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Eurasia 1348: A Global Encounter, a Deadly


Joshua King
James Puentes
Matthew Butcher
Philip Sawyer
Senior Division
Group Website
Total Word Count

The Black Plague, also known as the Bubonic Plague or Black Death, has ravaged the
history of many nations. For example,Venice, Germany, France, England, Italy, and Russia
(which was effected later) were impacted greatly in the exchange of this bacteria. The reason we
chose this topic is our interest in life and death, and the aberration of this plague throughout the
world incited excitement and fear about the plague in all of us. Intrigued about the various causes

and impacts of the plague, we were motivated to research to learn more about this disease and
compile our information into a website.

We already have some past knowledge on the black plague from watching documentaries
that mention the black plague and sometimes just hearing about in our everyday lives. We mostly
used the internet for research, but we also went to the library and collected books on our topic.
We also all watched an informative documentary that helped us a lot with the overall topic of the

We selected our category because we are all experienced in making websites, either from
previous history fair projects or creating a website for a class project. We believe that a website
facilitates viewer interaction with the interests of the presenters through a web-based interaction
management system, which allows the audience to increase their knowledge of the subject being
presented through various forms of the media, such as documentaries. Websites are also very
organized with separate pages that allow viewers to selectively read information about what
specific topic they want involving the topic.

Our project is very applicable to this years theme, Exploration, Encounter, and
Exchange. It involves exploration because scientists were forced to explore ways to kill and
prevent the virus from spreading from person to person. It involves encounter, because some 50
million people encountered its wrath. Both Europe and France alike encountered millions of
deaths throughout the course of the virus. Finally, our project involves exchange because of the
exchange of the bubonic plague between fecal matter, rats, and millions of people.

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