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November 2015

A Section of the Anglican Journal


St. James turns 150

A History of St. James Church, Pools Island

St. James Anglican Church on Pools Island celebrates 150 years of worship and ministry. Photo by Brenda Lee Goodyear.
Article by

Brenda Lee Goodyear

St James Anglican
Church, Pools Island, NL,
celebrated its 150th Anniversary with events on the
weekend of September
19-20, 2015.
There was a parade
around Pools Island on
Saturday afternoon, followed by a picnic with music, candy toss, plenty of
food, and catching up with
old friends. That same evening there was a banquet
supper with nearly 200
guests and greetings were
brought from the Town of
New-Wes-Valley, the MHA,
and Bishop Torraville.
A large banner was
dedicated and hung. It was
donated by the Hoyles
family, in loving memory
of Wife and Mother, Jessie
Hoyles. There were also
skits, singing and cake
cutting. On Sunday afternoon there was a service
of thanksgiving held at St.
James. It was a wonderful
and blessed weekend!

The Anniversary Banner donated by the Hoyles family in loving memory of wife
and mother, Jessie Hoyles. (Left to right): Bishop David Torraville, Reverend
John Watton (former rector) and Reverend Tim Graham (rector). Photo by Brenda Lee Goodyear.

Anniversary Cake made and donated by Paula Power; Cake Cutting by eldest
residents (over 80 years old) of Pools Island (left to right): Eric Sheppard, Jessie
Kelloway, Lena Rodgers, Barbara Granter, Bessie Spurrell, Alice Hoyles, and Lester Hoyles. Photo by Brenda Lee Goodyear.

Pools Island was settled around 1810-one of the oldest

communities in Bonavista North.
There was a large increase in population on Pools Island
(with at least 30 marriages) between 1845 and 1860.
More people were settling on Main Pools Island (from
British Island, now known as Browns Island).
The time had come for a new church in a more central
At the time there were at least 10 captains commanding
sealing vessels and these captains, led by Captain William
Kean, gave leadership for a new and larger church.
In 1862, the building of a new church was begun.
The master builder was Stephen White of Greenspond. He
was paid 4 shillings and 8 pence (approx. one dollar and
two cents) per day.
He was assisted by his son, who worked as a carpenter. He
was paid approximately 60 cents per day.
These were the only two who were employed on the construction. Members of the congregation gave much free
The timber for the foundation and framing was pulled out
of the woods on hand slides. All wood was chopped by
hand. There were no horses in the area at that time.
The first service in the church was held on Sept 15th, 1865.
The first hymn sung was From Greenlands Icy Mountain
and the first text read was Psalm 122:1 I was glad when
they said unto me Let us go into the house of the Lord.
The Church was consecrated on Sunday, Sept 24th, 1865 by
Bishop Edward Field, Second Bishop of Newfoundland.
St. James Church was referred to as the Sealers Church.
The earliest record of a church service for sealers was on
March 9th, 1885.
These services were held for hundreds of sealers who
would gather for a farewell service before the sealing ships
left for the ice floes. Its purpose was to bless the sealers and
their vessels on their voyage and to wish them a safe return
home. Many of the great Sea Captains of Bonavista North
were members of St. James congregation and played an
important role in the life of the Church.
In 1896, thirty-one years after construction, it was decided
to enlarge the Church, as it was not large enough for the
increasing congregation. Eighteen feet was added to the
length, making room for twenty pews. It cost $120 and the
ladies of the church were thanked for the money, which
they accumulated through bazaars, concerts, teas and
sales of cakes.
For 61 years wood was used to heat the church, and for 45
of those years the wood was supplied free of cost by the
members. Wood was first bought in 1911.
The Church was wired for a lighting plant, free of charge,
in 1949 by Captain Chesley Dyke. The first Sunday the
church used electricity for lighting was Sept 9th, 1962,
nearly 100 years after its construction. This was installed
by Nfld power.
The old organ was obtained for the church between 1900
and 1903. It was used until April of 1987. This organ is
pumped manually and was used for the first hymn, From
Greendlands Icy Mountains, at our service of celebration.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Diocese to assist Weakest part of Christianity

in Refugee crisis
Rev. Gregory Mercer

Article by

The Editor

In a Pastoral Letter to
the Diocese of Eastern
Newfoundland & Labrador read out in every Parish on Sunday September
27, Bishop Geoff Peddle
called upon all parishes
to engage in a process of
discernment with respect
to what role each parish
would be willing and able
to play in refugee sponsorship and support.
In order to assist parishes and church groups in
this discernment, the Bishop has directed that up to
$25,000 be made available immediately from a
recent and unexpected
gift to the Diocese to assist any parish or group of
parishes that wish to bring
a refugee family here.
The Diocese has also
set up a Working Group
to advise the Bishop in
a response to this crisis. The Working Group
has recommended that
the Diocese not seek to
become a Sponsorship

Agreement Holder (SAH)

but rather partner with
the Association for New
Canadians (ANC) to sponsor refugees. The ANC
already holds SAH status
and is willing to enter into
a co-sponsorship arrangement with parishes and
other diocesan groups.
Working in partnership
with the ANC will also give
us access to the Blended Visa-Office Referred
(BVOR) program, which is
the fastest and easiest way
to sponsor a refugee family. In light of the urgency
of the current crisis, such a
partnership will enable the
Diocese to more effectively and efficiently respond
to the events unfolding in
our world today.
Those parishes seeking assistance in funding
a refugee family from the
$25,000 are asked to contact the Bishop directly
in writing indicating their
intentions. The money
that the Diocese is making
available can be used by a
single party or shared by a
group of parishes.

