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Case : people naturally tend to resist any changes to their life

Ask : what can be the causes and what are the solutions?

From the tittle we know that change is the natural problem that happened
to everyone. To do their life sometimes someones must be able to make a changes,
its mean that with the changes someone can make a better life than before. There
are some factors that can make someones must be changes. The first factor is
condition around their life, however the condition in their life can make someone
became a quiet person, tempered person, etc. The second factor is pressure from
the other person, for example is in industrial life sometimes we must meet with the
tempered boss. In this situation some people can feeling unwell and it can thrust
the peoples to changes their attitude.
In this situations I disagree with the motion that said people naturally tend to
resist any changes to their life, because not all people do that and some people
instead feel usual with the changes. There are many kinds of people in this world.
Some people like Indonesia people especially in hinterland area difficult to accept
the clout from the outside, Indonesia people that life in big city like Jakarta,
Bandung, Semarang, Jogja, etc tend easy to receive many changes in their life
actually because of effect from globalization.
As we know that need a strong reason to make a change in the people life.
People that life hinterland area not much affected with the globalization era, so they
still life with their intelligence where the intelligence give a strong confidence that
make this intelligence too difficult to change. Different with the modern people that
in their life always use technology, technology can open the peoples mind about
their live so they can easily to receive and adapted with the change in their life.
The conclusion about this essay is I absolutely disagree with the motion
because the tendency to change between people with the other people is different,
and then the tendency to resist or to receive a change affected from condition how
well the people do their life and how well the people act and react with the another
( outside world, modern technology, etc)

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