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Waste is a big problem for human living in the world. Everytime people produce organic and
inorganic materials. Organic is all of material which is composed by the composer, while inorganic
is all of materials which hard to compose. The example of organic materials are leftovers, leafs on the
ground, animal or plant corpse, feces and etc. Whereas the example of inorganic materials such as
plastic, bottle, glass, can, iron and etc. The waste problem can be solved by use 3R methods. What is
3R methods? 3R methods are Reduse, Reuse and Recycle.
As we know that all of activity in the world produce waste, especially household waste. It can
be decreased by using reduce method. The reduce method can be done by activity which is reducing
the consumption of goods that can be deduct production of waste, and doesnt do the pattern of
excessive consumption such as :

Choose the product that can be recycling.

Dont use and buy product which produce large amounts of garbage
Use refill product
Decrease of using disposable product
Dont buy a product if it is not necessary
Furthermore, the second method is reusing product. This method is compatible for inorganic

product. We can reuse something to minimalize produce of waste. Several ways that we can do for
reuse inorganic material are :

Using napkin instead of using tissue

Reuse the bottle of water tobe a mini pot
Give or sale the goods which is not to using again
Dont use plasticbag but use the bag that made of fabric
Use battery that can recharge

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