It has been said that the

weakest part of Christianity is
its inability to provide sufficient
answers to the problem of suffering. This, I think, can be said
of all religions. Many of us have
been nurtured in the faith from
childhood. This faith is a great
source of comfort until some
tragedy, some traumatizing
event turns our world upside
down. At that moment what
faith we have is suddenly clouded with anger, fear, frustration,
and disbelief how could God
allow this to happen? I know. I
have been there.
During such times you try to
process what is happening. You
may even keep asking yourself,
Where is God? Where is the
all-powerful, all-loving God we
talk about and believe in? God
is supposed to love us, protect
us, and keep us from harm. Naturally we feel let down, betrayed
by God.
When you try to reason the
place of God in the midst of suffering there is no clear answer.
Either God is real and chose to
do nothing about the situation;
refused to help, or God does not

exist at all. This is the pivotal

point. At this junction some
people rather not believe in
God at all than to accept that an
all-merciful, omnipresent God
chose not to intercede. This
argument is the chief weapon
of the atheist according to C.S.
Lewis in his book The Problem of
Pain. A God who is present and
does nothing is not all-loving
and all-powerful. How can he
be? Hence, for some it is easier
not to believe in God at all than
to forgive a God who could stand
by and do nothing.
The whole issue of suffering
may be harder for Christians
than any other religion because
it is not dealt with superficially.
It is real and the Bible gives a
good deal of attention to the
reality of suffering. The Book of
Job is one of the largest in the
Bible and is given solely to this
question. The psalms in particular are prayers that demonstrate
this reality with cries that arise
out of doubt, disappointment,
or pain. When we get to the
New Testament we notice that
none of the writers deny the
reality of pain and suffering,
but neither does it dampen their
sense of joy, confidence and
hope. In his letter to the Romans




The Primates World Relief and Development Fund

the anglican church of canada

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

8:18, the Apostle Paul writes, I

consider that the sufferings of
this present time are not worth
comparing with the glory about
to be revealed to us.
There is no sense in denying the reality of suffering and
the challenges it bears on our
faith. Moreover, the journey
back can be a long and arduous
one, often filled with doubt
and anger. Depending on the
nature of your suffering you
may even feel abandoned by
your friends, or that your church
has failed you more reasons to
be angry. But the other reality
is that in the New Testament
God has a face. He has made
himself known in the person
of Jesus Christ. And he too
suffered and felt abandoned by
his heavenly Father. What does
that say to you?
What it says to me is that
suffering is a part of our very
existence and therefore no reason to believe or disbelieve in
God. Moreover, God is far more
than our pain and suffering.
I suppose I can choose to be
an atheist. Now that is a scary
thought. To be honest it is not
in me to disbelieve and I speak
of one who has found his way
back, stronger than ever.


Blessing of the Quilts
than fiction

The Rev. Maryrose Colbourne (left) blessed 13 beautiful quilts which were made by
Holy Spirit Anglican Church Women in Isle aux Morts. These quilts were donated
to Daffodil House in St. Johns as part of ACWs Outreach this year. Also pictures is
ACW president Ms. Marina Hurley. Submitted by Dorothy Rector.

Anyone submitting articles
to Anglican Life must use
this new email address:

For many years now I

have been writing about
the perils of not having a
legal will with the accompanying other documents
an enduring power of
attorney and a health care
directive. Unfortunately,
this is not being universally accepted.
Case in point: a little
while ago, journalist Zach
Goudie featured a story
on CBC News about two
individuals from the Conception Bay North area
who were suffering the
pains of not having legal
documentation. Their
story was centred around
two common law couples
who claimed that their
relationships are meaningless in the eyes of the
law because only married
couples have a say when it
comes to property rights
and healthcare decisions
for their partners.
One couple lived
together for 30 years,
shared a daughter, and
owned a home. However
when his partner developed dementia and was
admitted to a nursing
home, Mr. Goudie wrote
that because they were
not legally married, he
was shut out of the system and wasnt allowed
to make decisions pertaining to her care. He
cant eventake her off the
property of the assisted
living home.
The daughter was told
that she was the substitute decision maker but
the partner was only the
boy friend.
Mr. Goudie also reported on another case
where a lady who lived
nearby had a common
law partner with whom
she had been living for
five years but he died recently without a will. Problem is, a family member of
the man had petitioned
the court to be the executor for his estate. The
court agreed and ordered
the woman to move out of
the home where they had
been living - immediately.
The reporter quoted the
woman as saying, whats
most painfulis the indignity of being treated as
though she and her partner were strangers.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Kevin Smith


Melanie Del Rizzo, a

St. Johns lawyer specializing in family law and real
estate, said in an interview
with CBC that there is
no legal definition of a
common law relationship
in Newfoundland and
Labrador. ....Its the least
understood by the general public.
In other words, Mr.
Goudie points out that
Unlike a married couple,
there are no rights when
it comes to the division
of property or health care
consent between common law couples.
Ms. Del Rizzo suggests
Theres nothing automatic about 10 years. And
she advises that If couples are living together,
she said, the most important thing is to make sure
both names are attached
to the shared assets. Couples should also sign a cohabitation agreement.....
and people should make
a will to avoid any confusion when it comes to
disposal of assets.
The lawyers last words
to Mr. Goudie were: Planning ahead could potentially save couples hundreds or thousands of
dollars inlegal fees.
Mark Twain, writing
in Following the Equator: A Journey Around
the World said Truth is
stranger than fiction, but
it is because Fiction is
obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isnt.
Enough said!
Kevin Smith is a gift planning consultant for the Anglican Church of
Canada. He can be contacted at
709 739-5667 or by email:


ANGLICAN LIFE in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper

of the Anglican Church in the Province of Newfoundland and
Labrador. A co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in
Newfoundland and Labrador, it is publishes ten issues each
calendar year with an independent editorial policy.

