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Magazine name: paintball junkies

I have chosen this name because it links into the paintball

genre. This is because of the word paintball. Also the word
junkies links in with the magazine because there are many
people out there who enjoy the paintball sport. And most may
find the sport something that they want to do all the time and
can therefore be referred as a paintball junkie, this therefore
would appeal to this type of audience as swell as any other
people who enjoy the paintball sport and play it in most of their
spare time or only use a small amount of their spare time to
play the sport. Also this title has a more of a unique effect and
separates itself to other paintball magazine brand names. This
is because other paintball magazines have names like welt,
grip and facefull etc. all of these brand names all seem to
be names of the company and not a unique name for their
magazine. However my title has the capability to let the viewer
know that the magazine is about paintball compared to the
over magazines who just seem to be the company name and
may cause trouble for the viewer due to them not knowing
what the magazine is about due to the title name not linking in
with the paintball genre.

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