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Within my survey I was

Caylin Gibson

responsible for giving a

10 question survey to at

6th period ISM


least 25 people as well as

making 3 hypotheses for
my data and then
analyzing the data after
having applicants
complete the survey.

Vaginal Infection Survey

This survey was given to
women that have already
started their menstrual

I used Survey Monkey

cycle to gain knowledge

as my website to

about what they know

design my survey.

about my project topic:

Overall I received 29
applicants that took
my survey so I could
gather data over
vaginal infections.

vaginal infections. I gave

Caylin Gibson
6th period ISM

the survey to gather data

Portfolio Website:

presentation in Health

Survey Website:

to present in my final
Science Independent
Study Mentorship.
Questions within survey may be disturbing to some

10 Survey Questions:

3 Hypotheses Made:
1. I believe that less than
50% of my applicants

1. Do you know the

signs/symptoms of a yeast
2. Do you know the

know the sign and

signs/symptoms of a bacterial

symptoms of vaginal


infections (Bacteria,
yeast or trichomonas)
2. I believe that more
than 25% of my
applicants ignore the
signs and symptoms of
vaginal infections.

3. Do you know the

signs/symptoms of
4. When symptoms of a vaginal
infection occur, do you ignore
or go to the doctors?
5. Do you know anyone with a
STD (Sexually Transmitted

Was my hypothesis correct?

1. My first hypothesis was correct; the
results showed that overall 45% of
the applicants did not know the
signs/symptoms of vaginal infections.
2. My second hypothesis was incorrect;
the results showed that overall only
10.71% of the applicants ignore the
signs and symptoms of vaginal
3. My second hypothesis was incorrect;
the results showed that 53.57% of the
applicants know someone with a STD.

Do you know anyone

with a STD?

6. Do you know the causes of the

vaginal infections?

3. I believe that the

amount of people that
know someone with a
STD (Trichomonas) will
be less than 5 %.

7. Do you know the treatment





for vaginal infections?

8. Can you treat all vaginal
infections with over the
counter medications?
9. Do you always have to use a
vaginal treatment for the
10. Does the partner always have
to be treated when the women
has a vaginal infection?

When symptoms of a vaginal

infection occur do you ignore or
go to the doctors?




Go to doctors


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