So, this is goodbye

Anglican Life is a section of the Anglican Journal

The Venerable Sam Rose
8 Croydon Street
Paradise, NL
A1L 1P7

Archdeacon Sam Rose


Advertising Rates and other information may be obtained from:

Bishop Donald Young
34 Fraser Road, Gander, NL, A1V 2E8
Phone: (709) 256-7701

Paid Subscription Rates:
Newfoundland and Labrador: $15.00
Outside the province: $20.00
International: $25.00
New subscriptions, cancellations, & changes of address should
be sent to:
The Anglican Journal (attn. Bev Murphy)
80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2
(416) 924-9192 (O) (416) 925-8811 (fax)
Each parish is responsible for maintaining its own subscription
list - please notify your parish office of any changes. Changes
sent to parish offices may take months to take effect. Please
also send your updated information to Circulation at the
Anglican Journal (above) or to Don Young at 34 Fraser Road,
Gander NL A1V 2E8.
Articles and photographs: Send to the Editor (above)
Letters to the Editor:
Send to the Editor, Sam Rose (address as above). All letters
must include the writers name, address, and telephone
number. Telephone numbers will not be published. Anglican
Life does not publish letters under nom de plume. Letters
should not exceed 300 words (one double spaced typewritten
page), and are subject to editing at the discretion of the editor.
These policies were adopted by the Anglican Life Committee.

After seven years as

Editor of this historic Church
newspaper, I have decided
to step down.
I am leaving because,
after seven years, Anglican
Life needs a fresh set of
eyes and a new vision moving forward. I am leaving
with mixed emotions, but
no regrets.
Being the Editor of
Anglican Life gives you
a unique perspective of
how much God is doing in
and through the people in
our Church and beyond. I
will miss the connections I
have made with the clergy
and parish reporters across
the three Dioceses. I am
indebted to them for providing me with their articles
and photos that filled the
pages of this paper each
month. These pictures and
stories were gifts given
by God to all of us which
helped inform, inspire and
I am also so very grateful to the bishops and my
faithful columnists over the
years whom, without any
financial compensation,
freely shared their unique

perspectives on faith and

life in the Church. These
remarkable people will
never fully know how appreciative I am to have read
and shared their work with
the wider Church. And for
my columnists, no need to
worry about getting those
friendly reminder emails
from me about getting your
column in on deadline!
Th e p e r s o n I h a v e
worked the most closely
with as Editor has been
Bishop Donald Young. As
the business manager of Anglican Life he has, through
his wisdom and ability, put
this paper on a very strong
financial foundation. I remember years ago when
Bishop Don floated the idea
of doing a major financial
appeal to the readership in
order to raise the necessary
funds to secure the future
of Anglican Life. While we
both knew it was a risky venture, it was Bishop Don who
believed that Anglicans in
our three dioceses appreciated receiving their Church
paper and would respond
with kindness to these annual Appeals. As a result
of his belief in the ministry
of Anglican Life and in your
generosity, hundreds of
thousands of dollars have
been freely given. Thank
you Don for your personal
support and faith in me over
the years!
While I had the official
title of being the Editor of
this esteemed paper, the
real work of editing the
hundreds and hundreds of
stories and articles behind
the scenes was handled by
two very important people:
my wife, Jill and my moth-

er-in-law, Marilyn Mercer.

Jill and Marilyn have spent
countless hours reading
and sometimes re-writing
your articles so that they
would be ready for final
printing. In my other life
as a busy parish priest, you
will never know how much
I needed their help and expertise in getting the paper
finished on time! Thank you
so much Jill and Marilyn!
The staff at the Anglican
Journal, specifically Bev
Murphy and Saskia Rowley,
have been so supportive
in helping me, especially
in my early days as Editor.
(Saskia, you dont have to
worry about finding me the
perfect photograph to use
when I need filler anymore!) There is an important reason why both the Anglican Journal and Anglican
Life come to your mailbox
together each month - it is a
reminder that we belong to
a bigger Church family. Not
only are we blessed to have
stories from Newfoundland
& Labrador to read, but
from all across this beautiful
country and our beloved
Church National.
So, this is goodbye, for
now. I will truly miss this
ministry and the privilege
God has given me to be
your Editor. It is you, dear
reader, who puts the life
in Anglican Life and I thank
God for your support! As I
said earlier, I have no regrets
only many happy memories
and experiences. Please
continue to support your
new Editor and Anglican
Life in Newfoundland &
Labrador. God bless you

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anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Godly Play in

On July 10th, 17th, and 24th, the children of St. Peters Church in Cartwright gathered in the Parish Hall to take part in Godly Play. Stories were told about Creation,
Baptism, and the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The stories were followed by
timefor the children to do their work using different materials. They also sang
songs, played games, and shared in a lunch. It was a wonderful time for everyone. The sessionswere led by Wanda Cabot and Christine Lynch. We thoroughly
enjoyed the time with the children and would like to thank all of the parents for
their support. Submitted by Christine Lynch.

Heaven and
The older you get the more
youre concerned about things
Most of us are not terribly
worried about heaven and hell
when were twenty or thirty, or
maybe even when were fifty. Lots
of time yet we figure. But when
youre eighty or so we begin to
fully realize that eternity must
be just around the corner for us.
So we more than wonder
what things will be like up there.
Since well never really know till
we get there, we use whatever
clues we can get.
Heaven will be so wonderful,
Jesus assures us, so wonderful
that it defies our limited imagination. So, we come up with streets
of gold, roses that never fade etc.
But since gold is only an earthly
mineral, thats not good enough
for heaven. Anyway we can trust
to Jesus description.
Descriptions of hell have
been more graphic, more concrete. Eternal fire for sinners.
Eternal, unquenchable fire!
Recently a fellow with great
imagination, and a great sense of
humour, came up with a seemingly realistic picture of Hell. People
dont die in hell, he stated, they
just have to put up with punishing
heat Forever!
Now, he said, that cant be all
that bad. Humans here on earth
can adjust to heat, so the sinners
in hell can adjust to the heat no
matter how high the devil turns
it up?
Besides, as we learn from the
Biblical story of the rich man in
hell, the heat was not the worst

