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Product Concept

Product Concept number #6


Jee-Ny Choi

Product Description
This product has a lamppost for the artificial light, which can be switched
on or off by the consumer. The base has channels for the spills to flow
down. Itll be collected into a removable bin below the base. The light
sensor is placed on the side, and the solar panel is placed near the light
sensor. Wires and the motor are placed below the base.
When the light sensor triggers, itll rotate the base until light is detected
again. The solar panel will power the motor. The artificial light may be
powered with a battery or by the energy generated by the solar panel.
The base will provide a surface for plants as it rotates with the sun. The
channels on the base will prevent the consumer from cleaning up the
spills manually.
Sketch or Model
See attached

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Engineering Design and Development Component 2 Product Concept Template Page 1

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