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Written Project Report Birth Control

I chose birth control to be the topic of my survey because of the amount of

unmarried people I hear about who have unplanned pregnancies. I was curious
to know why so many people are having children at such a young age when they
arent necessarily ready to be parents. Some of the questions I wanted answered
was whether or not people are using birth control and if so, what type and if not,
why? Another reason I chose this topic was to find out if age, gender, ethnic
background, marital status, and education level plays a role in birth control
In determining my sample population I looked up previous reports on birth
control and decided I needed to have a wide range of age groups in order to get
the most accurate data. I aimed to receive at least 50 completed surveys, as this
was one of the requirements for the assignment. In order to maintain privacy on
the survey I turned on the anonymous responses field for the web link and
social media posts where I shared the survey for responses. This way the
responses did not include the IP addresses for the individuals who took this
survey. I also posted an anonymous and confidentiality statement at the top of
the survey so the people who took the survey would know it was confidential.
The variables for this survey were chosen in order to determine if people
are using birth control and how often, what methods are being used, type of
prevention, what factors would prevent you from using birth control and whether
using birth control is important and why. I decided the first five questions should

be personal information such as age, gender, ethnic background, marital status,

and education level to determine if any one-group type is more apt to use or not
use birth control.
In order to complete this survey I first researched other studies done on
birth control to learn what type of information I should ask. The first five questions
on the survey are to learn more about the individual taking the survey. I knew I
needed these types of questions in order to see if certain demographics had
anything to do with peoples choices regarding birth control. The next four
questions are about the main topic itself to learn if and why people are using birth
control. The last question (#10) is an open ended question for the person to give
their opinion on whether birth control is important to them and why or why not.
I decided to administer the survey using Survey Monkey. This seemed like
the quickest option. Using Survey Monkey made it easy to collect data by posting
the survey link on my personal Facebook page and on our course message
board. By doing this I was able to receive 51 responses in a short amount of
The nice thing about using Survey Monkey to administer and collect data
is the feedback is automatically generated into bar graphs and percentages.
From these graphs I will analyze the data and will read all of the opinion answers
from the last question on the survey. The data I received showed that 67% of
people that took the survey are age 36-45 with 90% of them being women and
92% Caucasian. Most people (72%) are married and the highest level of
education completed is an associate degree with 31%. Almost 61% of the people

say they always uses birth control and the most common types used are female
sterilization (23.53%), IUD (19.61%), male sterilization (19.61%), and an
interesting 17.65% say they dont any type of birth control. According to the
survey, most people (76%) are using birth control to prevent pregnancy with only
6% using it to prevent STDs and 18% use it to prevent both pregnancy and
STDs. 71% of people say that there is no factors that would prevent them from
using birth control and 20% say medical reasons prevent them from using it. The
consensus on the last question is that yes, birth control is important especially for
people who do not want any more children.

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