St. Augustines Church in

Margaree - Fox Roost held
a Rubber Duck Race on
July 18, 2015. A big thank
you to Maggie Seymour
for organizing the event,
and Matthew Sweet who
released the ducks in Carters Pond. The winning
duck was owned by Pauline Billard. Submitted by
Karen Simon

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Ron Clarke


feature. The rich man suffered the

most because he could see all the
fun people in heaven were having,
while he was eternally SEPARATED
in hell. Separation from Good can
be very painful on earth. Besides,
on earth, we have Hope of a better
future, while separation in hell is
Another version of hell
sounds even more logical to
me. Again the punishment is Separation. This version has hell as a
place of horrible, empty blackness.
What can be more terrible than
being forever in total blackness
Alone. Forever! Alone!
Anyway, we know for sure,
that heaven will be incredibly wonderful. And hell will be incredibly
the opposite.
Thank God that Jesus Christ
offers us a glorious eternity, and
even the most sinful of us can
repent, believe, and be accepted
into the glories of heaven.
We all have a responsibility to
make sure that everyone we meet
knows all about Jesus.

Memories of Rigolet
Submitted by

Bishop Geoff Peddle

This week of October

5-8, 2015 finds me in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Labrador,
a small community of about
300 persons. I came here on
Monday following the Labrador Planning and Strategy
Conference of clergy and
lay delegates in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. The gathering, led by the Archdeacon
of Labrador, Nellie Thomas,
was a busy time of sharing
and planning and we were
honored to have the National Indigenous Bishop, Mark
MacDonald, with us. He
now has his own episcopal
chair at St. Andrews Church
in Happy Valley to affirm his
ministry among First Nations people in the Diocese
of Eastern Newfoundland
and Labrador. At the conference I was also pleased to
install and license my brother, Gerry, as the new Priest
for the Parish of Southeast
Labrador, based at Marys
Harbour. Its every younger
brothers dream to be the
boss of his older brother
and my dream has finally
come true!
I flew to Rigolet at the
far end of Lake Melville with
its Priest, Julie Brace, on a
Twin Otter aircraft, landing
at the dirt airstrip in the
early morning. Coming to
this community brings back
many memories for me as it
was here (and in the rest of
Labrador) that my ordained
ministry began back in
1987. For a couple of years
I was a visiting priest here,
occasionally tying in my visits with trips to other places
along the North Coast of
Labrador like Makkovik,
Hopedale and Nain where I
could find a few Anglicans.
Rigolet has changed a bit
since my first time here with
a few new homes and a new
school but the people are
as I remember: welcoming
and warm. They are largely
of Inuit descent although
over the years others have
come and stayed and married into the community. I
very much enjoyed seeing
some in their homes. Rev.
Julie, Deacon Sarah Baikie, and I joined a group of
pilgrims for a prayer walk
along the Rigolet boardwalk (soon to be the longest
in the world!) running from
the town and far out around
the bay. Along the way we
stopped several times for

prayer and at the end I

blessed the town and my
travelling companions. It
was so good for me to see
how closely Julie and Sarah
interact with the people in
what I can only describe
as a deeply pastoral and
relationship-based ministry.
On my first night we held
a Vestry Meeting with the
leadership of the congregation in Sarahs home. The
main topic was about their
worship space because the
old church has seen better
days and needs to be replaced. The church building
is woven so tightly into the
life of Rigolet that being
without a place of worship
is not an option.
Before worship that
night I met with about a dozen young people interested
in being Confirmed next
year. Usually I meet with the
Confirmation Candidates
at the end of their program
but this time we met at
the beginning. Following
a community meal in the
school, I was drummed
into the worship service. The
drummers, appropriately
clothed, sang and danced in
the place of the Psalm and
also led the Lords Prayer in
Inuktitut. The whole service
was inspired by resources
from the Anglican Church
of Canada for use in Indigenous communities. When I
first came to
Rigolet there
was no traditional spirituality infusing
the worship
of the church
and it is so
good for me
to see how it
has been rediscovered. In
my message
that night I
thanked everyone for
their hospitality as we
celebrated an early Thanksgiving together. I spoke of
all my memories of Rigolet
and how those memories
shaped a young deacon and
priest and now continue to
shape a bishop. I showed
them my episcopal ring that
has symbols of both Newfoundland and Labrador on
it with a Newfoundland codfish engraved on one side
and a Labrador spruce twig
on the other. At the end of
the worship I was presented


Bishop Geoff Peddle along with the rector, the Rev. Julie Brace, stand with traditional Drummers who participated in the
worship at Rigolet. Photo by Rev. Julie Brace.
with a new pectoral cross
made from caribou horn!
With thousands of Newfoundlanders at one end
of this vast diocese and
thousands of Labradorians
at the other, I feel like the
most fortunate bishop in the
Church somedays as I move
back and forth between
two very distinct lands and
cultures with more than
a few sub-cultures. Here I

write directly to clergy and

prospective clergy as I tell
them that my prayer for Labrador is that God will stir a
new heart or two to become
priests in this place. There
are over 30,000 identifiable
members of the Diocese
of Eastern Newfoundland
and Labrador (with probably another 30,000 who
belong in other ways) and
I believe there is no better
place in the world today to
be an Anglican Priest than

Labrador. Call me and let

me tell you why!
After the worship service I met with a local group
from within the Anglican
community (Rigolet is almost entirely Anglican)
who informally call themselves The Circle and
have been exploring their
faith in traditional ways, incorporating the spirituality
of their ancestors with the
spirituality of
They are all
members of
the Anglican
Church and
we talked
about their
quest and
I told them
the Anglican Church
affirms that
journey and
that we can
travel together on
that road. I
them that
God was in Labrador long
before the missionaries
came and even if the missionaries brought a new
story we call the Gospel, the
people of Labrador already
knew God in their own way.
We prayed together at the
I have shared a few
memories of Rigolet from
my past and my recent,
but I have not yet shared
my most special memory
connected with Rigolet. It

