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7th/8th Grade:

Gabriel Gilles
Entrepreneur Questionnaire
1. What are 3 things that you are really good at? Creating
inventions ,solving problems, and thinking up solutions
2. What is something you find to be easy that others around find
difficult to do? I would say thinking up solutions to a problem
because I am very good at improvising if something bad happens I
always work around it.
3. What are 5 things your friends or family members consistently
complain about? I would say school, work, homework, Grades, the
4. What is something you wish there was an invention or service for
that would make your life easier? An invention is a device that can
control my other electronics like turn them on or off or even use
them through the control.
5. If you had to create $100 in one week, what legal and realistic
ideas could you do to create it? Give 5 examples. I could mow
lawns, chores, sell candy, make a lemonade stand, and fix

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