listening we will analyze in the lesson. Also, for the "Working with the listening" section, my
MT suggested reviewing learning activities for alignment with the lesson objectives. For
instance, some questions would assess students' literal comprehension. She explained to me that
students would guess answers if they did not require to reflect on what they read, and then they
forget them. Therefore, I decided to prepare a listening-responding session where a class we go
back to listen to the conversation and then discuss as a class the "main ideas" discussed in the
listening. Also, my MT suggests planning fewer learning activities and allowing students more
time to work on reflection from the listening guide-practice section.

After I taught the lesson, my MT commented on thinking on strategies to get immediate students'
responses from the beginning of the class lesson. She suggests strategies like walking in front of
the classroom with the student's worksheets to ensure all students are on the same page before
starting the class. Also, she commented on my classroom management when playing games; she
told me to think of ways to prevent side conversations and distractions. What could I have done
when introducing the game to prevent this problem? Also, she suggests bold answer options in
students' worksheets to make them stand out. She also comments on having eyes and ears in all
directions. She also commented on thinking in a sort of activity for students to do when
interacting with the vocabulary; she explained to me that teaching concepts and vocabulary
words; in a more active matter helps students to start thinking about the purpose of the learning
task and will support them better processing information. She also explained that when you first
approach a listening or reading, having a question that students can get out of the text will help
students purposefully study. By last, she emphasized that even when it was good circulation
among students during close-analyzing the listening and taking notes with students, students
could gain much more of the listening when are prompted to look for relations between text
context and vocabulary word.

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