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

didnt actually happen in

Rigolet but it is intimately
tied to the place. My oldest
son, Adam, was just a baby
when I first started coming
here. I was in Rigolet when
he took his first steps and
still remember Kathy calling to tell me. On one of
my winter visits of about a
week I arrived back home
to Goose Bay clad in parka
and boots after a week of
travel. Adam was nearly two
years old and he ran and
danced when he saw me,
carrying his ever-present
bottle. I shed my boots in
the porch and tossed my
parka on the living room
floor as I entered, picking
him up in my arms along
the way. I recall putting him
down again as I headed into
the kitchen with Kathy to
get a cup of hot tea after a
cold journey. When I came
back Adam had lain down
on my open parka, pulled
it over him so that only his
head was sticking out, drank
the rest of his bottle, and
drifted off to sleep.
That image of my son
wrapped in the warm, safe
and familiar embrace of his
fathers parka remains for
me an image of Gods love.
Because I think thats what
Gods love is like. Its warm
and familiar, safe and comforting. In Gods embrace
we are completed and it is
there we find our deepest
and truest rest.
And I will always thank
Rigolet (and my son) for
giving me that memory.


National Indigenous Anglican

Bishop has a Chair in Labrador

Submitted by

The Editor

St. Andrews Anglican

Church in the Parish of Lake
Melville has the unique situation of having not one, but
two Bishops Chairs.
Every Anglican church
traditionally reserves a special Chair for the Bishop to
sit when he visits, especially
for Confirmation.
When the Rt. Rev. Mark
MacDonald, the National
Indigenous Anglican Bishop, visited the Parish of
Lake Melville for the Annual Labrador Planning and
Strategy Conference, Bishop Geoff Peddle extended
the invitation to Bishop
Mark MacDonald to permanently have his own Bishops Chair in the Diocese of
Eastern Newfoundland and
Labrador as an affirmation
of Bishop Marks Episcopal
ministry and also an open
invitation to come to the
Diocese anytime he wishes.

Bishops big brother begins ministry

in Labrador
Bishop Geoff Peddle officially presented his elder
brother Archdeacon Gerald Peddle his Licence as
the Priest-in-Charge of
the Parish of Southeast
Labrador effective October 1, 2015 for the next
six months. Bishop Geoff
humorously remarked it
is every baby brothers
dream to be the boss of
his older brother. Archdeacon Gerald came out
of retirement to assist
with ministry in Labrador.
Photo by Rev. Canon David Burrows.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Becoming a
Good Samaritan

The Rt. Rev. David Torraville


Central Newfoundland

The story of the Good

Samaritan (Luke 10:2537) is a challenging one.
What many of us fail to
realize is that in the minds
and attitudes of the Priest
and the Levite who passed
by, and in the minds of
the community where
Jesus lived,
the Priest and
Levite did no
w ro n g . Th e
man travelling alone
on the very
road from
Jerusalem to
Jericho was
a fool. It was
a road known
to be a place
for robbers,
so to travel it
alone was to
ask for trouble. Thus, it
is a legitimate question,
Was the man who was attacked and left half dead,
deserving of concern or
help? It was, after all, his
own fault!
But of even greater
concern was the matter of
their duties to the wider
community. The community depended on Priests
and Levites to care for
the Temple, and needed
them to lead and order
Temple Worship. If they
touched this man, and
he had died, they would
be unclean and until
purified they would be
unable to fulfil their Temple duties. There were
good reasons why they
did what they did! There

were good reasons for

passing by! Sensible reasons! Yet Jesus thought
I hear the reasoning of
the Priest and Levite when
I hear our government
and many fellow citizens,
speak of Syrian Refugees.
We hear the excuses: the
most worthy have not
made it to camps; there
is a danger of terrorists
among them; their closer
neighbours should be
doing more; we have a
greater responsibility to
our own needy.
These are all good
reasons, perhaps even
legitimate and yet just
as Jesus condemned the
Priests and Levites of his
time I cannot help but
think that he is condemning us in ours, as we walk

A common reaction
among many is to see
a problem, to feel that
someone should do
something but seldom
feel that the problem is
ours. Some of us make
implicit or explicit racist
comments and some of us

are prayerfully concerned

and sympathetic - from
a distance. We can be
attracted to stereotypical attitudes and feel we
canto doing nothing yo
help. Concerned inaction
seems all too common.
But is that the way of
We need to remember that the call of Jesus
is not to sympathy, not to
prayer alone but a call to
self-sacrificing service. I
encourage us to pray for
everyone, but it is my firm
faith that Jesus calls us to
more than general prayer.
Jesus is calling the Church
to be the Neighbour.
I would hope and pray
that congregations, parishes, dioceses and individuals become involved
in a way that best uses our
talents and resources.
I am asking that we
be a Good Samaritan and
go out of our
way to take
on anothers
burden. Let
us not make
fearful excuses, rather
let us follow
Jesus call to
Go and do
likewise; to
be the Neighbour to a family of Gods
children, escaping war and terror
and the very real threat of
violent death.

