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Present Issue and Problems

It is clear that some dogs are not being adopted out animal
shelter(s). Orange County, Florida had the same issue, and they
proposed a solution with a minor change in the discourse used around
animals. In early 2014, Erin Sullivan of the Orlando Sentinel announced
that Orange County Shelters will no longer label their animals by breed.
I am proposing we follow this nascent concept. This type of project
requires a few years before a conclusion may be made of its efficiency.
Regardless, changes in language alter society (Foucault). In this case, the
change will move society forward by de-stigmatizing animals. The
changes primarily benefit pit-bulls, but any canine could be saved by
this minor change in rhetoric. I will present a vast amount of research
about the constraints of language on canines. I will use a few different
breeds in this proposal, however, I ask that you generalize the breeds I
mention to all dogs. I will also present two different definitions of what
a pit-bull is; I ask that the board use both definitions interchangeably.
The intent is to reduce stigma by eliminating labels, not clarify what
labels go with what dog. I have compiled data from a variety of sources
to support my proposition that you make the same changes as Orange
County Animal Shelters.
The full proposal may be read by clicking the link below:

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