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Yulisen to Luis?

By Yulissa Miranda-G
Music has a way of helping one connect to their innermost feelings, allowing them to connect to those
various emotions.
Music is an entity one can relate to. It can talk about anger, sadness, or even happiness.
One artist that I listen to often is Luis Coronel. Hes a young artist (19). His goal before was to
become a professional boxer but then he realized what his true passion was. His dad was one of the
reasons he decided on music.
He started his career not so long ago, about two years ago.
Hes well known for his love songs and his looks. Most people dont like him because of the type
of genre he sings.
When I ask guys what they think of him, without hesitation, they say, I dont like him, or Hes a
horrible singer. I realized that hes mostly hated by the guys -_-. I dont know if its jealousy because he
gets a lot of attention or they just dont like him in general.

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