Claiming our Baptism

Rev. Everett Hobbs

One month after my birth,

I was baptized at St. Philips
Church, Keels, in the Mission of
Kings Cove, by the Rev Llewellyn
Godden. At the age of 12 I was
confirmed at St. Thomas Church,
St. Johns, by the Right Rev. Philip Abraham.
At the time, I understood
that Confirmation was the completion of Baptism whereby I
took on the promises made for
me as my own. I received the
Holy Spirit to enable and empower me to do this, and I could
receive Communion. However
well I grasped this at the time, it
seemed to make little difference
to how I lived. I carried on as
before in my religious practices.
In later years, I wondered
about the relationship between
Baptism and Confirmation.
Among Christian denominations
there is a range of views and
practices. In the early Church
Baptism, Confirmation and first
Communion were combined in
a single service (usually once a
year at Easter). The candidates
were usually adults and a bishop was present. Over time
with large numbers joining the
Church and the baptism of infants, Baptism and Confirmation
became separated, except in the
Eastern Orthodox Churches. To
this day they combine the two
plus Communion in a single rite.
In the case of infants, there is
baptism by water (total immersion), Chrismation/Confirmation
(anointing with oil blessed by a
bishop) and first Communion
(child receives a sip of wine).
The Anglican Church still lives
with ambiguity about the rela-

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

tionship between the three sacraments. In any case whatever

the theology and practice, what is
important is making our baptism
our own.
At our baptism we were
signed with the cross and became Christs own for ever. I belong to Christ. For Benedict this
means preferring Christ above
all else. This requires complete
surrender, leaving self behind
and following Christ. We must
be born again by the Holy Spirit. Paul sees baptism as sharing
in the death of Christ to share
His resurrection. And Bonhoeffer
declares , When Christ calls you,
he calls you to come and die.
The meaning and purpose
of baptism are contained in
the Baptism Service in the BAS,
especially in the Questions for
Candidates and the Baptismal
Covenant. These define what
it means to belong to Christ
and live like him. This is what
it looks like when we claim our
baptism as our own. Bonhoeffer talked about cheap grace
and costly grace. Cheap grace
occurs in baptism when there is
no discipline or accountability.
Costly grace is giving ones life
to Christ. It is to say Yes to God,
absolutely and all the time.
Claiming our baptism is to
come to adult faith by making
what was passed our own and
deciding what and how we believe ourselves, not just second
hand. Claiming our baptism is
to witness in a world becoming
more removed from religion.
I find helpful the prayer of
St Richard of Chichester: Three
things I pray To know him more
fully, to love him more dearly, to
follow him more nearly.


Furniture Bank launched

Submitted by

Diocese of Eastern
Newfoundland & Labrador

The Anglican Diocese of

Eastern Newfoundland and
Labrador, through its Society
and Justice Committee and
with leadership provided by the
Church of the Ascension, has
embarked on an idea to form a
furniture bank that would serve
the northeast Avalon region of
The Diocese is taking the
step to organize and launch
the Furniture Bank (which will
be known as Home Again)
which has been identified in
the community sector as a
growing need but one that no
existing organization has the
resources or mandate to fill. The
Society and Justice Committee,
through a Furniture Bank Task
Force, intends to commit three
to five years to forming the
Furniture Bank and overseeing
its evolution into a registered
charity that will ultimately
operate independent of, but
with continued support from,
the Anglican Church.
The Task Forces first goal
is to establish and offer a Furniture Bank as a one-year pilot
project from the period September 01, 2015 to August 31,
2016. Upon conclusion of this
one-year project, the Task Force
will assess the success of the
Furniture Bank and establish
a plan for a more permanent
operating structure.
The Task Force has identified the following guiding
statements for the Furniture

Mission To match those

who have furniture to give with
those who need it.
V i s i on - To be co me a
self-sufficient social enterprise
that helps people living in
poverty or adverse conditions to
overcome the barriers to basic
life needs.
The Values of the Furniture
Bank include being a collaborative community effort, building
partnerships for the betterment
of those who need our help as
well as seeking opportunities
to share the society and justice stories in our community.
Home Again will operate as a
no-shame giving and receiving

Go where life takes you, but plan ahead.

As a free spirit, you rarely look back. But you

should look ahead - especially to protect your
loved ones when youre no longer there.
All it takes is a little preplanning.
Decide now on the funeral options and funding
arrangements that best meet your needs. Youll
lessen the burden for those who are left behind.

Bishop Geoff Peddle presents the Task Force committee on the new Diocesan Furniture Bank Home Again with a special
grant from the Anglican Church of Canadas Marks of Mission Campaign. Photo by the Editor.

Repairing Lavrock
Submitted by

Peter Stevenson

This year, the Lavrock

Camp and Conference
Centre, where the Diocesan Anglican Mens Association (DAMA) has held
its annual Weekend for
Men for quite a number
of years, was in need of
some maintenance. Rev.
Edward Keeping, Chair of
the Board of Management
of Lavrock and Chaplain to
DAMA, asked the member
clubs of DAMA for some
help to get certain work
accomplished as the tasks
at hand were more than the
custodian could accomplish along with his regular
duties. So, Rev. Ed chose a
date that coincided with

the activities at Lavrock

and a work party of about
twelve men from various
mens clubs assembled on
July 4 and 5 to do the work.
The arrangement was
that meals would be provided for Friday evening
and Saturday breakfast
and lunch. We took our
directions from Caretaker
Clayton Dawe. Following supper on Friday, we
cleaned out the basement
and began painting the
floor. This was a great task
to do while the rain fell outside. The cooks quarters
are off the basement and
so we painted as much of
the floor as we could. We
had to look after our cook
because in turn he was

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anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

looking after us. For the

remainder of Friday evening we had a little time for
fellowship before calling it
a night.
We started early on a
beautiful sunny Saturday
morning with breakfast.
Then several of us completed the basement floor
while others began the
work outside. We had a
beautiful day for it with
the sun shining and a bit
of a breeze. We did some
repair work and painted
the wharves, repaired and
painted the windows that
needed it, and built a new
house over the well. The
cook looked after keeping
the work team fueled.
By the end of the afternoon on Saturday, we had
accomplished the work
that was set out to be done.
The accompanying picture,
taken by DAMA Secretary
Joe OQuinn, shows how a
coat of stain improved the
look of one of the docks.
While the work that was
done could be measured
by the task list, the fellowship that was enjoyed was



Cling to
the Vine

Stella Walsh


John 15: 5 I am the

vine; you are the branches.
Those who abide in me and
I in them bear much fruit,
because apart from me you
can do nothing.
Recently I had several
experiences in a row that
encouraged my growing
sense that we are all one
that despite the outward
appearance of separateness and differences, we
are all connected as part
of God.
With the noise of the
debate concerning whether or not Canada should
help refugees hovering
in the background of my
mind, I listened to Pope
Francis address at Independence Hall in the United States. I was struck by
his comments on how globalization can be a good
thing when it creates an
understanding of our connectedness with all other
humans in the world. I
hoped that those who opposed helping refugees
were listening.
The second thing that
I experienced concerning
this universal truth of being one took place at my
home church of St. Martins
Cathedral. The day after
listening to Pope Francis
address, I attended our
September youth/family
service to kick off our year
of various youth ministries. We used the theme
I am the vine; you are the
branches. We focused on
unity and strength in Christ
in our church family, in
the wider community, and
in the world. I was overwhelmed by the sense
of love and connection
during the service and

Early church school

David Davis

cup of tea afterward. Our

church family is certainly
blessed with a deep sense
of caring and connection.
Later that same day,
following our worship at
St. Martins, I was reading a book about Thomas Merton, the Trappist
Monk and twentieth century mystic. I came to a
passage in the book where
his famous Louisville vision
is described. He tells of
standing on a street corner
and suddenly becoming
aware of his connection
to everyone around him,
which was in contrast to
his former contempt for the
world. This again spoke to
our ability to understand
our deep connection and
unity with all of creation.
All of these experiences coming on the heels of
each other encouraged the
strong sense of oneness
that I have been drawn
to as of late. We can only
survive as a Church and
as humanity if we can get
past the perception of being separate and at odds
with each other. We must
recognize and value the
common identity that we
all share personally, locally and globally. There is
room for everyone. There
is enough for everyone.
And Gods love is surely
big enough for us all. It
has to be, because if it is
not, then God is very small
indeed. And when you
experience this sense of
oneness with any part of
creation, be it people or
nature, you will know that
God is big enough to love
everyone and everything,
and so must we. Let us
strive to cling to the vine
that has room for all of the
branches, for all of eternity.


Along with the missionaries who came to

Newfoundland under the
auspices of the Society
for the Propagation of
the Gospel in Foreign
Parts (usually written as
the SPG) were school
masters, catechists, and
the teachers of National
Schools who worked in
The work of the school
masters was to teach the
students the basics of
schooling which came to
be known as the 3 Rs
- Reading, Righting and
Rithmetic to young children, mostly boys. However, there were some
schools for girls taught
usually by the wives or
sisters of school masters
or missionaries for charity or fees.
A lot of the schooling
was haphazard, driven
by the local need such
as Mr. Bray at Harbour
Grace who came from St.
Johns but had a boarding school in Harbour
Grace and took students
from St. Johns.
The catechists were
often school teachers
who prepared children
for confirmation. The
catechisms used in this
process were organized
for rote learning using
the question and answer
method of training. The
student had to memorize each question and
also the answer when
quizzed by the catechist.
The catechists were employed by the SPG as
a part of the Church of

England. A current example of the Catechism

is found in the Canadian Book of Common
Prayer (1959) on pages
544-556. Sometimes the
positions of catechist
and school master were
combined as with Mr.
Hoskins at Grates Cove
who was appointed by
the SPG in 1825.
The National School
system was set up in the
early 19th Century across
England and Wales to
provide better schooling
under the auspices of the
Church of England.This
system changed with
time as the State began
to take the responsibility
for education and the
heavy costs of universal
education could only be
borne by government
budgets. In Newfoundland, almost all the National Schools were in St
The first National
School mentioned in the
SPG records was Rev.
Henry Jones at Bonavista in the period 17241727. He was both priest
and teacher. Information
about him is very scanty.
There was a school for
poor children and there
was some evidence that
there was a social conscience at work for this
type of school would
have been free, in many
cases. Mr. Jones reports
to the SPG are very scattered and thin so the survival of the school may
have been in jeopardy.
About this time the
people of St. Johns were
petitioning the Rev. Mr.
Peaseley who was at

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Bonavista to come to
St. Johns where he was
going to be a teacher as
well as a priest. This was
a common situation in
the earliest years (174344) of the church in Newfoundland. Efforts were
made to find a school
master to relieve Mr.
Peaseley of his double
duty. Often in this period
in Newfoundland there
was no sign of teachers
until 1760. In 1766 Mr.
James Balfour, the missionary in Trinity Bay,
said that he is teaching
a few students in his own
There may have been
other informal arrangement in communities
using missionaries who
were university educated, but there were still
not many stand alone
teachers. However, the
first such teacher was
Mr. George Jenner at
Harbour Grace. Mr. Laurence, the missionary at
Harbour Grace, reported in 1767 that ninety
children were going to
school. Mr. Jenner had
declined the school but
Mr. Thomey has been
hired to replace him.
There were 30 boys
and 12 girls at school in
school house built by the
By the next year the
position was vacant,
maybe the salary of 16
was too low in comparison to the priests 50.


Health and

On June 28, 2015, the Rev. Derek Thomas, Archdeacon Nellie Thomas, and Ms.
Christine Lynch traveled to Cartwright, Labrador for Holy Eucharist at St. Peters
Church at 7:00 pm. The trio received a very warm welcome from the congregation. After the worship service, they shared a lunch together in the Parish Hall where
they had an opportunity to meet members of the congregation. Ms. Lynch stayed
on in Cartwright as Catechist for the month of July. The lay leadership in the church
is amazing. Devoted members of the congregation commit their time to lead and
attend worship services, Bible Study, Sunday School, and other parish led activities. The love of Christ was evident in their church. As Ms. Lynch stated, I deeply
appreciated the hospitality shown to me by the members of the community. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart. Submitted by Christine Lynch.

In Mark 5:25-34, we read

about the story of a woman who
had been subject to bleeding
for twelve years. She believed
that the power of a person was
transmitted to Jesus clothing
(Mark 5:27). Her faith was
mixed with superstition. She
went into the multitude who
were there to see Jesus. Because
of her ceremonial uncleanness,
she approached Jesus from behind. She thought, if I just touch
His clothes, I will be healed
(Mark 5:28). She touched Jesus
clothes and her bleeding was
stopped (Mark 5:29).
At once Jesus was aware
that something had happened
to Him (Mark 5:30). Healing
energy had gone out of Him.
Jesus asked, Who touched my
clothes? (Mark 5:30). He wanted to talk to the woman about
her belief. She needed to know
that it was her faith (not her superstition) that had caused God
to heal her. Though trembling
with fear, she came forward and
told Jesus the whole story (Mark
5:33). Now, Jesus addressed
her as daughter (Mark 5:34).
It is very significant that this is
the only occurrence in the four
Gospels addressing a woman
by that word. She was indeed a
very special woman. Jesus made
clear to her that it was her faith
that had healed her. The word
translated healed is saved.
We tend to think of health
and salvation as separate concepts. Our two concepts of
health and salvation represent
one concept in the New Testa-

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Rev. Michael Li

ment. Salvation means wholesomeness or health. The Bible

does notwork with that hardand-fast distinctionbetween
body and soul which we have inherited from Greek philosophy.
A human being is an indivisible
psycho-somatic organism. We
should not think of the healing
of the body and the salvation of
the soul as two unrelated things.
Jesus was interested in both
the healing of the body and the
salvation of the soul. During His
earthly ministry, Jesus spent as
much time in healing bodily
diseases as in healing the diseases of the soul. His approach
to the healing of all diseases was
from the spiritual side. Trust in
God was His solution. But many
people do not trust in God; they
trust in themselves. Trusting
in themselves is sin, which is
self-centredness. Only by the
grace of God we are enabled to
entrust our lives to Him. Only by
trusting in God we can be made
whole. In this way we can find a
better way of facing disappointment and defeat, accident and
bereavement, sickness and the
fear of death and the daily anxieties that fall to all of us.
Good health is something
we often take for granted - until
we start to lose it. Health involves the whole person - body,
mind and soul. God created us
with all the processes that keep
us normal. All healing is from
God. We can trust God in all
things. All of us need God to
help us to attain to this faith. We
must turn to God for help. We
believe that God can make us
whole. Today God is still interested in the healing of our bodies
and the salvation of our souls.


Mens mission to Belize

Submitted by

Peter Stevenson

The Diocesan Anglican

Mens Association (DAMA)
of the Diocese of Eastern
Newfoundland is seeking
the assistance of all members of the Diocese to
complete a major project
it has undertaken for our
companion diocese, the
Diocese of Belize.
The major objective
of DAMA is to further the
development of mens
groups in the parishes of
the Diocese. DAMA had
some initial success in this
area and has had discussions with many parishes
that do not have mens
clubs, but the organization
needed something else for
a focus. In 2011, Bishop
Cyrus Pitman approached
the organization with a
request to take on a major
project for our companion
diocese. That request was
to assist in the completion
of several churches currently in different stages
of construction. DAMA accepted the request and set
about raising funds for the
project. In the meantime,
the parishioners in Belize
continued to work on their

churches. By 2013, DAMA

had raised approximately
$20,000 to complete St.
Marks church in Hattieville.
A team of five men from
DAMA went to Hattieville
to help with the construction. The funds raised by
DAMA went to the construction
and the
men raised
funds for
their travel or paid
for it out of
their own
The presence of experienced
on the site
was instrumental in
the completion of
St. Marks
When the team was
leaving to return home,
Bishop Philip Wright made
three requests to DAMA: 1)
Chairs for St. Marks; 2) A
sound system; and 3) that
DAMA adopt St. Marks
for five years and build a

rectory so that the priest

can live in the area among
his parishioners. DAMA
accepted the requests. To
provide the chairs, individual members of the various
clubs in DAMA each donated the cost of a chair.
For the sound system, the

member clubs each made

a donation. The funds were
sent to Belize and the items
purchased there. This was
much cheaper than purchasing the items here
and shipping them, risking
damage in route.

Raising funds for the

rectory is a major undertaking. To date, the member
clubs have been making
contributions to the project. However, DAMA has
been looking for a way to
involve more members of
our Diocese in helping our
In June,
we app ro a c h e d
our Bishop
with the
of a diocese wide
appeal for
with our
B i s h o p
Geoff gave
us permission for
such an app ea l . Th e
a p p ea l i s
to coincide with Bishop
Wrights planned visit in
November of this year.
To facilitate the appeal,
DAMA will provide each
parish or congregation
with special envelopes in
which parishioners can



submit donations to their

respective parishes. The
parishes in turn will remit
the donations received to
DAMA. This is the general
approach; details of the
process will go to each
incumbent when the envelopes are distributed.
When sufficient funds are
received, the funds will be
sent to Belize to be used
to construct the rectory.
Some of the men who went
to Hattieville to work on
the church are hoping to
make a second mission
to Belize. As before, they
will pay their own way and
some have been putting
aside funds for this purpose since their last trip.
While DAMA is continuing its efforts to raise
funds, it is not asking for
funds without offering
something in return. As
noted above, DAMA was
founded to further the
development of mens
groups in our Diocese. Any
parish that would like to
avail of the assistance of
DAMA can make contact
through Synod Office. On
behalf of DAMA, thank you
all for your support in this


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